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识字教学是语文教学的重要组成部分。小学阶段要求学生认识2500个左右的汉字,这么大的识字量,对于小学生来说是有难度的。在识字教学中,我尝试立足于汉字的组构规律,挖掘汉字的造字文化,把字形与字义、字音联系起来进行教学,让学生在理解的基础上掌握字的音形义,收到了很好的效果。  相似文献   

识字教学是语文教学的重要组成部分。小学阶段要求学生认识2500个左右的汉字,这么大的识字量,对于小学生来说是有难度的。在识字教学中,我尝试立足于汉字的组构规律,挖掘汉字的造字文化,把字形与字义、字音联系起来进行教学,让学生在理解的基础上掌握字的音形义,收到了很好的效果。  相似文献   

小学生识字是学习和掌握书面语言的开始,按照新的义务教育大纲规定,小学阶段要求学生认识常用字2500个左右,达到能够读准字音、了解字义、认清字形,掌握汉字的基本知识,大部分会用,为写字、阅读和写作打基础。汉字是音、形、义的统一体,只有弄清了一个字的音、形、义及三者的关系,才算真正认识了这个字。 一、指导学生掌握字音的措施 汉字是表意文字,一般不能直接表示出读音,至于说一个汉字为什么读这个音,那是约定俗成的。所以在学习字音方面,我们就以小学生学习汉语拼音母为例来进行分析。  相似文献   

培养学生独立识字能力是识字教学的重要目标。汉字是音形义的统一体,识字教学的内容包括字音教学、字形教学和字义教学。小学生开始识字,一般是知其音义早于字形,对抽象的汉字符号,学生是陌生的。因为汉字结构复杂,不易识记,对于初学汉字的小学生而言难度确实很大。  相似文献   

汉字是音、形、义的统一体,教儿童识字,要遵循音、形、义结合的原则,这三个方面紧密相连.我们应该从汉字的字音、字形、字义三方面来谈低年级汉字教学,此文就重点阐述字形教学. 小学生在掌握汉字的形、音、义时,掌握字形是最难的.这既与汉字本身的特征有关,也与小学生心理发展水平有密切关系.  相似文献   

2017年《国家教育事业发展"十三五"规划》中强调,要用教育信息化推动教育现代化。信息化教学以来,笔者在识字教学中努力学习如何利用信息技术辅助教学,并对信息技术与识字教学深度融合,提高识字教学效能进行了大量的实践与探索。本文将从汉字字音、字义、字形等角度出发,阐述如何找准信息技术与识字教学的结合点,以帮助学生学习汉字字音,理解汉字字义,掌握汉字字形,渗透传统文化教育,体会中华传统文化的博大精深。  相似文献   

在识字教学中,人们通常认为有三项任务:字形教学、字音教学、字义教学。于是不论教什么字,都不厌其烦地讲字形、字音、字义,形成了一种识字教学模式。这种模式是从汉字本身出发的,而不是从识字教学的实际出发的。汉语是表示意义的声音,而汉字又是记录汉语的符号,因而它就是形、音、义的统一体。但学生接受一个具体生字的时候,不一定对这个  相似文献   

在小学阶段,识字是语文课重要的一个环节,是小学生以后进行阅读、写作的基础。然而在课堂中教师识字教学方法单一、汉字学知识欠缺,导致学生机械记忆,识字效果不明显。针对此种现状,对生字从独体字、合体字、字音字形字义上着手,针对小学生识字的认知特点,运用多种识字教学策略,让小学生提高识字效率。  相似文献   

一、调动学生识字的主观能动性,培养学生自主识字能力研究结果表明,不同年段识字教学的难点各不相同。对于初入学的儿童,因为他们所学的是最常用的汉字,所以识字教学的难点不是字音和字义,而是应引导学生掌握汉字的一些构字规律,培养其自主识字的能力。在识字教学过程中,教师可依据汉字构字规律和儿童认识规律引导学生,突破难点,快速识字。若遇到象形字,教师可用简笔画先画象形字的图形,再过渡到字形。如:日、山、水、火、田。让学生在图形和字形之间产生联想记忆,这样学生就能快速、准确、有兴趣地记住所要认识的字。又如形声字,教师应在比…  相似文献   

小学语文学法指导讲话──第二讲学习内容的学法指导(一)万良琦(南昌市教研室)第一节字的学法指导小学阶段,字的学法指导包括字音、字形、字义、查字典和写字几个方面,其中,重点是要让学生掌握三套识字工具,学会识字方法,提高识字能力。一、掌握读准字音的工具─...  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with an innovative approach to teaching Chinese characters. Traditionally, pupils learn Chinese characters by repeatedly copying them until they can reproduce their form and pronunciation from memory. Most of the characters pupils are required to learn are selected on the basis of their frequency in adult written communications rather in everyday child usage. The process takes many years and is perceived by pupils as laborious and boring. The writers of the paper developed an approach based on the phenomenographic approach to learning and on various pioneering ways of teaching Chinese characters. Learning starts with the pupils’ own language and characters are introduced and used in contexts meaningful to the pupil, attention being drawn systematically to structural features, written form and pronunciation. Characters are learnt in relational clusters, similarities and variations among related characters in the clusters being used by teachers to highlight and emphasise crucial aspects of Chinese characters and words. The learning mastered serves as a foundation for subsequent learning. After an in-depth discussion of theory and pedagogy, the writers report an investigation in four primary schools in Hong Kong that yields strong support for the efficacy of the approach.  相似文献   

