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A new results concerning the definitions of disturbance zeros via the concept of minimal order system inverses is presented in this paper. These definitions are then used to develop a new computation algorithm for locating the positions of the ‘disturbance blocking zeros’ in linear multivariable systems. Assignment of disturbance blocking zeros at desired locations in the complex plane plays an important role in rejection of all measurable or un-measurable disturbances, which may affect at the outputs in steady state. Numerical examples are given to illustrate the main results of this paper.  相似文献   

Two fundamental processes usually arise in the production planning of many industries. The first one consists of deciding how many final products of each type have to be produced in each period of a planning horizon, the well-known lot sizing problem. The other process consists of cutting raw materials in stock in order to produce smaller parts used in the assembly of final products, the well-studied cutting stock problem. In this paper the decision variables of these two problems are dependent of each other in order to obtain a global optimum solution. Setups that are typically present in lot sizing problems are relaxed together with integer frequencies of cutting patterns in the cutting problem. Therefore, a large scale linear optimizations problem arises, which is exactly solved by a column generated technique. It is worth noting that this new combined problem still takes the trade-off between storage costs (for final products and the parts) and trim losses (in the cutting process). We present some sets of computational tests, analyzed over three different scenarios. These results show that, by combining the problems and using an exact method, it is possible to obtain significant gains when compared to the usual industrial practice, which solve them in sequence.  相似文献   

高校班主任助理制建立的必要性及可行性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在目前全国高校扩招的形势下.班主任的队伍并没有相应扩大。如何赋予高校班级管理工作新的内涵,如何加强与提高班主任管理工作,成为摆在我们面前的新课题。班主任助理制是新形势下高校实施班级管理工作的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

通过对文献计量学三定律相似性的解析,探究了情报系统的自组织结构现象、产生机制以及它们共同的结构特征。  相似文献   

Linear equations are valuable for real-world modeling phenomena involving at least one variable. However, verifying if the procedure followed by a human for solving a linear equation was done correctly is still a complicated matter. In this paper, we propose a methodology for the automatic character recognition and revision of the solving procedure of linear equations with one unknown. First, a camera is used to acquire an image of the handwritten solving procedure. Then, the image is pre-processed, and each character and equation lines are segmented. Subsequently, a convolutional neural network (CNN) is used to conduct the character recognition stage. Finally, a comparison rule is applied to revise the solving procedure. The character recognition was verified on a 2800 image data set (2100 for training and 700 for testing), including the ten digits and four symbols: ×, +, -, /. The revision procedure was tested on a data set with 140 handwritten equations (125 for training and 15 for testing). The results revealed that we recognized handwritten characters with an accuracy of 99%, which is similar to the state-of-the-art. Moreover, our proposal revised the solving procedure with an efficiency of 86.66%.  相似文献   

陶珺  易迎彦 《科教文汇》2021,(13):93-94
该文提出将"信号与线性系统课程实验+课程设计+科研与大学生创新创业训练计划+学科竞赛+毕业设计与论文"有机融为一体,通过基本能力的叠加,推进整体素质和价值观的养成,形成立体化信号与线性系统课程工程教学新理念;采用以工程应用为出发点的特色教学模式,注重培养学生信号与系统工程实践创新能力,形成层次性、系统性和自主性的实验实践教学体系。该文研究能力叠加效应,以及训练载体设计与构建,并结合教学改革进行了有益的实践。  相似文献   

为探讨不同收入水平城镇居民生活水价承受能力差异,以协调生活水价改革与居民承受能力的矛盾,本文采用经济计量分析方法检验了2000年-2007年江苏省城镇居民收入分配对居民生活水价承受能力的影响。研究结果表明:水费支出负担水平随可支配收入的提高而呈现出减轻的趋势;需水收入弹性随可支配收入水平的提高而增大;最低收入户各期的基本需水支出均没有得到满足,低收入户的生活用水基本需求支出处于警戒位置,中高收入户各期的基本需水支出均得到了满足。在此基础上,结合江苏省城镇居民收入分配、生活水价及居民承受能力的分析,认为不同收入水平城镇居民对生活水价承受能力之所以存在明显差异,主要是受到收入分配的影响;提出江苏省在制定水价政策及水价改革时必须正视这一差异,特别是在水价的连续性上调过程中,要协调好生活水价改革与城镇居民承受能力之间的关系。  相似文献   

银行系统风险评估方法研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陈耀辉 《科研管理》2003,24(2):16-20
考虑银行系统风险评估的复杂性,以模糊综合评价法为基本出发点,通过选择几个主观权和若干个客观权得到一个最优组合赋权模型,同时提出了最优组合赋权的模糊综合评价模型。在银行系统风险的评价中,利用该模型既可以考虑政策、经验等主观因素的影响,又可以充分利用客观数据所带来的信息,使评价结果既符合客观实际又符合主观要求,从而达到有效地防范和控制金融风险的目的。  相似文献   

The present paper proposes a numerical approach to a linear optimal control problem with a quadratic performance index. In this technique, the time interval is divided into a number of time segments and all of the unknown functions which appear in the performance index are either interpolated linearly with respect to time or assumed to be constant in each time segment. The augmented performance index is discretized within each time element through the ordinary finite element technique.The main advantage of the present method is as follows: all of the necessary conditions for the performance index to be stationary can be expressed in the form of algebraic equations and the performance sequence of the state variables can be eliminated. As a result, the optimal control problem is reduced to the simple one of finding the sequence of control variables alone, which minimizes the quadratic performance index.A general formulation of the method is given and simple numerical examples are shown to demonstrate the effectiveness of the technique.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that some factors can determine the successful implementation of strategic IT systems, i.e. Business Intelligence (BI). Although BI systems can provide companies with insights into their business operations they are painstakingly difficult to implement. Most frequently, employee resistance and change management related issues have been identified as the main causes of system implementation failure. This is particularly true for Chinese firms, where cultural nuances such as personalism and particularism serve as powerful barriers to ‘intelligence’ sharing. In this case study, we report how Chinese CEOs can overpower these restraining forces to facilitate implementation success. Preliminary evidence from our case firm suggests that a strong, committed and adaptive leadership style provides a basis for effective BI exploitation. Further, we also identify some strategic and tactical actions that Chinese CEOs can use to foster a knowledge sharing culture that is conducive to BI systems implementation.  相似文献   

