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The term craftsmanship is associated with pre-industrial craft work with inferences to skilled artisanal manufacture of bespoke products. Apprenticeship learning is often perceived to be synonymous with learning craftsmanship. How then is the trait of craftsmanship through attainment of specific artisanal approaches conveyed and learnt through apprenticeship? This article presents and discusses processes imposed on and utilised by apprentices to attain precepts of artisanal approaches. The dispositional and skill elements of craftsmanship are proposed to be adopted through engagement with and development of craft and workplace specific approaches to contend with aspects of Pye’s (1968) conceptualisation of ‘workmanship of risk’ or the article’s proposed term of ‘artisanal approach of risk’.  相似文献   

张大伟  刘阳 《职教通讯》2019,(17):72-78
英国学徒标准是对学徒工作所需知识、技能和行为的描述,它对学徒、雇主、教育培训部门等都有着非常重要的作用。英国建立了完整的学徒制治理体系,以雇主为主导开发学徒标准,直接培养满足雇主需要的高素质劳动者和技术技能人才。鉴于此,我国应借鉴英国学徒标准开发的成功经验,发挥企业作为学徒培养主体的作用,形成多方参与的合作与协调机制,建立健全学徒质量保证体系,以推进我国现代学徒制试点工作的开展。  相似文献   

The transition to work through apprenticeship is one taken by many young people. A sense of belonging to a workplace is posited to be an important precursor for initial and on-going engagement with practice communities. This article details a study of beginning apprentices in ten trades. The project sought to identify factors influencing apprentices’ decisions to enter and commit to apprenticeship. Through comparisons of the experiences of continuing and disengaged first-year apprentices, processes of belonging to a workplace were found to be important contributors to apprenticeship continuation. Factors contributing to apprentices’ perceptions of belongingness are identified, examined and discussed.  相似文献   

工作场所学习作为一种有别于传统"学校本位教育"的学习方式,发生在工作场所之中,其内涵经历了知识技能观、交互观、过程观和混合观四个阶段的发展演化。伴随新媒体技术在工作场所中的应用与普及,工作场所学习的内涵发生了新的变化:工作学习一体化、集体知识群建共享、工作学习内容生成而非预设等。知识生成视角下的工作场所学习是工作场所学习的高级形式,它的提出是以知识生成隐喻为基础,强调集体知识库的生成、虚实结合的协作交流与分享、学习者之间的交流与互动。学习元平台作为一种能够支持协同创建、内容生成以及语义关联的知识社区,可以支持虚实结合的工作场所学习方式,实现知识与技能获得、参与工作任务、知识系统化生成三个阶段的学习。  相似文献   

国际化高技能人才"工匠型学徒"教学模式依托现代学徒制,采用不断修订完善的国际一流企业实际工作案例和技能竞赛项目作为教学内容,综合利用问题导向教学模式(PBL)和工程教育模式(CDIO)等优点,通过启发、探究、思考设计理论方案和实践考核等闭环反馈学习阶段,培养学员国际化视野、知识技能和工匠精神。结果表明:学员进入国际企业工作后能很快适应工作环境,良好的综合素养得到国际企业认可,职业发展顺利。该教学模式可以实现学校、企业、导师和学员的多方共赢。  相似文献   

As a learning model, apprenticeship is well known for its capacity to develop skills and vocational identities. It is also increasingly appealing for its potential to develop soft skills and enhance dispositions. This article focuses on the nature and role of apprenticeship and employers in developing dispositions and soft skills. It draws on a two-year New Zealand study of 41 apprentices in general practice medicine, carpentry, and engineering technician work, and their workplace mentors and teachers. The study theorised that apprentices’ most significant learning is personally as well as professionally challenging, and can be understood in terms of ‘vocational thresholds’ – portals to deeper capability in the field. This article argues that crossing vocational thresholds requires ongoing development of dispositions and soft skills, critically supported by workplace mentors and teachers. The article suggests that the situated nature of apprenticeship uniquely positions it to foster dispositions and soft skills, and that these are field-specific and learnable, rather than general, abstract and fixed.  相似文献   

This article proposes the need to address scaffold instructions from a situated learning perspective. Based on an empirical study of how apprentice bakers learn their trade, it is claimed that studies of learning at the workplace yield important insights into our understanding of scaffold instructions. Seen from the perspective of the apprentices, scaffold instruction represents access to more responsibility in practice, it supports their identities as future bakers and they learn bodily know-how. When scaffold instruction failed, it was often in relation to situations where the apprentices were placed in marginal positions in the community of practice or in relation to a central workplace situation.  相似文献   

