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What is the organizational impact of becoming a digital library, as well as a physical entity with facilities and collections? Is the digital library an add-on or an integrated component of the overall library package? Librarians see sweeping environmental and technological changes. The staff members feel exhilarated and challenged by the pressures to adapt quickly and effectively. Librarians recognize that a Web presence, like other technology components, must be continuously enhanced and regularly re-engineered. The Health Sciences Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, is reinventing its digital presence to better meet the needs of the community. This paper provides a case study focusing on major changes in planning processes, organizational structure, staffing, budgeting, training, communications, and operations at the Health Sciences Library.  相似文献   

Since 1983, the Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library has presented InfoFair, an annual event featuring presentations, exhibits, demonstrations, and workshops on computer and information topics of interest to health professionals and health information providers at the University of Utah Health Sciences Center and throughout Utah. The first InfoFair was held in response to an increasing number of inquiries from library users on how to search MEDLINE from their home or office computers. The focus of InfoFair has expanded and changed over the past nineteen years to reflect changes in library users' computer and information needs, concerns, and interests. While themes and programs have changed, a definite set of trends, guidelines, and procedures have developed based on the experience gained each year. The purpose of this paper is to review and evaluate the changes in InfoFair from 1983 to 2001 and to present information for use by other libraries for planning and presenting similar events.  相似文献   

Deciding that changes in the pattern of questions at the reference desk required focused consideration, the reference librarians at the Health Sciences Library of the University at Buffalo held a planning retreat. Technology-induced changes in the information-seeking behavior and reference needs of the library's clientele caused a reassessment of how these needs could best be met and what is the best use of librarians' time. The librarians considered current trends in reference in other academic libraries, the specific needs of the clientele of the Health Sciences Library, and the strengths and expertise of the library staff. The results of this structured discussion produced ideas for redefining reference to provide customized services for the clients and environment.  相似文献   

Dahlgren Memorial Library, the Graduate Health and Life Sciences Research Library at Georgetown University moved from the Sierra integrated library system (ILS) to Cybertools in July 2016. This article will discuss the reasons for the move and how the system was implemented. The challenges that were faced and the many benefits of using the new ILS will also be discussed.  相似文献   

宁波市医学文献信息服务社会化推广探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校图书馆面向社会服务是其社会教育职能的体现,本文以宁波天一职业技术学院图书馆利用宁波市数字图书馆面向社会开展宁波市医学文献信息服务推广项目这一个案为研究对象,在对其可行性进行详细论证的基础上,进一步从组织准备、内容与形式、特色服务项目、反馈机制与长效服务机制四个方面重点探讨了其建设方案,其成功实践能为基于区域数字图书馆的地方高校图书馆开展社会服务提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper describes a partnership between the University of Nairobi College of Health Sciences (CHS) Library and the University of Maryland Health Sciences and Human Services Library (HS/HSL). The libraries are collaborating to develop best practices for the CHS Library as it meets the challenge of changing medical education information needs in a digital environment. The collaboration is part of a Medical Education Partnership Initiative. The library project has several components: an assessment of the CHS Library, learning visits in the United States and Kenya, development of recommendations to enhance the CHS Library, and ongoing evaluation of the program''s progress. Development of new services and expertise at the CHS Library is critical to the project''s success. A productive collaboration between the HS/HSL and CHS Library is ongoing. A successful program to improve the quality of medical education will have a beneficial impact on health outcomes in Kenya.  相似文献   

分报告三:耶鲁大学图书馆考察报告   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章从战略规划、信息服务和员工发展三个角度剖析耶鲁大学图书馆在运行管理方面的实践经验。在战略规划方面,指出耶鲁大学图书馆强调参与教学和学习、注意加强对特殊材料和特殊藏品的收藏、激发研究和学习的环境;在信息服务方面,阐述耶鲁大学图书馆重视学科化服务、开展个性化服务、注重将新技术嵌入到图书馆的信息服务、注意挖掘基于特色资源的服务;在员工发展方面,概括出耶鲁大学图书馆具有明确的在岗人员基本素质要求、合理的等级岗位聘任制度、清晰的图书馆岗位绩效考核制度以及多方位的人才引进策略。在此基础上,指出耶鲁大学图书馆的运行管理可为我国图书馆的发展带来三方面的启示:合理可行的战略规划是图书馆可持续发展的行动指南;服务至上的理念是图书馆体现自身核心价值的亮点;馆员及馆内相关工作人员的科学管理和职业发展空间的可预期是图书馆发展的重要保障。  相似文献   

In an effort to help raise awareness about the need for disaster planning in health sciences libraries, emergency response planners at the Claude Moore Health Sciences Library at the University of Virginia considered how best to promote the idea and provide a forum for gathering and exchanging information, while maintaining control over content in order to keep the focus and the quality of the entries consistent. The blog they created has been successful in providing much-needed assistance to hospital libraries and other libraries, both large and small, as well as for individuals and other organizations worldwide.  相似文献   

Health InfoNet of Jefferson County is a new collaborative consumer health information service of the Jefferson County public libraries and the UAB Lister Hill Library of the Health Sciences. Working with the input and cooperation of local voluntary health agencies, health care professionals and other health information providers, the intent is to improve the efficiency with which consumers might access such information while avoiding duplication of effort on the part of the information providers. Various considerations in InfoNet's mission include providing service not only to established library and Internet users, but also those on the other side of the "digital divide" as well as those with low literacy skills or English as a second language. The role of health care professionals in guiding their patients to the best consumer health information resources is emphasized.  相似文献   


