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The Thinker     
Two children were admiring ( 欣赏) the famous statue (雕塑)by Rodin entitled(名为) “The Thinker”.“What do you suppose(猜测) he’s thinking about?”said one. The other replied,“I should imagine(想象) he’s think- ing about where he put his clothes!”难度系数: ☆☆The Thinker@毛国锋…  相似文献   

In class, the teacher pointed at (指向) the world map and said to the students, “Who can come to the blackboard and find America?” Then Jack came to the blackboard and showed them America. The teacher then asked, “Now could you tell me who found (找到) America?” “Jack!”everyone shouted.毛国锋供稿 Two children were admiring ( 欣赏) the famous statue (雕塑)by Rodin entitled(名为) The Thinker”.“What do you suppose(猜测) he’s thinking about?”said one. The other replied,“I should im…  相似文献   

李蓓 《阅读》2015,(Z3):59
有一次,物理老师问汤姆热与冷的作用。“热使物体变大,冷使物体变小。”汤姆回答。“完全正确。”老师说,“不过,你能举个例子吗?”“当然能。”汤姆说,“例如,夏天天气热,白天就长;冬天天气冷,白天就短。”Once a physics teacher asked Tom about the effect(作用)of heat and cold.  相似文献   

淑琴  晓燕 《阅读》2006,(2):34-36
A child grew(3)corn(4)onthe top of a hill.When thecorn was ripe enough toreap(5),a bear found it and came intothe land.He ate some,threwsome and destroyed(6)some.The angry child went to reason with thebear who cared little about it.*“Though(7)I destroyed your corn,what canyou do with me?”“You must repay(8)my corn!”said the child.“What if I don’t repay it?”“I will let you know how strong I am.”“You’d better give it up(9).I have nothingbut strength,”answered the bear.“I only hea…  相似文献   

Archibald.Lampman( 1 861 -1 899) ,the writer of“Midnight”,was born in Morpeth,Ontatio Canada.Unfor-tunately,he had been out of condition since childhood.Hispoor health prevented him from being very active in theoutdoor life.Buthe loved nature very much.So as a naturepoet,his early poems,mostly aboutthewoods,streams,theseasons and the weather,are vivid paintings about nature.Itis thought thathis poems are objective,picturized like apainting.Often he is the quiet,thoughtful observer of na-t…  相似文献   

Fuzzy Euphemism     
1.IntroductionHuman language abounds in fuzzy conceots, for example:the concept of the word”morning”is cutie fuzzy,for we don’t know when exactly morning starts,and when exady itends, in Chinese people’s eye,“morning”may last till 8 or 9 a.m.,but in Europeans’eye,the period of time before 11 a.m.can still be called “morning”.The concept of the word“evening”is also fuzzy,the Chinese people usually call the time before the sky gets dark“evening”,about 9 p.m.,while the Europeans call the time before 11 p.m.“evening”.Thewords like“devil”,“dragon”,“goblin”,“unicorn”,“love”,“democracy”,“freedom”,“humanrights”,“centaur”…,which we commonly see,are all very fuzzy,and each personunderstands them differently according to his or her personal experience and imagination.In1965,L.A.Zadeh,professor of Computer science Division,Dept.of EECS and ERL,university of California,published his famous paper“Fuzzy sets”,which,to some extent,made the fuzzy theory formalied and mathematically for  相似文献   

Mrs Lu is our English teacher. She likes to tell us about her weekends. She usually gets up early on Saturday. She likes running. She runs in the playground for about half an hour. Then she has her breakfast. She does not do housework in the morning. She often goes shopping with her friends for about four hours in the town. Then she and her friends have lunch at a small restaurant. She goes home by bus. In the afternoon, she cleans her house. She often cooks dinner for her family. Then sh…  相似文献   

夏莉莉 《阅读》2013,(12):38-39
最近,玲玲在学校学了一个新句型“I’dlike…”。她发现这个句型和以前学过的句型“Ilike…”相似,但她不知道它们的区别。  相似文献   

一、关于“”符号 初中几何教材第二册中的解释是:符号“”读作“推出”。这种解释不够明确,当然初中教材不可能讲得更清楚,但是“”是有明确涵义的。它与“→”符号有联系。 “→”是逻辑联结词,表蕴涵“若…则…”。给定两个命题p、q,用“若…则…”(→)联结起来,构成复合命题“若p则q”,记作p→q,其中p称为前提,q称为结论。 若p真q假则p→q为假; 在p、q的其余情况下,p→q均真。  相似文献   

