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大学战略管理中的领导:角色、挑战与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学的战略管理要求大学领导既是战略策划者,又要在战略的执行和实现中发挥指挥者的作用。多方利益的平衡、大学领导的多重角色、大学组织的特性、领导者的战略思考能力和知识结构等,都对领导角色提出了挑战。针对这些挑战的对策和建议是:发挥领导的能力和位置优势,为发展大学的愿景进行战略性思考;合理选择战略决策方式;坚持以战略规划所确立的使命与愿景作为资源配置决策的最终标准和依据;选择合适的中层管理者并合理授权。  相似文献   

There is a clear need for new research into the work and life outcomes for graduates of Australian international education. Drawing upon divergent post-study transitions, this article aims to present a multi-faceted, qualitative foundation for the consideration of both positional and transformative impacts of international education on graduates’ post study lives and careers. We compare three divergent study and life pathways for international students via three case studies of different models of Australian international and transnational education provision. The findings show that positional and transformative outcomes were often intertwined in surprising ways in participants’ stories. The pathways that they followed after graduation were strongly influenced by their engagement with international education as a life as well as a learning experience. All three case studies also suggest that concepts of the prestige of the Western degree need further consideration.  相似文献   

《Open Learning》2012,27(1):9-22
Dual-mode distance teaching universities differ from their single-purpose counterparts, such as the great open universities, in one critical dimension. They are not generally established to serve distance students. That is typically a commitment entered into at some point after the institution is operating conventionally with on-campus provision. The argument here is that as dual-mode provision is challenged in various ways, not least through the impact of new technologies, the commitment to serving students who are genuinely at a distance from the physical campus is at some risk in the institutions involved.  相似文献   

Branding of higher education institutions (HEIs) is an expanding area of research. The existing literature mainly draws on the strategic management perspective that argues that HEIs are pressured to develop brands which differentiate them from their competitors. Past studies, however, do insufficiently take into account that most HEIs are positioned in systems that contain both competitive pressures (to differentiate) and institutional pressures (to meet taken-for-granted expectations), where neither of the pressures is clearly dominant. Our multiple case study of the five Flemish universities finds that branding can simultaneously address competitive and institutional pressures and that the universities studied combine aspects of distinctiveness with elements of similarity.  相似文献   

概括了实验室人身安全、财产安全和环境安全教育的主要内容,通过对青岛农业大学研究生的问卷调查,分析了学校实验室安全教育和管理的现状以及存在的问题。在此基础上,提出了加强实验室安全的合理化建议与措施,以保障实验室安全运行和促进学校的全面发展。  相似文献   

我国高校学术管理存在的问题与对策   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
作为高校管理核心的学术管理,有学术民主管理与学术行政管理两种方式。我国多数高校学术行政管理的过度强化,与高校组织科层化及专业化的双重属性,高度集权的政治体制和管理模式,思维方式和亚文化差异造成的沟通障碍等因素直接相关。因此,要建立协作学习共同体,相互支持,共同领导;加强组织学习,完善沟通渠道;促进组织变革,不断建立和完善客观公正的学术评价机制。  相似文献   

Trade in Australian education services has expanded rapidly over recent years. The sector is the third largest exporter of Australian services. In 2001–2002, exports of education were about $A 4.2 billion. Government assistance to the sector includes export market development, regulation of education standards, and funding education activities; university research and development, for example. This paper examines the case for further government intervention in the export of education, and the appropriate forms of assistance if further government intervention is justified. The paper predominately focuses on assisting higher education exports because this activity dominates education exports.  相似文献   

This paper questions the dominant arguments that currently frame debate over the political ineffectiveness of the higher education lobby in Australia. Public choice theory is used to advance a more complex hypothesis that takes into account dramatic changes to the political environment over recent decades. This is tested against interview data from policy actors and vice‐chancellors.  相似文献   