Workplace learning is considered an effective strategy for the development of vocation, career and professional identity. Dual training programs, in which learning at a vocational school and learning at work in a company are combined, are seen as strong carriers for skill formation processes. In this study we explore workplace learning in dual training programs in Dutch higher professional education. To gain an understanding of these learning environments and processes, a qualitative multiple case study was conducted in seven sectors. The findings show substantial differences in learning environments between and within sectors. However, cooperation between school and practice is minimal in all of the cases. Although students develop personal and job-related competencies that are useful for daily work routines, they acquire hardly any profound theoretical knowledge at the workplace. School fails to direct workplace learning. Given the considerable share of workplace learning in dual training programs, and the demands to higher professional education graduates in terms of being able to solve complex problems and develop new knowledge during their career as reflective practitioners, it is important that these shortcomings are resolved. More promising alternatives for workplace learning environments and questions for further research to improve workplace learning in higher professional education are discussed.  相似文献   

Apprenticeships are required for many trades and can take different forms. In Sweden, one form can be viewed as a pathway where students complete a three-year-long vocational education in upper secondary school followed by a post-secondary apprenticeship in a particular trade. Another takes the form of vocational training within the framework of upper secondary school through an apprenticeship. This study analyses how a more clearly defined apprenticeship curriculum can provide sufficient knowledge to identify and understand learning outcomes in apprenticeships. A theoretical framework of an apprenticeship curriculum is used in the analytical work. The findings show that educational goals are often overlooked during apprenticeships, and thus a deliberative education is overridden by deliberative learning that stems from and is closely connected to the individual’s own perception of what to learn. By constituting an apprenticeship curriculum, this article contributes to an enhanced understanding of how to analyse vocational learning, and thus adds important elements to the research field.  相似文献   


In 1993, the United Kingdom launched yet another new initiative to revitalise youth training, but this time, rather than choosing a title which conjures up the flexible workplace of the future, it chose to delve back into the industrial past and introduced Modern Apprenticeship. Piloted for a year in 15 occupational sectors, Modern Apprenticeship is to expand in 1995/1996 to cover some 50 sectors, many of which have little history of substantive or accredited workplace training. By examining the history of apprenticeship in the United Kingdom, including evidence from two industrial sectors (electricity supply and chemicals), this paper suggests that whilst the concept of apprenticeship may still be very attractive to young people, their parents and some employers, the history of its decline over the past 30 years should be treated seriously by policymakers attempting to re‐create apprenticeship in the 1990s  相似文献   

Education is centre stage in current UK government initiatives to promote multi-agency team work. This paper draws on a research project which explored the way in which multi-disciplinary teams work and learn together in their practice with children, to consider the implications of ‘joined-up’ practice for theorizing dilemmas of knowledge creation and identity transformation for professionals in multi-agency teams. The paper focuses primarily on the experiences of education professionals. We exemplify some dilemmas of ‘joined-up’ team participation in specific workplace activities involving knowledge exchange. We then explore the impact of belonging to multi-agency teams on professional roles, identities and learning. The paper then summarizes strategies which professionals used for resolving dilemmas around learning and knowledge creation, and considers how participating in shared workplace activities might enable or constrain professionals to consoli date their professional identities and learning. Drawing on theoretical research into workplace participation and professional learning, the paper examines implications for theorizing the professional identity of teachers in multi-agency team work, within a systemic model that takes account of: creating new knowledge and practice; enhancing professional identity; and building inter-professional communities.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   This paper argues for an action-oriented conception of learning in higher education: one which marries higher order learning (coming to understand) with apprenticeship in knowledge work. It introduces epistemic tasks, forms and fluency as constructs that are useful in giving a more precise meaning to ideas about collaboration in knowledge construction. Discussion is seen as central to collaborative knowledge work and we examine the role of discussion in supporting weaker and stronger interpretations of collaborative knowledge construction.  相似文献   

This study examines Finnish apprenticeship training stakeholders’ perceptions of vocational expertise and experiences of workplace learning and guidance. The semi-structured interview data was collected in 2015 in two vocational fields: the social and health care services sector (five workplaces) and the technology sector (five workplaces). The sample (N = 40) consisted of apprentices (n = 10), their co-workers (n = 10), workplace trainers (n = 10) and employers (n = 10). The study applies the classifications of natural abilities and self-regulation to identify the most important individual characteristics related to vocational expertise. The socio-cultural approach to workplace learning and guidance illustrate that vocational expertise also develops from external support through participation and guidance in everyday interactions in the contexts of education and work. The data was analysed using qualitative content analysis. The findings indicate that individuals with fluent cognitive skills (e.g., problem solving skills) combined to advanced social skills, self-awareness and self-regulation are perceived as vocational experts. The apprenticeship training was considered to draw upon an extensive learning environment to facilitate an apprentice’s vocational development by offering access to authentic work tasks and collective support by experienced workers. Yet, the lack of time, resources and pedagogical approaches were found to hinder individual guidance and reciprocal workplace learning between apprentices and experienced workers. The workplaces were shown to provide fruitful learning possibilities for those apprentices with strong self-regulatory skills.  相似文献   

