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多业务传送平台(Multi Service Trausport Platforui)。简称MSTP。通常认为MSTP是SDH为适应数据业务交换需求面进行扩展的一项技术,通过在SDH设备上增加支持EOS或ATM交换功能的技术来实现,其实不然,这种概念大大局限了MSTP的应用领域。  相似文献   

本刊讯(记者王化兵)7月8日在第四届中国数字出版博览会上,数字图书门户番薯网(www.fanshu.com与北京华夏力通传媒科技有限公司达成战略合作,隆重推出番薯网多平台高清漫画频道,吸引了与会者的关注。这是国内首个高清电子漫画频道,一定程度上填补了国内电子漫画产业的空白区开创了以读者阅读舒适优先为核心理念的高清漫画先河,为广大动漫书虫奉上了一道饕餮盛宴。  相似文献   

从交易费用理论视角出发,指出旧书交易组织方式的演变受交易费用最小化经济规律的支配。旧书交易涉及3种主要交易费用:互相寻找的信息费用,鉴别质量的信息费用及监督合约履行的交易费用,其中鉴别质量的信息费用,进一步细分为鉴别外观质量、版本质量及知识内容质量的费用,且主要由鉴别知识内容质量的费用所决定。比较分析孔夫子旧书网和多抓鱼各自相关交易费用的相对变化,指出孔夫子旧书网通过一系列规则与中介保护制度,整体上降低了交易费用,为未来发展打下了良好基础;而多抓鱼的定价费用偏高,如何降低定价费用,是多抓鱼未来发展不得不考虑的问题。  相似文献   

2004年新年伊始,山东新闻界一个引人注目的事件就是,大众报业集团所属的《齐鲁晚报》、《生活日报》的整合和改版——《齐鲁晚报》长“高”了,《生活日报》变“亮”了,两报的领导班子合到一块儿了。为什么要改?为什么要合?两报决策层的战略意图很明确,就是要打造一个平台,擦亮两个品牌。  相似文献   

各位理事、各新闻单位的领导及特邀代表: 十月金秋,累累硕果.在全党传达学习十六届三中全会精神,兴起贯彻落实"三个代表"重要思想新高潮的形势下,很高兴来北海参加"中国新闻技联"举办的学术年会,有幸与数十家新闻界同行进行交流与沟通,研究与探讨媒体信息资源"整合、共享和标准化"的趋势,瞄准发展方向,制定应对之策.借此机会,我谈几点个人看法,以起到抛砖引玉的作用.  相似文献   

“两个舆论场”的概念,是新华社前总编辑南振中先生在2003年提出来的。他认为,在现实生活中存在着两个并不完全重叠的“舆论场”:一个是主流媒体着力营造的“媒体舆论场”;一个是人民群众议论纷纷的“口头舆论场”。①具体到网络媒体的对台宣传工作,“两个舆论场”就是指网络媒体主观营造的“媒体舆论场”和台湾网民群体自发形成的“口头舆论场”,如若将两个舆论场打通,以我们的“媒体舆论场”影响、引导台湾网民的“口头舆论场”,也就实现了网络媒体的舆论引导功能,对两岸统一、民族团结具有重要作用。  相似文献   