A Dream     
Hi, m y nam e is ZhuJiaJia. I’m an o-ceanographer(海洋研究者).NowI am swim m ing in the ocean. I see five colorful fish playinggam es beside a sunken(沉没的)ship。I im m ediately(立即)take m ycam era out。 Then a piece of bread com es down from a fishingline,and two fish com e and eat it。。H ow funny。Iwill tell m y classm ates about the ocean.“Get up, it’s tim e to get up,” M y alarmclock is shouting. Oh, it’s only a dream 。 Anice dream 。A Dream$海门市海门镇中心小学剑英兴趣班@朱…  相似文献   

foe theory of conversational lmpllcatlon Is one of the lmprotant parts Ofpragmatics.So,first,1’d like to explain something about pragmatics· 且卜e term“pragmatics’washrst Introduced Into the htcrature bythc Amcrl-can philosopher Charles William Moms In 1937.It’s first major theory,SpeechAct Theory,did not take shape until the 50s.Although pragmatics Is a newly ans-ing dlsclpllnc,It has been developing rapidly.By the early 80s,pragmatics hadbeen generally accepted as one of*theed ba…  相似文献   

Long ago a beautiful boy named Narcissus was born. An oracle (1) told his mother that he could live forever,but only if (只要)he never saw his reflection(2).Echo(3),a nymph(4),used to be the god-dess(5) Juno’s servant(6).Echo liked to gossip(7),and often told lies(8) about the gods(9).Oneday, Juno became angry and sent Echo away to live in the forest,saying,“As punishm ent(10)for your lies, from this day forth (从今天开始 )you will only be able to repeat whatothers have spoken.”One day E…  相似文献   

曹莉 《阅读》2009,(9):40-42
“there is/are…”句型意为“存在有”,即在什么地方有什么东西或者有什么人。  相似文献   

Ⅰ.PrototypesSemantics in general is about defining themeaning of a word.Semantics is used to distinguishbetween meanings and thus potential readings of anoun in a syntactic context.The semantic tagsapplied do thus not uniquely define a given noun.Instead…  相似文献   

安培 《阅读》2006,(3):40-40
同学们。你们会使用“Howmuch…?”和“How many…?”这两个句型吗?咱们今天就来说说这两个句型吧。  相似文献   

1 nr -。。__.。__/1_。、。_ 定义:al,a。,…,an,为n个正数,称M。-【二*aZ ) 为al,a。,…,an的r次幂 i。1平均。 性质 1,huM。。J“1“2’“”“2,零次幂平均就是几何平均。 r 0’ rlnai、l__ 。。、t”“‘“”’tiffs;. Mbfl飞’a。e=互十…一二二一一一十o(r“) 二aZ 的 … aZ=n r(ha;·a。…。。) 。(r‘) n ]-- r r — —. a.=1 -Ina’··吧n o(r“) n-- ’ n i=1 ]_厂r。”。、 filM。tellll 1 一ill81··二81 O(t“)I ——~r 叉n“——””j ],r-’ =、Ilna’…an Otr“)I r 飞 *-“”厂 、’=nilsl…an lttlVI。fi_lie…  相似文献   

英语学习者在学习过程中经常会遇到一些看似很熟、但又不能确切领会其含义的结构、短语.例如:“too…to”结构.通常,“too…to”结构是表示否定意义的.too+adj./adv.+to”,意为“太……而不能……”.例如:  相似文献   

同学们,这次咱们来谈一谈第三人称单数的问题。首先,咱们要搞清楚第一、第二、第三人称各是什么。第一人称就是“我”和“我们”。第二人称是“你”和“你们”。第三人称单数是“他”、“她”和“它”,复数则是“他们”。中文中第三人称单数的三个“他”写法不一样,读音却相同。但在英语中,三个“他”既有不同的读音,也有不同的写法,分别是he熏she熏it。在第三人称后不能使用动词的原形,而要在相应的动词后加s或es。请看下面的例词:look-looks play-plays w atch-watches wash-w ashes go-goes。有些时候,句子中或文章中并没有直接出现he熏s…  相似文献   

从二十世纪80年代以来,教育改革呼声日高,“素质教育”概念从这时起常见诸报端,各级各类学校进行了不同程度的探索,我们也在素质教育方面做了些尝试。我们本着“变革中求稳定”,“稳定中求变革”的指导思想,在素质教育方面作了如下几点思考:思考之一:何为“素质教育”“素质”仅是生理学和心理学上一个概念而已。对农村教师而言,最初我们对“素质教育”的概念是模糊的,甚至有的教师片面地认为,就是多搞点文体活动或办点音、体、美辅导班就算“素质教育”。按《辞海》解释:素质“指人或事物在某些方面的本来特长和原有的基础”①《心理学大辞…  相似文献   

化学平衡和电离平衡原理,是中学化学重要基础理论之一。在现行中学化学教材中,有一个平衡理论体系,它包括“溶解平衡”、“化学平衡”、“电离平衡”和“水解平衡”等。其中化学平衡是这一平衡理论体系中的核心。通过“化学平衡”的学习,既使学生对“溶解平衡”理论加深理解,又为学习“电离平衡”、“水解平衡”等理论奠定了基础。教材中的一些重要原理和规律,都是建立在实验基础上的。例如,外界条件对化学反应速度和化学平衡的影响等,做好这部分演示实验,不仅能帮助学生获得知识,而且还能培养学生根据实验事实,进行分析、综合、归纳的能力…  相似文献   

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