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Objective: To investigate the time and postoperative binocular vision of strabismus surgery for children with intermittent exotropia (X (T)). Methods: A retrospective investigation was conducted in 80 child patients with intermittent exotropia. Pre- and postoperative angles of deviation fixating at near (33cm) and distant targets (6m) were measured with the prolonged alternate cover testing. The binocular function was assessed with synoptophore. Twenty-one patients took the postoperative synoptophore exercise. Results: (1) A week after surgery, 96.2% of the 80 patients had binocular normotopia, while a year after surgery, 91.3% of the 80 patients had binocular normotopia; (2) Preoperatively, 58 patients had near stereoacuity, while postoperatively, 72 patients achieved near stereoacuity (P<0.05); (3) Preoperatively, 64 patients had Grade I for the synoptophore evaluation and postoperatively, 76 patients achieved Grade I. Meanwhile, 55 patients had Grade Ⅱpreoperatively and 72 achieved Grade Ⅱ postoperatively. For Grade Ⅲ, there were 49 patients preoperatively and 64 patients postoperatively (P<0.05); (4) Patients of 5~8 years old had a significantly better recovery rate of binocular vision than those of 9~18 years old (P<0.05); (5)Patients taking postoperative synoptophore exercise had a better binocular vision than those taking no exercise (P<0.05). Conclusions: (1) Strabismus surgery can help to preserve or restore the binocular vision for intermittent exotropia; (2) Receiving the surgery at young ages may develop better postoperative binocular vision; (3) The postoperative synoptophore exercise can help to restore the binocular vision.  相似文献   

[目的]观察和分析低度数儿童间歇性外斜视与其手术时机的选择.[方法]观察30例低度数儿童间歇性外斜视的平均30个月自然经过,不用任何治疗.分析斜视度的变化及立体视觉的变化.[结果]发现其总体结果表明斜视度无明显恶化增大,立体视觉有所改善和提高.[结论]提出对于小于20△的儿童间歇性外斜视,其手术时机的选择,可在密切观察双眼视功能不减退时,能推迟手术数年以上.年龄较大时实施局麻手术,保证术后眼位正位的良好效果.  相似文献   

针对儿童感觉统合失调的常见类型,提出几种易行的运动处方,并对其生理学机制进行了阐述.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to isolate and characterize the protease activity of human eye lens sample of mature and hyper mature cataract. Samples were collected just after surgery of the cataract lens and were stored at -20°C. The total protein extract was isolated from 5 samples in each case (mature and hyper mature cataract) and clear supernatant obtained after centrifugation was used as an enzyme source. The optimum pH for the proteases of mature cataract was 7.5 while the proteases of hyper mature cataract were recorded for maximum activity at pH 5.5 and 7.5. The optimum temperature for both enzyme sources was 50 °C. Effect of different metal ions such as potassium, lead, silver, zinc and borate was studied. In each case protease activity was increased. Reducing agent e.g. β mercaptoethanol also caused an increase in activity indicating the involvement of sulfhydryl groups. Protease activity was also located on agar plates.  相似文献   

本文分析了高专院校早教专业课程建设现状和感觉统合训练融入到早教专业课程体系的意义,为了能够使高专院校早教专业课程的实践环节更丰富,本文尝试将感觉统合训练融入到高专院校早教专业的课程体系中,为了达到最佳效果,尝试提出了相应策略。  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the extent to which WM measured in kindergarten predicts WM measured in second grade (stability of individual WM progress) and the extent to which WM measured at kindergarten predicts academic performance at second grade (N?=?94). The results showed that WM skills significantly increase during the time span from Finnish kindergarten to second grade. Verbal (VWM) and visuospatial WM (VSWM) resources seem to develop quite independently, whereas individual progress showed some stability. WM resources measured just before the start of formal school predicted later academic performance and VWM acted as more powerful predictor than VSWM resources. The results have two important educational implications: first, an individual or group-based intervention designed to enhance children’s WM skills would be most important even before the start of school, and second, poor WM skills should be addressed when planning the learning environment beginning in kindergarten.  相似文献   

This paper reflects on a collaborative project between Manchester City Art Gallery and Manchester Metropolitan University (2003–2004). The project's aim was to attract very young children and their families to the gallery. This paper will not report directly on the research methods used or the outcomes of the project but, rather, will explore questions raised about art galleries and art education in relation to young children. It will ask if it is possible to use art education as a tool for thinking about the world, rather than as a vehicle for expressing a pre‐existing and unitary self, or for representing a pre‐existing and unitary reality. Merleau‐Ponty's philosophy of perception will be used to assist in this attempt to open up current notions of art education, and the art gallery space.  相似文献   

This research examined the effects of using rubrics, exemplars, and self-assessment as forms of feedback in an L2 writing development course in English with Chinese speakers. The sample consisted of 114 L2 students at a university in Macau. Participants were randomly assigned to treatment groups and provided feedback on an English writing task using either rubrics, exemplars, self-assessment, or a control condition. The efficacy of these treatments was examined for both performance (on the writing task at hand) and learning (as demonstrated by performance on a new, similar writing task). Results indicate that rubrics and exemplars were effective as compared to the control condition, but the self-assessment approach was not.  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare teaching practice before and after 1998 in Turkey. Participants were 10 academics from the Department of Educational Sciences, Vocational Education Faculty, Gazi University and nine vocational high school cooperating teachers. Semi‐structured interviews were analysed by using content analysis. The most significant findings were that the preparation, practice, observation, counselling and evaluation processes were more efficient before 1998 due to the smaller number of preservice teachers. After 1998, the cooperating teachers were legally included in the process and took more responsibility. A new model which combines the positive aspects of both practices is suggested in the article.  相似文献   

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