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比较教育方法论以因素分析、历史研究等方法构建了独特的研究模式,进入21世纪以来,多元化的研究方法日渐凸显。实地调查的研究方法作为比较教育的研究方法之一在20世纪90年代以后开始走向规范化。本文着重分析日本比较教育学者历年来面向方法论的改革与挑战所发表的学术论文,充分肯定了"实地调查"这一研究方法在比较教育学科发展中的地位和作用。  相似文献   

The following represents a shortened version of a paper delivered by Professor Dieter Goldschmidt at an international conference on higher education that took place in February 1980 at Ajijic, Mexico. Comparative research on higher education has increased considerably during the last years, attracting not only the attention of scholars but also of decision-makers who are in need of data with a more international comparative dimension. This article reviews essential ingredients of comparative research, points out major problems encountered, and formulates some proposals for future action in this domaine.)  相似文献   

It has been a key goal to achieve equity in education in Australia and Norway over the last 50 years. This article offers a historical case-oriented comparative analysis of the promotion of equity in education in these 2 countries. While equity in education is primarily understood as students’ learning outcomes in national and international tests, such as the OECD’s PISA studies, the analysis in this article is based on Espinoza’s distinction between equality and equity, which allows for a more complex understanding. The article investigates striking differences in how the governments in Australia and Norway have attempted to enhance equity through education, and discusses factors that may have impeded this process.  相似文献   

This article argues that a philosophical approach to education needs a comparative dimension and that a comparative approach to education needs a philosophical dimension. An analysis of the proper relationship between a philosophical and a comparative approach to education is developed with reference to needs, difficulties and opportunities.  相似文献   

It has been said, not in jest, that while the future may be predictable, the past is unpredictable. This essay first constructs yet another, but hopefully different, historical overview of the episteme of comparative education in the USA, the American comparative proteus (after the Greek mythical sea-god who, according to the Oxford English Dictionary , would assume different shapes and appearances 'to avoid answering questions'). The focus of the second section is a comparative view of the British comparative proteus. In both cases, the analysis is focused on the epistemological-cum-methodological orientations of the two 'comparative educations'. It is argued that in the period after the 1960s the two proteuses were metamorphosed from essentially being historical to social scientific. In the third section it is argued that this metamorphosis has impoverished the field, and a call is made for the re-invention of the historical dimension in comparative education. It is further argued that the reclamation of the historical legacy, among other things, would help to humanise comparative education in a cosmos of economic globalisation and instrumental rationality.  相似文献   

This article builds a case for critical historical geography in comparative education to examine how, over time, the social production of space contributes to educational disparity. It draws on Gupta and Ferguson's contrasting concepts of the ‘power of topography’ and the ‘topography of power’ and Lefebvre's tripartite theory of space to explore space–time relationships at multiple scales in Tanzania. Data come from primary and secondary historical texts about the Kilimanjaro Region as well as a longitudinal study carried out between 2000 and 2012 in two districts in the region. The analysis shows how advantage and disadvantage are differentially distributed over time and space, revealing the enduring interconnections of geography, history, and political power in postcolonial states and the importance of multi-scalar comparative research in comparative education.  相似文献   

This article places the current state of Dutch co-education in physical education into a longitudinal perspective. Occasionally, comparisons are made with Germany and England. The dominant, twentieth-century, co-educational tradition in the Netherlands--including its pragmatic argumentation-- has influenced educational ideals, as well as school practice, with respect to physical education. Due to a historical lack of fundamental discussions about co-education, today's problems relating to nationwide co-education in Dutch physical education programmes are trivialised. This is highlighted within this article by an analysis of the only manual on co-education ever published in the Netherlands. In conclusion, the article suggests that because co-education is not regarded as a controversial issue in the Netherlands, gender problems in physical education are neglected.  相似文献   

Many of the current problems regarding quality in education are traced back, both in political and education circles, to post-war development of the comprehensive school as an alternative for the traditional categorial system of secondary education. In this article this statement is investigated further using comparative analysis of the educational developments in the Federal Republic of Germany, Denmark, England and the Netherlands. The results seem to indicate that the current discussion about quality should be traced back primarily to curriculum changes, both in terms of restricting conditions and in terms of educational contents. These changes have been brought about during the last 25 years by socio-cultural and educational impulses. The results of these developments are often seen as directly connected to the current social problems of effectiveness in education, in terms of dysfunctionality and loss of quality. Such a way of thinking obscures the objective acquirements of the cultural change, which brought about a more democratic structure of education. The increasing accessibility and retentiveness this resulted in, are insufficiently included as independent factors in the current assessment of educational effectiveness. In criticisms of comprehensive schools and the loss of quality attributed to them, we see only ideological feints. But behind these appearances lurks a question, which demands thorough reflection on the tasks of education in our present information age.  相似文献   

