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1936年7月,以佛朗哥为首的西班牙反动军人发动了推翻共和政府的武装叛乱,西班牙内战爆发。接着,德国和意大利法西斯几乎同时作出了武装干涉西班牙的决策,这对佛朗哥取得内战的胜利起到了至关重要的作用。对于德意法西斯武装干涉西班牙内战的战略得失,英国  相似文献   

1936—1939年的西班牙内战,给西班牙以及它的人民带来了前所未有的深重灾难,内战以佛朗哥独裁政权成功上台而告终。本文着重在探讨佛朗哥能够战胜深得民心的人民阵线政府的主要原因。  相似文献   

1931年.西班牙君主制被推翻,西班牙共和国诞生。1936年.包括共产党在内的中左派力量组成人民阵线.在西班牙大选中获胜并成立共和政府。同年,右翼分子发动武装叛乱,西班牙内战爆发.在加那利群岛任总督的佛朗哥被叛军推选为大元帅。为了争取法西斯国家和国内反动势力的支持.佛朗哥先后与德、意签定秘密协定.得到大批武器和法西斯军队的援助。经过两年多的内战。佛朗哥领导的叛军于1939年3月攻占马德里。内战结束。佛朗哥从此成为西班牙法西斯政权的大独裁者。  相似文献   

1939年,无论对西班牙政坛还是文坛都是非常重要的一年.在这一年里,持续了3年的内战终于结束,资产阶级右派人物佛朗哥上台执政,开始了长达36年的独裁政权,从此,成千上万的共和国斗士死于佛朗哥行刑队的屠刀下,西班牙人民被迫在警察的淫威下过着“和平“的生活:凡同情共和国的人都被通缉;未参加过内战的年轻人被征入伍,穿上长枪党的蓝衬衫为独裁政权服务,形成了“佛朗哥命令,西班牙服从“的政治局面.……  相似文献   

在西班牙内战时期,与英法对内战的"不干涉"政策形成鲜明对比的是德国、意大利积极援助佛朗哥叛军.尤其是德国,为了摆脱经济危机、扩张德国的势力,希特勒急需向外发动战争以寻求生存空间,而西班牙内战正发生于德国扩军备战之时,这次内战使希特勒不仅可以拉拢意大利,还可以获得大量的经济好处.德国的干涉不仅影响了西班牙内战的结局,也对欧洲格局产生了深远的影响.  相似文献   

佛朗哥当政时期的西班牙是第二次世界大战爆发后唯一未正式参战的法西斯国家。佛朗哥法西斯政权在二战中保持中立的原因主要是:一、从历史上看,西班牙法西斯政权缺乏深厚的法西斯主义基础;从现实看,西班牙缺乏对外发动侵略战争的物质基础;二战爆发后,扑朔迷离的国际形势制约着佛朗哥政权的对外政策的走向。  相似文献   

<正>一、课前导入我们学习过海明威的小说《老人与海》,老人桑地亚哥为了保住大马林鱼,与鲨鱼展开殊死搏斗。海浪已经平息,战斗已经结束,但是"一个人并不是生来要给打败的,你尽可把他消灭掉,可就是打不败他"的硬汉宣言还回荡在我们耳边。今天我们来学习他另一篇关于老人的小说《桥边的老人》。这篇小说取材于20世纪30年代西班牙内战。1936年7月,西班牙内战爆发,共和政府军和法西斯佛朗哥的叛军展开激战。战争中的小人物和弱者  相似文献   

1937年5-6月/画布/油彩/349.3×76.6厘米,索非亚艺术中心博物馆藏/马德里GuernicaMuseoNacionalCentrodeArteReina3oria,Madrid《格尔尼卡》赏析一幅伟大的历史画卷《格尔尼卡》震惊了全世界。它是现代艺术对战争暴行最强有力的控诉,是对西班牙内战的政治宣言。被刺伤的马(象征西班牙共和国),公牛(象征佛朗哥)耸立在为失去亲人而啼哭呼叫的妇女面前,还有残剑、鲜花、鸽子、构成了一幅令人不堪忍受的苦难画面。格尔尼卡![西班牙]@毕加索  相似文献   

西班牙成人教育历史的回顾约翰·佩思历史有时是沉默的。最长的一段是1939──1975年佛朗哥将军专制统治下的西班牙。在1994年圣诞节期间我阅读了保罗·普雷斯顿写的《佛朗哥传》(preston1993),使我回忆起在那沉默时期中度过的两年,1968─...  相似文献   

西班牙是通往非洲的桥头堡,扼守着地中海到大西洋的门户,战略地位极为重要。本世纪30年代,德意法西斯为控制这块战略要地,积极支持佛朗哥叛军,颠覆了共和政体,建立了佛朗哥的法西斯独裁统治。1939年3月27日,西班牙加入“轴心”国阵营,3月31日,德西签定友好条约,两国结成亲密的伙伴关系。但是,西班牙为什么没有跟随德意参加世界大战,而是奉行所谓的中立政策?中立的实质是什么?对大战的进程有何影响?本文试图作些粗浅的探索。  相似文献   


This paper analyses the approach to experimental pedagogy adopted by the new Spanish pedagogy which arose after Franco’s victory in the Spanish Civil War. To this end, it first outlines the spiritualist and anti-scientific approaches which prevailed in the new pedagogy of the postwar era, before charting the survival, lying beneath this anti-modernist rhetoric, of an experimental tradition linked to certain clergymen. It then shows how the leading pedagogue of Franco’s Spain, Víctor García Hoz, ended up endorsing this school of thought, and analyses the influence in this evolution of the neo-scholasticism of the University of Louvain and the experimental pedagogy developed by Raymond Buyse, who maintained close ties with Spain throughout the 1940s. The paper also focuses on the key role played by Spanish pedagogy in the construction of an international network of Catholic pedagogues. Finally, a number of explanatory hypotheses are presented to explain the paradox posed by this endorsement of the more scientific version of pedagogy by a vehemently Catholic group of academics.  相似文献   

