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第二课堂既是第一课堂的有益补充,也是提高学生综合能力素质的有效途径,对于提高学生综合能力,培养学生创新意识等方面具有独特价值。经过我校不断努力,数学第二课堂建设取得了很大的进步,在培养人才方面发挥了巨大的作用。为了构建科学的数学第二课堂教育体系,我们课题组通过调查研究,旨在把握我校数学第二课堂活动开展现状,总结经验,查找不足,为进一步加强数学第二课堂教育体系的建设提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

数学教育如何体现以学生的发展为本   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着数学教育改革的深入,数学教育主张“以学生的发展为本”。数学教育“以学生发展为本”可从以下几个方面体现:从育人观看要培养学生良好的个性品质;从课程观看要让学生学习有用的数学;从教学观看要使学生主动学习主动发展;从学习观看要对学生进行学习方法指导。它们相互联系、相互影响,在进行教学实践中应融会贯通,就能促进学生数学素质的全面发展。  相似文献   

This study examined the complexities of the collaborative relationship between student teachers and cooperating teachers in secondary mathematics from the perspectives of the student teachers. Four cohorts of student teachers (N = 170) in secondary mathematics were surveyed using a questionnaire that measured their perceptions of two dimensions of their student teaching experience: collaboration with their cooperating teachers and the classroom practices of their cooperating teachers. Although analysis of the responses revealed that student teachers were generally satisfied with the amount and quality of the collaboration, two important results were revealed. First, about half of the respondents reported spending less than an hour collaborating weekly with their cooperating teacher in various contexts. Second, certain classroom practices of the cooperating teachers were found to be significantly associated with whether they spent more or less than an hour collaborating with their student teachers, and were significantly correlated in most cases. This explicit linkage suggests that the classroom practices of cooperating teachers may extend to the mentoring approach they take when working with student teachers. Suggestions for teacher education programs and cooperating teacher support are shared.  相似文献   

陈骏 《教育学报》2002,(7):30-32
本文对数学课堂教学整体改革进行了初步的思考,指出应该重新审视我们的数学课堂教育评价;认清课堂教学模式应该在教师实施过程中具有弹性,模式的建立应该体现学生、教师与课程三者的统一,正确对待差生的发展以及数学教师专业化发展的要求。  相似文献   

The term professional vision points to the many nuanced ways professionals see. This paper traces the development of a professional vision of a researcher and a teacher looking at classroom practices. The researcher’s interest was to capture and study notable aspects of the teacher’s practice. Through a coding scheme, disparate classroom events were organized and analyzed to yield a researcher’s professional vision of the teacher’s practices. For the teacher, through reviewing the video records of his own classroom practices, his professional vision provided a basis for him to reflect and develop professionally. Leveraging on the work of the researcher, he initiated and transformed his own practices. Their collaboration yielded a mutually informed development of professional vision of classroom practices. In juxtaposing the two developments, the researcher and the teacher’s views can be contrasted, their distinctive interests highlighted and common grounds explored. Some implications for developing professional vision are drawn, and it is in the common grounds of the teacher’s professional development and seeing with a goal of enhancing of student learning that hold some promise of a mutual interest in developing a professional vision of classroom practices.  相似文献   

大学数学教育是高校教育的重要组成部分之一,而课堂教学又是数学教学的核心。本文结合大学数学学科的特点和学生的实际情况,对数学教学在方式方法上进行了探讨,为提高课堂教学效果,培养可持续性人才提出了相应的措施和对策。  相似文献   

公法和私法的分类历经千年历史,至今已经深深融入了许多大陆法系国家的法律文化之中。然而随着历史的发展,公法和私法分类的基础开始动摇,在经济社会化的今天,公法与私法的分类的作用不应该被过度地提高,相反,这种分类已经失去其原有的生命力,应该退出历史的舞台。  相似文献   

数学揭示了客观世界在数和形方面的规律性,存在着丰富的德育因素。在中学课堂数学中,进行德育渗透的途径主要有:创设问题情境、巧用名人史话、激发学习兴趣、铺设思维阶梯、弘扬学生个性、搭建参与平台、揭示数学美学等。  相似文献   