随着高校招生计划的扩大,越来越多的学生步入大学的殿堂,招生规模的扩大给高校教育管理带来了新的挑战,为了应对新时期高等教育的改革发展必须要加强高校教育管理的创新,本文在分析当前高校教育管理中存在问题的基础上,提出了一些自己的合理建议,希望为促进高校教育管理的发展提供一些参考。  相似文献   

This article describes the discovery of action research by a ‘conscious incompetent’ in higher education. The influences on the development of an action researcher’s individual philosophy are discussed. These shape a specific investigation into the implementation of international staff exchange in a post-1992 UK university from the position of an ‘outsider within’, a tempered radical. Ontological and epistemological concepts of quasi-objectivity, subjectivity, participation and commitment are discussed in relation to entrepreneurship in the higher education context, concluding that action research is a methodology suitable for tempered radicals and strategic entrepreneurs and that the action researcher can play these roles to research the execution of international faculty mobility in higher education.  相似文献   


This article reports on one aspect of a nationally funded research project on contract cheating in Australian higher education. The project explored students' and educators’ experiences of contract cheating, and the contextual factors that may influence it. This article reports the key findings from non-university higher education providers (NUHEPs). It compares survey responses from 961 students and 91 educators at four NUHEPs with previously reported findings from eight universities (14,086 students and 1,147 staff). NUHEP and university students report engaging in contract cheating in similar ways. However, while NUHEP educators spend more time teaching academic literacies and discussing contract cheating, NUHEP students are 12 times more likely than university students to report use of a professional academic writing service. Both NUHEP and university educators require systematic professional development regarding the relationship between the teaching and learning environment and students’ contract cheating behaviour. NUHEPs need to be cognisant of students’ vulnerability to commercial contract cheating services, and ensure they have access to timely academic and social support.  相似文献   

Some of the main concerns in international higher education are the feeling of isolation among international students and their inability to adapt to the host environment, which may result in sub-optimal academic performance. Theoretically, peer learning can be an effective method to reduce these problems since it has the capacity to address isolation and adaptability issues among international students in a way that improves their learning experience and outcomes. Given the above, our study was designed to investigate this topic, focusing on the experience of international students. In this exploratory case study of a leading Irish university, we adopted a survey method via questionnaire to quantify and compare the experiences of a sample of international students at the said university. Five aspects of peer learning were explored, namely usage rate, current practices, outcomes, challenges, and coping strategies. We also included an open-ended section in the survey instrument for respondents to offer qualitative suggestions to the host institution. Through methodological triangulation of the quantitative and qualitative data, we discovered diverse practices, challenges, and outcomes of peer learning across different groups of international students in this university. The paper concludes with a discussion of research implications and suggestions for future studies.  相似文献   

Australian public universities are struggling to maintain parity with international counterparts in an environment that is becoming increasingly competitive globally. While most universities are now heeding calls from sector leaders to become more competitive, any strategies that they implement to effect change in this regard might be too late to save some. A systematic content analysis of published strategic plans of Australian public universities, undertaken during 2005–2007, indicates that universities were not taking the threat of rapidly intensifying competition seriously enough at a time when foreign competitors were making inroads into their markets and when deregulation and new communication technologies were spawning rivals in many new forms. This research has three principal implications: all Australian public universities need to re‐examine their strategic planning processes to determine whether (1) adequate attention is being paid to rapid intensification of competition; (2) strategies already implemented in response to increasing competition are appropriate; and (3) more can be done to develop better models to guide competitive behaviour in a university sector with unique characteristics.  相似文献   

The study investigates the practices of academic staff talent management at international branch campuses, with the aim of identifying a range of practical strategies that may address the unique challenges of managing talent in campuses located far away from the home country. These strategies are intended to improve service quality and add value to institution profiles. Based on an online questionnaire, ad hoc email correspondence and publicly available information, five case studies are presented. Talent management emerges as a key strategic area, directly managed at dean/president level. Referrals and online portals are commonly utilised as channels to attract talent, and the need to sometimes uplift local packages to recruit and retain talent is recognised. It is concluded that the development of academic staff should be viewed as an investment, and the availability of research funding and teaching awards on campus may be used to attract, develop and retain talent.  相似文献   