The written representation in Chinese can be considered as a pictorial or a symbolic representation which is very different from English where the pronunciation is related to how the word is spelt. Students face challenges of a very different nature when science is learnt in Chinese compared with English. In Hong Kong, students are making translations between the language they use in their daily lives, the science concepts and the scientific terms. The research team designed an interview protocol for primary school pupils in order to identify the pupils’ alternative concepts of science and if these alternative concepts are related to the structure of the Chinese language. The findings suggest that there are alternative conceptions related to (a) the form of the Chinese character—for example, the Chinese character for crocodile includes a radical meaning fish, and so pupils may take it that a crocodile is a fish; (b) the meaning of the Chinese character—for example, an electronic buzzer is a device used to attract bees as in Chinese, the character contains the word meaning “bees producing sound”. The findings provide important data for future endeavours aiming to compare the learning of science using different languages and on ways in which primary teachers may better facilitate their pupils in learning science.  相似文献   

<<三字经>>与汉字识字教材   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《三字经》用字 541个 ,其中见于香港小学用字表的约 4 2 7个 ,这些字最少覆盖了汉字基础知识词量中的 80 % ,对于幼童或其他初学汉语的成人 ,有重要参考价值。汉字识字有一定的规律 ,每个字都有独特的音、形、义 ,《三字经》充分考虑到这些问题 ,能充分利用儿童的学习兴趣和能力 ,具备优良儿童读物所应有的条件。《三字经》编写的理念 ,对我们今天教材的编写有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

The research described in this article aimed to explore and examine the dominant ‘assessment’ and ‘participation’ stories of upper‐primary pupils with long‐standing and marked literacy learning needs, their views on how their level of participation in the assessment and remediation of their additional needs might be increased and also how they perceive themselves as literacy learners. This qualitative small‐scale study adopted a case study approach and utilised creative methodologies in the context of focus groups to investigate sensitively the views and experiences of Key Stage 2 pupils with additional needs in literacy. The findings discussed here are based on the outcomes from the four Northern Irish schools that participated in the original cross‐border (Northern Ireland/Republic of Ireland) study. Findings are discussed in the context of strategies for promoting holistic and empowering pathways for learners with additional needs in literacy.  相似文献   

识字教育作为语文教育的重要内容,对学生的成长至关重要。当前义务教育阶段识字教学存在的问题主要有:汉语拼音学习弱化、忽视识字教学的现场体验性、识字教学的情感性教育欠缺。解决的策略是:明确识字教学的目标最终指向;遵循汉字本身的规律特点;遵循语文学科本身的教学规律;刺激学生学习汉字的动机,培养对汉字的兴趣;在"体悟与实践"中进行人文熏陶,减小目标与现状之间的落差。  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a study of the literacy perceptions and practices of general primary teachers (Key Stage 2) and post‐primary science teachers (Key Stage 3) within two clusters of schools. The study also explores the possible impact on pupils of any difference in the language climate which may accompany them on their journey across this curricular interface. Interviews with science managers and teachers suggest a quite restricted view of literacy is taken in both phases of schooling with no evidence of any practices which may support the notion of curricular continuity. The different approaches to the introduction of scientific terminology, writing, reading and classroom discussion were reflected in pupils' accounts of their experience and clearly posed a problem for some. We suggest there would be merit in teachers adopting a much wider perspective on literacy which recognises the opportunities for developing the interrelated strands of “general literacy” and “the discourses of science” alongside “learning through language”. By addressing each of these domains, and sharing practice across the key stages, a more comprehensive and coherent approach to “language, literacy and science learning” may result, in turn helping minimise the adverse effects of “language climate change”.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study examined the relationship between pedagogical continuity in literacy education and early literacy development by comparing Chinese children in Hong Kong and Shenzhen. Stratified random sampling was used to select 24 preschool and Primary 1 classes in four communities catering to middle‐class families in each city. The 24 teachers were interviewed about their teaching methods and views on pedagogical continuity in individual sessions. Further, their teaching activities were videotaped over a period of a week. Their students (n = 758) completed a Chinese literacy attainment test at the beginning and at the end of the same academic year. Analyses indicated that Hong Kong students outperformed their Shenzhen counterparts in Chinese literacy attainment, at both preschool and primary levels, concurrently and longitudinally. This suggests that the holistic approach followed in Hong Kong might have a more positive impact on children's literacy development than the approach followed in Shenzhen. Implications of the findings for early childhood curriculum reform are discussed.  相似文献   

This article explores some of the substantive issues that arose from a qualitative research study into individual pupil target setting in a secondary school. A multiple case study approach was employed in order to reveal the experiences and perceptions of some 'middle ability' Key Stage 3 pupils. The benefits of the process of setting highly individualized targets are discussed from the pupils' perspective. Therelationship between target setting and Academic Tutoring is examined and the potential for pastoral staff to use target setting as part of a learning discourse is highlighted.  相似文献   

This article explores the role of metacognition in developing literacy at Key Stage 2 and suggests that the ability to extend pupils’ metacognitive awareness deserves to be given a high focus in English teaching, as it is through this that deeper levels of understanding will be acquired. Metacognition can be enhanced by giving pupils an explicit repertoire of techniques to aid their understanding of how are they learning. Examples derived from five research cases reveal how some teachers have tried to achieve this, and the pivotal role which this may play in raising standards in English.  相似文献   

In this age of new media, children are exposed to media messages at an early age. What can we do when the mass media exert such a great influence on children? One proposal has been for the introduction of a new school subject: media education. Though media education has not been part of the official curriculum in Hong Kong, some schools, both primary and secondary, have tried it out. This paper argues for the desirability of introducing media education in primary schools in Hong Kong, with regard to social change, recent education reform and learning initiatives of primary pupils. It then draws on the findings of a study conducted in a local primary school to examine the views of pupils, parents, and teachers on the effects on pupils of the implementation of media education lessons and campus radio projects in this age of new media.  相似文献   

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