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The present study examined the effects of a token economy on off-task (nontarget) behavior occurring concurrently with the reinforcement of target behavior. The ability of a token economy to maintain its effectiveness for a long time period when utilized in a class for emotionally disturbed and learning disabled children was also investigated. Results indicated that while the token economy maintained its effectiveness in terms of increasing the frequency of target behaviors, the frequency of offtask or inappropriate behaviors also increased as the year progressed. Implications for using token economies with a special population are discussed.  相似文献   

This research investigated the effects of employing fixed, variable, and extended token exchange periods for backups on the completion and quality of daily assignments of a total fifth- and sixth-grade class. The results indicated a higher percentage of assignments was completed when the number of days between point exchanges was variable, and that performance was maintained when the number of school days between point exchanges was gradually increased. The overall accuracy on assignments was high, but varying, and did not appear to be under the systematic control of the experimental procedures. Data for all pupils indicated that there were individual differences as to the effects of the various token (point) exchange procedures. Pupils with inconsistent assignment completion during Fixed Exchange Conditions (Fixed Period (FP-I, -II, -III) increased their assignment completion during the Variable Token Exchange Procedures (Variable Period (VP)-I, -II, -III). Thus, the variable sequencing of the number of days should be an important consideration in any effort to maintain the positive effects of token-reinforcement systems within classroom settings.  相似文献   

The Level System is a whole‐classroom approach for managing disruptive behavior that utilizes behavioral management strategies such as a token economy, response cost, stimulating rewards, and strategic attention. Using an ABACC′ treatment comparison design with follow‐up, this study evaluated the effectiveness of the Level System in a preschool classroom compared to (a) strategies already employed by the teacher, and (b) coaching the teacher in the Child‐Directed Interaction (CDI) and Parent‐Directed Interaction (PDI) phases of Parent–Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT). Teacher‐ and parent‐report measures were administered, and behavioral observation data were collected for child and teacher behavior using videotapes. Results suggested that the amount of inappropriate behavior exhibited by children decreased when the Level System was implemented. Additionally, inappropriate behavior decreased further during the CDI and PDI conditions. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 41: 351–361, 2004.  相似文献   

建立与农村经济发展水平相适应的社会保障制度的条件已基本具备。农村社会保障制度与城市是有区别的,重点应放在养老、医疗、社会救济、义务教育等方面。现阶段要着重抓好保障制度、保障基金、社区保障等工作。  相似文献   

知识经济对教育提出了新的挑战,高等教育的核心目标就是培养大学生的学力。作为高级人才的大学生应该具备适应知识经济的学力。根据现代学力理论,大学生的学力包括知识领域、能力领域、情感领域、技能领域,而各个领域又有具体的与知识经济相适应的学力规定。  相似文献   

知识经济对教育提出了新的挑战,高等教育的核心目标就是培养大学生的学力.作为高级人才的大学生应该具备适应知识经济的学力.根据现代学力理论,大学生的学力包括知识领域、能力领域、情感领域、技能领域,而各个领域又有具体的与知识经济相适应的学力规定.  相似文献   

李辉红 《物理教师》2004,25(8):4-54
[第 2 0届全国中学生物理竞赛预赛试题第七题 ]图 1中A和B是真空中的两块面积很大的平行金属板 ,加上周期为T的交流电压 ,在两板间产生交变的匀强电场 ,已知B板电势为零 ,A板电势UA 随时间变化的规律如图 2所示 ,其中UA 的最大值为U0 ,最小值为 -2U0 .在图 1中虚线MN表示与A、B板平行等距的一个较小的面 ,此面到A和B的距离皆为l.在此面所在处 ,不断地产生电量为 q、质量为m的带负电的微粒 ,各个时刻产生带电微粒的机会均等 ,这种微粒产生后 ,从静止出发在电场力的作用下运动 .设微粒一旦碰到金属板 ,它就附在板上不再运动 ,且其电量…  相似文献   

This study compared survey responses of teachers from a reform‐based programme focused on promoting inclusion‐based classrooms, namely Project WINS (Winning Ideas Network for Schools) schools, with teachers from non‐Project WINS schools with regard to their attitude about inclusion in the classroom. Surprisingly, the results of this study revealed no differences between the two groups of teachers on most facets of inclusion. The one significant difference found a greater preference for inclusion by non‐Project WINS teachers with regard to classroom climate. The study also revealed a higher preference for inclusion for teachers with higher self‐reported expertise in special education regardless of what group the teacher was surveyed from. Findings from this study indicate the need for further research and improvements in training methods for Project WINS and similar programmes that attempt to change teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion as an important first step in improving practice in inclusion‐based classrooms. As the movement for more inclusion in schools increases, administrators, special educators and teachers are caught in the midst of the tide. Proponents of inclusion believe change is needed now, but those not in favour of such changes recommend not implementing inclusion without further research ( Snyder, 1999 ). In addition, schools need assistance in developing and implementing policies and practices that will lead to an effective inclusion experience for all parties involved ( Johnson, 2000 ). The primary purpose of this study was to further this research by examining attitudes related to inclusion of teachers participating in a programme implemented in middle schools with the explicit goal of fostering effective inclusion‐based classrooms. Second, we tested the relationship between perceived expertise in special education and attitudes towards inclusion. Below we briefly describe some of the factors that research has shown to influence teachers’ level of acceptance of inclusion‐based classrooms.  相似文献   

