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中学英语中有很多in…of的短语,其中,在一些短语中,定冠词the的有无,其含义会完全不同。现将它们归纳如下:  相似文献   

Ever since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, great attention has been attached tothe development of sport in the country. As a result, great achievements have been made in both masssports as well as competitive sports.More than 560 thousand sports facilities of various types have been built since 1949. At present, 400million Chinese people are regularly taking part in physieal exercises.  相似文献   

From my teaching experience, I have come to notice that students have found it very difficult to do multiple choices in listening comprehension. I have also found that if we teach students to do main -idea prediction, it might be quite easy for them to do multiple choices after listening to the passages.……  相似文献   

By analysis of Doolittle in Pygmalion, we can not only fully understand the character, but also learn the purpose of the writer by presenting him. Furthermore, we may have a touch of the writer's writing style.  相似文献   

Irrigationisthelifebloodofagriculture,"ThisisoneofthefundamentalpolicieswhichChinagovermentformulatetodevelopagriculture.EachirrgationfacilityinChinahadproducedamarkedeffect.Itistheguaranteeforagricu1ture'scontinuousdevelopment.InsouthpartofChangjiang,almostallkindsofbankanddamezittwosortsoftermites,whichbuildlargenest,blackwingedtermitesandyellowwingedtermites,especiallytheformer.Blackwingedtermitesbuiltitsnestundertheground,varyindepthfrom1.0mto3.0m.Thesenestshaveonevitalnestandseverlvicen…  相似文献   

1. Introduction Jerome David Salinger is one of the most famous and influential American writers after World War II. Though his literary output is fairly small, his authentic writing about disillusioned, alienated American youth won him a significant position in modern American lit- erature. His novel The Catcher in the Rye is a story of a sixteen-year old boy who runs away from his mid- dle-class private school and spends four days roaming around New York, searching for truth and goodne…  相似文献   

Background When an exam question is read, a mental representation of the task is formed in each student's mind. This processing can be affected by features such as visual resources (e.g. pictures, diagrams, photographs, tables), which can come to dominate the mental representation due to their salience.

Purpose The aim of this research was to investigate the effects of visual resources in exam questions and, in particular, to investigate how and when students use images and whether subtle changes to these salient physical features can affect whether a question is understood and answered in the way intended by the question-setters.

Sample The participants were 525 16-year-old students, with a range of ability, in four secondaryschools.

Design and methods Experimental test papers were constructed including six questions based on past examination questions and involving graphical elements. For five of the six questions, two versions were designed in order to investigate the effects of changes to visual resources on processing and responses. A sample of the students were interviewed afterwards.

Results Where two versions of a question were trialled in parallel, the differences in the visual resources significantly affected marks for one question and had smaller effects on marks and the nature of answers with some of the others. There were mixed views from students over whether a visual resource that is not strictly necessary should be used. Some considered it reassuring, whilst others deemed it unnecessary. Evidence in the literature suggests that caution may be needed since there is a risk that some students may pay too much attention to the image. Findings from one question (question 6) indicated that visuals can increase the likelihood of students making unhelpful interpretations of a question. Students were seen to have sensible expectations regarding when to use information from a visual resource and what is important in an illustration. In addition, more use tended to be made of a technical diagram (in question 12) in comparison to pictures or sketches, and it was found that if an image provides a clue to an answer, this may be used in preference to information in the text.

Evidence regarding the use that students made of a table (question 1) indicated that the data in the table cells were given more attention than some of the preceding text and text in a header. This might apply similarly to other resources like graphs and charts.

Conclusions It is important to ensure that the inclusion of a visual resource is carefully considered and appropriately designed. If a visual resource is not strictly needed in a question, the writer will need to balance the advantages and disadvantages. Authors should also consider whether and how students are likely to use or be affected by the particular visual resource chosen. The findings and suggested implications of this study are most applicable to high-stakes testing but may also be useful to those preparing school textbooks and to teachers in their preparation of classroom materials.  相似文献   

