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毕业生职业发展反映了高等教育的职业价值,是衡量高等教育质量的重要依据。基于人与环境匹配理论,评价高校毕业生职业发展质量应从关注外显性指标向人职匹配转变,分析毕业生与职业环境的互动及其对职业发展的影响。具言之,从需求-供给匹配维度评价毕业生职业期望的实现程度,从要求-能力匹配维度评价毕业生对任职要求的回应程度,从一致性匹配维度评价毕业生与工作集体的融洽程度。构建体现人与环境匹配理念的职业发展评价体系,提升在校生职业环境适应性,是发展以服务需求为导向高等教育的重要举措。  相似文献   

The amount of time, effort, and money expended in pursuit of a college degree makes it important that students choose a university that is a good fit for them. Unfortunately students often determine whether a university is a fit for them through trial and error. This research investigated student-university fit and its relationship with satisfaction and well-being. We assessed student-university fit by developing 18 fit factors and measuring needs for, and supplies of, those factors. We tested our hypotheses using polynomial regression analysis and response surface methodology. Data from 228 students suggest that student-university fit is predictive of students?? satisfaction with their university and psychological well-being.  相似文献   

This article calls for reengineering the problem solving process. The goal is one of finding better solutions faster. This article also sets forth a “reengineered” view of the problem solving process, a “cover-the-bases” approach to solving problems. Included is a logic tree or algorithm that helps determine which bases to emphasize when, and a set of questions for use in covering each of the bases.  相似文献   

为了加强高等教育学历证书管理,维护国家学历制度和学历证书的严肃性,必须建立高等教育学历证书电子注册制度.为了加强我国学历证书管理工作,上级主管机关应抓紧改进工作方法和方式,充分挖掘数据信息资源利用潜力,提高学历证书管理工作效益;高校应提高岗位人员业务水平,加强软硬件设施建设,对证书注册管理的各个工作环节,要尽快实现系统化、规范化、制度化.  相似文献   

Decisions regarding college majors have the potential to affect a person's overall academic performance and long‐term career success. With Holland's ( 1997 ) trait‐and‐factor theory serving as a foundation, the authors examined relationships between person–environment fit, college major satisfaction, and grade point average of undergraduate students (N = 99). Results revealed that student–major congruence and academic major satisfaction were both significant predictors of grade point average.  相似文献   

Despite increasing interest in improving academic outcomes for students by enhancing mindfulness, there is a paucity of evidence that greater mindfulness is associated with success in school. We measured mindfulness with the short‐form Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) in over 2,000 urban students in Grades 5–8. The MAAS had good internal consistency and scale homogeneity. Greater mindfulness correlated significantly with better academic achievement as measured by grade point average and standardized tests of mathematics and literacy, greater improvement in academic performance from the prior school year, better attendance, and fewer suspensions. The relation between mindfulness and academic achievement was similar across demographic characteristics. These findings support the reliability of the MAAS as a measure of mindfulness among youth and provide initial evidence of an association between mindfulness and academic achievement. This association strengthens the rationale to explore whether mindfulness‐based interventions can enhance academic outcomes by leveraging the malleability of mindfulness.  相似文献   

Federal law mandates that universities reveal their graduation rates purportedly to inform policy makers and constituencies about efforts to support educational attainment for students and athletes. These rates are widely used to compare universities. Analysis of 10 years of graduation rates across all major athletic programs concludes that graduation rates alone are insufficient and misleading unless they account for the widely varying constituencies served by different universities. Constituency factors include university mission, admission restrictions, and institutional wealth. Universities with more selective admission policies graduate both students and athletes at higher rates, although their athletes graduate at lower rates, relative to their student cohorts. This research assesses: (1) athlete educational attainment, (2) the impact of athletic success and (3) the relationship between admission selectivity and educational attainment. The results provide implications for across-university policies and suggest a method for identifying universities that model the bifurcated goal of academic and athletic excellence.  相似文献   

音乐具有娱乐作用和促进健康、提高道德的功能,可以使受教育者更具创造性与想像力.因此,音乐教育应被纳入素质教育之必修课,从而使教育更完备.  相似文献   

以燕山大学实施学年学分制的教学体制为背景,从建立学生档案和评估体系等方面,对这种教学体系做了正反两方面的讨论。  相似文献   

“所谓大学者,非大楼之谓也,乃大师之谓也”。这是70年前梅贻琦先生讲的被世人认可的一句话,他深刻地道出了教师在学校的重要位置。没有一流的教师,难创一流的大学。近些年来,吉林广播电视大学加强教师科研工作,比较重视教师业务能力的提高,其重要手段就是从省校到分校加强科研工作力度,并多次举行教师讲课技能比赛。前不久,又举办了“全省电大教师技能大赛”,在全系统引起强烈反响,收到令人满意的效果。可以肯定地说,这是促教利学的良举。  相似文献   

荣誉法则以信任研究生尊重研究生依靠研究生为基本前提、以治理研究生学术失信为主要内容、以维护学术伦理体系为根本目的,对学术共同体具有普遍的价值约束刚性和行为纠偏张力,具有治理研究生学术失信不可或缺的良法意涵。在价值导向维度上,荣誉法则的内在核心旨趣是致力于培育研究生的诚信美德,构筑大学学术共同体的信任感;在形式上,荣誉法则以明确的法条规则指引着研究生的行为,着力于构筑集教育、预防、监督、惩治于一体的学术诚信体系。实施荣誉法则治理研究生学术失信的善治路径在于:明确荣誉法则规定、夯实认知基础;激发学术道德情感、厚植荣誉情怀;锻铸学术道德意志,筑牢荣誉信念;完善学术治理程序,引领行为选择。  相似文献   

柳青  王斌 《英语沙龙》2014,(2):48-49
正在刚刚过去的春节,你是怎么跟亲友说祝福语的?除了"Happy Spring Festival",你还可以再有创意一些!试着用"Wish you are as fi t as a fi ddle!"来祝福你的亲友吧,用乐器表达健康的祝福既新鲜又独特。还等什么,赶快来跟小编一起学学跟乐器有关的其他有趣表达吧!  相似文献   

Once upon a time, and in a country a long way off, there was a king who was very ill. All the doctors of the court (宫廷) attended him but, in spite of all they could do, he got worse instead better. At last in despair (绝望) they called in a famous doctor from another country.He came, looked at the king, and then, looking very grave (沉重) , said,"Your Majesty (陛下) , there is only one thing that can cure you."" What is that?" said the king, " Whatever you want shall be brought for you."  相似文献   

陈琳 《培训与研究》2006,23(5):21-23
也斯通过在柏林的“走路”而勾画出的城市心灵地图,为我们打开了一扇看世界的窗户,即如何从历史的角度,从空间的角度,从异乡人的角度看一个城市,看城市的文化。也斯特别由柏林反观香港,以知识分子的责任感为自己的家乡寻觅着空间定位与人文定位。  相似文献   

文章在有关的历史材料基础上,深刻剖析了民族分裂的本质,以事实说明了社会主义民族关系稳定的重要性,并提出了促进伊宁民族关系和谐与社会经济发展的具体措施。  相似文献   

分别用线性拟合法和非线性拟合法对实际反应体系力学动力淡数据进行计算,求出相应的反应级数和反应活化能等动力学参数。编制了For程序,实现了自动化处理。  相似文献   

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