This article reviews Comparative Education over the past 20 years, explores the parallel literature of development studies, and identifies future directions and challenges for comparative education. Using Parkyn (1977) as a benchmark, an analysis of articles published between 1977 and 1998 suggests that only a small proportion appear to meet his criteria for comparative education. Parkyn's purpose for comparative education, to increase our understanding of the relationship between education and the development of human society, is shared by development studies. Educational writings within development studies have explored the meanings of development and underdevelopment and have raised important questions about the unit of analysis for comparative education. Several reasons are advanced to explain the separate development of these literatures. The contemporary challenge of globalisation presents fresh opportunities and challenges for both literatures. A shared commitment to understanding the role of education in the globalisation process and the reasoned response to it could form the heart of a shared effort in the future. Globalisation also highlights the need for more effective dialogue between comparative educators in different corners of the globe.  相似文献   

This article explores the ways we might use modern and post modern theoryto examine problems in comparative higher education. The problems orobjects of study on which comparative higher education currently focusesare problematized and interrogated. The implications of several versionsof globalization theory for comparative higher education are exploredas are the various post-alities, Mann's political sociology of socialpower, Foucauldian theory of knowledge/power regimes, and feminist theory. Finally, the article looks at methods that might be used when drawing on these theories to study comparative higher education.  相似文献   

通过对近年来有关赫哲族教育研究的文献的梳理,整理出赫哲族自古至今教育形式的演变以及各个时期教育内容和形式的特点,并且针对当今赫哲族学校教育发展的情况,提出了现有研究的一些优点和不足。当前对赫哲族教育的研究存在的问题主要是研究内容较为单薄,研究者的立场单一,很多问题有待深入思考等。  相似文献   

World culture theory (WCT) offers an explanatory framework for macro-level comparative analyses of systems of mass education, including their structures, accompanying policies and their curricular and pedagogical practices. WCT has contributed to broader efforts to overcome methodological nationalism in comparative research. In this paper, we acknowledge the contributions of world culture theory in these terms, but develop the case for an alternative explanatory framework – world-systems analysis (WSA) – rooted in the historical development and contemporary crises of the capitalist world-economy. This case is built on two major points of critique of world culture theory: first, that its consensus orientation is inadequate for a macro-level accounting of social reality; and second, that its analysis of the economic functions of mass education, in isolation from the capitalist world-economy, further weakens its explanatory power. Working from this critique, we elaborate the capacity of world-systems analysis to overcome these shortcomings by providing a more comprehensive, historical perspective. This alternative approach incorporates the identification and analysis of shared cultural understandings underpinning policy and institutional practice, linked to the development of the capitalist world-economy. We conclude this paper by affirming the value of WSA as an alternative approach for comparative research, and its potential contribution to the development of more enlightened educational policy and a more just and democratic world-system.  相似文献   

清末早期的留学教育对中国近代化的起步具有重要意义。留美教育是留欧教育展开推动的基石,留欧教育是留美教育某种程度上的改进和延续。然而,不同的历史背景使得留美与留欧教育有各自鲜明的特色。文化背景不同的倡导者,越来越具体细化的留学目的及其准备工作,在中国近代化建设中不同角色的担当等都值得我们分析研究。当下,留学浪潮此起彼伏,跟风留学、低龄留学等现象成为大众焦点,各种国际班和形式多样的出国方式也给中国的留学教育事业带来许多新问题。本文通过对清末早期留美与留欧教育的比较,一则使读者对两次留学教育的具体情况有一个全面的体认;二则通过分析,取长补短,并结合当今一些留学现象给出指导建议。  相似文献   


This study problematizes the global educational governance of OECD PISA and its statistical data as a governing technology in contemporary discourses of education reforms. The study examines principles that order the discourses and practices of the international comparative assessment. The effort of analysing the impact of an education reform regime led by OECD PISA reveals how statistical reasoning defines problems in educational systems and forms social discourse surrounding educational reform to solve such problems. In doing so, this article focuses on standardization, classification, and normalization for measuring and comparing student achievement and national effectiveness. The study also offers an alternative way of considering the politics of inclusion and exclusion embedded in practices of education reforms propelled by the international comparative assessment.  相似文献   