We pursue the numerical implementation of a boundary controllability problem for the 1D wave equation based on a recent variational approach to deal with such situations that consists in analyzing an error functional defined for feasible functions complying with appropriate initial, boundary, and final constraints. The nature of such scheme, as a minimization process for a certain error functional, leads to a natural numerical implementation by using typical descent algorithms. Our aim here is to explore the basic ingredients to set up such practical numerical approximations which allow us to address linear and semilinear equations with the same numerical scheme.  相似文献   

后发区域创新系统的形成与发展是区域内产业组织与治理制度共同作用的结果。在产业创新维度上,表现为企业在参与全球产业分工过程中通过技术学习获得自主创新能力。在区域治理维度上,表现为从扩大生产向激励创新的转变,以实现区域内的知识供给与流动。深圳草根型区域创新系统根植于其管治型区域生产系统,并呈现出向网络型区域创新系统的阶段性转变。这一案例对知识资源稀缺的后发区域如何培养创新能力具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

基于项目计划管理的需求,针对项目启动之初如何构建合理的计划体系问题,通过借鉴霍尔三维结构模型,提出从时间、对象和要素3个维度,构建项目管理计划体系的TOE三维模型,并以此模型为基础,制定一种完整的分析方法。随后,结合某大科学工程项目实例,进行应用分析,详细阐述计划体系构建过程。该方法具有很强的普适性,其输出结果能够实现全方位、全要素的计划覆盖,满足项目各层级对计划的需求,可供同行分析探讨。  相似文献   

Biometric technology is rapidly gaining popularity as an access control mechanism in the workplace. In some instances, systems relying on biometric technology for access control have not been well received by employees. One potential reason for resistance may be perceived privacy issues associated with organizational collection and use of biometric data. This research draws on previous organizational information handling and procedural fairness literature to frame and examine these underlying privacy issues. Perceived accountability, perceived vulnerability, and distrust were distilled from the previous literature as the primary dimensions of employee privacy concerns related to biometric technology. This study assesses the effects of these privacy concerns, how they vary based on the cultural influences of Anglos and Hispanics.Fire ground accountability is a critical management objective in the firefighting domain. In multi-unit or multi-agency crisis response scenarios, the on-scene incident commander tracks and accounts for each first responder. This research designed and deployed a new fire ground accountability system that tracked firefighters through finger pattern-based biometric logins to their assigned positions on the firefighting apparatus. An instrument measuring level of privacy concern on three underlying dimensions and demographic data was developed, validated and administered in a quasi-experimental field study. A pre-test–post-test survey methodology was employed to detect potential differences in privacy concerns as familiarity with the system increased. The study shows that Anglo and Hispanic subjects frame privacy issues differently associated with use of biometric technology in a fire ground accountability system. Finally, the study showed that some privacy concerns such as distrust and perceived vulnerability can be alleviated through system use with changes in post-use privacy concerns moderated by ethnic affiliation.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the Riemannian trust-region method for H2 model reduction of bilinear systems. The H2 error norm is treated as a cost function on the Stiefel manifold such that the orthogonality constraint for the projection matrix is plainly satisfied. The property related to the Euclidean gradient is studied. Then, the inner product associated with the Riemannian Hessian is derived, which can simplify the expression of the trust-region subproblem. The trust-region method for H2 model reduction is accordingly established and the convergence is further discussed. Finally, two numerical examples are employed to demonstrate the performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

收入分配差距和收入分配结构的变化与经济体制、政治体制和行政体制直接相关。通过深化经济体制改革,进一步完善社会主义市场经济体制、深化政治体制改革,构建社会主义和谐社会所需要的政治体制;深化行政体制改革,破除行业行政垄断,促进公平竞争。只有适应构建社会主义和谐社会的要求,继续深化经济体制和政治体制及行政体制改革,才能为调节过大的收入分配差距,实现社会和谐创造所需要的体制环境。  相似文献   

An algorithm is presented which enables one to determine the nature of the equilibrium state of a system with constant inputs by direct inspection of its bond graph representation. The algorithm determines whether or not there exists a unique equilibrium state (within a certain region). If not, the system may have no (or infinitely many) equilibrium states in the linear case.  相似文献   

大规模定制作为一种新的制造模式,近年来受到我国企业界和学术界的广泛重视,许多企业开始引进实施这种新的模式。在实践中,企业往往从技术的角度认识和理解大规模定制,如模块化、延迟制造,但并未取得预期效果。在理论上,从组织管理角度的研究尚未引起重视,以我国企业为对象的实证研究尚待开展。以社会技术系统理论为基础,探讨工作设计对大规模定制实施效果的影响,首先明确了工作设计的定义和实践内容,选择了员工授权、信息反馈、自主维护、交叉培训和报酬与激励这5项工作设计内容,提出了工作设计与大规模定制和企业绩效关系的概念模型与基本假设,为进一步实证研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

本文在分析大港油田现行科技体制和所面临形势的基础上,认真分析了为适应油田改革和发展的形势进行科技体制改革的有利条件,提出了社会主义市场经济条件下大港油田新的科技体制的框架构想,明确了油田科技体制改革的基本思路。  相似文献   

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