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徐廷福 《教育导刊》2007,(12):24-27
幸福是学生的基本权利,教育应该给予学生幸福的美好体验。学生的幸福应该是健康成长的幸福。学生在学校教育影响下获得全面而健康的发展,即时幸福与未来幸福、个人价值与社会价值能够有机统一,是学生幸福的应有的伦理内涵。  相似文献   

在上个世纪末,在心理学研究领域中提出了积极心理学这一全新概念,在逐渐发展w中形成了现代心理学思潮,并成为了心理学研究的焦点所在。积极心理学是相对于消极心理学所提出的概念,并重新赋予心理学以功能,借助博爱与人性这一核心思想的传递,彰显出了积极心理学所具备的社会学与教育学价值。本文针对积极心理学的心理学价值进行了探讨,并剖析了积极心理学的教育学价值,以供参考。  相似文献   

人性假设与教育意谓   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
人性假设是依一定的价值取向对人性的现实表现有选择的抽象,是人的实践活动的基本理论前提。教育“为人”,不管是其理论建构还是实践活动,必然建立在某种人性假设的基础上。以先验的“伦理人”和“理性人”为取向的预成论人性假设容易导致片面的教育;教育“成人”,关注人性发展的可能性与丰富性,必须从生成论人性假设出发,引导人的人性自觉和精神自由,促进人性的生成与丰富。  相似文献   

Assigning teachers to a position for which they are not suitably qualified influences effective educational leadership. The paper reveals assumptions and misconceptions about the lived experiences of teachers in out-of-field positions and what it means for effective educational leadership. The multilayered meaning of out-of-field teaching for quality education is an international concern which includes countries such as Australia, USA, UK, Korea, Europe, Turkey and South Africa. The paper reports on a transnational qualitative investigation conducted in Australia and South Africa at seven schools in different educational environments. The meaning of lived experiences in relation to out-of-field teaching and educational leadership is explored through the lenses of educational directors, principals, specialist and out-of-field teachers and parents. An in-depth discussion of the practical and social implications unveils taken-for-granted traditions and cultures in relation to out-of-field teaching. The paper concludes with an in-depth discussion of the meaning out-of-field teaching has for educational leadership, while it underlines specific complexities for decision-making and policy development. The need for further research in relation to educational leadership training and professional development in relation to the out-of-field situation is revealed.  相似文献   

As presented in documentary form, the discourse of the last one hundred years of modern Chinese education is very different from its written counterpart. Documentary discourse provides a perspective on education as realized and understood through the lens. On screen, evolving thoughts on Chinese education have been reconstructed. This article reviews and explores developments in the history of educational documentary in China. The value of the audio-visual method of expressing the essence of education is pursued. The meaning of this evidence is thus restored.  相似文献   

教育实验是一种特殊形式的实验活动,它是教育教学活动与科学研究活动的有机统一。理论假设、实施控制、科学分析是其主要特色。从教育实验的独特性来看,其主要特征在于假设的可完善性、控制的合教育性以及结果的数量化。  相似文献   

This paper draws on interview data with Registered Inspectors, collected as part of a large research project examining the role of Registered Inspectors. The professional biographies of three Registered Inspectors are used to hypothesise the educational values that they hold and these values are then compared with those revealed during the interviews. The analysis shows that these Registered Inspectors have totally accepted the managerial discourse of Ofsted. It is finally suggested that this discourse has 'written' not merely the mode of inspection but the professional subjectivity of the inspectors.  相似文献   

本文从Kress和Van Leeuwen的视觉语法分析框架的互动意义理论入手,对浦东开发区机场网站图片库中的图片进行了解读和剖析;详尽阐述了多模态语篇中图像因素和受众互动的先天优势;验证了图像因素对合理构建浦东机场网站,充分宣传机场功能,树立机场鲜明形象不可替代的重要作用;揭示了视觉语法理论对分析网站宣传语篇的可操作性。  相似文献   

马一浮重视经典教育,视之为根本之学;强调会通教育,反对现代学校分科过多;倡行书院教育,强调"自由讲论";其追求"复性"、修德的人文教育思想及实践,与纽曼的博雅教育有异曲同工之处。  相似文献   

We provide a critical review of existing teacher responsibility measures, develop the rationale for, and introduce a new Teacher Responsibility Scale (TRS). Evidence from a sample of German pre-service teachers (Study 1) and American in-service teachers (Study 2) supported a multi-dimensional model of teacher responsibility with four subscales that assess responsibility for student motivation, student achievement, relationships with students, and teaching. The study demonstrated that teacher responsibility is conceptually and empirically distinct from self-efficacy, and that the associations between responsibility and self-efficacy vary by the type of educational outcome. Implications for research on teaching and teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

