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韦传东 《时代教育》2009,(5):139-139
高一新生由初中生向高中生的角色转换中,学校和教师如何引导和帮助学生尽快适应高中生活、让学生步入正轨是一个重要课题.  相似文献   

本文立足于寄宿制高一新生心理问题,首先分析了导致其心理问题形成的主要原因,然后从家庭支持这一因素入手,分析了发挥家庭作用帮助寄宿制高一新生缓解心理问题及其压力的有效策略及其途径,旨在帮助寄宿制高一新生平缓地度过这一特殊时期,更好地融入学习及生活中。  相似文献   

高职新生入学心理适应初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新生入学之初普遍存在适应不良的情况,这与学习、生活环境的快速变化密切相关。教师帮助新生从心理上适应新生活,应注重三个方面的内容:一是适应新的生活环境;二是适应新的学习环境;三是适应新的人际环境。  相似文献   

张国进 《考试周刊》2012,(77):177-178
跨入大学,大学新生的生活环境、学习方式、人际关系等发生了巨大的变化,故而引发了一些心理适应性问题。因此,为帮助新生更好更快地度过适应期,要积极发挥班主任、学长、学生会、学生社团与团委的作用,重视入学教育、职业生涯规划教育、心理健康教育。  相似文献   

近年来大学生特别是新同学颇多心理问题。新生心理倾向的形成,是时代和社会现实的反映。要解决他们的思想问题,不能单纯从他们身上去找答案,而且要从客观现实中去找答案;不仅要加强教育、改革管理,还要努力创造一个健康的环境。  相似文献   

本研究对大学新生的适应心理困境的主要表现与成因进行了详细的分析,介绍了心理资本训练营的基本概况及其构建模式,并对其在干预大学新生的适应心理困境中所起的作用进行了深入剖析。  相似文献   

大学新生入学适应情况调查报告   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本研究运用自编的大学新生生活学习情况调查问米,对武汉地区四所高校共550名新生的入学适应情况进行了调查,结果显示:大学新生入学适应的困难突出表现在学习适应、环境认同和人际关系方面;不同性别、不同专业、不同学校和来自不同地域的新生在不同维度上表现出不同程度的差异;大学新生在遇到困难和烦恼时,寻求的主要社会支持源是父母和过去的同学朋友。  相似文献   

高职新生心理适应状况对其后续学习效果及身心健康发展产生直接影响。本研究运用大学生人格问卷为测量工具,以贵港职业学院2009级全体新生为研究对象,筛选出高职新生普遍存在的心理适应问题,提出了预防与减少高职新生心理适应不良的建议。  相似文献   

以51名因入学适应问题寻找心理咨询的大一新生为研究对象,按性别比例随机分配为实验组和对照组,针对实验组开展自我认知团体心理辅导,辅导前后采用自我和谐量表、核心自我评价量表、中国大学生适应量表对两组被试进行测量.结果发现:实验组被试在核心自我评价、校园适应、情绪适应及自我与经验的不和谐等因子上有显著改善,对照组被试在入学适应各方面均没有显著变化,说明自我认知团体心理辅导对提升大学新生的入学适应具有显著效果.  相似文献   

高校新生的心理困惑与适应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校新生面临着由中学到大学的过渡,他们在人生目标、自我价值、学习方法、人际关系、理想与现实等方面普遍存在心理上的困惑和不适应。本文从这些方面进行了分析,并提出相应的一些建议,以帮助高校新生顺利渡过心理适应期,实现个人角色的转变。  相似文献   

为考察农村初中生学习倦怠与学习毅力的关系,本研究通过对宜宾市368名农村初中生的调查,运用SPSS19.0对数据进行处理,结果表明:(1)农村初中生学习倦怠与学习毅力均处于中等水平;(2)农村初中生学习倦怠与学习毅力显著负相关,学习倦怠感越低学习毅力越强;(3)农村初中生学习倦怠能显著负向预测学习毅力,学业疏离维度对学习毅力有最大负向预测作用。  相似文献   

小学生学习适应性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究发现,小学生总体学习适应水平比全国理论水平高得多。综合小学低,中,高年级适应不良率来看,小学中年级适应性最差。就学习适应性不良的学生来说,城乡之间无显差异,但性别方面有显差异。就学习适应优良的学生而言,城乡之间无显差异,而性别之间虽亦无显差异,但从各分项测验看,男生优良率明显低于女生。  相似文献   

