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论国有资产管理对合并高校可持续发展的影响及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
合并高校国有资产管理中存在着管理体制和运行机制不合理、管理制度不健全、方法不到位、资产隐形流失严重等问题。要保证高校走可持续发展之路,必须加强国有资产管理。  相似文献   

后改制时代,中小规模高校出版社在资金、技术、人才、管理等方面都存在短板,实行差异化战略是现阶段中小规模高校出版社推进发展的一大选择。中小规模高校出版社要走专业化出版发展之路,做大做强原有的专业出版;走产品差异化发展之路,占领专业化、小众化、细分化市场;走多元化发展之路,拓展出版业务范围。突破市场重压,获得新的发展动力。  相似文献   

新时期高校人力资源管理的创新途径探寻   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校人力资源管理是我国全面建设小康社会的助推器,高校人力资源管理工作者一定要树立“人才资源是第一资源”和人本管理的理念。高校人力资源管理重在创新,建立良好的内外结合的沟通平台,创新高校人力资源激励机制,走人文关怀与契约化结合之路,是实现高校人力资源管理创新的具体举措。  相似文献   

文章分析了行业特色型高校发展面临的种种困境,并结合山东轻工业学院的实际,提出行业特色型高校要走特色兴校之路、走人才强校之路、走应用型人才培养之路、走质量立校之路等,同时还要得到政府的政策支持、教育主管部门的分类指导以及行业企业的精诚合作。  相似文献   

高校资产是高校实现培育人才、促进社会主义科技文化建设、确保高校长久发展的重要保证.加强高校资产管理对于高校开展科研教学等工作具有重要意义,但是,高校资产管理还有一些问题需要改进,从观念层面上看,要提升高校资产管理的意识;从制度层面上,要完善高校资产管理体系;从监管层面上看,加大高校资产管理监督力度,从而使高校资产管理步入健康运行的轨道,保证高校的持续性发展.  相似文献   

目前,在有关规定和学校的需求情况下,对高校的资产管理越来越重视。对高校资产充分利用,提高高校资产的利用率,是高校进行资产管理要达到的目的。  相似文献   

随着行业特色高校纷纷走综合发展之路,文科硕士研究生的规模也不断扩大。但由于教育资源匮乏,研究生培养模式存在种种问题。要改变现状,必须走资源共享之路,如调整培养目标,增加课程设置,实现校际间课程互选,导师互认;改变教学方式,提高实践能力;加强导师指导和质量管理。  相似文献   

网络基础设施经过十几年的积累与发展,已经列入高校的战略性资产,成为学校核心竞争力的重要组成部分之一。IPv4向IPv6的过渡浪潮也愈演愈烈,作为IT企业,在这个浪潮中,到底要走怎样的发展之路,值得每一个企业去探讨。  相似文献   

文章从论述教学型高校加强学科建设工作的特殊重要性和必要性入手,重点分析了辽宁科技大学多年来抓好学科建设的探索和实践,从中总结出对于教学型高校加强学科建设工作具有借鉴意义的三点经验,即要坚定不移地走以应用为特色的发展之路、要坚定不移地走以科研促学科建设的发展之路、要坚定不移地走以创新促提高的发展之路。  相似文献   

教学仪器设备等教学资产是高校赖以生存和生展的物质基础,是教学、科研的必备条件之一,要管理好高校的教学资产,提高资产的利用率和使用效益,必须优化高校教学资产管理运行机制,明确责任主体;优化基础管理,防止资产流失;优化制度管理,提高资产使用效率,使高校资产管理建立起有效的管理秩序,充分发挥教学资产在学校建设中的作用。  相似文献   