This paper aims to analyse the effects of students’ social relationships at university on students’ success. Specifically, whether a student with heterogeneous relationships obtains better academic results than a student whose relationships are mostly with classmates. Further, the research examines whether students’ social relationships make up for their parents’ lack of human capital. A survey was answered by a sample of 867 students from universities in the metropolitan region of Barcelona. The findings suggest that the effects of social relationships are not always positive. The benefits of social networks at university interact with the type of degree studied, the student’s dedication to studies, and the student’s social class. Perceptions of progress for each category of students is different: It is more positive for those with frequent heterogeneous relations, who do not work or do so for a few hours, and for those who are enrolled in “hard” science courses.  相似文献   

钱微 《华章》2007,(3):124-124
The awareness of individualism can be traced back to the period of American Revolution when the Declaration of Independence was produced.It expressed basic beliefs concerning freedom,equality,democracy,privacy and the relationship between people and government,which were exactly what the philosophy of individualism mostly dealt with at that time.This paper is to exploit the essence of individualism by analyzing the Declaration .The analysis enables us to reconsider its significance to the issue of America human rights and foreign policies.  相似文献   

The advancement of human society and the development of economy and modern science and technologyhas shortenedthedlstancebetween us and confronted us with chilllenges and probkinB Ofthlltllallty Of Wb1Ch edllCat1Ofl  相似文献   

阅读是获取信息的重要途径之一,也是外语考试的主要考查项目。阅读能力的好坏直接决定了外语学习者的外语水平,因此,如何提高阅读能力是外语学习和教学的重点和难点之一。本文从阅读理解的本质着手,根据意思理解的三个层次,即抽象意义、话语意义、和语势,提出了一些应对方法。本文提出提高阅读能力需要扩大词汇量,掌握基础的语法知识,宏观地通读全文把握上下文,了解文化通俗常识,把领会作者写作意图作为阅读目标。  相似文献   

陈雪 《华章》2007,(11):138
Numerous studies related to applied psycholinguistics in China have been published in the past two decades. So the present study reviewed the situations of applied psycholinguistics and by discussing the results, existing problems are dipped and suggestions for further research are proposed.  相似文献   

Advertisements must bring a certain product to the attention of potential buyers. Further, they must stress its qualities in the most attractive way clearly outline the reason for buying it, and leave a memorable echo of what has been said ringing in the reader's or listener's mind. Therefore, the wording of an advertisement must have immediate impact and rapid persuasion.  相似文献   

小时候,我们都看过《绿野仙踪》和《爱丽丝梦游仙境》这两部经典的儿童故事,对里面活泼、可爱的小动物更是印象深刻。作者将两部作品中的起关键作用的小动物放在一起对比,提示了故事的主旨:孩子的成长。两部作品用童话的手法讲述残酷的成人世界,让主人公经历磨炼,  相似文献   

In order to quickly explore the quality of cut-off wall in dams, a new method of high-density seismic image was adopted and estimated by model and in-situ wall tests. The vibration exciter was employed and several parameters such as hypocentral distance, length of signal record and sampiing space in signal collection were determined, which are 8 m, 0.25 ms and 128 ms respectively. Through time and frequency field signal analyses, it is concluded that, the smaller arrival times of reflected longitudinal and surface waves, and the higher their main frequencies, the higher the strength of the wall, vice versa. Accordingly the construction quality of the wall can be evaluated quickly by high-density seismic image.  相似文献   

"TBT" means "task-based teaching". In a TBT class, students play the central role. In the class where students are provided with plenty of chances to be engaged in activities, the teacher is more like a patient listener rather than a talkative speaker. This paper mainly explores how task-based teaching is used in English reading class.  相似文献   

Students’ perception of assessment methods plays a significant role in determining their effort towards learning and their assessment tasks. Similar to the role of goal orientation in predicting students’ classroom learning, this study aims to examine how students’ goal orientations influence their perception of classroom assessments. Using a qualitative research design, the data was collected from 41 students enrolled in master’s degree programme at a public university in northern Malaysia, using reflection notes and semi-structured interviews. Data was analysed using a typological approach to inductively develop the categories. The findings demonstrated that perception of mastery goal oriented students considerably contrasted with those with performance goal orientation. The distinctions in perception is discussed under four categories: assessment as a process or product, preferences for modes, reasons for effort and feeling and emotions. The implications of the findings are discussed for higher education practitioners.  相似文献   

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