This study explores skill transfer in graduates as they transition from university to the workplace. Graduate employability continues to dominate higher education agendas yet the transfer of acquired skills is often assumed. The study is prompted by documented concern with graduate performance in certain employability skills, and prevalent skill gaps across developed economies. Using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modelling (SEM), it models skill transfer in 674 business graduates from 39 different Australian universities. Findings support extant literature with the three areas of learner, learning programme and workplace characteristics influencing transfer. The model highlights the need for a more process-oriented, rather than outcomes-focused, approach to the acquisition and transfer of skills in graduates and the shared responsibility of transfer among stakeholder groups. There is a lack of variation among different graduate groups which suggests a generic model of skill transfer and intervention strategies for educators and employers may be implemented as bestpractice. Ultimately, graduate employers will enhance their investment return on new recruits; educators are more likely to achieve goals of work readiness; and individuals will benefit from career progression and intangible rewards associated with improved performance.  相似文献   

The aim of the empirical study presented in this paper is to explore how students link academic knowledge with workplace experience. I carried out a research study with a group of 36 business school students entering a 3-year masters level apprenticeship programme. In an introductory statistics course, I designed and implemented a four-step learning activity, based on an Exploratory Data Analysis approach and inspired by an authentic workplace situation. I report the findings of qualitative research based on the recorded discussions between students and the reports they wrote at each step in the experience. I found that three different forms of rationality—technical, pragmatic and scientific—led them to shape the problem differently. I observed that they hardly used statistical tools because pragmatic rationality which is linked to their experience as salespersons prevails, although access to a managerial approach suggests the use of more statistical knowledge.  相似文献   

Teacher education all over Europe is increasingly becoming school‐based oriented. This implies new roles for those who support student teachers learning in school. This article describes the way four school‐based teacher educators fulfill their role as educators of student teachers who learn how to teach while participating in the workplace. Based on theoretical notions derived from the literature on teacher education and workplace learning, the Cognitive Apprenticeship Model was specified and used in a case study as a framework to describe the activity of these school‐based teacher educators. They use tools (e.g., apprenticeship assignments) developed within the teacher education institute and rely on their professional knowledge as experienced schoolteachers. This results in student teachers being provided with useful tricks which, however, hardly helps them to interpret and elaborate their experiences from a more conceptual or theoretical perspective. Also the possibilities of the social context of the school as a learning environment are not systematically used.  相似文献   

发展现代学徒制是推进我国经济转型发展、技术技能人才培养的重要举措。我国在推进现代学徒制建设的过程中,主要面临的困境是企业参与的积极性不高、参与的深度不够。当前,现代学徒制试点工作正在全国范围内展开,部分试点院校在开展现代学徒制的过程中积累了一定的成功经验 九江职业技术学院结合自身的办学特点,在充分考虑和论证的前提下,在现代学徒制办学方面做了许多有益的探索,主要包括:搭建校企联合管理平台、组建双导师队伍、校企共选学徒机制、校企共同开发课程以及构建合理的评价体系。当前,在现代学徒制试点方面还需要注意明晰企业参与现代学徒制办学的培养产权、构建学徒权益保障制度、构建企业权益保障制度等问题。  相似文献   

This paper is a critique of the initial teacher education (ITE) of further and adult education teachers in the UK. It argues that the employer‐led, national standards model in the UK is not the basis for ITE and professional development because it takes no account of learning in the workplace, disregards the multi‐specialist and professional dimensions of professional practice and marginalizes the importance of knowledge. In the critique of the “standards‐led model” the paper draws upon research and ideas on work‐based learning, seeing the learning of teachers in the workplace as a complex relationship with many “experts” in multiple, often conflicting learning contexts. The paper stresses the importance of seeing work‐based learning as more than just “learning by doing” to one that sees it as an intentional structuring of participatory activity. In other words, a “pedagogy of the workplace”. Finally the paper suggests that learning is not just a process of “participation”, but a learning zone where different types of knowledge and pedagogy are learnt and transformed. In highlighting the importance of knowledge the paper draws upon theories of professional knowledge that suggests that certain types of knowledge cannot be gained in the workplace alone, therefore focusing on the issues of the different types of knowledge, their acquisition and their transformation or recontextualisation.  相似文献   

Completion rates are one measure of the success of apprenticeship training. But little is known about outcomes for youth who begin an apprenticeship in high school. This paper draws primarily on interviews with youth who did not continue training or work in their high school apprenticeship trade in two Canadian provinces. Our analysis focuses on why these youth decided to enrol in high school apprenticeship, why they did not continue and what they did afterwards. Findings suggest that a narrow focus on apprenticeship training completion diverts attention from the complex learning and work transitions experienced by most youth. Instead of assuming a linear pathway from school-to-trades work, we argue that partners involved in high school apprenticeship and policy-makers could do more to raise student awareness of multiple trajectories and skills transfer, make apprenticeship training more expansive, and increase the flexibility of pathways by providing greater articulation between different post-secondary education pathways and opportunities to change direction.  相似文献   

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