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Modern biotechnology will have a large impact on society and requires informed decision‐making and critical attitudes toward biotechnology among the public. This study aims to explore these attitudes in secondary education. For this purpose, a questionnaire was constructed according to the general tripartite theory of attitudes. A total of 574 Dutch secondary school students completed the questionnaire. Based on principal component analyses, several distinct and independent cognitive, affective, and behavioural factors were found, demonstrating that attitudes towards biotechnology are a multi‐component concept. In a cluster analysis on these factors, we found four interpretable clusters representing different groups of students. The four groups are labelled “confident supporter” (22%), “not sure” (42%), “concerned sceptic” (18%), and “not for me” (17%). These results indicate that there is a diverse appraisal of modern biotechnology among secondary school students. Suggestions for educational interventions are made.  相似文献   

中国传统山水画与西方的写实风景油画对画面空间的构建有着不同的理解和表述,它们构建了两种不同类型的画面空间,体现出不同的情感特点,它们在画面空间的构建方式上的差别集中表现为透视的运用、画面色彩的表现、形体的塑造、虚实的处理这四个方面。  相似文献   

近代诗人易顺鼎的山水诗创作成绩斐然,称盛当时。其山水诗内容丰富,既多方面展示自然山水的客观之美,又寄寓诗人的主观情志;风格、体制、语言等呈现出多样化的特征。易顺鼎山水诗表现内容之丰富,艺术手法之多样化,为他人所罕见,易氏实为山水诗大家。  相似文献   

张说所创作的山水诗内容充实、题材多样,感情丰富,多抒发怀乡思归、孤寂和忧愤的情感。其体式多样,语言清新,意境阔大,风格"凄婉"。对山水诗的发展有独特贡献。  相似文献   

人是万物的尺度,人体是人类认知外部世界的重要工具。在旅游风景的欣赏过程,当旅游者作为欣赏主体去体验和感悟风景客体时,旅游者会借助对自己身体的了解来欣赏和领悟风景的美。以始源域和目的域之间的相似性为理据,始源域身体场的特征映射到目的域山水风景中,形成山水风景是身体这一隐喻。通过身体隐喻来欣赏和感悟山水风景,使人更能体验到悦耳悦目、悦心悦意和悦志悦神的感觉。  相似文献   

乡村旅游资源是人与自然环境长期作用而形成的统一和谐的乡村景观。它是由自然环境、物质要素和非物质要素组成的有机整体。具有人与自然的和谐性、广泛性、多样性、地域性、系统性、季节性、民族性、时代性、保护性等特点。根据相对一致性原则 ,发生演化一致性原则和同时性原则 ,乡村旅游资源可划分为农业景观、聚落景观和民俗文化景观等类型。乡村旅游资源开发利用时要遵循开发与保护相结合、整体开发和当地居民参与旅游活动等原则。  相似文献   

从乡村道路、植物种类、景观小品、水体和代表性景观五个方面调查了唐山市玉田县当地村民对乡村景观的需求.在充分考虑这些意愿需求的基础上,对唐山市玉田县休闲农业园进行设计,应用规划学、景观学和生态学的设计理念对园区进行总体布局和景观规划,构建园区具有乡村特色的景观配置模式,充分发挥乡村农作物在园林造景中的重要作用,以此为各地...  相似文献   

Agriculture, industry and medicine are being altered by new biotechnologies. Biotechnology education is important because todays students and citizens will make decisions about the development and application of these new molecular biologies. This article reports an investigation of the teaching of biotechnology in an Australian state, New South Wales (NSW). In NSW few students were electing to answer examination questions related to biotechnology, suggesting that few students were studying the topic. This study looks at why electives relating to biotechnology are chosen or not chosen by students and teachers, with the intention of developing a greater understanding of the requirements for provision of a successful unit of study in this subject. Data was obtained through a survey of secondary science teachers, interviews with teachers and two case studies of the teaching of a biotechnology unit. Teachers reported a range of obstacles to the teaching of biotechnology including the difficulty of the subject matter and a lack of practical work that was suited to the content of the teaching unit. If biotechnology is worth learning in school science, then further research is needed to identify ways to promote the effective teaching of this topic, which teachers regard as important for, and interesting to, students but which most teachers choose not to teach.  相似文献   

