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随机抽取常州市4所高校参加选项课学习的大学生和选项课任课教师作为调查对象进行研究分析,提出完善体育选项课教学体系,提高教学质量。从而使学生真正学习掌握科学实用的健身知识技能,养成终身体育的思想意识、能力和习惯,实现体育选项课教学与终身体育的完美丽结合。  相似文献   

随机抽取常州市4所高校参加选项课学习的大学生和选项课任课教师作为调查对象进行研究分析,提出完善体育选项课教学体系,提高教学质量。从而使学生真正学习掌握科学实用的健身知识技能,养成终身体育的思想意识、能力和习惯,实现体育选项课教学与终身体育的完美丽结合。  相似文献   

依据自我监控能力形成和发展的基本规律,利用高校体育选项课基础教学及大学生高智商的优势,分析和探讨了大学生在体育健身锻炼过程中,进行自我监控能力培养的基本方法和途径。  相似文献   

随着高校体育教学改革的不断深入,体育教学围绕健康第一、终身体育等教学思想,形成了多种教学模式.体育选项课是当前高校体育教学的主要模式之一,因此对体育选项课的探讨;不仅能推动高校体育教学的进一步改革,而且对大学生体育能力的提高,个性的发展,素质的培养都有现实的意义和作用.本文从选项课的概念及特点入手,采用文献资料、逻辑思维等研究方法指出当前普通高校体育选项课教学存在的主要问题,井提出相应建议和对策,以促进高校体育选项课教学的不断完善,同时也为促进高校体育选项课教学更好的开展提供借鉴和参考.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、问卷调查法对山西省16所高校的体育课程设置进行调查分析.结果表明:山西省高校体育教学以选项课为主要形式,选择项目在适合大学生学习的基础上,保留了传统学校体育课程中的体育项目,并拓展了许多娱乐休闲和时尚健身类的运动项目.但总体上还存在着选项数量少,大学生对体育教学内容总体满意率偏低,不能最大限度地满足学生的体育需求的问题.  相似文献   

时尚健身操作为一项新兴的体育健身项目,是高校健美操选项课教学的有效补充,弥补了健美操选项课教学的不足,迎合了体育社会化的需要,也是实现快乐体育、终身体育的一种有力途径。  相似文献   

从"构建高校课余体育俱乐部"和"体育选项课教学"入手,结合学校的实际情况,探讨"高校课余体育俱乐部"和"高校体育选项课教学"的关系,以及构建高校课余体育俱乐部的意义,寻求通过构建高校课余体育俱乐部促进高校体育选项课教学的对策。  相似文献   

对高校体育选项课存在的问题及其对策的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对高校体育选项课存在的问题及其产生的原因进行了分析,提出完善体育选项课教学体系,提高教学质量,从而使学生真正学习掌握科学实用的健身知识技能,养成终身体育的思想意识、能力和习惯.  相似文献   

普修与选修是高校体育教学中普遍采用的教学模式.随着高校的扩招,导致教学设施的严重不足.以合作师专为例,学生对普修课的教学内容不感兴趣,原有的普修教学模式已不能满足体育教学的要求,为了有效地处理好教与学中存在的矛盾,结合《纲要》与学校实际,应在一、二年级开设选项课,三年级开设选修课,培养大学生终身体育的意识与健身习惯.  相似文献   

健美操是当前高校开设的体育选项课中深受大学生欢迎和喜爱的课程之一,面对体育教学理念的不断更新,教学形式、教学手段的不断改革,如何充分发挥健美操教学所蕴藏的丰富内含,提高教学的质量是当今健美操教学的热点和难点。本文通过对高校健美操选项课教学现状的研究和分析,并结合在健美操选项课教学中所做的有益尝试,提出在教学中以基础训练为主线,培养学生的健美意识,以理论联系实际的方法,切实提高学生参加终身体育活动的能力。  相似文献   

泉州师院大学体育"三自教学"现状调查与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以我院两年级选项课学生为调查对象,对其现状进行调查分析,探讨存在的问题,并提出对策与建议:加快体育场地设施建设;对现有体育场馆实行有偿服务,延长开放时间并开发其他可用资源;选课项目多样化、非竞技化,利用与改造传统和现有体育项目,开发新兴运动项目;结合我校实际,确定1-2个必学项目为我校体育特色项目;改革选项制度,依学生体育基础和能力,按层次分级教学;挖掘教师潜力,促进教师专业发展;增加与完善课程内容,重视健身理论知识的传授;改进考核与评价标准.  相似文献   

提高学生体质、促进学生运动技能的发展,掌握体育锻练的原理、防止教学事故,这是学校体育遵循的基本原理。体育课教学对运动量大小的确定基本上是固定的。而每个学生因个体差异运动量所引起的生理机能反应是不同的。这就要求学生能够学会自我测定运动负荷,并及时反馈给教师,同时教师也要认真观察每个学生的具体情况,不能机械地、千篇一律地进行教学。  相似文献   

