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东西方的化差异影响到人们的思维方式,而思维的差异又造成了语言的差异。因此,在英语教学中,教师要通过词汇,语法与篇章的教学揭示隐含的化信息,比较化词汇和意向,以正确处理化造成的语言差异。  相似文献   

语言根植于社会自然环境 ,中国和英国不同的地理环境给各自的文化留下了独特的印记 ,产生了英汉词义的国俗差异 ,特别有趣的是 ,像东西风 ,相同的词语可有不同的含义 ,不同的词语可有相同的含义。一、东风的不同含义中文的“东风”虽在英语中能找到“eastwind”这个对应词 ,但两者含义是不同的。中国西部高山 ,东临大海 ,由于所处地理位置的影响 ,故素有“西风凛冽”与“东风送暖”之辞。中国的东风是从东部海面吹来的和煦的、凉爽的风 ,在中国人眼里东风象征着温暖、春天和生命。它是严冬过后春天的向导 ,使草木萌芽 ,万物复苏。难怪有许多…  相似文献   

吕文贤  曾红军 《鸡西大学学报》2011,11(6):126+129-126,129
作为中国比较文学的奠基人之一,季羡林一生的学术研究,很难用一两个词语或一两个学科的名称加以概括,他客观地分析了西方文化中的"天人二分"思维模式,参照中国"天人合一"的综合思维模式,提出了科学性论断"三十年河东,三十年河西",并称之为"东西方文化互补论",以实现东西方文化的平等交流。他还提出了"拿来主义"以及"送去主义",反对"西方中心论",推进"文化多元化"的理论,使中西方文化相互融合,共同创造人类美好的文化前进之路。  相似文献   

Professor of modern Hungarian Literature at Budapest University, 1965/66 visiting Professor at the Sorbonne, Paris, 1981–88 Director General of the Hungarian National Institute of Pedagogy. Since 1989, responsible for educational and cultural research. Author of several books in his fields of competence.  相似文献   

东部沿海地区经济高速增长 ,西部地区却相对处于停滞状态。其成因是 :东部的自然条件优于西部 ;历史上经济重心的逐渐东移 ;改革开放初期 ,国家给予了自然、经济、技术、人才基础较优越的东部沿海地区一系列特殊政策 ;西部地区的人才东流以及受旧观念的束缚。  相似文献   

中西方诚信思想既有其共通之处,又存在着许多差异.中西方的诚信观虽然是异质的,但二者的对立恰好形成了一种优势互补的格局.因此,对待中西方诚信思想应本着扬长避短的方针,坚持求同存异、多元并存,谋求中西互补与融合创新,努力创造出一种诚实与信用、自律与他律、价值理性与工具理性辨证统一的科学诚信观.  相似文献   

长期以来,由于东西方意识形态的根本对立,导致了理论界长期把东西方经济理论置于对峙地位,随着世界经济一体化潮流的不断增强,重新认识东西主流经济学理论已成为经济学理论的重要课题,这里主要从马克思主义经济学对代表的东方经常学和以凯恩斯,萨缪尔森为代表的西方经济学理论入手,立足于东西主流经济学理论的理论性质,理论基点以及两种经济理论对社会经济现象进行剖析的角度,方法,形式等方面比较研究,揭示和阐明两种经济理论的异同。  相似文献   

本文从语言教学模式、教学方法和教学思想三个方面对比和分析了中国和欧美国家的外语语言教学情况,结果表明传统的语言教学模式及其所采用的语法翻译法应被现代的语言教学模式及交际法所取代,同时应注重包括教学模式、教学方法和教学思想在内的整体语言教学和研究的提高和进步.  相似文献   

宋代两淮地区商业呈发展趋势 ,且具有明显的两个特点 :其一 ,北宋时与漕运和茶、盐的销售紧密相关 ;其二 ,南宋时与互市及战备物资的运输联系密切  相似文献   

由于王莽改革的失败以及自然灾害的影响,两汉之际爆发了波及社会各个阶层、各个群体的社会动乱.小农、豪族、士人、刘氏宗室成为参与社会动乱的主要群体,由于这些社会群体中的成员社会身份、利益取向、行动目标、行动方式等的不同,他们的行动对社会动乱也产生了不同的影响,发挥了不同的作用.  相似文献   


