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Experimental studies on the head fake in basketball showed that participant’s responses in a pass direction identification task were delayed for incongruent compared to congruent directions of the players gaze and pass (so-called head fake effect). In these studies on the head fake effect, static pictures were presented and responses on the pass direction were given with a simple key press. The present study examines whether an increase in the response complexity affects the head fake effect and whether it can also be transferred to the presentation of dynamic stimuli. In experiment 1, participants were presented with static pictures of a basketball player who passes a ball to the left or to the right. The player’s gaze direction was either oriented in the direction of the intended pass or in the opposite direction (i.?e., a head fake). The participants were asked to respond as quickly as possible to the pass direction and to ignore the gaze direction. Participants gave responses by pressing a key (simple response) or by executing a quasirealistic defense movement (complex response). Response complexity was blocked. In experiment 2, videos replaced the static stimuli. The responses were only given with the complex, full body movement. Results show that the head fake effect is independent of response complexity and that it can also be found when presenting dynamic stimuli.  相似文献   

At latest in the upper school, physical education (PE) offers opportunities to deal with games and sport not only in a motor but also in a cognitive manner. The present paper asks if and under what conditions an instructional design integrating theory and practice in PE promotes meaningful learning and knowledge construction. It brings out the less considered cognitive learning potential of upper school PE and advances hypotheses about their occurrence. The results of the empirical study show that pupils in upper school PE already use learning activities that promote meaningful learning. It also shows that meaningful learning activities are restricted to a self-regulated and intrinsic learning motivation. Intrinsic learning motivation itself is highly dependent on the pupils’ academic self-concept in PE.  相似文献   

It has been determined that businesses can influence organizational socialization of new employees by specific proactive measures (Hsiung & Hsieh, 2003). Social activities among peers such as sports participation have proven to be particularly worthwhile (Kim, Cable & Kim, 2005). Although it is indisputable that organized sports provide considerable opportunities for integration (Rittner & Breuer, 2004), this potential social integrative effect in the company setting has not yet been systematically investigated. Analysis of the literature showed that occupational and organizational psychology dealt resolutely with the theory of organizational socialization, but neglected to consider empirically the social integrative effect of physical activity programs. The field of sports science on the other hand has a general knowledge of sports and integration, but so far has not addressed this topic with respect to companies either from a theoretical or from an empirical point of view. With this in mind, potential research projects are suggested and discussed.  相似文献   

There is a current controversial discussion about the professionalization of teachers. In this respect the present article focuses on the professional vision as one important aspect of the professionalization of physical education teachers. As this aspect has not yet been a subject of discussion the article presents a first overview of the theoretical and empirical findings on the professional vision. For this purpose, findings of other educational subject areas and fields of sport science are presented. Furthermore, open questions relating to physical education will be pointed out to initiate further research projects.  相似文献   

The article describes the development of a questionnaire based on self-determination theory for 9- to 13-year-old children engaging in extracurricular sports. To our knowledge there are no German-language instruments that can be used to record the promotion of the three psychological needs of autonomy, competence and relatedness, the degree of satisfaction and the resulting self-determined motivation. Therefore, the aim of this research is the development of a efficient, German-language questionnaire measuring the aforementioned constructs. The result is a questionnaire of 30 items including two need-support scales, three need-satisfaction scales and four scales regarding the motivational orientation. The scales extracted by factor analysis show satisfying internal consistencies. Preliminary construct validation is reported concerning individual vs. team sports for the need-support and need-satisfaction scales as well as proof of the simplex structure concerning motivational orientation.  相似文献   

On the basis of the media coverage of the Olympic Games and the underlying strategic positioning, it is shown how important it is to illuminate this topic from an interdisciplinary perspective. Special emphasis is placed on the coupling of resource-based theory and network theories and illustrates particularly well the new interplay between management, organizational communication and mass communication. In the past decade the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has been transformed in ever increasing dimensions into a media corporation. The Olympic values and principles, innovations and creation potentials are the focal points of this strategy as tangible assets of the media.  相似文献   

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