This article engages with the influence of Soviet educational models and Western European contacts, mediated by historical institutional and cultural legacies in producing specifically Eastern educational variants. A first level of analysis will identify the reasons behind the emergence of these variations. A second and higher level of analysis will question the use of global models in the modernisation processes. The Soviet influence in education is conceptualised as initially both an imperialist force and a voluntary borrowing, followed by internationalisation with local adaptation. It cannot be conceived of as a coherent model. In fact, Soviet education was transformed over time and incorporated both Western and elitist elements. Nevertheless, a historical and comparative analysis indicates that, while not divergent on educational grounds, the Soviet and the Western European educational patterns at times intermingled. These countries looked increasingly to the West in search of models and to reposition themselves in the global arena.  相似文献   

Books Received     
This article is concerned with the ways in which historians may write about post‐1945 British education. In particular, it argues that accounts of education policy and practice may be distorted by the race and ethnic discourses embedded in both the analytical frameworks which historians employ and in the primary source materials with which we work.

We begin by exploring the problems which inhere in the concepts race and ethnicity, arguing that the historian should be wary of importing common sense constructs into historical analysis. Discussion then turns to a critical review of a number of texts written by educationalists and policy‐makers from the early 1960s to the publication of the Swann Report; these texts constructed a particular “race relational” reading of pupil populations and educational “problems”. We summarise the key themes of the period‐texts and consider some new directions for education history‐writing.  相似文献   

This text is not a research paper, nor an epistemological reflection about the field of comparative education. It is an essay in the literal meaning of the word—‘an attempt, trial, that needs to be put to test in order to understand if it is able to fulfil the expectations’—in which we introduce an interpretation of the current condition of the field of comparative education. In the introduction to this essay we discuss the current phenomenon of a regained popularity of comparative educational research. We believe that this situation has both positive and negative consequences: it can contribute to the renewal of the field or it may be no more than a brief fashion. Our reflections focus on the uses of comparative research in education, not on any precise research question. Even so, only for illustrative purposes, we present some examples related to the European Union. We then go on to discuss current comparative practices, arguing that comparative educational studies are used as a political tool creating educational policy, rather than a research method or an intellectual inquiry. In the two main sections of this text we define two extreme positions: comparison as a mode of governance and comparison as a historical journey. We do recognise that between these two extremes there is room enough to imagine different positions and dispositions. But our intention is to separate very different traditions of the comparative field analytically. Throughout the article we build a case in favour of a comparative-historical approach. Nevertheless, we argue that the reconciliation between ‘history’ and ‘comparison’ will only be possible if we adopt new conceptions of space and time, and of space-time relationship. This is a condition required for the understanding of comparative research in education as a historical journey.  相似文献   

埃德蒙·金比较教育分析模式的形成有非常坚实的理论基础和特定的时代背景。在经过一场比较教育研究方法论争后,金积极倡导弘扬人文思想的人文主义方法论。他的比较教育分析模式是一个从背景分析为出发点,经过概念、机构、操作三个层次的比较分析而最终为本国的教育决策服务的完整模式。反思金的这套分析模式,对当前比较教育研究具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Using the critical work of Andreas Kazamias on the history and methods of comparative education as conceptual framework, we investigate the education (over a 200-year period) of the Slovak Roma. We position our story as paradigmatic of the dual processes of enlightenment and obscurantism with which we are familiar in thinking about the history of racial violence. The article describes the encounter of a young British doctor, Richard Bright, with Roma and Slovaks in 1814, and explores the Enlightenment thinking about Roma in specific, and race in general, in Bright’s travelogue. We juxtapose these historical investigations with qualitative findings from research conducted recently in the same region of Slovakia. Our goal is to show that Kazamias’s calls for a return to the historical in educational research, and greater attention to the “paideia of the soul,” have relevance in considering the discouraging past and present of Roma in Slovak schools and society.  相似文献   

从自由教育到通识教育——历史与比较的视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要从历史和比较的视角,通过考察自由教育的出现,自由教育的变化,一般教育的出现以及一般教育的传播与影响,分析和概括了自由教育、一般教育和通识教育三个基本概念及其课程设置在不同时期和主要国家及地区的表现形式和主要特征。文章认为,在自由教育演变到通识教育的漫长历史过程中,自由教育的对象、目的、课程内容都发生了根本性变化。特别值得强调的是,尽管各国和不同地区在使用同一一般教育概念过程中存在较大差异,随着高等教育入学率的提高以及大学与社会之间联系的不断加强,源于美国的一般教育课程将逐步成为本科教学的核心和主要内容。  相似文献   

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