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This article reports on an evaluation of three action research projects developed by a group of teachers working across the early years in three independent schools. The article examines the role of action research in developing educational leadership capabilities. Drawing on the educational leadership literature, concepts and ideas of action and activism, influence and change, and capacity to develop a vision are used to describe and analyse the data from qualitative pre-project and post-project individual interviews. The article argues that the empirical findings suggest action research was a powerful tool in developing educational leadership capabilities. This article concludes by suggesting that further research is needed to better understand how action research can be utilised to develop sustainable forms of educational leadership in the early years.  相似文献   


This article considers the concept of ‘team’ in a second‐level school setting, in the context of the priority given to teams in the implementation and co‐ordination of a variety of programmes (The Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme; the Leaving Certificate Applied; The Transition Year Programme and the Junior Certificate School Programme) in post‐primary schools. Having proposed a definition of ‘team’, which speaks to the moral purpose of education, the article identifies the competition for appointment to posts of responsibility leading to the co‐ordination of such programmes as a factor which, potentially, works against the creation of successful teams. The creation of co‐ordination posts has the potential to redistribute power and influence in schools, and create impediments to the realisation of a team culture based upon respect, autonomy and equality. For this reason, consideration needs to be given to the separation of team formation and the competition between individuals for career advancement and promotion.  相似文献   

Australian and English print media are actively engaged in producing reports that claim to find the ‘best schools’, the ‘real state of education’, and ‘star head teachers’. This article considers the production of knights and dames, maverick heads and struggling schools. It argues that some of these stories are clearly the products of departmental press bureau activities and policy agendas. It shows, however, that even those stories intended to critique government policy support paradoxically a notion of the singular importance of the headship and the virtues of heroic leadership. It is suggested that the simulacrum of the heroic head works as a normative disciplinary device for performative and market practices and is singularly off‐putting to both serving and aspirant school leaders.  相似文献   


In recent years, two Massachusetts‐based organizations, a state university and a non‐government service agency, have collaborated to provide inservice and preservice assistance to teachers seeking to integrate Internet access into their curricula. Such assistance has ranged from simple workshops to full scale graduate level courses. Over time, the workshops and courses have been reshaped in the light of participant feedback and the escalating changes in the nature of Internet access. From an ‘early era’ (1993) of command and text‐based Internet exploration, workshops and courses have moved almost completely toward an examination of graphic user interface (GUI) tools such as MOSAIC and Netscape. Such a shift has created the conflict, however, of how to reconcile the constricted, low bandwidth Internet access of many schools with the need to examine state‐of‐the‐art tools and resources for teachers. This article examines how two educational organizations have addressed this dilemma, accompanied by a discussion of the importance of leadership and co‐ordination among diverse kinds of agencies serving the professional development needs of technology adopting elementary and secondary schools.  相似文献   

This article explores the social and professional dynamics “when teachers face teachers” seeking to impact colleagues’ instructional practices to improve student learning. Specifically, it examines a group of 40 teachers leading staff development sessions at their schools in an effort to bring more literacy strategies into the pedagogies of disciplinary teachers. Drawing from the research on distributed leadership and teacher leadership, the study looks at how three factors impact teacher leaders: (1) the actions of the principal; (2) relationships among teachers; and (3) teachers’ own beliefs about leadership.

Using primarily qualitative methods, supplemented by pre‐and‐post quantitative survey data, the study found: strong administrative and collegial support for teacher leadership, the use of savvy and emotionally attuned leadership techniques by teachers, and overall impactful sessions. However, not all school environments were conducive to teacher leadership. The article concludes with suggestions for better utilizing teacher leaders for the local enhancement of education reforms.  相似文献   

This article, based on narrative inquiry, explores how academics with/out formal leadership positions experience and understand themselves as leaders in their everyday working contexts. A single case of a fixed-term academic was chosen to illustrate how different analytical lenses – ‘plot analysis’ and ‘discourse analysis’ – can unpack the complexities of experience associated with non-positional leadership, a topic scarcely represented in studies of leadership in higher education. Two interdependent plots – the heroic plot and the victimised plot – were found to recur throughout the participant's narrative. These plots signified the conflictual dynamics and the unique subjectivity in which this person made sense of himself as a leader. The analytical lens was then shifted to pay greater attention to the ways in which broader networks of discourses were at play within this participant's narrative. Using discourse analysis, the discourses of autonomy and masculinity, among others, were present in constituting the unique subject positions the participant took up. The article concludes with a summary of methodological contributions this study offers to the field of leadership in higher education.  相似文献   