One of the defining features of the Teaching and Learning Research Programme is that it ‘aims to improve outcomes for learners of all ages in teaching and learning contexts across the UK’. This article argues that, although it is possible to use the terms outcomes for learners and learning outcomes interchangeably, they have an important difference in connotation. Particular meanings of the latter term are dominant within the Further Education sector. Some insight from analysis in the TLRP project Transforming Learning Cultures in Further Education is presented to illustrate this difference and to underline the necessity for educational research to engage critically with both outcomes for learners and learning outcomes if it is to provide knowledge with a practical application.  相似文献   



The purpose of this article is to promote awareness of a growing body of literature concerned with the relationship between the epistemology of science and school science education, and to stimulate debate concerning the role such epistemological considerations should play in the professional training of science teachers. First of all, a rationale is provided for the inclusion of the epistemology of science and its relationship to school science education as an essential component on the professional training of all science teachers. This is followed by a review of existing resources for use in science teacher education curricula, and suggestions for new resource material. Finally, a possible curriculum for inclusion in science teacher education programmes is presented.  相似文献   

Background and purpose:?The interest in raising the competence of teachers through networks and network activities is increasing. This article is based on the voices of four newly qualified teachers who give us the opportunity to listen to experiences in authentic surroundings. The purpose of this article is to gain better insight into the type of networks newly qualified teachers maintain, develop and create to develop as teachers. The research question is: What is the importance of networks for the professional development of newly qualified teachers in upper secondary education?

Main argument:?The main finding of the article, based on in-depth interviews with four newly qualified teachers, is that being acknowledged by colleagues is decisive for professional development. Furthermore, the school’s programme of meetings to some extent contributes to developing the respect and trust of the newly qualified teachers, who also need to find time and opportunities for reflection in personal networks outside school. The relational and emotional aspects of the teaching profession produce a need for guidance processes where the ethical dilemmas of the profession can be raised. When these dilemmas arise, the newly qualified teachers actively look outside school to grasp opportunities for professional development. The teachers appear to be very active in their own professional development, and they have ambitions to develop as teachers for the benefit of the pupils and the school.

Conclusions:?Systematic guidance is highlighted as fundamental for these teachers’ learning.  相似文献   

Access to higher education is a key challenge of the 21st century state. The link between higher education and personal and socio-economic development has intensified the need for ensuring that greater numbers of citizens have expanded access to and have been provided with quality higher education. The article seeks to explore how initiatives for increased access to higher education are experienced in India, Brazil and South Africa. As signatories to the IBSA declaration in the spirit of South–South cooperation, the three countries have publicly declared their commitment to enhance equity by, for example, widening access to higher education. We review the way in which the three countries have implemented key equity initiatives and draw lessons from their practice. Notions of ‘effectiveness’ and ‘efficiency’ are used to understand the extent to which each of the individual systems is responsive to the equity agenda. We find that while there have been notable attempts to implement the equity agenda in the quest for making their systems more ‘socially effective’. This is countervailed by a more pervasive ‘efficiency’ doctrine, underpinned by a market-driven economic paradigm. It is concluded that the innovative practices in each of the countries suggest important strides in the equity agenda but also that much still remains to be done. While the article represents a starting point for the much-vaunted South-South collaboration, tentative findings suggest that a more deliberately articulated policy framework characterized by greater inclusion of those previously excluded is necessary in each of the countries if significant and sustainable development is to be achieved.  相似文献   

Successful adult literacy and basic education programs are notoriously difficult to achieve. One reason for this has to do with how the question, “literacy for what?” is answered for a given program. All too frequently, the answer to that question is shaped more by the goals of the literacy provider than it is by learners’ own goals and desires.  相似文献   

