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This study explored the validity of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale in a sample of 853 practicing teachers from Australia, Canada, China (Hong Kong), Indonesia, and Oman. The authors used multigroup confirmatory factor analysis to test the factor structure and measurement invariance across settings, after which they examined the relationships between work engagement, workplace well-being (job satisfaction and quitting intention), and contextual variables (socioeconomic status, experience, and gender). The 1-factor version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale was deemed preferable to the 3-factor version and showed acceptable fit to the cross-national data. The 1-factor Utrecht Work Engagement Scale showed good internal consistency and similar relationships with workplace well-being and contextual variables across settings. The Utrecht Work Engagement Scale was invariant within broadly construed Western and non-Western groups but not across Western and non-Western groups. The authors concluded that the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale needs further development before its use can be supported in further cross-cultural research.  相似文献   

Sans résuméConference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematical Education, Utrecht, 29 August–2 September 1977.  相似文献   

乌特勒支学派的教育学是现象学教育学的原初样貌.在欧洲大陆情境下,"pedagogy"这个词表达的是教师和家长在养育孩子的日常工作中的一种共同责任,它涵盖了所有大人为了孩子的健康、成长、成熟和发展而与孩子打交道的事件和领域.在学校教育中,"pedagogy"是一门学科,它针对所有与儿童养育有关的专业人员.在欧洲大陆情境下,"pedagogy"是关乎伦理的,被看成一门人文科学.乌特勒支学派在将现象学与教育学结合的过程中,将现象学作为一种方法和态度;是日常生活现象学,而非哲学现象学.  相似文献   


During the last ten years universities in The Netherlands have become less dependent on national policies regarding salary structures, promotion criteria and reward systems. At the same time the government has put increased pressure on universities to take a serious look at the quality of education in general, and at the teaching qualities of the staff in particular. The effects of these policies on staff development at Dutch universities is described. The main focus is on recent initiatives by two universities, Utrecht and Maastricht, to improve the preparation of university teachers. For Utrecht a closer look is taken at the career system, in which the importance of teaching competence is upgraded; at the teacher training programme; and at the role of portfolios and assessment in the programme. The implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The early history of Utrecht University (founded 1636) reflects an emerging public sphere (Habermas’s ‘bürgerliche öffentlichkeit’) of a major town in the Netherlands. This public sphere was a contested field among the different groups establishing and administering the university: university professors, town magistrates and representatives of the newly established Reformed Church and the former dominant Catholic Church. The factionalised magistrates developed a public sphere, while also trying to limit the passionate but destabilising debate concerning the new philosophy of Descartes. They supported the Calvinistic anti-Descartes movement while permitting, and even advocating, the establishment of the new philosophy at the university. They ambivalently protected the academy from the consistory’s control while simultaneously trying to safeguard their own (financial) position. It is concluded that the Habermasian framework has to be fleshed out in local histories, such as this case study of Utrecht University, to demonstrate the ‘messy’ complexities in reality.  相似文献   

In a research and development project called ‘orthopedagogisch project Afstemming’, conducted at the Utrecht University, a programme for teachers in kindergarten is designed and evaluated. It's goal is enhancing children's motivation and attention for work and play by means of responsive Instruction.  相似文献   

Worker retrenchment on a massive scale was introduced in Nigeria by the Military Government a few months after the overthrow of the civilian regime at the close of 1983. It was regarded as one of the short term measures to resuscitate the depressed economy through the reduction of overhead costs. Paradoxically, mass retrenchment of workers has brought about devastating side effects such as an insidious inflammation of psychosocial problems that call for psychotherapeutic activities by counsellors.The retrenchment effect has been most experienced by ethmic minorities, the poor and less educated Nigerians. A sample of 500 retrenched workers has revealed a variety of devastating psychosocial effects such as deteriorating self-esteem, general irritability, stomach ulcers, a tendency to commit crimes, high blood pressure and heart diseases, financial emaciation and depression. Counselling strategies such as vocational counselling, rational counselling and educational counselling for minorities have been recommended.Paper presented at IRTAC 1985, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 15–19, 1985.  相似文献   

