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This experimental study was conducted to examine the efficacy of repeated reading and wide reading practice interventions for high school students with severe reading disabilities. Effects on comprehension, fluency, and word reading were evaluated. Participants were 96 students with reading disabilities in grades 9–12. Students were paired within classes and pairs were randomly assigned to one of three groups: repeated reading ( N  = 33), wide reading ( N  = 34), or typical instruction ( N  = 29). Intervention was provided daily for approximately 15–20 minutes for 10 weeks. Results indicated no overall statistically significant differences for any condition, with effect sizes ranging from −.31 to .27. Findings do not support either approach for severely impaired readers at the high school level. We hypothesize that these students require more intensive interventions that include direct and explicit instruction in word- and text-level skills as well as engaged reading practice with effective feedback.  相似文献   

The current study took a quasi-experimental approach investigating the effect of a holistic after-school intervention, on reading comprehension measured by the Gray Oral Reading Test (GORT)-4 on at-risk students in Grade 2 through Grade 5. Analysis of Variance was used to investigate the relationship between pre- and post-intervention scores. The study showed encouraging results. The 91 student participants showed gains in their GORT-4 total scores after the intervention. Results of after-school tutoring lend support to the use of peer-tutoring in afterschool in the elementary schools. Due to the exploratory nature of the study in a single school, there are constraints on generalizability and utility of findings to other schools across the board.  相似文献   

中学英语教学的核心是阅读教学。解决中学生阅读中存在的问题的方法是:运用构词记忆法、联想记忆法、广泛阅读等方法,扩大学生词汇量;补充各类阅读材料,拓宽学生文化背景知识;传授正确的阅读技巧,培养学生良好的阅读习惯。  相似文献   

阅读困难(Reading disability)是学习不良(Learning disability)的一种类型,普遍存在于学习不良学生中.据统计,在美国,发展方面存在障碍的儿童占儿童总数的10.5%,其中学习不良儿童占5.25%,其中又有至少50%是阅读困难儿童.  相似文献   

新课程改革以来,我国高中英语阅读教学虽然在观念和做法上都已经进入一个新的时期,但是还存在着诸多问题。高中英语阅读教学的改进,关键在于做好以下六个方面的工作:选材(selection),解读(interpretation),设计(manage-ment),上课(practicing),定位(locating),反思(extension)。教师要充分关注对教学材料的解读,在解构文本的基础上建构学生的学习,帮助学生通过评价性阅读等手段,对文本进行深层次的理解。  相似文献   

申昭华 《海外英语》2013,(19):67-69
Based on the perspective of the schema theory and modern education technology,In this paper,the method of ran dom experimnet is used to measure how two types of schema instruction‘video clip’and‘multimedia courseware’influence Chinese college students’reading comprehension of English argumentation.The results illustrate the schema instruction can not only develop the students’sensibility of English argumentation structure,but also activate the schema in students’memory.Mul timedia courseware instruction is superior to video clip instruction.The paper proposes its viewpoints concerned.  相似文献   

西方关于学习困难学生的阅读理解策略教学研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
回顾了西方关于学习困难学生的阅读理解策略教学的兴起、现状和未来发展方向。重点从教学内容和教学方法两方面介绍了阅读理解策略教学的发展现状 ,并从中揭示出主体性、整体化和灵活性的发展特点。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relations among oral and silent reading fluency and reading comprehension for students in Grades 6 to 8 (n = 1,421) and the use of fluency scores to identify middle school students who are at risk for failure on a high-stakes reading test. Results indicated moderate positive relations between measures of fluency and comprehension. Oral reading fluency (ORF) on passages was more strongly related to reading comprehension than ORF on word lists. A group-administered silent reading sentence verification test approximated the classification accuracy of individually administered ORF passages. The correlation between a maze task and comprehension was weaker than has been reported for elementary students. The best predictor of a high-stakes reading comprehension test was the previous year's administration of the grade-appropriate test; fluency and verbal knowledge measures accounted for only small amounts of unique variance beyond that accounted for by the previous year's administration.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether third-grade teachers' instructional actions during reading comprehension lessons contributed to their students' reading comprehension achievement. Our framework focused on teachers' emphasis on three dimensions of instruction (pedagogical structure, teacher-directed instruction, and support for student learning), as observed in comprehension lessons across a year. Third-grade teachers' instruction was analyzed first by measuring their latent propensity to engage in instructional actions in the three dimensions and then by using these latent variables in a multilevel model to examine their students' gains in reading comprehension. Results provided support for the theoretical dimensions, taking into account contextual variables including lesson, student, and teacher characteristics; teachers' engagement in teacher-directed instruction and their support for student learning significantly contributed to their students' reading comprehension. Results suggest that analysis of teachers' instructional actions within and across lessons is a promising approach for the study of effective reading instruction.  相似文献   

