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非物质文化遗产在全世界的呼声越来越高,人们对它的认识从懵懵懂懂的追捧,回归于实践层面的反思。和全世界一样,我国非遗工作也进行得如火如荼,但是深观非遗未来的路,还需要我们认真思考。"非遗"之后这些宝贵文化何去何从,也许民俗实践是最好的解决途径。  相似文献   

谌世龙 《贺州学院学报》2011,27(2):114-117,146
开发民族地区非物质文化旅游产品,对保护传承民族地区非物质文化遗产大有裨益。桂林非物质文化遗产代表性遗产目录中,饮食文化遗产项目所占比重大,具有历史悠久、种类繁多、品质优良、知名度高、工艺独特、市场潜力大等特色,但在申报工作、保护传承、品牌意识、产业规模、宣传力度等方面也存在着问题。桂林饮食文化遗产旅游产品化路径在于培育品牌、产业扶持、创设公园、创新产品、节庆打造、建立地标、强化体验、开发商品、注重营销等方面,从而丰富桂林旅游产品,促进桂林旅游经济的快速发展,使遗产得到更好的保护、传承和发展。  相似文献   

晏云 《鸡西大学学报》2010,10(2):103-104
改革开放以来,中国文坛发生了诸多变化,喧嚣浮华之气日见兴盛。执着地追寻自己的文学操守、自觉地呈现身份认同的作家才更能够引起读者的共鸣。试以阿来为具体个案,探讨身份问题对作家创作的影响。  相似文献   

文化空间是非物质文化遗产保护的一个重要概念,每年一度的青海省大通回族土族自治县"六月六"会就属非物质文化遗产的范畴。本文通过对老爷山"花儿"会和朝山会的包容、包含和文化空间的叠加这一现象的认识和探讨,提出非物质文化遗产保护要树立大文化空间观念,进而设想建立文化生态保护区,最终使非物质文化遗产保护取得实实在在的成效。  相似文献   

作为少数民族非遗保护研究的一个重要维度,遗产化过程的研究应受到重视。遗产化的过程,实际上就是一个遗产甄别、价值论证、遗产申报、遗产认定和遗产管理保护的过程。以国家级非物质文化遗产云南壮剧为个案,重点研究其从遗产甄别、价值评估、遗产申报、遗产认定到后续保护管理的遗产化过程,既可以为少数民族传统戏剧文化的遗产化积累相关的保护经验,又可以为实践我国非遗保护工作的"政府主导,社会参与"原则提供一项具有学术参考价值的研究个案。  相似文献   

具有近千年历史的梅山武功已被列入湖南省非物质文化遗产,并通过树立典型、走进科学、走向赛场、走向市场、走进社区等方式不断促进其传承发展。如何更好地保护、传承、发展体育非物质文化遗产,梅山武功的现代化发展模式或许可以给我们带来新的启示。  相似文献   

在分析非物质文化遗产产业化运作现实意义的基础上,以辽宁二人转为个案,研究其产业链构成模式及商业价值实现路径,进而从内容和形式的创新、人才培养、市场运作三个方面,探讨我国非物质文化遗产实现跨文化传播的实施策略.  相似文献   

随着全球化进程及现代化发展,传统文化的保存与继承面临着巨大挑战,因此对于象征着传统文化的非物质文化遗产的保护显得至关重要。当相关领域学者开始探讨如何制定非物质文化遗产的保护措施,博物馆就在这个时候被赋予了非物质文化遗产的保护责任。本文通过梳理相关文献分析在台湾地区非物质文化遗产的保护过程中,博物馆扮演着什么样的角色,发挥着何种功能,并以台湾地区的非物质文化遗产博物馆为例,分析博物馆在保护非物质文化遗产的同时如何继承与发扬传统文化,得出结论博物馆在保存和展示的功能之外,更应该注重收藏之后的后续规划和教育工作。由“传统”转入“现代”再转入“传统”的经营理念也有利于对于非物质文化遗产的动态保存。  相似文献   

非物质文化遗产与“物质”的关系——以民间传说为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
民间传说作为非物质文化的形态之一,其产生和传播明显依附于某些物质形态,缺少“物质”的客观基础,传说便无从生发和建构。因此,理解非物质文化遗产的“非”,不能绝对化。非物质文化遗产和物质文化遗产往往很难区分,两者只是侧重点不同而已。调查和研究非物质文化遗产不能忽视其中“物质”的形态。具象、直观的“物质”形态对认识非物质文化遗产具有重要意义,同时,也是促使非物质文化得以流传,使之成为遗产的不可缺少的因素。“物质”和非物质两者之间同构的互动关系,透视出非物质文化遗产流传的内在规律。  相似文献   

羌族没有文字,羌族语言、文化均靠年长者口授身传来传承。羌族文化的传承和"释比文化"息息相关,释比是羌文化的主要传承者。地震导致大量通晓羌族语言、历史文化的羌族人遇难。震后社会各界对汶川的羌族文化和大禹文化保护备加关注。虽然很多羌族文化遗产受到损失,但政府和高校对其传承和保护起到了重要的作用。  相似文献   

