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In a four-year follow-up study, the performance of 338 children on the Miller Assessment for Preschoolers was compared to indices of school functioning. Criterion measures included: retention in school, poor teachers' observations, assignment to special services or special classes, and below average report card grades. Results showed that preschoolers with low MAP scores were significantly more likely to be represented in school problem categories than were preschoolers with higher MAP scores. MAP Total scores differentiated problem and no-problem school children under all eight problem categories. These results confirm the predictive value of the MAP. Implications for refining school outcome variables in validity research on preschool screening instruments are discussed.  相似文献   

The present article reviews the procedures that have been developed for measuring the reliability of human observers' judgments when making direct observations of behavior. Measures such as the percentage of agreement, Cohen's kappa, and phi have been used to measure observer agreement; however, these coefficients have serious limitations. In addition to specifying the deficiencies that exist with these excessively used reliability measures, the present article discusses recently developed univariate and multivariate agreement measures that are based on quasi-equiprobability and quasi-independence models and estimates. Improvements in precision are provided by such models and estimates since they (1) yield a probability based coefficient of agreement with a directly interpretable meaning, (2) correct for the proportion of “chance” agreement, and (3) allow the partitioning of the agreement and disagreement estimates within the models.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether (a) states have altered their definitions and/or eligibility criteria for learning disabilities (LD) since the last review; (b) states have specified-IQ cutoffs below which a child would not be eligible for LD services; (c) the types of methods states use to quantify an ability/achievement discrepancy vary; and (d) an increase in the number of children identified as LD is related to the method or criterion used to quantify an ability/achievement discrepancy. States' guidelines and/or information obtained from state directors of special education were analyzed for all states and the District of Columbia. Results of the review revealed that 40% of states had revised their guidelines between 1988 and 1990; 76% of the states specified a method for determining an ability/achievement discrepancy and the method recommended most frequently was the standard score comparison method. No significant differences were obtained between type of discrepancy method employed by a state and its yearly increase in LD. However, a significant relationship existed between magnitude of a state's ability/achievement criterion and its yearly increase in LD from 1987-88 to 1988-89. The review also revealed an increase in the number of states that specified an IQ cutoff below which a student would not qualify for LD services.  相似文献   

A historical review of neonatal assessment procedures is presented to demonstrate the trends in advancement of the field and attempts toward collaboration of medicine and psychology in contributions to the area. The literature suggests that the medically oriented neurological examinations have continued to be altered and improved. The growth of behaviorism within psychology and the view that behavior is closely related to underlying neurological mechanisms have contributed to the development of behaviorally oriented assessment procedures. These trends have combined successfully in the development of the Brazelton Neonatal Assessment Scale, which focuses on assessment of behavioral capabilities reflecting the quality of parent-infant relationships. The most recent contributions are directed toward development of specialized assessment techniques to fulfill specific research needs. Suggestions and cautions for use of available procedures are presented.  相似文献   

鉴于国内尚无系统论述多维度分析法理论和实施方法的文献,本文介绍了多维度分析法的起源、理论基础和创新之处,综述了三十年来多维度分析法在语域变异、学术语篇变异、方言和性别语言变异、历时语域变异和跨语言变异等多个语言学领域的应用和发展趋势,并详细讲解了多维度分析法的操作方法。本文对多维度分析法的系统阐述有望推动和促进国内多维度研究在多个语言学研究领域的应用和发展。  相似文献   

Approximately 30% of students drop out from Norwegian upper secondary schools. Academic achievement, as indexed by grade point average (GPA), is one of the strongest predictors of dropout. The present study aimed to examine the role of cognitive, school-related and affective/psychological predictors of GPA. In addition, we examined the psychometric properties of a new scale for literacy problems (LP), as well as its role for GPA. Analyses showed that the scale had favourable psychometric properties. Multivariable regression analyses showed that study track choice, task solving skills, gender, lack of educational plans and LP predicted GPA in descending order. The major implication of the study was that GPA is related to a multiple number of demographic, cognitive and psychosocial factors, and that any interventions addressing GPA will be less effective if not addressing psychosocial in addition to cognitive/school-related factors.  相似文献   

Statewide exit examinations play an important role in discussions on school effectiveness. Referring to educational governance concepts, this paper presumes a relation between varying organizational structures of statewide examinations across states, and heterogeneous effects on school actors. It is assumed that their ability to affect work in schools depends on how standardized their procedures are. Therefore, their structural elements must be juxtaposed, and their standardization level must be identified. This paper describes the results of a comparative review of statewide exit examinations using the example of 16 OECD-states alongside the categories Historical Context, Organizational Framework, Marking, and Handling of Results, and discusses the examinations regarding their overall standardization. The study is a basis for further research into how differently structured exit examinations affect school work.  相似文献   