This article considers how professional knowledge should be assessed. It is maintained that the assessment of professional know‐how raises distinctive issues from the assessment of know‐how more generally. Intellectualist arguments which suggest that someone's giving an account of how to F should suffice for attributing to them knowledge of how to F are set out. The arguments fail to show that there is no necessary distinction between two kinds of know‐how, namely the ability to F and knowing that w is a way to F, such that the latter is more fundamental. The consequences of this failure for our understanding of professional assessment are then considered. The issue of the assessment of tacit knowledge is then addressed. It is concluded that there is no context‐dependent codifiable or articulable propositional knowledge of how to F which could be substituted for being able to F and that therefore tacit knowledge can only be assessed in performance. The parallel with Gettier cases is reviewed and it is concluded that the provenance of accounts of and justifications for the attribution of know‐how are not matters of indifference to its assessment. Finally, the question of evaluability or what Ryle would have called the applicability of intelligence epithets is discussed in relation to its relevance to our procedures for assessing practical knowledge. Once again, it is concluded that excellent performance is necessary to attribute excellence in know‐how. However, the ability to give an account of how and why an agent would do something in hypothetical circumstances is also very important for the assessment of professional knowledge.  相似文献   

孔子教育思想的人文内涵及其重要启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
孔子的教育思想体现了丰富而深刻的人文内涵,对现代素质教育具有十分重要的启示作用。孔子在培养目标上始终围绕着“成人成才”,在教育对象上注重面向全体,在教育内容上注重人的全面发展,在教学方法上注重发挥学生的主体作用、发展学生的个性,在学习方法上注重培养学生的思维能力、创新意识和创新能力,在教育评价上关注学生的品行修养和动态发展。  相似文献   

This paper puts forward a framework for supervising teaching staff whose roles involve supporting the emotional well-being of young people and young adults. Initially, the increasing focus upon the interface between education and health is outlined and the potential for this ‘emotional labour’ to cause distress to those in helping roles is considered. Further, as a means of supporting these professionals, the rationale for, and importance of, reflexive practice is outlined. As such, self-care is promoted and clinical supervision related to this work is recommended. To account for the wide variety of ways of working with young people, a pluralistic framework for group supervision is outlined. This psychologically informed framework emphasises the importance of the supervisory alliance and breaks down the process into supervisory goals, tasks and methods. Each element is briefly described and the framework is suggested as a means of supporting those working in these contexts. This proposition is considered alongside a number of associated potential challenges and is outlined purposefully as a provocation to consider the implications of working in such a way within school settings.  相似文献   

Confucianism has been widely perceived as a major moral and cultural obstacle to the donation of bodies for anatomical purposes. The rationale for this is the Confucian stress on xiao (filial piety), whereby individuals' bodies are to be intact at death. In the view of many, the result is a prohibition on the donation of bodies to anatomy departments for the purpose of dissection. The role of dissection throughout the development of anatomy within a Confucian context is traced, and in contemporary China the establishment of donation programs and the appearance of memorial monuments is noted. In reassessing Confucian attitudes, the stress laid on a particular interpretation of filial piety is questioned, and an attempt is made to balance this with the Confucian emphasis on a moral duty to those outside one's immediate family. The authors argue that the fundamental Confucian norm ren (humaneness or benevolence) allows for body donation as people have a moral duty to help others. Moreover, the other central Confucian value, li (rites), offers important insights on how body donation should be performed as a communal activity, particularly the necessity of developing ethically and culturally appropriate rituals for body donation. In seeking to learn from this from a Western perspective, it is contended that in all societies the voluntary donation of bodies is a deeply human activity that is to reflect the characteristics of the community within which it takes place. This is in large part because it has educational and personal repercussions for students. Anat Sci Educ 11: 525–531. © 2018 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

综合实践活动是一门培养学生综合素质的跨学科实践性课程,综合实践基地作为开展学生校外综合实践活动的重要阵地,所开设的课程类型多样且具备多元价值。基于学生发展核心素养,综合实践基地课程价值可以归纳为以下六方面:一是积淀人文底蕴,提升审美情趣;二是强化理性思维,勇于质疑探究;三是培养信息意识,适应信息社会;四是塑造积极品质,掌握自护技能;五是担负社会责任,提高国家认同;六是树立创新意识,加强物化能力。  相似文献   

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