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An essay discussing the challenges and opportunities in global publishing and in particular the are addressing many of the big questions publishers are facing today which arise from the marriage of content and technology. Includes examination of three major verticals (STM, Education and Trade publishing) and considers the possibilities offered by cross-industry collaboration to evolve global standards.  相似文献   

Youngsuk (Y. S.) Chi, Chairman of Elsevier, offers four “e-approaches” for the publishing industry to evolve and thrive in today’s digital landscape: (1) Enhance publishers’ traditional roles, (2) Expand their role to embrace innovation and networks of information, (3) Experiment with more interactive content and new business models, and (4) Engage with the public to demonstrate the value of publishing.  相似文献   

刘银娣 《出版科学》2018,26(4):89-92
探讨人工智能应用给出版业带来的发展机遇,包括促进出版大数据向大机遇的转化、提高出版生产效率、促进图书发现.梳理出版业应用人工智能面临的挑战,包括读者数据的获取难题、出版规律性的发现和分析难题,以及具备出版经验的智能科学家人才缺乏问题.指出要应对这些挑战,出版业在人工智能应用过程中要注意数据驱动而非代替人类决策、训练人机交互,还要提高出版人的专业素养,识别出版市场规律.  相似文献   

李伟 《出版经济》2002,(1):27-29
中国加入WTO,是中国加速融入全球化进程的持续努力所得到的一个回报,也是中国不断向外开放和国际资本持续进入中国的直接后果。这一标志性事件将极大地改变中国经济、政治、社会与文化等方面的面貌,而且也将深刻影响中国人的价值观念与精神世界。中国加入WTO,使得中国成为了全球化市场  相似文献   

电视广告的机遇与挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广告是市场经济的先导产业。电视广告在沟通市场经济信息,指导生产与经营、促进商业营销繁荣、发展商业文化和社会大众文化诸方面,具有特殊的功效。据有关部门抽样调查,有40%的消费者是看了广告后才去购买商品的。现在中国已加入了世界贸易组织(WTO),中国为世界各国各地区提供了一个广阔的市场空间,同时也为电视广告的发展带来了机遇与挑战。一、电视广告的新机遇加入WTO后我国的对内、对外商贸机会大幅度增加,国民经济迅速发展,广告市场因此得以持续扩大,为电视广告的发展壮大提供了巨大空间。第一,基于国民经济持续发展而…  相似文献   

Little is known about the publishing industry and the cultural complexities of Vietnam and, therefore, this article provides a summary of the essential information and related data on the demographics of the country. The development of the publishing industry is traced from 1945 before the unification of North and South Vietnam in 1975 to the present status. The role of the book publishing industry is examined in relation to television and radio media. A review of the reading culture is presented to understand the current status and potential for printed books as well as E-books in Vietnam.  相似文献   

党的十五大提出加强西部大开发的发展战略,这必将对整修西部地区的发展起到十分重要的促进作用,西部十二省市区拥有数百个地区级公共图书馆,其所属文献信息机构更是数以千计,科研机构搜集,整理和提供政治,经济,科研,文化信息服务的任务,其重要作用不言而喻,但是近年来随着市场经济的确立及现代信息技术,网络技术的广泛应用,西部地区图书馆工作环境,经费,条件等诸种原因所限,其社会职能不能有效发挥,生存空间日益萎缩,随着西部大开发的实施,西部地区公共图书馆事业特别是机遇与严峻的挑战,在西部大开发中,这些图书馆如何抓住机遇,走出困境,为西部的开发发挥积极作用,是目前迫切需要解决的课题。  相似文献   

数字人文是数字技术与人文社会学科融合发展的智慧,对以历史文化与社会记忆为研究主题的档案领域产生着一定冲击与反思。通过理解数字人文内涵,厘清档案工作与数字人文的关联,发现档案领域数字人文基础设施薄弱、档案业务实践有待拓展、档案数字人文教育有待完善、配套激励政策存在不足等现实挑战。同时,认识到数字人文为档案工作带来的机遇:创新档案工作思维方式、构建档案数字人文仓储优势、识别与分析数字人文档案资源、提供更为丰富创新的档案服务。在档案基础建设、学科体系发展、馆藏资源整合、融合项目服务和开发宣传效益等方面提出相关选择建议,旨在提升学界与社会对档案领域数字人文项目研究的关注。  相似文献   