The multi-point regional online book circulation platform is a collaborative service model which realizes the integration of regional library warehousing and automatic management of the whole process by cloud platform in a certain area. The concept and algorithmic technology application of the intelligent collaboration provide the technical support for the resource control and allocation, the multi-agent cooperation and interaction, the business and service coordination for the multi-point regional online book circulation platform. The multipoint regional online book circulation platform based on the intelligent collaboration can relieve the pressure of library collection space, expand the radiation range and service radius of collection resources, and facilitate the storage, deployment and service of regional literature resources, all of which meet the requirements of green and energy saving development of smart libraries. It is found that the multi-point regional online book circulation platform based on the intelligent collaboration has the application scenarios and service functions for user service, intelligent stereo book warehousing and library management, and it is a platform service supply mode of smart libraries incorporating management and service. With a variety of technologies such as Internet of Things, big data, machine learning, intelligent collaboration, cloud platform, etc., this model has the following functions: supporting the multi-intelligent device collaboration management, the dynamic multi-task allocation and the multi-agent intelligent collaborative decision-making, which could be helpful for the collection space planning, resource allocation and joint decision-making among libraries; forming the integrated service model, which could optimize the business flow collaboration, prospective literature resource allocation and intelligent recommendation; implementing the remote intelligent coordination control for the data security and risk and emergencies, which could realize the integrated safety management and standardized operation of multiple libraries with a small amount of human, material and financial resources. The primary construction scheme of this platform has been adopted and put into practice by Foshan Library. After nearly one year’s operation, it has achieved good social benefits and recognition. 12 figs. 56 refs. © 2023, Editorial Office of Journal of Library Science in China. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

论文针对图书馆日志多数据源且格式多样化导致的日志处理效率低下的问题,提出了基于ELK的日志综合解决方案。该方案首先探讨了日志采集、数据清洗、日志解析的规则和技巧以及基于TF-IDF、SVM算法设计的日志异常检测模型;其次基于提出方案的整体架构,详细地分析了日志采集、存储、可视化、异常检测的整个流程;最后,将该方案应用于中国矿业大学OPAC系统,对读者用户的检索行为、不良用户的攻击行为进行可视化分析。实验结果表明,论文提出的日志管理解决方案,在集群模式下检索性能极其高效,有效地提高了图书馆日志的处理能力。  相似文献   

网络信息查询中的浏览行为研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文分析了浏览行为产生的原因、浏览的方式、浏览在信息查询中的作用、浏览的局限性以及影响浏览行为的因素。  相似文献   

利用IDC实现WWW对数据库的访问   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种实用而简单的WWW 与数据库连接技术IDC, 并以西安交通大学图书馆“西文期刊通讯录”数据库建设为例, 说明了WWW 访问数据库的实现过程。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(67-68):57-67

The University of Arizona Library's tradition of outreach to the surrounding community is reflected in two examples of projects detailed here. The first project is a series of Web exhibits created by librarians and individuals from the community that explore the history of Tucson and southern Arizona. Some of the Web exhibits detail the experiences of immigrant and Native American cultures in the area while other Web exhibits deal more generally with the history of the area. The second project involves a Federal grant that will make certain parts of library's Special Collections more accessible to the community by building new facilities that are open longer hours, digitizing some of the materials and adding computer workstations for users.  相似文献   

欧洲专利局网站检索特点剖析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从检索体系、检索范围、报道形式、检索字段、检索算符及显示结果等五个方面,对欧洲专利局网站的检索特点做了深入的解剖  相似文献   

通过分析研究网络学术文献的主要来源、常用文件格式及Heritrix的工作原理,制定基于Heritrix的网络学术文献获取方案,从种子站点选择或抓取任务配置、文件类型和大小过滤以及学术文献判定等方面对整体方案进行具体设计和分析,并搭建实验平台,编写相关程序进行实验以验证该方案的可行性,最后指出后续研究方向。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(45-46):171-184
The reference librarian in academic libraries today is often challenged by the demand from patrons for information on ethnic groups from a variety of disciplines. Questions on the four "mega" ethnic groups (African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans) are common. In addition, depending on the community in which the academic library resides, one or more ethnic groups will be emphasized. Automated indexes (particularly CD-ROM and online databases) can greatly facilitate the search for information in ethnic studies. Yet each electronic index has its own unique structure, indexing, and search protocol. The reference librarian should be attuned to the variation in ethnic group terminology and indexing in these and other resouces in order to maximize retrieval of references. To illustrate this point, an example of indexing and usage of terms related to Southeast Asians in four separate CD-ROM databases is presented.  相似文献   

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