The benefits of using online exercises have been analysed in terms of distance learning, automatic assessment and self-regulated learning. In this study, we have not found a direct proportional relationship between student performance in the course exercises that use online technologies and the exam grades. We see that the average submission rate to these online exercises is not positively correlated with the exercise points. Yet, our results confirm that doing exercises along supports student learning and skill accumulation equipping them with the knowledge of programming. While the student performance in programming courses is affected by factors such as prior background in programming, cognitive skills and the quality of teaching, completing the course exercises via learning-by-doing is an indispensable part of teaching. Based on the student feedback from the course survey, the students are highly satisfied with using online technologies as part of learning.  相似文献   

文章提出在大学体育教育中,教育者应树立学生身心全面发展的教育观,为此,教育者需要转变教育观念,用新的教育理念、教育方法进行施教,并根据目前大学体育课程中存在的问题,提出为全面落实学生身心全面发展的教育观,教师在体育课程中应具体实施的办法.  相似文献   

民族精神有共性也有特性。民族精神是在社会实践中形成的。由于体育的特殊性,它在民族精神的铸造中具有独特的、不可替代的作用。所以,在体育教学时必须注重体育在培养学生良好的精神品质中的作用,引导学生不仅注意锻炼身体,也要注意精神品质的培养。  相似文献   

Over the past decade, repeated calls have been made to incorporate more active teaching and learning in undergraduate biology courses. The emphasis on inquiry-based teaching is especially important in laboratory courses, as these are the courses in which students are applying the process of science. To determine the current state of research on inquiry-based teaching in undergraduate biology laboratory courses, we reviewed the recent published literature on inquiry-based exercises. The majority of studies in our data set were in the subdisciplines of biochemistry, cell biology, developmental biology, genetics, and molecular biology. In addition, most exercises were guided inquiry, rather than open ended or research based. Almost 75% of the studies included assessment data, with two-thirds of these studies including multiple types of assessment data. However, few exercises were assessed in multiple courses or at multiple institutions. Furthermore, assessments were rarely based on published instruments. Although the results of the studies in our data set show a positive effect of inquiry-based teaching in biology laboratory courses on student learning gains, research that uses the same instrument across a range of courses and institutions is needed to determine whether these results can be generalized.  相似文献   

Many higher education institutions use student evaluation systems as a way of highlighting course and lecturer strengths and areas for improvement. Globally, the student voice has been increasing in volume, and capitalising on student feedback has been proposed as a means to benefit teacher professional development. This paper examines the student evaluations at a university in Trinidad and Tobago in an effort to determine whether the student voice is being heard. The research focused on students’ responses to the question, ‘How do you think this course could be improved?’ Student evaluations were gathered from five purposefully selected courses taught at the university during 2011–2012 and then again one year later, in 2012–2013. This allowed for an analysis of the selected courses. Whilst the literature suggested that student evaluation systems are a valuable aid to lecturer improvement, this research found little evidence that these evaluations actually led to any real significant changes in lecturers’ practice.  相似文献   

根据长期对实践经验和对未来高校体育教学改革发展的认识,利用变奏训练法对健美操教学进行实验,发现改变音乐节奏从而控制运动负荷是提高健美技术水平的有效途径,并针对实验情况提出适宜进行健美操教学训练的音乐节奏,得出变奏训练法能够提高学生健美操基本技术水平的结论.  相似文献   

We examine student performance in computer-based calculus and linear algebra courses offered by Stanford University to pre-college students of high mathematical ability. Our analysis puts special emphasis on modeling student performance over time and on capturing long-term trend effects. The sequential nature of students' responses to course exercises is characterized through the use of stochastic and nonlinear models. We find that student performance varies widely within this group for a variety of different measures, including error rates, times to completion, progress rates, and latency of response. In addition, we measure the informational efficiency of the courses through a Markov order analysis of student response sequences. For the performance measures studied, the 75th and the 25th percentile of sampled values differ by a factor of approximately two. We also find that there is little correlation among the performance measures, which suggests that student performance in this ability range may not be well characterized by any single performance measure or ability parameter.  相似文献   

Increased use of problem-based approaches to medical education has highlighted the challenges of curricular revision and interdisciplinary development. Venturing beyond disciplinary boundaries can be difficult, despite a desire to create interdisciplinary courses and adopt new ways of teaching. Concept mapping is an effective tool for developing an integrated curriculum. This article includes examples of concept maps that represent an entire veterinary curriculum, specific courses, and case-based exercises. The author argues that concept mapping is a valuable tool for curriculum development of any scope or discipline, but is particularly helpful for creating interdisciplinary courses and case-based exercises.  相似文献   

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