In response to a Scottish Office call for a briefing paper on widening access to higher education the authors conducted a 'snapshot' study of the field including not only desk-based research but a questionnaire survey and interviews with approximately 70 practitioners in the field of access across the UK. The survey asked the opinions of practitioners on the areas of their greatest concern in the field of widening access to include marginal socioeconomic groups. This article gives an account of the concerns expressed in this survey and finds that the primary concerns fall under six headings: pre-entry guidance, qualifications frameworks and transfers, structural barriers and flexibility, attitudinal barriers, student finance and institutional finance. Solutions were also sought in relation to policy and practice in Scotland and included suggestions for more emphasis on partnerships, better communication between institutions and the community, and a shared system of financial support for institutions and for students alike.  相似文献   

由于屈原、宋玉的“骚体学”创作,只是就三代古乐而“更定其辞”,故不能仅就其辞内容来判断其性质。而如果就这些作品在音乐上的源头来看,它们实是上古中国东西部音乐学交融的成果。  相似文献   

西汉中期以后,伴随着统治危机日甚一日,一股厌汉的社会心理普遍在社会各阶层中滋生和蔓延开来,并成为汉新王朝实现禅代的重要因素。然随着王莽改制的失败,遂又引发了社会各阶层思汉的社会心理,并最终促成了东汉王朝的建立。  相似文献   

Development as an open-systemic phenomenon involves feed-forward processes that guide the organism to face always uncertain future states of its relations with the environment. This creates a major conceptual problem for science — and a practical one for education — its theoretical terms need to captureboth the certain and uncertain aspects of the developing system. Psychological theory has failed to model developmental processes since it has been built on static ontology of being, rather than on the epistemology of becoming. This contrast is accentuated by the use of transitivity relations in psychological models which are axiomatically closed to the open-endedness of the future in conjunction with the uniqueness of the past-to-present trajectory. Flexibility of developing systems is guaranteed by intransitivity cycles that set up conditions for their own rupture. Development as multi-level interdependent process requires breaking of intransitivity cycles and is organized as an autocatalytic process. Novelty is the key feature in all developing systems, and our formal models in psychology need to open the process of emergence for empirical and theoretical inquiry. Implications of such theoretical reconstruction for educational practices will be discussed — demonstrating that (a) education is necessarily open-ended and constructive process, and (b) outcomes of educational efforts cannot be predicted — while setting the direction towards educational goals is the key to any outcomes.  相似文献   

Specialized in the history and the philosophy of education on which he published many articles.  相似文献   

中国与西方的打击乐,是在不同文化背景下生成的两种形态的打击乐,其形制、表现手法和社会功能有许多不同之处。随着世界各国文化交流的日益频繁,中西方打击乐在相互交流中,出现了一个交融互补,创新发展的新局面。  相似文献   

When discussing contributions from psychology in/to educational practices like school-based mental health promotion, it is peculiar that psychologists (of an educational or clinical kind) or education-oriented sociologists, both not often based in schools or classrooms, dominate the topic. It has been acknowledged that school staff have been over looked and underutilised in contributing to the discussion, particularly as this pertains to sharing perspectives on how they experience their role in relationship to education policy and practice. The study presented here looked to address this situation by seeking the perspectives of school staff on a range of concerns situated at the nexus between education and psychology. Contrary to the type of displaced assessment intimated above, this group of school staff generally accepts they perform a crucial task in supporting students, their main concern being to incisively question how they might negotiate existing role-related pressures to better current school-based practice.  相似文献   


This paper focuses on the Reciprocal Learning Programmes between Western and Eastern educational systems through a Sister School project as well as, a Reciprocal Learning Programme through preservice programs between a Canadian university and a Chinese university. Benefits of the Reciprocal Learning Programs include reflective practice of content and pedagogical learning, cultural and societal learning, globalisation and emotional and social impact. Qualitative documentation demonstrates that educational, social and cultural dimensions are cultivated and nurtured through the Reciprocal Learning programs and have positively affected the students, educators and leaders involved in the project. Criteria for success in the programs included professional and personal commitment, educator inquiry, vulnerability, organisational commitment and multi-dimensional partnerships.  相似文献   

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