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由于思维模式的差异,英汉段落在组织上体现出明显的差异。在统一性的问题上,汉语段落显然要宽容得多,螺旋式的展开方式使汉语段落可以“迂回而言它”;英语段落则单刀直入,不容许任何偏离主题的句子出现,内容上高度统一。连贯性在汉语中更多地以“意合”的方式来体现;英语段落则使用显性手段明确地做出标记。多数汉语段落的完整性要跨自然段来实现;英语的自然段则往往就是意义段甚至可以等同于小文章,结构上很完整,圆满地交待清楚主题思想。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of teaching a metacognitive text structure strategy upon the paragraph writing skills of eighth-grade students with learning disabilities. The technique, called Statement-Pie (Hanau, 1974), teaches students to understand the relationship of supporting details to a main idea. Four students were taught to use an outline as a paragraph planning guide, which they then used to convert information into written expository paragraphs. All subjects reached instructional outcome criterion on the writing of comparison/contrast and sequence paragraphs. One week after reaching mastery in the special education classroom, students generalized their paragraph writing skills to other teachers and to different classrooms. The results of this investigation indicate that when provided with direct, intensive instruction in a text structure strategy, adolescents with learning disabilities can improve their skills in paragraph writing.  相似文献   

汉英议论文的段落划分模式都有三种,即一个自然段一个主题句,两个或多个自然段来论证一个主题句,以及自然段“主题句隐含”,但前者还有一个段落内含两个或多个主题意义的情况,后者则段落主题意义必须单一。从理据上分析,汉英议论文各自的段落划分受思维单元、认知、情感、社会因素和传统思维方式的不同作用。汉英议论文段落划分模式大同小异,并呈现出相互影响互为容纳的表征,有共向演进的趋势。  相似文献   

文章是作者表达自己思维过程的书面语言的形式。那么,文章的单位就是作者思路步骤的书面语言的形式了。不管是文章的整体,还是任何一个单位,都总是以作者“意”的起止,而不以段落的多少为标志。段落不过是作者在“述意”过程中为了突出意旨、强调感情、加强语气、有利“意联”的手段。传统语文理论强调文章“一段一个意思”、“段与段的关系”,是一种手段决定内容的八股方法。语文教学中,从手段中去归纳“段意”、解释词语,不可避免地会出现断章取义、望文生义的错误。  相似文献   

阅读在英语写作教学语篇环节中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英语写作教学与阅读有着非常密切的关系。根据一些学者的研究分析,中国学生在英语写作中语篇错误比较突出,而阅读在文章主题思想的表达、段落主题句的写作以及信息粘合性等语篇环节中起着重要的范文作用。通过学习阅读文章进行写作教学可以有效地提高学生的语篇水平。  相似文献   

This study used a multiple probe design across behaviours to determine if four high school students with learning disabilities could plan post‐school transition goals using a modified GO 4 IT … NOW! intervention while learning essential paragraph and essay writing skills. The results of this study indicate a functional relationship between the intervention and increased writing skills needed for high‐stakes testing and increases in students' knowledge of transition planning. During baseline, students produced extremely short essays and did not include essential paragraph elements. After instruction, students wrote longer compositions and included more details, and paragraphs contained more paragraph elements. All participants increased essay quality during the intervention as measured by the rubric used to evaluate end‐of‐instruction writing prompts.  相似文献   

The term ‘modality effect’ in multimedia learning means that students learn better from pictures combined with spoken rather than written text. The most prominent explanations refer to the split attention between visual text reading and picture observation which could affect transfer of information into working memory, maintenance of information in working memory or the effective size of working memory. The assumption of a continuous need for split attention is questionable, however. Learners can keep pictorial information in working memory, when they have seen the picture before, especially if they have higher prior knowledge. Instead of suffering from a permanent split attention, learners frequently show tendencies to simply ignore pictures. This suggests guiding learners towards picture analysis by picture-related text paragraphs. We assume that these paragraphs are associated with stronger modality effects than content-related paragraphs, especially if the pictures are new to learners. These assumptions were tested in an experiment with 120 students learning about volcanism from illustrated text consisting of segments each including a content-related paragraph followed by a picture-related paragraph describing the accompanying visualization. Content-related and picture-related paragraphs were presented as visual or auditory texts leading to 2x2 conditions of text presentation. Picture novelty was manipulated by presenting a picture throughout the whole segment or only when the picture-related paragraph was read. As expected, picture-related paragraphs were associated with stronger modality effects than content-related paragraphs if picture novelty is high. The distinction between different kinds of paragraphs seems to be important for the prediction of modality effects.  相似文献   