著名语言学家韩礼德提出了语言的三大元功能,即概念功能,人际功能和语篇功能。在英语课堂中,老师与学生的交流主要通过语言这一媒介进行。语言的人际功能随时发挥着作用,潜移默化地影响着师生之间的关系。同时,师生关系对教学效果有着重大的影响,良好的师生关系能更好地促进教与学。笔者从课堂话语的人际意义出发,从评价理论角度讨论高中英语教师课堂话语。  相似文献   

This article engages critically with the concept of agency in infant and toddler educational discourse. It is argued that agency, when conceptualised with emphasis on individuality and the autonomous self, poses a conceptual ‘dead end’ for those who are not-yet-in-language, such as babies and toddlers. In considering agency as an aspect of becoming that is inherent in all matter, the article seeks to explore new pathways for conceptualising agency in infant and toddler education. Methodologically, the article aims to generate complex questions and, following Nigel Thrift's call, ‘wild ideas’, rather than solutions by addressing the relationship between discourse and matter to open up new spaces for thinking and doing ‘agency’ in education, for babies and toddlers and beyond.  相似文献   


Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is a complex eclectic method that has potential to be a valuable tool for critical policy analysis. This article highlights this potential by demonstrating how CDA can be applied to policy texts. That is, it focuses on the processes involved in ‘doing’ critical discourse analysis. In particular, it examines the framework identified by Chouliaraki & Fairclough (1999) as the means by which CDA can be ‘operationalised’ in order to produce ‘theoretically grounded analyses in a wide range of cases’. The framework is outlined and discussed in relation to the construction of teacher identities in educational policies. The article then applies CDA to an analysis of one education policy document to illustrate the framework in operation. In so doing, it addresses the problem of teacher quality, which is analysed in terms of the discursive constructions of teachers’ professional identities. The analysis demonstrates how CDA may be used both as a tool for critical policy analysis and for the analysis of the construction of identities in educational, and other, documents.  相似文献   

This study analyzed student talk in working groups during four laboratory investigations. Its purpose was to understand the process by which students solve scientific problems, the difficulties students encounter in developing the requisite pieces of scientific arguments while negotiating their social roles, and the ways these roles shape task engagement and the development and articulation of the arguments themselves. The discourse of 6 groups of four students each was audiotaped and 2 groups were videotaped during the planning, execution, and interpretation of student-designed experiments in a 10th-grade interdisciplinary science class. Goals of student engagement, knowledge building within an intellectual framework, and construction of scientific arguments were used to examine conceptual difficulties and social interactions. Within-group comparisons across labs and across-group comparisons within labs were made. It was determined that: (a) students became much better at using the scientific method to construct convincing arguments, and (b) specific social roles and leadership styles developed within groups that greatly influenced the ease with which students developed scientific understanding. The results demonstrate not only that knowledge building involves the construction of scientifically appropriate arguments, but that the extent to which this knowledge building takes place depends on students learning to use tools of the scientific community: their expectations about the intellectual nature of the tasks and their role in carrying these tasks out: and the access they have to the appropriate social context in which to practice developing skills. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Inquiring into the theoretical underpinnings of dietetic curriculum provides a means for further understanding who dietitians are (identity) and what dietitians do (performativity). Since dietetic curriculum exists as a structural influence on the dietetic student identity, it is worth inquiring into how such a structure is theoretically informed, especially considering that until now, this process has not be undertaken. This research attempts to illuminate how dietetic knowledge is generated and how various institutional structures reinforce this knowledge. Since dietetic education in Canada is standardized by a means of national accreditation, the accreditation texts were analyzed following a poststructural discourse analysis method. Those aspects of the Accreditation Manual concerning dietetic education were scrutinized to illuminate the presence/absence of curricular theory, knowledge assumptions, and educational values. Findings of the discourse analysis indicate that there is no explicit curricular theory framing dietetic education, learning processes are sequential and apolitical, and dietetic knowledge is decontextualized from the social world. These findings have implications for dietetic education, the scholarship of teaching and learning within the profession, and dietetic epistemology. With further attention to these issues it is hoped that dietetic educators will be encouraged to reflect on the historical and theoretical foundations of their curricula and will consider how teaching and learning, and ultimately dietetic knowledge could be enhanced through a socially integrated feminist science of food and nutrition.  相似文献   

近年来,企业微电影已成为企业品牌宣传的一种新平台。运用系统功能语法和视觉语法理论对东航微电影中的言语和非言语符号资源进行多模态分析,深入探讨各符号资源的特点及其相互作用,探究其如何构建互动意义的表达,旨在为企业形象的成功塑造提供一些经验和启示。  相似文献   

不同的知识观必定导致不同的教育理念和教育行为。构成性知识观忽视了知识系统的复杂性,忽视了事物(知识)因果联系的不对称性以及知识形成的整体性,导致了一系列教育危机。生成性知识观认为知识是个体性生成、动态性生成、整体性生成和关系性生成的,值得我们确立并践行。  相似文献   

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