高校思想政治工作与心理咨询有很多相似之处,思想政治辅导员应该主动学习心理咨询相关知识和技能,这对于加强和改进大学生思想政治教育工作具有着积极意义.  相似文献   

辽宁农业职业技术学院的前身是辽宁熊岳农业高等专科学校,始建于1948年,1999年8月经国家教育部批准更为现名,是全国第一所由普通高专更名为职业技术学院的学校."九五"以来,适应计划经济向市场经济转轨要求和农村经济发展需要,我院坚定不移地高举高职教育大旗,探索高职办学之路,不断深化教育教学改革,为农村经济建设做出了应有的贡献,同时也促进了学院的跨跃式发展.  相似文献   

回顾历史,深人思索:在转型时期“O-P转变”中,若公民个人完全听命于国家(官本位规则)、地方完全听命于中央.恐怕就不会有造就今日中国巨变的改革开放。“权力刚性”可以压抑“生存刚性”,但客观存在的“生存刚性”是不可能被消灭的。只要有可能它总会以超乎官僚意志及官本位法则的形态表现出来。可谓“野火烧不尽,春风吹又生”。所以老百姓自主经济具有“草本经济”特征。  相似文献   


To optimise the development and learning of kindergarten children, education can be developmentally, individually and socially appropriate as well as teach significant content. Appropriate performance assessment, in a number of domains, is essential to confidently support decisions about early intervention for children who may experience learning difficulties. Delays in the provision of intervention based upon the identification of actual needs can have a substantial impact on learning, attention and self‐esteem. The Kindergarten Screening Instrument for school children was longitudinally validated for school children aged age 4.6–6.0 to inform instruction and referral. Study results indicated interventions based upon assessed needs had positive outcomes for children.  相似文献   

The issue of maintenance of changes in behavior produced by token programs is unquestionably important. The present paper raises methodological considerations relating to the evaluation of such maintenance and offers suggestions for appropriate methodology.  相似文献   

School-wide positive behavior interventions and supports (SWPBIS) is a multitiered support framework for preventing problem behaviors and increasing prosocial behaviors. There has been an increasing number of experimental group design research studies focused on the impacts of SWPBIS. Therefore, we conducted a systematic review to update and extend prior reviews by including both published and unpublished studies and conducting a robust variance estimation meta-analysis to examine the magnitude of the effect of SWPBIS on all available school-level outcomes. A total of 29 studies were identified across the United States and Europe, including seven randomized controlled trials and 22 quasi-experimental group design studies. Overall, statistically significant reductions in school discipline and increased academic achievement were found. Effect sizes were small to medium. Limitations and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

我国劳动合同法的经济补偿金制度尚存有诸多不足亟待完善。本文主要围绕我国劳动合同法经济补偿金制度的不足与完善展开论述,以期实现经济补偿金制度重要作用的最大化发挥。  相似文献   

建设与知识经济时代相适应的教育思想体系既是教育发展的需要,又是时代的要求。文章在知识经济时代对教育提出的新要求,知识经济时代教育的指导思想和价值导向、知识经济时代教育发展的核心和原则,知识经济时代若干重要的教育思想理论问题,知识经济时代的教育管理观等五个方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

A phenomenal expansion of the Nigerian university system began with the oil boom of the 1970s. Following a downturn in the nation's economy and the introduction of structural adjustment programmes, government subventions to Nigerian universities have dropped appreciably, and in real terms the universities have suffered considerable decline in purchasing power. Institutional structures for monitoring efficiency have played an important role in efforts to maintain academic standards; but in the face of continued uncontrolled expansion and in the absence of basic facilities for teaching and research, the university system cannot sustain a healthy growth. Greater attention is being given to improved fiscal management, income generation by the universities and rationalisation of academic programmes. As scholarships and bursary awards for able but indigent students are resuscitated, cost recovery measures in the universities need to be intensified. Proposals for the establishment of private universities operating within guidelines prescribed by the National Universities Commission (NUC) should be re-examined.  相似文献   

An identification and treatment model differentiating Transient from Persistent Selective Mutism is proposed. The model incorporates treatment recommendations for Persistent Selective Mutism and suggests that interventions are not usually warranted for Transient Selective Mutism. The case study of a 6-year-old female manifesting Persistent Selective Mutism is presented. A multimodal treatment approach combining behavioral techniques with play therapy and family involvement was applied to improve her verbal interactions. Pre- and posttreatment evaluations were conducted. During pretreatment evaluations the child was manifesting Persistent Selective Mutism, immaturity, and withdrawal behaviors. At posttreatment evaluations she was talking in a manner consistent with her peers without problematic behaviors displayed. Results of a 6-month follow-up completed after the child had entered first grade showed that she was continuing to speak in a manner consistent with her peers without behavioral concerns.  相似文献   

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