散文中的自然段可以称之为散文段。散文段有一般与特殊之分。一般散文段含句组段与句子段两种,其中句子段又包括复句段与单句段。特殊散文段实为散文段形式的借用,在结构上缺乏完整性。它们可以分为两种。其一,具有明确语法关系的特殊散文段,包括小于句子但有明确语法关系的散文段与难于明确其自身性质但有明确语法关系的散文段,其中小于句子的散文段又包括词语段与分句段。其二,难于整体上进行语法分析的散文段,包括小于句子但缺少独立性的散文段与大于句子但缺乏完整性的散文段。散文段可以创造整齐美,创造变化美,增加诗歌色彩,强调所要表达的内容。  相似文献   

Alexander Bain popularized six rules for paragraph construction within his rhetorical theory. As a result, he is usually called the founder of paragraph theory. His concept of the paragraph appears to be analogically derived from sentence theory. Bain, however, was not the first to theorize about paragraphs and may have been influenced by his predecessors. Furthermore, his compositional theory in general as well as his sentence theory could have influenced his paragraph theory. An examination of his association psychology reveals a logically consistent rationale for the derivation of Bain's paragraph theory.  相似文献   

本文从党的建设的基本经验、“三个代表”重要思想、党的性质等九个方面,探讨了江泽民同志“七一”重要讲话中的新思想、新观点和新论断。  相似文献   

本文采用实验法研究了标记对聋生段落、篇章阅读的影响。结果表明:对段落和篇章进行标记能够有效提高聋生对段落和篇章整体信息的理解与保持。研究建议:在聋校中、高年级段落和篇章阅读教学中,要加强组织策略训练,可采用对关键项目标记的方法,强化课文整体信息的识记,提高聋生的阅读水平。  相似文献   

Assisted and unassisted performance of 14 average readers (7 boys and 7 girls between 9.67 and 13 years of age) and 14 children with learning disabilities (10 boys and 4 girls between 10.8 and 13 years of age) were compared on a reading comprehension task--stating the main idea in expository paragraphs in which the topic sentence was either first, last, or missing. Children were trained to find the main idea in one- and two-paragraph texts and took pre- and posttests in which they were asked to write the main ideas contained in one-, and six- to eight-paragraph texts. The main ideas contained in these texts either were explicitly stated (topic sentence first or last) or were implicit (topic sentence missing). Children's performance improved from pre- to posttest, although the effect of topic sentence placement was evident at both test times (performance on topic-sentence-first paragraphs was better than on topic-sentence-last paragraphs, which was, in turn, better than performance on topic-sentence-missing paragraphs). Although average achieving children and children with learning disabilities did not differ on static pre- and posttest measures, they did differ in how easily they learned to find the main idea under different topic sentence placement conditions. Children with learning disabilities required significantly more instruction than average readers to reach mastery criterion on nonideal text structures. Implications of the findings are discussed from both assessment and pedagogical perspectives.  相似文献   

We have not included the first two paragraphs and part of the final paragraph of this article to reduce repetition and excess verbiage - Editor, Chinese Education.  相似文献   

《庄子解》集中体现了李贽的道家思想,也体现了李贽对庄学的贡献。李贽从文章学角度对《庄子》内七篇作了深入细致的剖析——总体把握各篇主旨、揭示各篇脉络、划分段落,从篇、节、段、句等不同层次,解析《庄子》章法;评述《庄子》中的人物事件,复述《庄子》中的有关段落,评述与复述相结合疏通《庄子》义理;大量征引郭象《庄子注》和宋人《庄》注,借鉴成说,但又能发明新意。李贽的解庄之词洋溢着浓郁的文学气息,体现了李贽解庄时的文学意识。  相似文献   

