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具身认知揭示了传统认知的重要缺陷——对个体身体的忽视,突出了认知的涉身性、体验性与环境性特点。根据具身认知生成的路径,可以分为实感具身、实境具身和离线具身。此为教学带来新的启示:从纯粹大脑认知的传统教学转到身心投入的主动体验式学习,师生互动的身心融合为生成式学习达成了路径,情境教学则为加强身心体验的重要教学方式,消除对学生和教师身体束缚的负性具身效应。具身认知观还为教育教学评估提供了体验性、参与性与生成性的评估思路。  相似文献   

近年来,随着科学技术,特别是影像学技术的快速发展,脑科学与认知科学呈现出蓬勃发展态势,同时数学认知的脑科学研究也取得了大量的重要研究成果,主要表现在早期数学学习经验对脑功能具有塑造作用、计算障碍的顶内沟结构或功能缺陷的脑机制、语言对数学认知的作用具有层次性、数学与空间能力在顶叶的密切关系以及数学的性别差异脑机制探析五个方面.数学认知脑科学研究为理解数学学习的本质以及教育实践提供了如下启示:重视儿童早期经验对大脑的数学功能的塑造作用;充分发挥语言、空间能力在数学学习中的作用,针对男女生倾向于使用不同的认知策略,制定适合其自身的学习策略;对患有计算障碍的儿童,教师需要掌握一些针对这些孩子的特殊的教学方法.  相似文献   

The emerging field of mind, brain, and education (MBE) is grappling with core issues associated with its identity, scope, and method. This article examines some of the most pressing issues that structure the development of MBE as a transdisciplinary effort. Rather than representing the ongoing debates in MBE as superficial squabbles to eventually be “overcome,” this article argues that the politics of MBE language, discourse, and validity suggest profound epistemological differences that transcend a traditional interdisciplinary approach. Instead, MBE would benefit from a transdisciplinary approach that contextually accords equal and differential weight to a range of knowledge inputs from education studies, neuroscience, and other academic and practitioner spheres beneath the broad umbrella of MBE. Specifically, this article suggests that some of the key tasks for those involved in MBE studies require a transdisciplinary approach to knowledge translation and knowledge development.  相似文献   

This article examines the evolution of Mind, Brain, and Education (MBE), the field, alongside that of the International Mind, Brain and Education Society (IMBES). The reflections stem mostly from my observations while serving as vice president, president‐elect, and president of IMBES during the past 10 years. The article highlights the evolution during that time about the meaning of MBE and some of the representations that help illustrate the problems and challenges in arriving at a consensus about what MBE means and how IMBES can best serve its members. I explore how IMBES, incorporated in 2004, experimented with a number of different conference models to provide frameworks for thinking about MBE, as well as a structure for supporting collaboration between the disciplines represented in Mind, Brain, and Education. Those models help highlight what IMBES has accomplished in scaffolding the complex conversation unfolding in the field, as well as offering a strategy for a collaborative enterprise that informs practice and new research agendas in the future.  相似文献   

近年来,随着文理科交融与多学科交叉的大力提倡和高速发展,认知科学与教育学领域都对儿童发展观的理解发生了深刻的改变,并且意识到了脑和教育相关的密不可分,"教育神经科学"这一新的学科也应运而生。情绪认知神经科学的新进展主要包括基本情绪脑环路、情绪与认知的交互作用、情绪障碍的神经机制等方面。情绪神经科学知识的掌握可以使教育的实践建立在更加科学的基础上,从而更好地建构课程情感教育目标、评价和教育内容。采用积极教育理念,加强情绪神经科学与教育学的双向交流,将脑科学的最新技术应用到师生互动的教学活动中,无疑是今后发展的方向。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— We describe what may well be the first course devoted explicitly to the topic of Mind, Brain, and Education (MBE). In the course, students examine four central topics (literacy, numeracy, emotion/motivation, and conceptual change) through the perspectives of psychology, neuroscience, genetics, and education. We describe the pedagogical tools we use to develop the skills critical for synthesizing information across the disciplines associated with MBE.  相似文献   

数学认知:脑与认知科学的研究成果及其教育启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
数学认知是人类最重要的高级认知功能之一。脑与认知科学的最新研究结果表明,数学认知是一个多成分、多系统的复杂认知系统,既有种系进化的基础,也与个体发展与学习有关。数学认知依赖于一个大范围的皮层支持网络,包括顶叶、额叶与颞叶的部分区域。尤其是顶叶皮层,在数学认知障碍与数学学习过程中均有重要作用。这充分表明,语言与视觉空间功能对于数学认知具有重要意义。上述研究成果对于科学地认识学生的数学学习、基础数学教育的方式方法、数学教育评价等问题均有重要启示。  相似文献   

当下学前教育实习较为关注学生专业知识和技能的养成,传统的教育实习在实习角色、实习内容、实习指导和实习成效等方面均面临一些现实困境。具身认知理论的发展为学前教育实习提供了新的转向思路。构建具身化的实习环境,促进实习角色定位转向;增加情境性实习任务,避免无目的做事;引导共同体学习,显现实习的多元互动性;关注行动性实习活动,以行动促进教育智慧与能力的获得。  相似文献   

