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Three hundred nintey-seven seventh-grade students were studied to determine the effect on immediate achievement and retention of a unit designed to promote the development of estimating skills involved in metric measurement. The study involved five teachers with a total of 15 average- or advanced-level classes divided into the reference and treatment groups. A five-day metric unit was designed so that both groups received exactly the same instruction in metric length, mass, and capacity with the exception of the treatment group's participation in activities relating to the development of estimation skills. Data collected from the Metric Application Instrument and analyzed with analysis of covariance indicated that students in the experimental group did retain significantly more of their improved metric application skills than the students in the reference group. The analysis of the main effects of race, sex, and ability indicated that white students achieved significantly more than black students and that males achieved significantly more than females. Analysis of significant race/ability and sex/race interactions indicated that (a) white students in the advanced group attained significantly greater achievement in metric application skills than black students of equal status and (b) white males significantly retained their metric applications achievement when compared to black males or black or white females.  相似文献   

The WISC and WISC-R protocols of 94 special education students (51 white males, 5 black males, 30 white females, and 8 black females) who tested in the mildly retarded and borderline range of abilities (IQs of 50–78) were examined. Their test performance was then followed longitudinally for two additional WISC and WISC-R assessments. Mean age of subjects was 8 years at Test 1, 10.75 years at Test 2, and 14.9 years at Test 3. As predicted, subjects had lower IQ equivalent scores on Bannatyne's Sequencing Ability category than their IQ equivalent scores on the Verbal Comprehension or Perceptual Organization factors of the WISC and WISC-R for all three testings. Results were interpreted as supporting the notion that mildly retarded children and learning disabled children have qualitatively similar learning patterns.  相似文献   

From original data at age 13 years on 386 North American females (201 black and 185 white), statistics are presented for 10 somatic variables. The 2 ethnic groups yield similar means for standing height, arm girth, and leg girth; the black females, contrasted with their white peers, are shorter in sitting height, longer in lower limb height, and narrower in hip width. The Columbia subjects are compared with black and white females studied in North America several decades ago, and with black and white females studied recently in other parts of North America and in Australia, Europe, Africa, and the Lesser Antilles.  相似文献   

Results of the TONI, WISC-R, and WRAT were compared for a sample of 66 learning disabled children: 51 males (32 white, 19 black) and 15 females (9 white, 6 black) whose mean age was 9–5 (SD = 1–10). The mean score of the TONI was significantly different from the Performance IQ. Nonsignificant differences were found between the TONI and Full Scale IQ and between the TONI and Verbal IQ. Correlation coefficients between the TONI and WISC-R ranged from a low of .35 for the Verbal IQ to .44 for both the Full Scale and Performance IQs. The correlation coefficients between the TONI and standard scores of the WRAT were .38, .27, and .23, for Reading, Spelling, and Arithmetic, respectively. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The primary interest of this study is to discover the extent to which black males are gaining or losing ground educationally relative to other male populations. The findings of this study show that the relative difference in the percent of black and white males with a high school or associate's degree has converged considerably, but the relative gap between black and white males receiving a bachelor's, or graduate degree has remained constant. The data showed much upward and downward intergenerational educational mobility for black males. Finally the data showed that the educational attainment of black males was significantly associated with their age, their father's educational attainment level, and the size of the place in which they lived at age 16.  相似文献   

Consistent with previous studies, we find that family background variables exert significant indirect effects on earnings of both white and black males. In the case of blacks, parental income in particular exerts a significant direct effect on earnings. Education is found to be a much more important determinant of black earnings than white earnings, while job tenure has the reverse relationship. After adjustments, parental income and level of education exert the strongest effects on reducing the black-white earnings differential.  相似文献   

Attempts to identify characteristics of children who have been sexually abused have generally been based on cases reported to clinics, hospitals, law enforcement and social service agencies. In this study a questionnaire was mailed to a representative sample of the adult population in Texas. Child sexual abuse was defined as sexual interaction between a child and an adult or between two minors when the perpetrator is significantly older than the victim or is in a position of power over the victim. A return rate of 53% was obtained. The surveys returned varied from previous studies of the same population in that the respondents were slightly older, more often married and from a slightly higher socioeconomic level. They were, however, closely matched on the variables of sex, race and educational level. Childhood sexual victimization was reported by 7.4% of the respondents. Female victims comprised 82% of this group. The racial/ethnic distribution of victims paralleled that of the Texas census with 77% white, 5% black, and 16% Hispanic. Victimization rates were highest for Hispanic females followed by black and white females in that order. Hispanic and black males reported the lowest victimization rates. Based on these findings, it was estimated that 821,359 adult Texas residents were sexually abused as children. These results were compared with those of other studies along with their implications for policy-making.  相似文献   


This article summarizes previous research of teacher communication patterns related to student race and student sex and presents the findings of a study which examined the differences in teachers' verbal feedback statements to black and white and to male and female students.