论高等教育的公益性与私益性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高等教育的公益性与私益性是可以相互转化的,是政策选择的结果。公益性始终是高等教育的本质属性,但在资源不足的情况下,高等教育的私益性生产是不可避免的。大力弘扬高等教育的公益性、正确引导高等教育的私益性是全社会的共同要求,也是政府、高校和社会的共同责任。  相似文献   

作为一种构建社会秩序的理论,市民社会理论一直致力于界定国家与社会之间的关系。与之相应,市民社会理论的核心问题——公与私的矛盾,必然成为国家与社会现实架构中的内在关照。国家与社会之间的关系,深刻反映或集中体现了这个核心矛盾。  相似文献   

很长一段时间来,我国法学界不承认在我国法律规范体系中有公法和私法的划分,过多强调民事关系的国家意志性,忽视对公司和法人意志的尊重。近年来,随着我国法制的不断健全完善,我们不得不修正原有的观点,承认公法与私法的。本主要从民法的平等、自愿、公平等基本原则的角度来讨论公法与私法的划分。  相似文献   

There is a need to maximise rural clinical fieldwork placement to build health workforce capacity. This study investigated allied health professionals' (AHPs) experience of supervising students as part of work-integrated learning in public and private rural health settings. An anonymous postal questionnaire with 30 questions was used to collect quantitative and qualitative data about the barriers and enablers that AHPs encounter when supervising students in their clinical setting. A total of 113 public and private AHPs from Southwest Victoria, Australia, returned the questionnaire. The AHPs were trained in the disciplines of occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech pathology, dietetics, podiatry or psychology. The majority of respondents (75%) had previously supervised students. Most respondents had only provided fieldwork education in the public sector. Allied health professionals working in public and private sectors had positive experiences with clinical fieldwork education and often had increased job satisfaction while supervising students. They experienced similar enablers to involvement in clinical fieldwork education programs, however the barriers they encountered were different. The findings highlight the differing issues between rural public and private settings that need to be addressed for successful clinical fieldwork education and work-integrated learning. Strategies to address the identified barriers need to be specific to the work conditions of each setting.  相似文献   

Foluso Okebukola 《Literacy》2012,46(2):94-100
Drawing on the bilingual policies and biliteracy programmes of African nations, this paper discusses the context of literacy education in Nigeria and examines Nigerian early literacy teachers’ attitudes to teaching literacy and literacy teaching practices as informed by the National Policy on Education, Primary English Language Curriculum and the teaching–learning milieu. The paper also reports the findings of a survey in which respondents to a questionnaire expressed their views and understanding of the primary English curriculum and their own relations and experiences with it, as well as their own competencies and self‐concept as literacy teachers. Results indicated the need to train Nigerian teachers to adopt a much wider perspective in literacy, which recognises the opportunities for developing the interrelated strands of literacy. Governments should also consider practising teachers’ professional identities and growth in decision‐making and curriculum development. This will enhance their understanding of ideologies in policy and practice.  相似文献   

由日本、韩国、美国等国的对比分析可知,私立高等院校的社会捐赠收入、社会服务与销售以及其他收入等在三国私立高校的总收入中占有相当的比例.所以,要想拓展我国民办高校的收入渠道,就要做到民办高校经费来源多元化,鼓励民办高校发展服务性产业和高技术产业,并且国家要完善和落实捐赠政策.  相似文献   

Drawing on data from a merged data set from a student survey and a parent survey that were conducted in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi in 2013, this article uses a multilevel framework to investigate the effects of individual characteristics and the classroom and school environments on high school students’ school engagement in a modernising education system that is different from Western ones. The results of the three-level model revealed that while students’ attributes remained strong predictors of their school engagement, the social and organisational environment of classrooms and school also greatly shaped the extent to which students emotionally and cognitively engaged with their school and learning. This study provided evidence to support the interactive nature of the impact of multilevel environments on student engagement. The policy and research implications were also discussed in the empirical context of Abu Dhabi.  相似文献   