This investigation examined the effects of strategic notetaking on the recall and comprehension of high school students with learning disabilities (LD) or educable mental retardation (EMR). Twenty-six students with high incidence disabilities (LD or EMR) were randomly assigned by grade and disability to either an experimental or control group. Using strategic notetaking, students in the experimental group were taught to independently take notes while viewing a videotaped lecture. Students who were taught strategic notetaking scored significantly higher on measures of immediate free recall, long-term free recall, comprehension, and number of notes recorded than students in the control group who used conventional notetaking. The limitations of the research and implications of this technique for classroom application are discussed.  相似文献   

Reading comprehension is a complex skill that places significant demands on students, beginning with elementary school and continuing through the secondary grades. In this article, we provide an overview of possible factors associated with problems in reading comprehension among secondary students with learning disabilities. Discussion underscores the fact that comprehension problems are evidenced by a heterogeneous group of students. We argue that it is important for teachers to align an intervention with a specific area of difficulty (e.g., teaching prefixes and suffixes to increase reading vocabulary). We highlight research‐based interventions advocated by the National Reading Panel and offer ways that teachers can match specific strategies with the individual needs of students with problems in reading comprehension. Finally, we emphasize that whatever strategy is selected, it should be structured, explicit, scaffolded, and intense ( Williams et al., 2005 ).  相似文献   

基础教育中学生主体权利的解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国法律赋予学生权利广泛的内涵,法律规定学生享有生存权、发展权、受保护权和参与权,任何学生都平等地享有这些权利。但由于传统的学生观和人们法律观念的淡薄,学生主体的权利被遮蔽和剥夺,使学生的身心受到伤害,社会各界都应依法保护学生的权利。  相似文献   


This research investigated the immediate and long-term effects of a Tier 2 intervention for beginning readers identified as having a high probability of reading failure using a randomized control trial. First-grade participants (n = 123) were randomly assigned either to a 25-session intervention targeting key reading components, including decoding, spelling, word recognition, fluency, and comprehension, or to a no-treatment control condition. Analyses of immediate posttests (end of first grade) indicated significant differences in measures of Decodable Word Fluency (effect size = .40) favoring the intervention group. Within the intervention group, tutor ratings of attention were significantly related to growth in Passage Reading Fluency and Spelling Fluency. Longitudinal assessments (end of second grade) indicated no significant differences by group. Analysis of responder status indicated that students defined as responders maintained gains to the end of second grade.  相似文献   

在高中语文教学中,阅读占有重要地位,不但是重要的考核内容,且对学生学习和生活具有重要的影响。而经典阅读对学生的影响更是巨大,不仅能提高学生的文学素养,丰富他们的思想,更蕴含了丰富的心理健康教育内容,可使学生身心健康发展。  相似文献   


The purpose of this research was to explore the relative effectiveness of intensive reading interventions for struggling high school readers. A yearlong randomized control study was conducted to estimate causal effects, as measured by the criterion-referenced state assessment test, for 1,265 ninth-grade students in 89 classes across 7 high schools in a large school district. Students in the high risk group and the moderate risk group were randomly assigned to one of four intensive reading interventions (three new interventions and a “business as usual” control condition.) Results indicated that for all four interventions, gains made by students in the high risk group exceeded the benchmark for expected annual growth. For the moderate risk group, random effects mixed modeling showed that reliable differences were observed in the state outcome gain scores between two of the intensive interventions and the “business as usual” control condition (Glass's adjusted Δ = .27, .30).  相似文献   

阅读课是高中英语教学的主要课型,如何最大限度地利用阅读材料,培养学生的阅读理解能力,与阅读课教学策略有很大关系。  相似文献   


In this study we investigated an instructional plan for teaching a reading study skill, outlining, to high school-aged students with learning disabilities. We used a multiple baseline experimental design to measure the effectiveness of a specially designed program that provided 30 min of instruction for 10 days in the following three categories of outlining: (a) title/main topic selection and format; (b) subtopic selection and format; and (c) detail selection and format. Subjects’ skills increased as a function of the program and were generally maintained on 4- and 8-week follow-up tests. Students also increased their performances on tasks used to assess generalization.  相似文献   

张耿 《海外英语》2012,(5):125-127
Implications of second language reading learning are often aroused by the insights of reading experience in first language.Chi nese learners’ performance concerning English reading comprehension may influenced by Chinese language or English language.This pa per attempts to explore the influence of first language(Chinese) knowledge on second language(English) reading comprehension for Chi nese students in middle school.This investigation concerns over three aspects of L1 knowledge:genre knowledge,reading skills,and cultur al knowledge.It firstly demonstrates the research question.Then,based on schema theory,it introduces the research method and partici pants in this study.Furthermore,this paper presents the data of the investigation along with the data analysis.It finally concludes that the positive effects of L1 knowledge on L2 reading comprehension overweigh its negative effects.  相似文献   

English learning in high school is a process of integrated development of language knowledge and language skills,and a process of continuous improvement of learning ability.English reading plays an important role in high school English learning.This study attempts to explore the correlation between English reading anxiety and English reading performance and to help high school students improve their English reading achievements,providing individual cases and suggestions to senior high school English teachers.  相似文献   

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