The academic "hurdle race": A case study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study analyzes the career patterns of a cohort of faculty members in a large Israeli university and shows that women constitute a small minority in that university, and that their rank advancements are fewer, slower, and lower than men's. We examine three possible explaining mechanisms: (a) "Thresholds" - according to which after women cross a certain barrier, differential career development on the basis of gender disappears or is, at least, greatly reduced. (b) "Ceilings" - according to which women's advancement is curbed before they reach the highest rank. (c) "Hurdles" - according to which women, as compared to men, are confronted by more obtrusive barriers at each step of the academic career. We found that no threshold could be detected after which gender differences are reduced and that the ceiling effect may be a by-product of women's extended career paths. Rather, the analysis of the case study suggests that women's career trajectories are characterized by "hurdles", i.e., at each rank they stay longer and their advancement probability is lower than men's even when their publication rates are taken into account.  相似文献   

19世纪西方民俗学创立 ,关于“民俗”之“民”的界定及理解在各个历史时期都有差异 ,各民俗学流派侧重点也不尽相同 ,反映在文学领域 ,可以发现 :西方文学秉承“民间”人文精神 ,张扬个性、思想自由 ,文学创作指向人类的终极关怀 ,作品中的“民间”情结贯穿于西方文学长河之中  相似文献   

The interactions of a primary school teacher with her class during two sessions of science are analysed to find the extent to which the teacher can be considered to be assisting the performance of her class. The qualitative analysis is in terms of both Tharp and Gallimore's six assisting behaviours and Coulthard's 'initiation-response-feedback' pattern for typical classroom discourse. The teaching shows features which suggest children's science concepts are being developed and features which are consistent with assisted performance, though it is not possible to show a causal relationship between these two aspects. It is suggested that there would be potential for exploring assisted performance further as a framework for teaching for conceptual development in primary science.  相似文献   

This article is an investigation of the role the aesthetic plays in biological inquiry and in the appreciation of the concepts of biology. A case-study approach is used focussing on the role of rhythm in biological process and in aesthetic experience. The purpose of this examination is to provide teachers with background in the aesthetics of biology so that they are better able to include the aesthetic aspects of this science in their teaching.  相似文献   

陈钧 《海外英语》2011,(11):7-9
Language learning beliefs play a very important role in influencing learners’ attitudes,motivations and also shape their experiences and actions in classroom.Successful learners develop insightful beliefs about language learning process,their own abilities and the use of effective strategies.However language learning beliefs can be different because of individual learner differences and contextual diversity.This study aimed at exploring beliefs about language learning held by pre-service teachers.159 pre-service teachers majoring in English at Qianan Normal College for Nationalities participated in the study.A 34-item questionnaire adapted from Horwitz’s(1987) BALLI was used to collect the data.The results were reported and discussed from the following five aspects:1) beliefs about foreign language aptitude,2) beliefs about difficulty of language learning,3) beliefs about nature of language learning,4) beliefs about learning and communication strategies,and 5) beliefs about motivation and expectations.Suggestions on pedagogical implications and for future research were also indicated.  相似文献   

古典文献中“风俗”与“民俗”存在语义差异.古人多使用“风俗”,“民俗”地位并不彰显.然随着近代中国社会转型,“风俗”地位衰落,“民俗”地位上升,二者固有关系被倒置.这一变化的发生与近代社会的转型有着密切关系.从语义流变的角度,可以看到词语文化地位的变化过程.  相似文献   

"杭州时期"是中国民俗学科发展史时间主轴上一个不容忽视、不可替代的重要时期,是中国现代民俗学继北京大学时期、中山大学时期之后的第三个重要的历史阶段,这一阶段是中国民俗学持续繁荣的阶段,而不是衰微时期。"杭州时期"中国现代民俗学的发展取得了巨大成绩,钟敬文、娄子匡、江绍原、钱南扬等民俗学家为中国现代民俗学的发展做出了卓越贡献。  相似文献   


Short training courses are commonly conducted in European countries for international groups of Agriculture and Rural Extension trainees. Recent trends, such as linking training to development projects and the growth of in-country training resources, make it increasingly important to assess the benefits of training in terms of its subsequent uses in post rather than from the participants' immediate reactions given at the end of a course in the training institution. Evaluation, however, is usually restricted by limited funding. This paper describes a low cost method of follow up investigation of the benefits of training, and some results of using the method, for one large scale training programme. A small number of open-ended questions is used to gather data. The analysis depends on considering the actual replies for the patterns they present. Common themes among the topics raised by the respondents are identified and grouped to construct an hierarchical classification. Key words are associated with each proposed theme and the topics analysed according to the classifications which emerge form the responses themselves rather than from any pre-determined analytical model being built in to the survey. The respondents were both Trainees and their Managers. Interesting differences in perspectives were found. Trainees perceived the benefits mainly in terms of improved professional skills. Managers stressed the personal and attitudinal changes in Trainees. The evaluation proved successful in that useful data was collected at a low cost and the method of analysis yielded appropriate insights.  相似文献   

构建"问题情境-自主探究"教学模式初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于化学学科教学的特点,在建构主义学习理论的指导下,从培养学生创新精神和实践能力的教学目标出发,构建了"问题情境-自主探究"的中学化学课堂教学模式,并对依据该模式设计的<碘与人体健康-氧化还原知识的应用>的化学课及其进行的多次教学实验结果进行了分析,表明该教学模式在培养学生创新精神和实践能力等方面效果显著,是当前中学化学课堂教学模式的必要补充.  相似文献   

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