The aspirations and expectations of the growing international student cohort in Australia are implicitly incorporated into recruitment and internationalization strategies but have received little academic analysis. To address this gap in the literature, this paper develops a conceptual model built upon earlier research by Tim Mazzarol and Geoffrey Soutar, which focuses on the push and pull factors relating to home country and country of destination, respectively, in relation to students' decisions to seek international study. Focusing predominantly on Chinese and Indian students, we conceptualise, extend and place the push and pull factors within a social psychological framework in relation to students' aspirations and expectations of international education, indicating factors that can be influenced by higher education (HE) institutions and their programmes, and those which cannot. We then interrogate the model and its applicability in Australian HE through the case study of an Indian international Study Tour conducted in our Australian HE institution in 2009. In the present context of decreased international student enrolments in Australia in 2010, where we seek to better understand our international students, the proposed model provides a basis for identifying international students' expectations and aspirations and developing prospective international relations.  相似文献   

论新形势下高校学生教育管理工作模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了当前高校学生教育和管理工作面对的新情况,新形势和新任务.认为传统的学生工作模式很难适应新形势的要求,为此对新形势下高校学生工作模式进行了分析和研究.积极提倡更新观念,树立以学生为本的教育管理理念.  相似文献   

In the last few years, foreign institutions have increasingly sought to establish partnerships with African universities. Likewise, African universities have increasingly sought to establish linkages with foreign institutions. Different factors suggest that these partnerships will continue to be a major focus in the future. This study draws from a survey of a random sample of 468 university administrators, academic staff and postgraduate students at two major public universities in Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of Congo. It estimates the level of participation in international partnership activities and examines factors related to this participation. The study found that 4 in 10 stakeholders at the two institutions had participated in partnership activities, and that participation was a function of awareness of partnership opportunities, the use of technology and stakeholder status.  相似文献   

“道”、“德”的层次性与学校德育改革   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
中国传统的道德哲学具有丰富的层次性和深刻的内涵。当前我们必须重新思考我国学校德育的改革 ,培养新的道德主体 ,以走出学校德育的困境  相似文献   

International students have continued to be the focus of simplistic stereotyping in media discourse where they are frequently identified as one of the forces behind declining academic standards in Australian universities. Their English language skills, in particular, have continued to be the focus of debate both in the mainstream media and in higher education research and policy. It is argued in this paper, however, that such debates do not sufficiently acknowledge the moral and affective complexity of the so-called ‘English problem’ amongst international students in Australian universities. Drawing from an analysis of small group interviews with international students, domestic students and university staff, the beliefs and experiences of various parties about the English language skills of international students are examined. A key finding from this analysis is that the English language skills of international students, and their concomitant interactions with others, can be the object of both complaints and troubles talk. These complaints or troubles can be either ratified or resisted by those participants. The difficulties international students may experience in using English thus have complex moral and affective consequences. The way in which the so-called English problem in Australian universities is generally couched as one of objective, measurable deficiency on the part of international students arguably neglects the moral and affective complexity of the difficulties facing international students. This neglect leads, in turn, to an impoverished understanding of the English language capabilities of international students.  相似文献   

大学校长在高校战略管理中的角色定位和角色转换   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学校长在高校战略管理中的角色定位和角色转换是影响一所大学成功实施战略管理的重要因素。根据大学校长在整个战略管理过程中所体现的总体作用的不同,可将大学校长的角色分为构建者、规划者、分析者、引导者、跟进者、学习者和旁观者七种。大学校长在高校战略管理中的角色定位,是由大学发展的需要,大学所面临的环境,大学的特性,校长自身的能力以及大学所处的发展阶段决定的。随着上述条件的改变,大学校长的角色转换既是必须也是必然的。  相似文献   

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