In September 1939, two days before declaring war on Germany, the British government evacuated over half a million children from London to supposedly safer areas in the country. Schoolchildren went there with their teachers and infants with their mothers. Immediately after the event (and ever since) the impact of the evacuation on the children – the hardships of some and the adventures of others – has been extensively researched, as has been the operation’s broader social impact. Meanwhile, the policy ontology of the evacuation’s organisation remains surprisingly under‐researched. This paper explores how the planning for the evacuation developed in a brief period before the outbreak of the Second World War, in order to assess responsibilities for its shape and ultimate execution. At the core of this article is the evaluation of four sets of documents from the archives of the London County Council about the evacuation’s planning stages in the 1930s. Contrary to earlier claims that the administration of the children’s evacuation was not only a success, but also an excellent illustration of co‐ordinated planning and execution, it will be the conclusion here, that not co‐operation and co‐ordination at government and civil service level made London’s evacuation a logistical success, but the relentless drive by the London County Council, who pushed for the evacuation in the face of opposition from central government.  相似文献   

This article reports on a small‐scale study which examined the home literacy practices of a group of 3 and 4 year‐old children in a working‐class community in the north of England and explored how far these practices were reflected in the curriculum of the nursery the children attended. The data illustrate that there was a dissonance between out‐of‐school and schooled literacy practices and that there was more evidence of nursery literacy practices infiltrating the home than vice versa. Children's literacy practices in the home were focused on media and popular cultural texts and the article argues for greater recognition of these contemporary cultural practices in early years policy documentation and curriculum guidance.  相似文献   

The articles in this section cover special education, and education and professional expertise, which each represent one special research field within education, but cover research during the last few decades from only one of the Nordic countries. The special‐education article reviews research in Sweden, and from three periods, 1956‐1969, 1970‐1979, and 1980 and later. In selecting the studies referred to the author chose to concentrate on educational aspects within the research domain, rather than differentiated from more handicap‐research‐dominated studies. The author argues that the review cannot, therefore, be seen as a complete, rather it should be understood as a summary of some evident trends of during the periods covered. The extensive presentation ends with remarks on some of the most important theoretical and normative perspectives and aspects. The second article examines, from an educational viewpoint, the acquisition of professional expertise and it outlines emerging approaches to such research, particularly in Finland. The first part of the article briefly reviews how expertise has been conceptualized in recent research. The next section deals with the role of higher education in developing expertise from the constructivist perspective in research on learning, and the article that lines current challenges and alternatives for further educational research.  相似文献   

This article considers the professional work, identity and recruitment of head teachers (HTs) in Wales. Drawing on the sociology of professions, the article illustrates how intensive educational policy reform post‐2011 has restricted HTs’ professional agency and re‐orientated the head teacher role towards organisational professionalism. Drawing on semi‐structured interviews (n=30) with both head and deputy head teachers, the article argues that issues with the recruitment and retention of HTs in Wales can, in part, be explained by the promotion of managerial and technicist approaches to professional practice. This role reconfiguration is the result of myriad and, at times, overlapping accountability mechanisms. The article illustrates how these changes to HT professional roles and identity are more intense within a small education system where HTs had, traditionally, enjoyed an elite professional status. To ameliorate these issues, the article proposes policy initiatives which the Welsh Government could introduce to foster the agency of HTs within a revised professional framework for educational leadership in Wales.  相似文献   

UK higher education is undergoing a period of significant change that generates a series of tensions and difficulties for universities and university leaders. This paper explores these tensions through analysis of findings from a study comprising 152 semi‐structured face‐to‐face interviews in 12 UK universities. Building on from theories of ‘distributed leadership’ in schools, five main constituent elements of leadership practice in higher education are identified (personal, social, structural, contextual and developmental) and explored to show how they shape perceptions and experiences of leadership. The paper concludes with a refined model that teases apart the multilayered nature of higher education leadership at individual, group and organisational levels. In particular, it is argued that ‘social capital’ and ‘social identity’ act as important bridges between individual agency and organisational structure and that although widely distributed, higher education leadership may be best regarded as ‘hybrid’.  相似文献   

This article refers to a study on how the school principal engaged in the process after a school self-evaluation. The study examined how two primary schools followed up the evaluation. Although they both used the same evaluation tool, the schools’ understanding and application of results differed greatly. This paper describes and discusses the post evaluation process based on Erik Johnsen’s ideal leadership model (2002). It argues that formal leadership makes a difference in the use of the school evaluation for development by providing a proper context for knowledge sharing and reflection. This involves the prioritization and facilitation of individual and organisational reflection for learning, as well as transformation of knowledge through interaction across the whole school.  相似文献   