The University of Manitoba's Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library is a recognized leader in Indigenous and circumpolar health for establishing the Aboriginal Health Collection in 1997, the first discrete collection of materials on the health of Indigenous peoples located in an academic health sciences library in Canada. This article describes the history, development, and scope of what is now known as the Indigenous Health Collection. In June 2015, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) issued the calls to action as part of its mandate to gather information and document the history of Indian Residential Schools and their legacy for all Canadians. The ninety-four calls to action provide clear guidance to governments, institutions, and people to initiate changes to address the legacy in a spirit of true reconciliation. The Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library was uniquely positioned to respond to the TRC calls to action. The enduring legacy of the residential schools and other discriminatory government policies is one that continues to impact the health status of many people in Canada who identify as Indigenous, First Nations, Metis, Inuit, or Aboriginal. The Indigenous Health Collection includes materials on the health, wellness, and lived experience of Indigenous peoples, the determinants that impact health, and publications documenting community-based and academic research and knowledge. This article provides an example of how an academic health sciences library used the seven TRC calls to action related to health as a framework to assess the resources and collections relied on by educators and students in the health professions.  相似文献   

This article reviews the extraordinary growth in the scientific literature that has resulted from increased federal expenditures in the past decade or two. The article further notes that the impact of the knowledge explosion has impinged on the Health Sciences Library as well as on the individual scientist who needs access to the information. A strong plea is made for the librarian to assume a more active role in: doing internal research with respect to how best to use the library as a tool in the dissemination of new information; educating newcomers to the field of library science with respect to the management of scientific information; and converting the library from a passive to an active instrument in disseminating the scholarly record to and among those who require access to it. Medical center administrators are reminded that if the librarian succeeds in these ventures then he will fulfill all of the research, teaching, and service requirements ordinarily made of other academic departments and, in turn, should be rewarded with departmental status for the library.  相似文献   

《图书馆战略规划研究》作为国家社会科学基金重点项目的研究成果,入选《国家哲学社会科学成果文库》。该书分析了图书馆战略规划基础理论和实践现状,提出了各类型图书馆的战略规划问题与解决措施,设计了图书馆战略规划辅助系统与战略发展方案。该书以实证调研为支撑,具备管理规范的价值和行业引领的意义,是关于我国图书馆战略管理理论研究与实践活动的一部重要著作。  相似文献   

The new University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Library opened in June 1983, replacing the 1968 library building. Planning a new library building provides an opportunity for the staff to rethink their philosophy of service. Of paramount concern and importance is the need to convey this philosophy to the architects. This paper describes the planning process and the building's external features, interior layouts, and accommodations for technology. Details of the move to the building are considered and various aspects of the building are reviewed.  相似文献   


Difficult decisions about the collection had to be madeby the library staff planning the moveto thenew Walter C. Koerner Library at the University of British Columbia. Thislibrary wasto bethe center for servicesto Humanities and Social Sciencesusers, but could accommodate only 60% of the Humanitiesand Social Sciences collectionshoused in the old Main Library. The staff had to decide what parts of the collection to move and what to leave in the old building, against the day when the second phase of the Koerner Library should be built. This article describes howthese difficult choices were made, including the consultation process, the development of criteria to split the collection, and their implementa-tion.  相似文献   

The University at Buffalo Health Sciences Library provides reference and instructional services to support research, curricular, and clinical programs of the University at Buffalo. With funding from an NN/LM MAR Technology Improvement Award, the University at Buffalo Health Sciences Library (UBHSL) purchased iPads to develop embedded reference and educational services. Usage statistics were collected over a ten-month period to measure the frequency of iPad use for mobile services. While this experiment demonstrates that the iPad can be used to meet the library user's needs outside of the physical library space, this article will also offer advice for others who are considering implementing their own program.  相似文献   

By working in tandem with the Coordinator of Information Management Education (IME) at the University at Buffalo Health Sciences Library, students serving on the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Curriculum Committee helped map out a three-year plan for training in library and information literacy skills. Through meetings and e-mail exchanges with the student representatives, the IME Coordinator developed a series of specific course-related instruction and assessment opportunities which would cover tertiary resources, bibliographic searching, evidence-based pharmacy, and advanced information skills.  相似文献   


In spring 2015, a 45-question survey was e-mailed to 585 medical students at the University at Buffalo (UB) in order to gauge their use of library spaces, resources, equipment, and services at UB’s Health Sciences Library and plan for a library space located within a new medical school building. Students’ self-reported use of the library during the academic year is presented along with the features they would like to see in their ideal library space. The responses generated in the survey are a barometer of current use and will be used in the planning process.  相似文献   


In May 2005, the staff and collections of the library of the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies were formally brought together with the libraries of three other internationally focused centers, under the aegis of the Social Sciences Program of Harvard College Library. The article summarizes the move and earlier history of the Davis Center library.  相似文献   


In an effort to help raise awareness about the need for disaster planning in health sciences libraries, emergency response planners at the Claude Moore Health Sciences Library at the University of Virginia considered how best to promote the idea and provide a forum for gathering and exchanging information, while maintaining control over content in order to keep the focus and the quality of the entries consistent. The blog they created has been successful in providing much-needed assistance to hospital libraries and other libraries, both large and small, as well as for individuals and other organizations worldwide.  相似文献   


“Design thinking” principles from a leading design firm, IDEO, were key elements in the planning process for a one-desk service model, the ASK Desk, at the John A. Prior Health Sciences Library. The library administration and staff employed the methodology to enhance customer experiences, meet technology challenges, and compete in a changing education environment. The most recent renovations demonstrate how the principles were applied. The concept of “continuous design thinking” is important in the library's daily operations to serve customers most effectively.  相似文献   

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