The limited number of research studies which have investigated teacher communication patterns as related to the student's race can be categorized as experimental, naturalistic setting, and teacher perception studies. These studies are not easily interpreted and are difficult to replicate and generalize from. The literature regarding teacher communication as related to student sex differences is restricted by the same lack of internal coherence and idiosyncratic methodologies as the literature on race differences. Few studies have examined the interactive effects of student race and student sex.

The research presented here attends to this void in the research literature. Observational data were obtained from 67 classrooms in 10 schools in 4 school systems. The ANOVAs revealed two significant main effects for race, five main effects for sex, and three significant race/sex interactions. For the race variable, the researcher found that black students received more negative behavioral feedback and more positive-negative feedback than did white students. Females received significantly less total communication, less praise, less negative behavior feedback, less neutral procedure feedback, and less nonacademic feedback. The significant race/sex interactions emphasized the white female's infrequent communications with teachers. She received significantly less total communication than the other three sex/race groups. In addition, white females received less neutral behavioral feedback and less academic feedback than did white males.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship of the racial prejudice of school-age children to the actual race of the child, interracial contact, grade, sex, intelligence, locus of control, anxiety, and self-concept. A scale was devised to measure five facets of racial prejudice: a total index of racial prejudice, dating and marriage, school, social relationships, and racial interactions in restaurants. The subjects were 93 black children and 307 white children in grades 6 through 10. The results indicated that white students appear to be more prejudiced than blacks in situations requiring prolonged interracial contact; however, no differences were noted in circumstances involving minimal intimate social relationships for short periods of time. No differences in prejudice were found among grade levels; however, females were generally less prejudiced than males. Black males of low prejudice were more intelligent, more external, and less anxious than black males of higher prejudice. It is suggested that integration in schools be gradual, and that personality factors, not external circumstances, may make major contributions to the development of prejudice.  相似文献   

Behavior change is the only available means of curtailing new HIV infections in South Africa. This study investigated the relationship between sexual risk taking and attitudes to AIDS precautions. The participants were about 25% white, about 30% colored/mixed blood and 45% black in their second year in polytechnics (413 females and 402 males). Participants responded to the 40-item HIV-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviors. Data indicated that young women showed more positive attitudes to AIDS precautions than young men (reflecting in part the stereotypic negative attitudes of young men toward condoms). In general, most males and females were found to have less knowledge about HIV transmission and less favorable attitudes toward safe sex behavior than their counterparts in the west. Also young men with more partners expressed more fatalistic attitudes toward AIDS. The possibility that a finergrained multivariate analysis of attitudes to AIDS and safe-sex behaviour is something that needs to be taken seriously in future research, however.  相似文献   

High school grades and both the verbal and mathematical scales of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT-V and SAT-M, respectively) were examined as predictors of college grade point average in groups divided by race and sex. Results indicated that high school grades were not correlated as highly with college grades for black males as for the other three groups, although there were no significant differences in the correlation of either SAT-V or SAT-M with college grades. Moreover, the multiple regression equation for the black male group differed from the equations for the other groups in that SAT-V is the predictor of primary importance rather than high school grades. Weights derived on a random sample of the student body caused substantial shrinkage of the multiple R only in the black male sample. Both black males and black females were significantly overpredicted by such weights. The importance of separate prediction equations for race-sex groupings was emphasized.  相似文献   

Alternate forms of the PPVT-R were compared for 72 preschool children. Pearson product moment correlation coefficients for whites, blacks, males, females, and for the total sample were significant; values ranged from .74 to .86. Using standard scores for analyses, differences between Form L and Form M mean scores were nonsignificant for whites, males, females, and for the total group. However, for black preschoolers, Form L was apparently more difficult to complete successfully than Form M.  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent to which black females have closed the earnings gap between themselves and white females in the urban South. It examines earnings and occupational data for fully employed females in the same labor market—a sample of large southern metropolitan areas—at the same point in time, 1970; and at the same educational level—high school, some college, and college graduates.The study shows sizable gains for black females, particularly younger black females with some college, not only in earnings, but in occupational status. Thus, educational credentials were extremely important to urban southern black women in 1970. Finally, the study suggests that black women with at least a high school education appear to have been principal beneficiaries of southern employer response to the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  相似文献   

Recent findings of ethnographic research conducted by Heath (1983) indicate that some children, particularly nonmainstream children, may respond to questions analogically—that is, by describing the object or event they have experienced or been exposed to in terms of their own experience, as opposed to responding referentially (i.e., by providing a specific name or label). The purpose of this study was to analyze the relative frequency of analogical responses to questions in three groups: 15 inner-city black preschoolers, 15 inner-city white preschoolers, and 15 mainstream white preschoolers. Data were gathered from the language portion of a developmental screening battery that included question-answering tasks from the Blank Preschool Language Assessment Instrument (Blank, Rose, & Berlin 1978). Analysis of the data indicated that (a) there was a significant difference in the number of analogical responses between black and white children regardless of whether the white children were inner-city or mainstream and (b) the frequency of use of analogical responses to questions was highest among the black children participating in the study.  相似文献   