In Saudi Arabia, it is generally perceived that private special education institutes (SEIs) provide a higher quality education than their public counterparts. Parents tend to trust and invest in private rather than public institutes. This is principally attributed to the greater financial capacity of private special institutes, which ensures services can be provided more effectively. Investigating this perspective, this study seeks to bridge the gap often observed and commented upon between public and private SEIs, and to reflect critically on how the needs of all students with intellectual disabilities can be met within the public system. A comparative case study of two SEIs in Saudi Arabia for students with intellectual disabilities, one public and one private, was designed. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with parents, teachers and principals. A key finding of this study is that there is a major difference in the workplace cultures of public and private institutes. This results in several observable factors that were found to contribute to the quality of provision for learners.  相似文献   

Worldwide, the interest of policy-makers in participating in studies from the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), such as Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) has been growing rapidly over the past two decades. These studies offer the opportunity to relate the teaching and learning context to student achievement. This article presents the results of a systematic review of the research literature on TIMSS. Its main purpose is to find out to what extent TIMSS has contributed to insights into ‘what works in education and what does not’, particularly with regard to school and classroom factors. The review was guided by a generic framework developed within the tradition of educational effectiveness research. The review showed that: (a) since 2000, the number of publications which use TIMSS data for secondary analyses aimed at explaining differences in student achievement has increased strongly; (b) a number of studies, especially older ones, did not take account of the specific sample and test design of TIMSS; and (c) there are large differences between countries in school and classroom factors associated with student achievement. In the light of these results, we discuss the benefits and limitations of country and system comparisons.  相似文献   

Research suggests that genetic syndromes associated with intellectual disability often have specific cognitive and behavioural profiles. It has been suggested that educational approaches need to reflect these profiles. Parents (n = 381) and teachers (n = 204) of children with one of four syndromes, fragile X syndrome, Prader–Willi syndrome, Williams syndrome and velo‐cardio‐facial syndrome were surveyed. Syndromes were compared with respect to what parents and teachers had researched or been told with respect to appropriate educational approaches. Parent and teacher reports were subsequently compared with actual published guidelines on the syndromes. Teachers were also surveyed on what they felt were successful approaches based on actual experiences of teaching the children. Parent and teacher reports of efficacious strategies for supporting their children based on what they had been researched or been told differed across syndromes as might be anticipated. However, differences between parents and teachers and between parent/teacher reports and the published guidelines suggest that parent and teacher knowledge of guidelines is deficient and/or that parents and teachers are accessing knowledge elsewhere. With respect to teaching practices, there were much less differences between the syndromes than in the published guidelines indicating that differences between syndromes in guidelines may not be as evident in practice.  相似文献   

论我国公立高等学校与教师的法律关系   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
随着高等教育体制和教师人事制度改革的深入 ,公立高等学校与教师之间原有的行政隶属关系逐渐被打破 ,教师通过与高等学校签订聘任合同 ,与之构成受法律保护的人事关系。这一关系是一种特殊的行政法律关系。公立学校教师虽然不属于国家公务员 ,但仍应具有国家工作人员身份。教师聘任合同既不是受《合同法》调整的民事合同 ,也不是受《劳动法》调整的劳动合同 ,而更多地具有行政合同的特征  相似文献   

Teacher practices are essential for supporting students in scientific inquiry practices, such as the construction of scientific explanations. In this study, we examine what instructional practices teachers engage in when they introduce scientific explanation and whether these practices influence students' ability to construct scientific explanations during a middle school chemistry unit. Thirteen teachers enacted a project‐based chemistry unit, How can I make new stuff from old stuff?, with 1197 seventh grade students. We videotaped each teacher's enactment of the focal lesson on scientific explanation and then coded the videotape for four different instructional practices: modeling scientific explanation, making the rationale of scientific explanation explicit, defining scientific explanation, and connecting scientific explanation to everyday explanation. Our results suggest that when teachers introduce scientific explanation, they vary in the practices they engage in as well as the quality of their use of these practices. We also found that teachers' use of instructional practices can influence student learning of scientific explanation and that the effect of these instructional practices depends on the context in terms of what other instructional practices the teacher uses. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 45: 53–78, 2008  相似文献   

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