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 对新种小囊兜兰Paphiopedilum globulosum与新变种扁球兜兰P.micranthum var.oblatum作了描述与绘图。两者均为采自云南东南部的栽培植物,与硬叶兜兰P.micranthum近似。但小囊兜兰具有宽得多的叶(宽2.8~3.4cm),先端多少呈钩状、宽1.1~1.2cm的唇瓣,以及与唇瓣囊口几乎同样大小的退化雄蕊,而扁球兜兰则叶宽2.2~3 cm,唇瓣扁球形,囊深不超过1 cm,可区别于硬叶兜兰。上述种类均属于宽瓣亚属(广义)。该亚属有16个种产中国、越南或两地共有。本文提供了分种检索表。  相似文献   

 对中国云南产的兰科新种玲珑兜兰Paphiopedilum microchilum Z.J.Liu et S.C.Chen作了描述和绘图,并简要地讨论了它与彩云兜兰Paph.wardii Summerh.的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

描述了兰科兜兰属的一个新种——心启兜兰Paphiopedilum singchii Z.J.Liu et J.Y.Zhang。模式标本系深圳市梧桐山苗圃总场的栽培植物。原植物可能采自云南南部近中越边境处。  相似文献   

Paphiopedilum malipoense S. C. Chen et Tsi is a very interesting new species with its flower similar to that of Cypripedium, especially section Cypripedium.  It belongs to subgenus Brachypetalum, the most primitive group of Paphiopedilum, but differs from its allied species in hgniva elliptic-lanceolate sepal with cuspidately acuminate apex, rather narrow petals and horizontal lip, which are of common occurrence in many cypripediums, but very rare in paphiopedilums.  Apparently, this is an intermediate form, or a link, between Paphiopedilum and Cypripedium, but it does not seem to arise from hybridization between them, because no Cypripedium has been found wherever Paphiopedilum occurs.       The new species is distributed in southeastern Yunnan of China. In this area, as well as in river valleys of western Yunnan or the Hengduan Mountains, there have been four species of the same genus reported before. As we know, the Hengduan Mountains and their adjacent areas are rich in Cypripedium.  The differentiation of the genus there is remarka- ble.  All five sections it contains occur there and three of them are quite distinctive.  For example, the general appearance of the section Bracleosa is dissimilar to that of any other cypripediums, but closely resembles that of Listera.  It appears that the difference between sect.  Bracteosa of Cypripedium and sect.  Brachypetalum of Paphiopedilum is not neces- sarily wider than that between sect. Bracteosa and sect. Cypripedium of the same genus. Apparently, it is reasonable to consider Paphiopedilum to be an evolutional branch of Cy- pripedium extending into tropical area, with its primitive group (subgenus Brachypetalum) still remaining in its northern fringe area.  This primitive subgenus has eight species, dis- tributed from western Yunnan to the Malay Peninsula.  Five of them, including the inter- mediate and primitive form published here, are found in the hilly land of southeastern Yun- nan and the river valleys of western Yunnan.  All these facts suggest its area of origin: the river valleys of the Hengduan Mountains and the lower hilly land contiguous to the southof them.  相似文献   

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