Computers are everywhere, and they are transforming the human world. The technology of computers and the Internet is radically changing the ways that people learn and communicate. In the midst of this technology‐driven revolution people need to examine the changes to analyze how they are altering interaction and human culture. The changes have already permeated societies around the world, altering learning, teaching, communication, politics, and most aspects of human interaction. The possibilities for improving educational effectiveness seem powerful, as a result of an information revolution with online access to infinite information and numerous teaching and learning activities of adults and children at school, at home, and in public places. An urgent need is for systematic longitudinal studies of what happens with learning and teaching as people use computers and play with the Internet. Perhaps the new technologies make possible a new kind of constructive dialogue, with intertwining of teaching and learning in a dynamic double helix of questions and answers, of modeling and experimentation. This special section will deal with (1) uses of new technologies to help people teach and learn more effectively, (2) uses of individual laptops to help children learn, (3) creation of new tools for learning and assessment, and (4) techniques that image brain structure and activity.  相似文献   

While there is a growing interest among teachers to embed Mind, Brain, and Education (MBE) knowledge in their practice, most are still not clear about the key concepts in the field that have the potential to improve their pedagogical knowledge. The present study was conducted to identify the domains of current MBE knowledge that are important for teachers to know. Using a deductive qualitative survey design, data were collected by an online questionnaire from 112 experts of the global MBE community. Findings indicated that there are at least 18 conceptual areas of MBE literacy that need to be included in teacher professional development programs.  相似文献   

We discuss the fruits of educational neuroscience research from our laboratory and show how the typical maturational timing milestones in bilingual language acquisition provide educators with a tool for differentiating a bilingual child experiencing language and reading delay versus deviance. Further, early schooling in two languages simultaneously affords young bilingual children a reading advantage and may also ameliorate the negative effect of low socioeconomic status on literacy. Using powerful brain imaging technology, functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy, we provide a first-time look into the developing brains of bilingual as comapred to monolingual children. We show unequivocally that the age of first bilingual exposure is a vital predictor of bilingual language and reading mastery. Accounts that promote later dual language and reading instruction, or those that assert human brain development is unrelated to bilingual language mastery, are not supported by the present findings. We discuss the implications for education, teachers, and developmental brain sciences.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Circadian rhythms, in particular the sleep–wake cycle, modulate most, if not all, aspects of physiology and behavior. Their impact on education has recently begun to be understood, including a clear positive relationship between sleep and learning. In fact, sleep deprivation, common to adolescents throughout the world, has a deep effect on academic performance, and this fact is often increased by inadequate school schedules. This special issue of Mind, Brain, and Education deals with the relation between biological rhythms and learning, as discussed in an International Mind, Brain, and Education Society meeting that took place in Erice, Italy in May 2007. The articles (with contributors from Brazil, Croatia, Sweden, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, and Argentina) cover several aspects of this fundamental link between timing and education and suggest strategies to optimize school and sleep schedules for a better quality of life and improved academic performance of students.  相似文献   

Understanding about human origins informs our understanding of what it means to be human. It is reasonable, therefore, to consider that an evolutionary perspective can provide insight into the nature and processes of human learning and education. This article reviews how ideas about evolution have influenced educational thinking in the past. It then considers how understanding of brain development and function is helping to inspire “new thinking” about evolution. The review converges on a range of benefits that may arise from the inclusion of evolutionary concepts within the field of mind, brain, and education. These benefits include scrutiny of evolutionary neuromyth, reconsideration of the cultural and political status of education, insight into notions of individual difference, and help with stimulating and directing research efforts aimed at improving educational outcomes.  相似文献   

具身认知强调身体的感知觉在认知过程中发挥着重要的作用。有研究者将物理变量的改变使得人们的道德行为和道德判断发生变化这一探讨方向命名为"道德的心理物理学"。元分析研究的目的在于探讨个体的感知觉与道德行为和道德判断之间是否存在联系,以及这种效应是否受到某些变量的影响。元分析纳入42个研究,共包含2962名被试。研究结果表明道德的具身认知效应显著,具体感知觉与道德行为和道德判断之间存在相关(r=0.19,p<0.01)。"被试来源国家"这一变量的调节作用显著(Q=79.454,df=41,p<0.001)。  相似文献   

Difficulties in communication within Mind, Brain, and Education (MBE) can arise from several sources. One source is differences in orientation among the areas of research, policy, and practice. Another source is lack of understanding of the entrenched and unspoken differences across research disciplines in MBE—that is, recognition that research in MBE comes from many diverse disciplines, rather than some monolithic entity. A third challenge to communication in MBE arises from the nature of studying the mind and brain; we address the different levels of analysis in mind–brain research. Throughout our article, we emphasize that recognizing these differences—across areas (research, practice, and policy), disciplines, and levels of analysis—and making them explicit can facilitate effective communication in MBE. We illustrate these concepts with examples from the study of reading disorders across several disciplines.  相似文献   

Generalist Genes: Genetic Links Between Brain, Mind, and Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT— Genetics contributes importantly to learning abilities and disabilities—not just to reading, the target of most genetic research, but also to mathematics and other academic areas as well. One of the most important recent findings from quantitative genetic research such as twin studies is that the same set of genes is largely responsible for genetic influence across these domains. We call these "generalist genes" to highlight their pervasive influence. In other words, most genes found to be associated with a particular learning ability or disability (such as reading) will also be associated with other learning abilities and disabilities (such as mathematics). Moreover, some generalist genes for learning abilities and disabilities are even more general in their effect, encompassing other cognitive abilities such as memory and spatial ability. When these generalist genes are identified, they will greatly accelerate research on general mechanisms at all levels of analysis from genes to brain to behavior.  相似文献   

英语学习低龄化的教育现象突出,探讨具身认知理论对幼儿英语教学具有理论意义和实践指导意义。将基于具身认知理论的全身反应教学法运用于幼儿英语教学实践,结果显示对幼儿英语教学行之有效。虽然该教学方法的推广尚存在着现实的制约因素,但是探究这一方法的意义是显而易见的。  相似文献   

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