Human resource development professionals in Higher Education are continually striving to develop efficient interventions to increase the capabilities of their leaders. As a result of evaluating feedback from an action learning (AL) programme designed and delivered in North West Higher Education Institutions in the UK for women in senior academic and professional service roles, we are able to share how AL can be utilised to transcend and supplement traditional leadership training. The article discusses the approach taken to support participants to develop vital leadership behaviours through the acquisition of critical questioning and reflective habits whilst developing strong supportive cross-institutional relationships with other higher education leaders.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the relationships between leadership theory, practice and development, drawing on both the higher education and wider leadership literature. It explores why challenges and problems exist within the contested field of leadership theory and why gaps remain between theory and practice after more than a century of research – and indeed, with increasing levels of research, scholarship and development in the last 25 years. After highlighting the importance of context for theory, practice and development, the first section of the paper examines a range of factors that contribute to theoretical ‘contests’ including different starting assumptions made by researchers, the different focus of studies, examination of different causal links to explain leadership, differences in values and cultural lenses and different constructs, terminology and perspectives. The second section examines the challenges faced by leadership practitioners, as individuals, and through exercising leadership as a collective responsibility in the context of changing operating environments within higher education institutions and across sectors and countries. The author highlights three areas where some re‐thinking of the links between theory and practice are necessary – at the input stage, linking research findings and recruitment practices; in terms of outcomes, by researching links between leaders, leadership and performance; and in process terms, to examine more deeply complex and relational dynamic of leadership in action. The third section offers a number of specific suggestions as to how closer alignment between theory, practice and development can be achieved. The paper concludes by arguing for greater maturity (in research, practice and development) that acknowledges that leadership is played out in complex, dynamic and changing social systems. A stronger emphasis on ‘leadership learning’ should deliver both better science and better outcomes for leaders and led in higher education.  相似文献   

Ackoff's circular structure has been successfully utilised to combine hierarchy and democracy in various industries. This paper argues that this structure is the most appropriate democratic structure for the internal governance of public schools. It concludes that a circularity of power relations between administrators and teachers would create genuinely empowering teacher participation, improve co‐ordination, foster teacher self‐actualisation and expressiveness, alleviate teacher shortages, help attract high quality persons to teaching careers, ensure appropriate (service oriented) teacher supervision, and increase the number of successful school improvement projects.  相似文献   

This article contributes to the growing debate around how we understand and develop multi-agency leadership in children and young people's services. Bringing together a range of inter-disciplinary research, it presents a framework for multi-agency leadership development, which, it argues, is well theorised, multi-level and versed in key field skills that educational leaders need in complex environments. The framework comprises six elements: complexity and culture (underlying concepts); multi-professional groups and inter-organisational partnerships (operating levels); and organisational consultancy and professional supervision (field skills). These elements are discussed, the practical implications of incorporating them into professional development provision for educational leaders are examined and some provisional conclusions are reached.  相似文献   

吴宇森的电影是他的自白,他以电影诉说他的态度和理想,他将自己所祟尚的中国传统侠义精神融入进了其电影的创作中,因此,他的电影总有浓重的侠义情结。通过探讨吴宇森"英雄片"的主题及模式,将从三方面对吴宇森电影的侠义情结进行分析。首先分析中国传统"侠义精神"的内涵,然后探讨吴宇森"英雄片"的侠义主题和模式;最后将吴宇森的"英雄片"与西方的动作片进行比较,从中解读吴宇森是如何通过他的"英雄"电影,宣扬中国的侠义精神,如何希望观众透过他的"英雄"电影,认识和发现人性的真善美的。  相似文献   

Based on a secondary analysis of studies on Flemish primary schools, the article argues that the metaphor of the gatekeeper, on the threshold between the outside‐school and the inside‐school world, is a powerful frame to capture some of the particular complexities of principals’ emotional experience of themselves and their working conditions. More in particular, the image allows for a more refined and in‐depth understanding of the emotional and relational aspects in the position and role of the principal. Apart from depicting the working conditions of leadership in terms of the gatekeeper‐image, the authors contend that the inevitable normative character of education contributes to a sense of vulnerability and emotionality in leadership. Two themes appeared to be prominent in principals’ experience of their gatekeeper’s position: first, being caught in a web of conflicting loyalties and second, the struggle between loneliness and belonging. Underneath these themes—it is argued—lies the issue of the principal’s professional self in the particular school. The article concludes with suggestions for the training of (future) principals.  相似文献   

Though a relative small part of the school sector, private schools have an important role in British society, and there are policy concerns about their negative effect on social mobility. Other studies show that individuals who have attended a private school go on to have higher levels of educational achievement, are more likely to secure a high‐status occupation and also have higher wages. In this article we contribute new evidence on the magnitude of the wage premium, and address a puzzle found in previous studies: how to explain the direct pay premium whereby privately educated male workers have higher wages even than their similarly educated peers. It is commonly conjectured that the broader curriculum that private schools are able to deliver, coupled with the peer pressures of a partially segregated section of society, help to inculcate cultural capital, including some key ‘non‐cognitive’ attributes. We focus here on leadership, organisational participation and an acceptance of hard work. We find that privately educated workers are in jobs that require significantly greater leadership skills, offer greater organisational participation and require greater work intensity. These associations are partially mediated by educational achievement. Collectively these factors contribute little, however, to explaining the direct pay premium. Rather, a more promising account arises from the finding that inclusion of a variable for industry reduces the private school premium to an insignificant amount, which is consistent with selective sorting of privately educated workers into high‐paying industries.  相似文献   

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