Despite rapid growth of the biotechnology industry worldwide, a number of public concerns about the application of biotechnology and its regulation remain. In response to these concerns, greater emphasis has been placed on promoting biotechnologists’ public engagement. As tertiary science degree programmes form the foundation of the biotechnology sector by providing a pipeline of university graduates entering into the profession, it has been proposed that formal science communication training be introduced at this early stage of career development. The aim of the present study was to examine the views of biotechnology students towards science communication and science communication training. Using an Australian biotechnology degree programme as a case study, 69 undergraduates from all three years of the programme were administered a questionnaire that asked them to rank the importance of 12 components of a biotechnology curriculum, including two science communication items. The results were compared to the responses of 274 students enrolled in other science programmes. Additional questions were provided to the second year biotechnology undergraduates and semi‐structured interviews were undertaken with 13 of these students to further examine their views of this area. The results of this study suggest that the biotechnology students surveyed do not value communication with non‐scientists nor science communication training. The implications of these findings for the reform of undergraduate biotechnology courses yet to integrate science communication training into their science curriculum are discussed.  相似文献   

Academic Literacies and English for Specific Purposes perspectives on the teaching of academic writing tend to be positioned as dichotomous and ideologically incompatible. Nonetheless, recent studies have called for the integration of these two perspectives in the design of writing programmes in order to meet the needs of students in the increasingly diverse and shifting landscape of academia. The aim of the present paper is to reflect on how this theoretical integration could be put into practice. Drawing on the design of a research-based writing workshop for postgraduate anthropology students, we argue that rather than a ‘hybrid’ model of writing pedagogy, a theoretically grounded but eclectic approach is needed in order to respond to students’ personal, local, and disciplinary contexts.  相似文献   

姜花属(Hedychium)植物花形奇特、花色艳丽、气味芳香多变.但种植过程中易患姜瘟病、切花瓶插期短、植株太高等因素限制了大规模的应用.姜花属植物在栽培地结实率低,限制了通过传统的有性杂交方式进行新品种的培育.通过诱导突变、体细胞杂交和基因工程等生物技术手段是获得植物新品种的重要手段.本研究对姜花属植物的生物技术研究的进展进行综述,并分析了影响生物技术发展的重要因素,提出了解决问题的关键所在.  相似文献   

Identifying students’ conceptual scientific understanding is difficult if the appropriate tools are not available for educators. Concept inventories have become a popular tool to assess student understanding; however, traditionally, they are multiple choice tests. International science education standard documents advocate that assessments should be reform based, contain diverse question types, and should align with instructional approaches. To date, no instrument of this type targeting student conceptions in biotechnology has been developed. We report here the development, testing, and validation of a 35-item Biotechnology Instrument for Knowledge Elicitation (BIKE) that includes a mix of question types. The BIKE was designed to elicit student thinking and a variety of conceptual understandings, as opposed to testing closed-ended responses. The design phase contained nine steps including a literature search for content, student interviews, a pilot test, as well as expert review. Data from 175 students over two semesters, including 16 student interviews and six expert reviewers (professors from six different institutions), were used to validate the instrument. Cronbach’s alpha on the pre/posttest was 0.664 and 0.668, respectively, indicating the BIKE has internal consistency. Cohen’s kappa for inter-rater reliability among the 6,525 total items was 0.684 indicating substantial agreement among scorers. Item analysis demonstrated that the items were challenging, there was discrimination among the individual items, and there was alignment with research-based design principles for construct validity. This study provides a reliable and valid conceptual understanding instrument in the understudied area of biotechnology.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to suggest an outdoor education model that respects the need to critically discuss the general belief in a causal relationship between experiences of nature, environmentally-friendly attitudes and behavioural change, but that at the same time respects the legitimate claims on the part of outdoor education practice for concretisation and clarity. The foundation of this model consists of a combination of theoretical perspectives and models that have been generated through a number of Swedish interdisciplinary research projects concerning human interrelationships with the landscape during the last decade. The paper first focuses on the subtleties of environmental concern with the aid of an environmentally historic model of how care for nature and environmental protection successively developed during the last century. It then addresses different aspects of outdoor education by presenting two specific models: a model of two principally diverse motives for this education, and a model of three different approaches to the landscape when executing outdoor education. In the final section these models are assembled in a suggested model for outdoor education and environmental concern, and identify a handful of main educational paths. The paper concludes with a brief discussion about continued research and examples of what can be regarded as particularly important developments and additions to the suggested model.  相似文献   