A two part study investigated any relationship between student achievement and textbook content as well as any impact of a national project's recommendations on textbook content. First, analyses of student responses to biological items on the 1977 National Assessment of Educational Progress's survey of science showed a direct, linear relationship between achievement level and concept emphasis in biology textbooks. Second, a comparison between biology textbooks, published a decade apart, indicated significant changes in the degree of emphasis placed on 10 commonly accepted conceptual areas. Closer examination revealed that change in the amount of emphasis in one conceptual area, Growth and Development, was responsible for the significant difference found. Generally, the recommendations of the biology project were not reflected in the newer textbooks.  相似文献   

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance - The present study examined the influence of career adaptability and gender on career decision-making difficulties among Turkish...  相似文献   

Inquiry-based working by teachers includes working with an inquiry habit of mind, being data literate, contributing to a culture of inquiry at the school level, and creating a culture of inquiry at the classroom level. Inquiry-based working has been found to contribute to educational improvements and the professionalisation of teachers. This study investigates the relationship between psychological factors – attitude, experienced social pressure, self-efficacy and collective efficacy – and inquiry-based working by teachers. Questionnaire data were collected from a representative sample of 249 Dutch teachers. The results show a significant relationship between self-efficacy and all aspects of inquiry-based working. In addition, collective efficacy, attitude and experienced social pressure are all related to aspects of inquiry-based working. School leaders and teacher educators who aim to stimulate inquiry-based working should not only focus on increasing teachers’ inquiry skills, but also on psychological factors related to inquiry-based working.  相似文献   

Demographically matched groups of normal, nonreferred children who had, or had not, experienced one of four family background problems (lack of educational stimulation in the home, family pressures to succeed, economic difficulties, and general family problems) were compared on teacher ratings of school maladjustment and competencies. Children with each of these family problems had greater school difficulties and fewer resources than matched controls without such histories. Systematic relations, paralleling earlier findings with referred samples, were found between specific types of family and school problems. Thus, children from homes lacking educational stimulation had higher learning and acting-out problem scores than controls, and children under family pressure to succeed had higher anxiety ratings than controls. Some implications of these findings for prevention were considered.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to use multivariate multilevel techniques to investigate whether it was possible to separate different dimensions in grades that relate to subject-matter achievement and to other factors. Data were derived from The Gothenburg Educational Longitudinal Database (GOLD), and the subjects were 99,070 ninth-grade students born in 1987. The analyses were based on subject grades and scores on national tests in Swedish, English, and mathematics. The results showed that, at both individual and school levels, the greatest part of the variance in grades was due to achievement in the different subject areas. At both levels, it was possible to identify a dimension that cut across the grades in all 3 subjects, which suggests that grading is influenced by factors other than achievement. One of the most interesting results concerns the relation between parental education and the common grade dimension at the school level.  相似文献   

初中学生数学自主学习及其与数学成绩的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全面分析学生自主学习的心理结构,确定包括成就目标定向、学习兴趣、学习价值观、学习效能感和学习策略等五个分量表的自主学习测量问卷,信效度良好,对学生数学学业成绩有良好预测作用.以此作为评价工具实际测查和分析新课程背景下初中学生数学自主学习状况及其与数学成绩的关系.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study are as follows: (a) to investigate the relationship between high school students' learning approaches, prior knowledge and attitudes toward chemistry, and their performance on a misunderstandings test; and (b) to describe and analyze the differences between the responses of students with different learning approaches on the same test. Forty-nine suburban high school students enrolled in two sections of New York State Regents Chemistry classes participated in the study. The students' performance on a misunderstandings pretest and the students' learning approach both accounted for a statistically significant proportion of the variance on their performance on the misunderstandings posttest. Additionally, the results showed that the relatively meaningful learners performed significantly better than the relatively rote learners on the misunderstandings posttest.  相似文献   

“双减”政策对学校教育提出了“减负提质”的新要求。然而,农村学校在践行“减负提质”的过程中存在不少问题和困难。选取农村学校校长和教师为调查对象,采用深度访谈和扎根理论的方法,探索并建构“双减”背景下农村学校“减负提质”影响因素理论模型,并在此基础上,提出农村学校实现“减负提质”的改进策略:深化教师政策理解,加大政策对外宣传力度;转变学校教育观念,克服教师“唯分数”论;制定学校政策实施细则,保证“双减”举措严格落实;加强教师专业培训,提升教师政策执行能力;合理减轻教师负担,切实保障教师权益;适当增加农村小学科教师数量,单列小学科教师职称评聘条件;挖掘线上优质教育资源,充分利用农村社区资源;转变家长育儿观念,营造家校共育环境;加大教育投入力度,鼓励社会力量参与。  相似文献   

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