铺陈是辞赋的基本创作方法,散布式,段落式,递进式,并列式为辞赋的四种铺陈方法,所谓散布式的铺陈方法是指把同一内容的诗句或诗节,散布在整篇作品中,段落式的铺陈方法是指作品中用一个诗段或自然段落描绘某一个主题,递进式的铺陈方法是指整篇作品或整个段落在铺陈时,采取层层递进,步步深入的描述方法,具有纵向性,并列式的铺陈方法是指全篇作品或整个段落从各个不同的方位,方面进行描绘的方法,使描绘的对象具有横向性。  相似文献   

To examine the relationship between prior knowledge, situational interest, and recall, 34 college students read 15 paragraphs that contained varying amounts of fictional material, rated how interesting they found each paragraph, and were later assessed on how much of the information they retained. Five of the paragraphs contained fictional items that were accessible, and five paragraphs contained fictional items that were inaccessible. Results indicated that the relationship between prior knowledge was curvilinear but varied based on the accessibility of the novel information. For accessible materials, interest first increased as prior knowledge decreased, but then decreased sharply as prior knowledge lessened. For inaccessible materials, interest did not significantly increase, and decreased at a higher level of prior knowledge relative to accessible materials. Overall, people found accessible materials to be more interesting than inaccessible materials, and interest was not a significant predictor of performance on recall or recognition tasks when prior knowledge was controlled.  相似文献   

衔接可作为大学英语精读教学阅读过程中寻求连贯的一种显性线索。应用衔接理论分析语篇,可以引导学生把握段落内部、段落之间以及贯穿整个篇章的意义联系,从而有效提高学生语篇分析和阅读能力。  相似文献   

In two experiments it was investigated how drawing as a monitoring task affects self-regulated learning and cognitive load. To this end, participants (Exp. 1: N = 73, Exp. 2: N = 69) were randomly assigned to one of two conditions. In the experimental condition, students were asked to read an expository text on the formation of polar lights consisting of five paragraphs, whereby, after each paragraph, they had to create a drawing of the text's content. In the control condition, students read the same text, but performed no drawing task. In both conditions, students had to give judgments of learning (JoLs) after each paragraph and after reading the whole text as well as rate their cognitive load. Then, they were asked to select paragraphs for restudy. In Experiment 1, participants continued with an assessment of their learning outcomes immediately after their restudy selection, whereas in Experiment 2 they were first given the opportunity to actually restudy the selected paragraphs before working on the posttest. Results of both experiments indicate that JoLs rather than cognitive load predicted posttest performance. Moreover, students in the drawing condition compared with the control condition exhibited more accurate (relative) monitoring in Experiment 1 in that their JoLs were more strongly related to performance. Moreover, JoLs predicted students' restudy decisions in both experiments; however, this effect was by-and-large independent of whether they had to draw. Overall, results hint towards the potential of drawing to support metacognitive monitoring.  相似文献   

新HSK考试较之旧HSK考试更侧重于语言交际能力的考查,尤其是新五级HSK开始强调语段的理解和写作,基于这一考试改革动向,对外汉语教学,尤其是在初中级过渡期的综合课课文教学应该开始担负培养学生的语段写作能力的重任。在此阶段应该培养学生在语境中正确应用词汇和语法的能力,引入常用、简明易懂的语段衔接和连贯的方法。  相似文献   

This study examines children’s strategies when scanning a document to answer a specific question. More specifically, we wanted to know whether they make use of organizers (i.e., headings) when searching and whether strategic search is related to their knowledge of reading strategies. Twenty-six French fifth graders were asked to search single-page documents presented on the screen of an eye tracker in order to respond to questions requiring the location of information in either a single paragraph (Location questions) or multiple paragraphs (Comparison questions). Location questions were easier and faster to answer than Comparison questions. The presence of headers led to more selective reading strategies but did not significantly speed up the search. Strong individual differences were observed in children’s scanning strategies: Some systematically fixated headers, whereas others did not. These differences were not significantly related to the participants’ decoding or comprehension skills but rather to their knowledge of reading strategies.  相似文献   

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