This article aims to question the widely accepted idea that female university students in Spain have, in the past, tended to opt for degrees in the field of humanities. Based on an analysis of the official statistics that are currently available, the paper demonstrates that Spanish female university students showed a clear preference for scientific studies, first medicine and later pharmacy. This pattern was not affected by Franco’s regime and remained stable until the great transformation of Spanish universities during the 1960s. Finally, the paper argues that the basic reasons for this preference for the scientific field were equal access to the prestigious male baccalaureate curriculum, which was a characteristic of the Spanish model for incorporating women into secondary education, and the uneven prestige of the professions to which the degrees provided access. The conclusion drawn is that, historically, pharmacy was the most common professional career pursued by female university graduates in Spain.  相似文献   

Spanish Catalonia knew a period of political and literary grandeur before being relegated to the role of a Spanish province and deprived of its linguistic identity.

Currently, in the post‐Franco period, the linguistic autonomy of the province is being restored. The Catalan language, which takes its place alongside Spanish in teacher training and at primary level, has a capacity to facilitate international communication.  相似文献   

This article focuses on heroic images of Spanish women in schoolbooks for girls published during the dictatorial regime of General Franco (1939–75). Alongside the female members of Spain’s royal ranks and the holy women of the Catholic Church’s canon, who were domesticated by association with the needle, some schoolbooks also recovered a small number of women warriors.  相似文献   

The present article examines the situation of girls in Spanish academic secondary education during the first Francoism. It outlines the measures introduced by the Franco Regime that maintained the traditional access for girls to the same academic curriculum followed by boys, although in separate schools. Later, it examines the various projects put forward specifically for female secondary schooling that sought to remove girls from the academic pathway and the reasons for their failure. Finally, the article studies the paradox posed by the fact that, despite official statements against academic education for women, the number of girls in academic secondary education and universities did not stop growing during the first Francoism. For the explanation of this paradox, it seeks to address the unwanted effects of Francoist education policy, especially the effects of social elitism and single-sex education on the presence of girls.  相似文献   


This article analyses the child psychiatry and psychology developed during the Spanish Civil War and immediate postwar period. The aim is to demonstrate that, despite the existence of a certain degree of disciplinary continuity in relation to the pre-war period, both disciplines were placed at the service of Francoism. This meant that the association of psychology and psychiatry with pedagogy in order to educate/cure children played a key role in legitimising the child intervention policies of Franco’s regime, and this strategy was best reflected in Vallejo Nágera’s proposal regarding “biological pedagogy”. Finally, it analyses how psychiatry and psychology were used outside the school context to re-educate and control an infant population trapped between two worlds as the result of the Civil War.  相似文献   

An overview of the challenges facing the Spanish Special Education system at the turn of the century is presented. Significant changes have occurred in Spain over the last two decades that have affected the landscape of Spanish public schools in an unprecedented way. First, since the late 1980s, students with a variety of disabilities have been attending general education classrooms along with their peers. Additionally, for the last 20 years, Spain has experienced a dramatic increase in immigration patterns from Northern Africa, Eastern Europe and Latin America. Thus, Spanish educators are facing the challenge of educating an increasingly heterogeneous student body. Students' different educational needs are often handed down to the special educator teacher who is faced with the task of ensuring the student's academic and social participation. Reform efforts conducted by Spanish educators to ensure that all students, regardless of their gender, ability level, ethnic and social backgrounds, as well as language and religion of origin, have equal access to a full social and academic participation in their schools and communities are described.  相似文献   


Feudal structures and power relationships that Spanish universities inherited from Franco’s dictatorship have damaged the quality of educational research. However, the emergence of initiatives aimed to address these limitations have been identified. In this article, we analyze the impact of the Multidisciplinary International Conference on Educational Research (CIMIE). Specifically, we analyze how CIMIE is contributing to overcome some of the feudal constraints affecting educational research in Spain, such as fragmentation of areas of knowledge, limited international research efforts, and precarious and unstable employment situations of many researchers. Grounded in the communicative methodology of research and using mixed methods, we have conducted a longitudinal study of this research initiative (2012–2016), comprising interviews and communicative observations, analysis of documentation and quantitative data. The results show that participants understand that their involvement in CIMIE is contributing to make them feel released from the constraints of university feudalism by building solidarity networks and egalitarian relationships, and by rethinking research.  相似文献   

The essay presents a novel estimate of human capital in Spain during most of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries as measured by average years of schooling at the three main educational levels. The new estimate confirms long‐term, regional and gender trends already identified by literacy levels. It shows that most of the human capital embodied in the Spanish population until well into the second half of the twentieth century was due to expanded primary schooling rather than to secondary or university studies and it identifies the Civil War of 1936 as one of the most serious setbacks during two centuries of slow and irregular human capital accumulation. Primary schooling determined labor mobility in twentieth‐century Spain during the 1920s and the 1960s as people moved away from agriculture and into industry and services. The decision to migrate was a household rather than an individual one: the education of those who did not emigrate – elder males and females of all ages – was as relevant as that of the actual emigrants. The Civil War and the early years of the Franco regime, by contributing to the depletion of the stock of human capital, had negative effects upon labor mobility as recently as the 1960s.  相似文献   

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