In exchange for a free physical examination, 116 minority group youths from inner-city middle schools in Texas consented to answer open-ended questions about their sexual behavior, contraceptive knowledge, and type and source of knowledge of sexuality. The students ranged in age from 12-15 years (mean age, 13 years); 27% were Hispanic and 73% were black. Sex education was not a part of the curriculum at the 4 schools from which respondents were drawn. When asked what sex meant to them, 37% of female adolescents and 23% of males indicated they did not know or it did not mean anything. Among remaining students, recreation was identified as the central meaning be males (23% of total), while females tended to cite romance (21% of total). Only 47% were able to list at least 1 question they had about sex; most common were questions about the morality of premarital intercourse and the experience of adolescent pregnancy and parenthood. 89% of females and 57% of males were able to name at least 1 contraceptive method, generally condoms (44%), abstinence (36%), and the pill (8%). Hispanic females named the highest number of contraceptive methods on average (2.2), followed by black females (1.9), Hispanic males (1.8), and black males (1.3). Among female adolescents, 53% listed their mother as their primary source of knowledge about sexual matters and 6% listed a friend. Among males, fathers (17%) and friends (17%) were the most frequent knowledge sources. The fact that these young adolescents view their parents as credible and approachable sources of information about sexuality suggests that school counselors should encourage such communication. aT the same time, the expressed need for more information on the moral aspects of sexuality indicates that values should be incorporated into any sex education program developed for this age group.  相似文献   

The study was designed to assess the effects of a student's race, dialect, and physical attractiveness on teachers' evaluations. The students were of two races, black and white; three physical attractivenss levels, high, middle, and low; and they spoke one of two dialects, Black English or Standard English. Sixty-eight, white, elementary school teachers listened to each student's response and rated the student in terms of personality, quality of response, and current and future academic abilities. Analysis of the results showed that all main effects and interactions were significant. Generally, black students, Black English-speaking students, and low attractive students were rated lower. The results also revealed that teachers' ratings in the different areas were highly consistent with one another. Discussion centered around the results' implications for determining the cause(s) of black children's failure in school. The results provide some support for attributing these children's academic failures to their race and dialect rather than to their actual performance.  相似文献   

This study tested a structural equation model of enrollment patterns of white and Hispanic males and females in two-year institutions and the invariance of parameter estimates among the different subgroups in the study. The model represented a multiequation model with three latent endogenous variables, high school academic preparation in mathematics and science, mathematics and science attitudes, and the dependent variable, enrollment patterns in mathematics and science courses. Exogenous variables included parents' education, levels of encouragement by others, and high school grades. Structural equation modeling was used to examine the structural and measurement coefficients of the hypothesized causal model for all subgroups in the study. In summary, an examination of the direct and total effect coefficients revealed different underlying patterns of factors for white and Hispanic females. No convergence on the model was found for white and Hispanic males. Equality constraints on all structural coefficients for both white and Hispanic females were tested and results indicated that all parameter estimates in the structural models for both subgroups were significantly different from each other.  相似文献   

Tape recordings were made of six white and six black ninth-grade northern boys speaking identically worded answers to typical school questions. Black students were given significantly higher grades than white students by 56 white and 50 black southern teachers. Black teachers gave significantly higher grades than white teachers, but no significant interaction was found between students' and teachers' ethnic group. The study is a partial replication of a previous study in which it was found that black students were given significantly lower grades than white students by northern white teachers.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of race of examiner and type of reinforcement upon the WISC-R performance of lower-class black children. A total of 120 black males were selected and assigned to either a white or black examiner to form two groups. Within each group, children were given no reinforcement, tangible reinforcement, traditional social reinforcement, or culturally relevant social reinforcement after each correct response. Children given tangible rewards, regardless of race of examiner, obtained significantly higher scores than did children given no reinforcement or children given traditional social reinforcement. Also, children given culturally relevant social reinforcement by a black examiner obtained significantly higher scores than did children given culturally relevant reinforcement by the white examiner.  相似文献   

Much of the research dealing with education and race has concentrated on the experiences of black males. Research now needs to address the issue of how schools affect the production of black femininities. The aim is to explore how both black males and females adapt to schooling, and school exclusion in particular. Previous theoretical models often situate black women within the stereotype of the ‘superwoman’ and negate the experiences of black females in families that are not female-headed. Previous research also suggests that much of the black male pupil response to schooling is based on the way in which teachers equate disaffection with black masculinity. The study draws on research in schools with pupils aged from 13 to 15 years when observed and interviewed. Many pupils responded to schooling in a way that cut across race and gender. Pupils often attempted to subvert the traditional relationship of teacher as powerful and pupil as powerless, reacting to this relationship through their own racial and gendered backgrounds. It is argued that teachers often speak of black pupils in homogeneous ways when in fact gendered differences exist. The issue of how schools construct blackness is addressed and it is argued that too often this is simply to equate race with masculinity.  相似文献   

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