Reflective essays are a common way to develop higher education students’ reflection ability. Researchers frequently analyse reflective essays based on quantitative content analysis procedures (QCA). However, the quality criteria that should be met in QCA are not straightforward. This article aims to: (1) develop a framework of quality requirements for QCA; and (2) explore the extent to which QCA studies of students’ reflective essays meet these quality requirements. First, a methodological review of psychometric and edumetric criteria for QCA is conducted, resulting in a framework with required quality criteria. Second, 18 studies were selected in which QCA was used to analyse students’ reflective essays. These studies were scrutinised using the developed framework. The results showed that none of the selected studies met all requirements. It is concluded that QCA procedures for analysing students’ reflective essays need improvement and that the developed framework can be used to improve and evaluate these procedures.  相似文献   

波兰的博士生教育最早可以追溯到15世纪.本文着重论述了波兰高等教育的结构和学位制度类型;授予博士学位的程序;博士生教育的质量保障体系的主要组成部分;博士生的招生、类型与地位;博士学位获得者的分布情况以及波兰博士生教育面临的问题和趋势.  相似文献   

It is now generally recognized that a language impairment in preschool children may be predictive of later linguistic, reading, and academic difficulties. Language intervention procedures, derived from theoretically-based principles of language development and implemented in a child’s regular classroom environment, may benefit children at risk for persistent language and learning problems. This paper describes the development and application of individualized intervention procedures in a classroom for preschool language-impaired children. The discussion focuses on selected language development principles which helped determine the setting, timing, interactive participants, purpose, and content of the language intervention program. Resulting changes in language comprehension and production are reported based on individual classroom performance as well as a comparison of pre-and posttest scores for a range of comprehension skills. A version of this paper was presented at the Annual Conference of the Orton Dyslexia Society, November 5, 1987, San Francisco.  相似文献   

A social learning based intervention program for conduct problem students in the middle grades is described and evaluated. Multiple outcome measures were used to assess treatment effects. Teachers' reports on behavior checklists and daily ratings of targeted behaviors indicated improvement with 9 of the 12 consecutively referred students. A more conservative criterion of improvement on measures from two independent sources indicated improvement with 7 students. All of the 12 students received improved scores on at least one outcome measure, and the program was well received by teachers.  相似文献   

Instructional design (ID) models have been developed to promote understandings of ID reality and guide ID performance. As the number and diversity of ID practices grows, implicit doubts regarding the reliability, validity, and usefulness of ID models suggest the need for methodological guidance that would help to generate ID models that are relevant and appropriate to the ever-changing design challenges in our world. Because the construction of an ID model involves an intricate externalization of unique sets of design experiences as well as a logical synthesis of relevant research, the purpose of this study was to formulate a methodological framework for ID model development. Through the analysis of 20 selected studies, four critical dimensions and ten synthesized procedures for constructing ID models were formulated. The resulting framework is intended to provide a useful theoretical and practical contribution to the field of ID.  相似文献   

Bringing together groups of preschoolers with older people is a concept that is gaining in popularity. Commonly referred to asintergenerational, these experiences — when carefully planned — have been shown to provide children with positive experiences. More specifically, the National Council on Aging defines intergenerational programs as planned activities that increase cooperation and exchange between any two generations for their mutual benefit.I never seen my great grandpa — I seen some old people in Minnesota.Brandon, age fourAlfred James is Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Education, Department of Education, Washburn University, Topeka, KS. Kathy Leon is Director of Menninger Child Care Center, Menninger, Topeka, KS.  相似文献   

Anatomy has historically been a cornerstone in medical education regardless of nation or specialty. Until recently, dissection and didactic lectures were its sole pedagogy. Teaching methodology has been revolutionized with more reliance on models, imaging, simulation, and the Internet to further consolidate and enhance the learning experience. Moreover, modern medical curricula are giving less importance to anatomy education and to the acknowledged value of dissection. Universities have even abandoned dissection completely in favor of user‐friendly multimedia, alternative teaching approaches, and newly defined priorities in clinical practice. Anatomy curriculum is undergoing international reformation but the current framework lacks uniformity among institutions. Optimal learning content can be categorized into the following modalities: (1) dissection/prosection, (2) interactive multimedia, (3) procedural anatomy, (4) surface and clinical anatomy, and (5) imaging. The importance of multimodal teaching, with examples suggested in this article, has been widely recognized and assessed. Nevertheless, there are still ongoing limitations in anatomy teaching. Substantial problems consist of diminished allotted dissection time and the number of qualified anatomy instructors, which will eventually deteriorate the quality of education. Alternative resources and strategies are discussed in an attempt to tackle these genuine concerns. The challenges are to reinstate more effective teaching and learning tools while maintaining the beneficial values of orthodox dissection. The UK has a reputable medical education but its quality could be improved by observing international frameworks. The heavy penalty of not concentrating on sufficient anatomy education will inevitably lead to incompetent anatomists and healthcare professionals, leaving patients to face dire repercussions. Anat Sci Educ 3: 83–93, 2010. © 2010 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

提出了一种MVC控制器设计方案,适用于REST(Representational State Transfer)风格的Web应用。该方案使用支持简单中文语法的目录表格式文件来描述路由映射和处理逻辑,文档清晰、简洁。实验效果表明,该控制器可以被方便地配置和使用,提高应用开发的效率。  相似文献   

建立了单形的一个新的几何不等式,并给出了它的一些应用.  相似文献   

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