网络时代图书馆员的机遇和挑战   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
简述了我国图书馆员在网络时代的现状,提出了图书馆员在网络时代面临的机遇与挑战,并指出了图书馆员在网络时代的应对之策。  相似文献   

北京奥运会电视转播的机遇与挑战   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
奥运会电视转播是全球收视率最高的节目之一,也是电视转播机构收益最高的节目之一,同时又是最能体现电视转播技术和艺术水准的节目之一。雅典奥运会拥有40亿电视观众,最大的转播商美国全国广播公司NBC仅广告收入就达10多亿美元,主转播机构AOB由20多个国家的一流转播团队组成。我国中央电视台在5个频道中转播1400小时的节目,广告收入超过5亿元人民币,分别是悉尼奥运会的2倍。试想,如果没有电视转播,雅典奥运会还能被国际奥委会主席罗格称为“令人难忘的,梦幻般的奥运会”吗?  相似文献   

图书馆关联数据:机会与挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关联数据在图书馆领域具有广泛的应用前景,通过采用关联数据技术,图书馆有机会在未来语义网建设中发挥主导性作用。图书馆应用关联数据具有潜在的四个基本模式:发布、消费、服务和平台。关联数据的应用会使机器成为图书馆的重要服务对象,图书馆不仅要为人服务,而且也要为机器服务,这将带来一系列的机遇和挑战。  相似文献   

This article asks questions and invites discussion of important issues that must be addressed for our profession to continue to keep pace with the needs of a rapidly changing landscape. These broad questions invite discussions about: space, staffing, facilities and our changing roles. It looks at space in our facilities and how we use that space as both are pressing issues for libraries. The examination of our space includes the virtual spaces we create via resources on the web. Staffing and how staff will work together in the changing landscape are issues that will shape what our profession and libraries look like in the future. The questions and suggestions are intended to spark conversations in libraries about these important issues.  相似文献   

数字化阅读:图书馆的挑战与机遇   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在资讯时代,数字化阅读已经成为新潮流.文章简要介绍了数字化阅读的基本含义,并指出面对数字化阅读的冲击,图书馆必须真面挑战,迎接新的发展机遇.同时提出图书馆应革新资源,创新服务,并积极引导数字化阅读,倡导文明阅读.共同创建全民阅读社会.  相似文献   


Academic libraries, university presses, and commercial ventures are embracing print-on-demand publishing to improve services as well as reduce costs. The concept dates to the early 1990s, but problems with the technology coupled with a lack of interest by libraries and book vendors hindered its popularity. Today, print-on-demand remains ideal for institutional repositories and digital collections, as well as for collection development. It is especially popular for users with print preferences. Many publishers and librarians believe print-on-demand holds more promise for libraries than electronic books.  相似文献   

目前我国手机用户已达8.33亿,中国手机网民规模已达2.77亿。自2004年7月《中国妇女报》推出我国第一份手机报纸《中国妇女报·彩信版》以来,我国手机出版产业在数字出版中所占份额越来越大。国家新闻出版总署发布的《2009年新闻出版产业分析报告》显示,2009年数字出版总收入已达799.4亿元人民币,  相似文献   

Concentrates on the academic publishing sector within India, promoting three sites of resistance to historical (colonial) publishing processes identified as deficiencies for India’s growing academic publishing market. For a framework, the research draws on postcolonial theory, particularly the body of work assessing the means by which large academic publishers tightly control access to scientific output in many developing countries. It argues that although the historical constraints to academic publishing in India are diminishing, careful socioeconomic planning, recognising the development of a unique digital culture in India, are pivotal for a revitalised, local academic publishing program to grow and succeed.  相似文献   

在简要评述科学数据增长、存储管理和开放获取需求的基础上,介绍美国麻省理工学院(MIT)图书馆的DSpace图书馆数字资源存储系统和服务新模式,针对科学数据生命周期,提出图书馆建立数据驱动的e Science图书馆特色服务的思考与策略。  相似文献   

Column Editor's Notes

The “Digital Heritage: Spotlight on Europe” column examines technological advances internal and external to cultural institutions. The digital shift radically changed how cultural heritage is made, disseminated, distributed, accessed, consumed, and monetized. One of the most important revolutions is that the user.s role changed dramatically, shifting from passive observers to active participants and content producers with many new and exciting opportunities for engagement, creative use, and access. Interested authors are invited to submit proposals and articles to the column editor at annamaria.tammaro@unipr.it. Please include “IILR submission” in the subject line of the email.  相似文献   

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