Nationally, schools are increasingly segregated by race and poverty as a result of demographic shifts and a changing legal and political landscape. Based on evidence that students benefit academically and socially from attending integrating settings, many school districts are exploring options for providing diverse learning experiences. We examine dual language education as a means for promoting ethnically, racially, and linguistically diverse learning experiences. First, we describe the various advantages of dual language both in general and specifically to the creation of diverse schools and classrooms. Next, we provide recommendations for how districts can effectively implement dual language education in a manner that also advances diversity goals.  相似文献   

Teachers have been shown to frequently avoid addressing biotechnology topics. Aiming to understand the extent to which teachers’ scarce engagement in biotechnology teaching is influenced by their beliefs and/or by extrinsic constraints, such as practical limitations, this study evaluates biology teachers’ beliefs about biotechnology and biotechnology teaching. The findings of a survey administered to 93 secondary school teachers reveal that, in spite of holding positive beliefs about biotechnology, teachers overestimate the obstacles presented at biotechnology teaching, particularly concerning material and resource limitations. Implications of these findings for teacher training program design are discussed.  相似文献   

情感是艺术的生命,在风景写生中,情感有着积极而能动的指导作用.美术写生的技巧技法本身包含有主体性的内容,因此,在风景写生教学中应该明确情感表现与其他技法既不能拆开,也不宜分阶段性训练,并应把情感表现作为基础之一结合进来,以利于有效、快速地提高风景教学、风景写生水平与质量.  相似文献   

侯艳 《鸡西大学学报》2010,10(5):100-102
古代山水观念主要经历了以山水比德、自然,即道、儒、释三教合一的流变过程,它使主体观照山水的视角、目的及方式存在很大不同,这种不同促进了山水诗审美经验的演进,从而影响了山水诗的发展与演化。  相似文献   

中华文化在网络空间中得到一定程度的传播,呈现出多样化特点,但存在的问题也不容乐观。不同类型的文化网站风格迥异,彼此隔绝;网站内议题疏离,流于浅表;中华文化图景拼贴式呈现,意义碎片化。应改变碎片化、拼贴化的网络呈现状态,以中华文化的核心精神为线索,使中华文化的网络传播空间形成一个系统性、整体性的文化生态场域,使网络成为我们的精神家园。  相似文献   

生物技术产业是典型的创新型产业,也是典型的知识型产业。核心能力的培育是广东生物技术产业发展的根本性目标,而知识转化是核心能力培育的基础性策略。基于结构方程模型,在广东省生物技术产业现实性样本数据的基础上,经验性的研究揭示了知识转化对核心能力促进路径的微观机理,从而为企业核心能力的培育提供了有效的策略性指导。  相似文献   

生物技术企业是江苏省高科技产业发展的重要方向,而核心竞争力的培育是促进江苏省生物技术企业发展的关键性策略。江苏省生物科技企业核心竞争力体系包括五个要素:战略管理能力、技术研发能力、市场开发能力、生产运营能力与环境适应能力。根据江苏省生物技术企业运营实践的数据调查,借助于验证性因子分析方法,实证性的研究揭示了企业核心竞争...  相似文献   

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