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This paper reports an exploration of the conceptions of quality learning held by two samples of physics teachers – final year, high school physics teachers and academics teaching first year university physics. We begin by outlining our view of quality learning, that is a view of learning in which learners take control of their own learning and engage with active construction and reconstruction of their own meanings for concepts and phenomena. This view of quality learning recognises the crucial role of the affective dimension of learning on the extent to which students engage with and maintain such constructivist and metacognitive approaches to learning. The study explored the qualitatively different ways in which individuals conceptualise quality learning in physics, using semi structured interviews that explored aspects of learning that the respondents regarded as worth fostering in their classrooms. The interview approach was a modification of the Interview-About-Instances approach that allowed the possibility of interviewees suggesting instances of particular relevance to their view of quality learning. This process resulted in a considerable quantity of rich and complex data related to a large range of aspects of physics learning. These data are summarised here, and the qualitatively different conceptions of the respondents with respect to four significant aspects of physics learning are discussed. These aspects are: doing experimental work; linking physics to the real world; students taking responsibility for their own learning and being confident/feeling proud of what you can do.  相似文献   

One hundred and four Chinese secondary school teachers in Hong Kong were assessed on their conceptions of counselling using a 30-item self-report checklist. Based on these teachers’ highest ratings on the three positions of each of the ten issues, it could be inferred that these teachers believe most strongly that a healthy personality is an important predictor of good counselling, that counsellors should integrate theories in their work, and that counselling should focus on the present. While there were few teacher subgroup differences, it was noteworthy that teachers involved in guidance work endorsed a humanistic orientation when compared with teachers with no such involvement. Implications of the findings for improved counselling training for teachers are discussed.  相似文献   

小学阶段的学生由于年龄限制,在理解课文、认知事物方面存在一定的盲区,这时就需要教师根据这个阶段学生的身心特点、学习情况给予学生适当的点拨,引导学生进行理解、认知。  相似文献   

试论教学艺术的审美性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学作为艺术,具有两个基本的审美特性:创造性和表演性。在教学中教师有创造性,就能使学生学得实,用得活;教师教得实,演得活,就能构成完整的教学艺术美。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the on‐going debate about specialisation and teaching art in primary schools. Moreover it provides a starting point for further research and the design of in‐service training that responds to the different needs and attitudes of primary school teachers in relation to teaching art. This is done by investigating several profiles of teachers who teach art in primary schools in Cyprus. It describes five profiles of teachers, which emerged from analysing data from pupils (questionnaire and interview data) and teachers (interview data) and thus brings a fresh insight to the learning‐teaching situation. There are two profiles of art specialist teachers, named as artist‐teacher and specialist‐teacher, and three profiles of non‐art specialist teachers, named as enthusiastic, disappointed, and indifferent non‐specialist. The most effective teacher in the pupils' eyes is the specialist‐teacher, who integrates more successfully than the others their subject matter knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, knowledge of learners and knowledge of the environmental conditions.  相似文献   

美术欣赏教学要以提高学生对形式的审美感知水平及对形式意味的直觉能力为目的,从而对作品进行多维和有效的审美评价。  相似文献   

Recently, there has been considerable concern among art educators and cultural policy makers to promote art education in Hong Kong. The launch of the new curriculum of a discipline-based character in 1996 generated debate in the art education circle of Hong Kong. There were diverse opinions on the rationale for teaching art. Concern was expressed about the present constraints of art teaching related to teachers' ability and school administration poses another important issue that seems to inhibit further developments. This paper reports part of the findings of a study on art teachers' concepts of teaching. It explores the concepts of about 20 secondary art teachers in Hong Kong. Several categories of teaching are derived from interviews: aesthetic development, moral development, intellectual development, expression and therapy, and intellectual and aesthetic development. A scheme is developed which can be used to analyze teachers' concepts as education in or through art on a continuum from subject to learner centred.  相似文献   

There are two basic guiding referents in the present investigation: the teaching and learning of school-level geometry (basic concepts of Euclidian geometry and measure) and the analysis of the conceptions of prospective primary teachers in Spain. The work assumes that such conceptions appear and develop during school years, and that consequently, for the prospective teachers to learn to teach mathematics, account must be taken of the requirements that arise from these conceptions themselves and from the prospective teachers’ knowledge of school-level mathematics. The objective of the study was to describe and analyse prospective primary teachers’ conceptions of school-level geometry and it teaching and learning. To this end, we considered the hypothesis that the students’ memories and expectations provide information with which to characterize their conceptions of the field of geometry and its teaching/learning at the primary school level.  相似文献   

浅析中学教师教学能力发展的几个层次   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从对于学生当前学习状况及学习心理的把握、对于学生的学习内容的深刻理解和表达、对于教学方法的设计运用、对于自我教学风格的把握等四个维度来考察中学教师教学能力的发展状况。可以在分别对照每一个维度的基础上综合评价教学能力的整体发展水平,有利于中学教师教学素养的全面提高。此外,以这四个维度来评价中学教师课堂教学能力也是对教育理论的探索创新。  相似文献   

教师是教育过程中的灵魂人物,而教师的教学领导风格可以说是提升教学品质,落实教育改革的重要关键.本研究是探讨上海地区初中教师之教学领导类型的分布状况,研究发现上海地区初中教师的教学领导类型之分布以实现者型最多,而支援者型最少.  相似文献   

教学反思是教师以自己的教学活动过程为思考对象,对自己所做出的行为、决策以及由此所产生的结果进行审视和分析的过程。在新课程的背景下,它既是教师教学常规工作的一项工作要素,更是教师专业成长的关键步骤。面对国家大力发展职业教育的新形势,中职教师要积极开展教学反思,不断提升自身素质,提高教育教学水平,以适应中等职业教育发展的需要。  相似文献   

A study was performed to describe and analyze the conceptions about teaching and learning science held by different samples of teachers in Spain. The responses of 265 teachers (107 prospective teachers and 158 active teachers) to items from the Inventory of Scientific and Pedagogical Beliefs (Porlán, 1989) were subjected to multifactorial analysis. The results showed various tendencies in how the teaching/learning process is viewed, ranging from a predominant view based on the transmission-reception of knowledge to a minority constructivist view. There was a greater diversity of viewpoints among the in-service teachers than among the prospective teachers. In both samples, the most representative tendency was learning as appropriation of meanings, followed by a technical view of teaching among the prospective teachers and a more traditional view among the in-service teachers. Finally, some implications for teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

中小学教师在制作微课技术方面首先应该考虑个人制作或是需要组建团队制作优质微课,同时也应该了解各种制作方式的基本操作方法和注意事项。  相似文献   

中等职业学校教师在职攻读硕士学位的工作从2000年开展以来,在取得成绩的同时,也存在着一些问题:生源差异给教学工作带来难度,论文指导工作不尽如人意和工学矛盾影响教学工作,并针对这些问题提出了相应的解决办法。  相似文献   

围绕对“创造性地使用教材“的新课改理念的实践探索,在“现代汉语“教学中,教师即要引导学生充分了解教材的特点,指导学生对教材内容进行取舍调整,让学生将学法训练渗透于教材使用中,又要督促自己,在使用教材中遍遍有改革、有亮点.  相似文献   

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