The traditional body of knowledge of white oriented scholarship has neglected the non-traditional knowledge system of people of color. This has resulted in developing counseling and mental health approaches that have limited relevance when applied to non-white populations.Paper prepared for the 1985 International Round Table for the Advancement of Counseling (IRTAC), Utrecht, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

There is a shift going on in Dutch higher education from traditional, teacher centred education to student learning activities. The trend is to structure these activities in real-life tasks, projects or case situations in which Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is integrated. This paper discusses results of a two-year project implementing this type of education. The focus of the project was on task-based team learning with Information and Communication Technology. In this project two Dutch universities worked together. One partner was the Hogeschool van Utrecht, a university for applied science and professional development. The other was the University of Utrecht, a general university. A large department and an educational expert centre were involved in each university. Learning environments were developed in two settings: Economics and Management (Hogeschool van Utrecht) and Medicine (University of Utrecht). An example of a task-based team learning environment is described. It is a course on E-business of 280 hours of study for part-time students in Economics and Management. The didactical model of task-based team learning underlying this course is presented. The results confirm that the model is relevant and useful. In an analytic part of the project good practice for design, development and implementation was identified from literature and assembled in two sets of guidelines, one design of task-based team learning with ICT and one for development and implementation. Substantial implementations of new learning imply changes in the organisation of education, the roles of students and teaching staff, and the infrastructure. Because of this, the design and development process become complex activities and have to be split into sub-processes for effectiveness. A process model for design, development and implementation was therefore introduced in the project and is presented here. The developed guidelines were reviewed with respect to (critical) success factors contributing to success or failure of the courses developed. There are always risks in course design and development, and specifically so in task-based team learning, because students have an explicit responsibility for their own activities. What are then the essential factors decisive for success or failure of design, development and the running of such courses? Design and development guidelines were reviewed to identify success factors and the actors involved. Some of these success factors were deemed to be critical, others non-critical. In the last stage of the project these success factors were validated with experienced designers and developers. Some examples are presented.  相似文献   

In the Netherlands counselling is seen as an integrated part of school life for the benefit of all students. Counsellor education at the University of Utrecht was provided as a part-time, in-service programme for teacher-counsellors. This structure enabled students to integrate the skills and theory learned with their practical application in schools; current school practice enriched learning on the programme. Examples of integrative activities which encouraged these benefits are given.  相似文献   

Sans résuméAttachée de recherches en psychologie à I'IREM de Grenoble.Maître-Assistante de mathématiques à l'Université Scientifique et Médicale de Grenoble.First Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematical Education, Utrecht, August 1977.  相似文献   


This report presents the results of the UNESCO global study on media violence and children which was conducted between 1996 and 1997 as a joint research project by the World Organization of the Scout Movement and Utrecht University under the scientific supervision of Professor Dr Jo Groebel. A summary of the study is given, followed by a detailed consideration of the study itself.  相似文献   

Nunes and Bryant (Children doing mathematics, Blackwell, Oxford, 1996) proposed that an understanding of the additive composition of number could be a precursor to an understanding of the decimal structure. If this is so, children should achieve an understanding of additive composition before they can handle the decimal structure. The aim of our study was to determine the developmental timing of these two forms of mathematical understanding. 5- and 6-year-old children each completed both an addition task and Terezinha Carraher's (In: Streefland, L. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, vol. 1. Research Group on Mathematics Education and Computer Centre, State University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1985, pp. 288–303) shop task, with concrete materials. The addition task tested an understanding of additive composition by measuring whether children used a counting-all or counting-on strategy to add two quantities. The shop task tested an understanding of the decimal structure by investigating whether or not children could successfully combine tens and ones in producing a given amount of money. Our results suggest that learning about the decimal structure enhances children's understanding of the general principle of additive composition.  相似文献   

The question of the retention of ethnic minority university students in universities in the Netherlands, especially at the University of Utrecht, is examined. In particular, the cases of Surinamese, Antillian, and Aruban students, foreign refugee students, particularly medical doctors, and Turkish and Moroccan locally educated students are examined. Although each category may have specific problems, ethnic minority students, taken collectively, are not problem students. Given targeted support, they will perform as well as native Dutch students.  相似文献   

