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The Star     
Twinkle,twinkle, little star,How I wonder what you are!Up above the world so high,Like a diamond in the sky.  相似文献   

Marlowe's Dr.Faustus was published in 1592 and carries still strong influential power in literary history.It is easy to recognize that the play owes much to the medieval momlity play tradition.However,although there are many features of the morality play to be found in Dr Faustus,the tragic nature of the play,an individualized man damned to hell due to his fatal flaw,unable to repent and find salvation,outweighs the morality aspects.  相似文献   

The Film Star     
INTERVIEWER:Here,at London Airport,the New York plane has just landed,and I amwaiting to interview Miss Mimi Latouche,the fa- mous film actress.She has just come into the V.I.P.lounge.Ah!Ithink the press photographers have finished.Excuse me,Miss Latouche,I am from the B.B.C.Could you spare me a few moments for our 'Daily  相似文献   

The Falling Star     
I saw a star slide down the sky, Blinding the north as it went by, Too burning and too quick to hold, Too lovely to be bought or sold, Good only to make wishes on And the forever to be gone.  相似文献   

从性格的角度去剖析苔丝的悲剧,不该是通常所说的性格弱点导致其悲剧,而是苔丝那超尘拔俗的高洁美好天性。换言之,除去外在的因素外,苔丝本人至真至纯的性格,是造成其悲剧的直接原因。哈代通过苔丝的悲剧,既佑证了性格即命运的思想,也探索了性格与环境、人与命运之间的关系。  相似文献   

This essay studies how tragedy works in William Shakespeare'sKing Lear.It presents the argnments througt,the illustration of a paradox of the play.It concludes that,it is the powerful presentation of the worst side of human nature thatachieves the play's greatness.  相似文献   

When a snail crossed the road,he was run overby a turtle.Regaining consciousness in the emergency room,he was asked what caused the accident.  相似文献   

A smile costs nothing,but gives much. It enriches those who receive, without making poorer those who give. It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None is so rich or mighty that he can get along without it , and none is so poor but that he can be made rich by it . A smile creates happiness in the home. fosters good will in business, and is the countersign of friend- ship. It brings rest to the weary,cheer to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, and is nature's be…  相似文献   

谢苏 《海外英语》2012,(3):221-222
Willa Cather’s Youth and the Bright Medusa first published in 1920 is a collection of eight stories of similar themes depicting the modern artists’ futile attempts to construct their art kingdom. This essay focuses on Cather’s antipathy toward monetary wealth and aesthet ic persistence and reflects on theartists’ dilemma in a philistine industrial society.  相似文献   

自函叭吧.粉二‘翩兹巍亥八、今夭.攀‘谊甲旬二夕,洲,,褚臀姆彝卿,铆碑旗尸哪….哗号_拼至阉娜·Howr imPortantitisto know母一胆印叫’Ia胆甘叩e!这句话的意思是钾掌握第二种语言是多么熏到包!是一个感叹句。英语的感叹句常用“what’’和“h。衬”引导,不过大家要注意  相似文献   

Two years ago I transferred to a new school.Everything seemed strange to me at first.On my frist day to the new school I was in a great hurry.I was almost running when a girl riding a bike offered to give me a lift.We came into the same classroom together.Oh,she knew me after all!She was my classmate!I thanked her,but she just gave me a big smile.  相似文献   

In China education is carrying on a new reform.In this essay, the author talks about the situation of language teaching and what a language teacher should know and what to teach to cope with the situation.  相似文献   

OnceIgotafakenoteof10yuanduringmyshopping.Itwasunluckytoapoorfamilylikeours.SoIguessedmyparentswouldscoldmeiftheyknewanythingaboutthefakenote.Thatafternoon,Iwenttooneofmyfriendsforhelp.“Dontworryaboutit.Ihaveagoodidea,”myfriendreplied.  相似文献   

MICELLE LEE李霄云,2009年“快乐女声”全国亚军,以其低缓而富有磁性的嗓音赢得了无数歌迷的喜爱。本文小作者就是她的忠实FANS,来看看小作者眼中的MICHELLE LEE是怎样的吧!  相似文献   

ThestudyofThemonotonicityofaclassofExponentialsequencesZengChoHuaAbstractInThepaper,Wediscussaproblemofthemonotonicityofseque...  相似文献   

The solution of a slope stability problem can be approached by its least upper-bound and maximum lower-bound with high accuracy. The limit equilibrium methods that employ vertical slices imply a lower bound of the factor of safety. It has been successfully extended to the area of active earth pressure analysis that accounts for different input of locations of earth pressure applications. Those methods that employ slices with inclined interfaces give an upper-bound approach to the stability analysis. It enjoys a sound mechanical background and is able to provide accurate solutions of soil plasticity. It has been successfully extended to the area of bearing capacity analysis in which various empirical coefficients are no longer necessary. The 3D upper- and lower-bound methods under this framework have been made possible and show great potential for solving various engineering problems.  相似文献   

1. Introduction and main results 1.1 Introduction Let 0T> and nW be an open bounded domain with with Lipschitz boundary, consider the following initial-boundary value problem : () 0div (,,)(,) in (0,)(,)0 on (0,) (0,)|()tTtuuftTPutTuuxeeeeeWWeeW-==?洞=xaxxxin the space [0,;]pXLTV=, where 1,0(,)pVWemW= is a weighted Sobolev space, p is a constant larger than 1, and e is a positive constant, t and x are variables of the functions a and u. The degenerati…  相似文献   

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