为探讨特殊教育教师工作资源和工作投入的现状以及工作资源对其工作投入的预测作用,以326名特教教师为被试,采用工作资源量表、Utrecht工作投入量表对其进行问卷调查.研究结果显示:特教教师工作投入的总体状况良好,三个维度中奉献得分最高,专注次之,活力最低;工作投入的水平在教龄上存在显著差异,教龄在7至25年的特教教师的工作投入水平显著高于1至3年和4至6年教龄的特教教师;工作投入在所教班级类型上存在显著差异,教育智力落后学生的特教教师比教育盲生的特教教师工作投入水平高,教育各种障碍类型学生混合班的特教教师比教育盲、聋生的特教教师的工作投入水平高;工作控制感和工作独立性对活力和专注具有显著的影响作用,工作控制感对奉献具有显著的影响.  相似文献   

After introducing a differentiation model for the benefit of gifted pupils in regular schools, this article discusses some important findings of the research project “High giftedness in education”, carried out at the ISOR, the Educational Research Department at the University of Utrecht. Data from survey research indicate what special provision has been made for gifted pupils in secondary schools in the Netherlands. Further data summarize experiences with the differentiation model at two different types of secondary school. Finally, some adaptations of the differentiation model are outlined.  相似文献   

Increasing attention on quality assurance, a decentralisation of responsibilities and need for quantitative data in accountability and decision support led to the development of a student satisfaction monitoring instrument at Utrecht University (UU). Initially marketing worked as a catalyst activity to prove the added value. At a later stage the instrument was brought under the responsibility of the Institutional Research department. The instrument is now supporting planning and control, institutional policy, quality assurance and marketing. In order to achieve optimal effects of the instrument, commitment from both the board of the university and the heads of department proved essential.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the development and implementation of a quality programme for higher education at the Hogeschool Utrecht in the Netherlands. Over the last 5 years, there has been increased interest in the improvement of quality for the educational process in higher education in the Netherlands. On the one hand, higher education is confronted by a diminishing number of students and reductions in government funding. On the other hand, higher education is expected to become more flexible in its organization and finance. Institutes of higher education are developing policies and procedures for assisting the primary process (‘good’ education for students and society). In the Netherlands there are special quality guidelines for services like education, derived from the standard ISO 9004-2.

The Faculty of Computer Sciences and Industrial Management of Hogeschool Utrecht appointed a project team to develop a self-assessment programme addressing topics such as student admission, educational process, graduates, educational development, personnel policy, facilities and material resources, the internal quality system structure, interaction with clients and the operational elements of quality assurance. A report on the results has been sent to the HBO-Raad—the association uniting all Dutch polytechnics and colleges—and was used as the basis for a quality audit in May 1993.  相似文献   

教师的教育实习,作为联系教师教育中的理论学习与未来教学实践的重要纽带,是教师教育课程中的必要组成部分,也是教师的专业社会化与专业发展的关键阶段。荷兰乌特勒支大学的"现实主义"教师教育实习模式,以傅乐的教师关注理论为基础,重视教育实习与理论学习的紧密融合,大学与中小学指导教师的合作督导,以及实习教师的反思能力的培养等,这些对我国的教师教育实习都会有所启示与借鉴。  相似文献   

马克斯.范梅南主编的教育学术期刊《现象学+教育学》(《Phenomenology+Pedagogy》)是现象学运动在教育学领域的一种效应,它继承并发展了荷兰"乌特勒支学派"的现象学思想,定位于教育的人文科学探究,以提升人们的教育实践智慧。期刊不仅为相关学者创建了一个现象学学术交流的平台,也为读者呈现了丰富的现象学研究的学术成果与研究发现及大量的研究信息,推动了现象学教育学的学术发展,扩大了现象学教育学在学界的影响。《现象学+教育学》因完成了其使命而于1992年停刊,但是它的精神和传统却持久不衰。  相似文献   

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