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1 题目 [2006年江苏高考生物试题第40题]为了调查太湖某一水层是否有自养生物存在,及其产氧量能否维持本层水体生物呼吸耗氧所需,可用黑白瓶法测定该水层生物昼夜平均代谢率来判定。白瓶为透明玻璃瓶,其水体溶解O2的昼夜变化值为水中生物光合作用产生的O2与呼吸消耗的O2的差值(以WDO表示);黑瓶为黑布罩住的玻璃瓶,瓶中水体溶解O2的昼夜变化值为水中生物呼吸消耗的O2(以BDO表示)。请完成下列实验。  相似文献   

舒继青 《教学月刊》2005,(10):46-48
工业纯碱中Na2CO3含量的测定是一个经典的话题,2005年高考理科综合能力测试(全国卷Ⅰ)以此为素材所设计的第28题从多角度实施了对学生实验能力的考查。该题既考常规操作又考创新设计,既考局部分析又考整体把握,既考定性判断又考定量处理,既考对原理的理解又考文字的规范表达,是一个较为成功的从陈题改造而来的综合实验题。它对学生实验能力与思维能力的考查起点合理、层级分明,尤其是对工业纯碱中Na2CO3含量的测定方法应如何创新、如何优化等问题在考后还值得我们作进一步的思考,以期对今后的中学化学实验教学产生良好的导向作用。  相似文献   

本文对白碳黑的研究和应用进行了回顾与展望,指出白碳黑这种材料在橡胶和塑料等领域有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

《New scientist (1971)》1995,147(1985):34-37

黑白装饰画,是以黑、白对比为造型手段,画面主题以黑、白形体的巧妙组合来得以充分表现,具有高度概括的艺术特色。黑白装饰画的空间表现、造型特征、表现方式具体体现在用黑白构成的外在形式美,灵活运用点、线、面多种形式的表现方式,使画面黑、白、灰变化丰富,虚实层次错落有致以及黑白艺术效果单纯、明朗、强烈,自然带有强烈浪漫主义色彩和抒情性。  相似文献   

From original data at age 13 years on 386 North American females (201 black and 185 white), statistics are presented for 10 somatic variables. The 2 ethnic groups yield similar means for standing height, arm girth, and leg girth; the black females, contrasted with their white peers, are shorter in sitting height, longer in lower limb height, and narrower in hip width. The Columbia subjects are compared with black and white females studied in North America several decades ago, and with black and white females studied recently in other parts of North America and in Australia, Europe, Africa, and the Lesser Antilles.  相似文献   

《野草》中黑色与白色意象的审美解读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章试图从一种全新的角度来解读《野草》与鲁迅。首先通过文本细读,对《野草》中的黑色与白色进行审美解读,运用颜色及心理学方面的有关知识探讨黑色与白色的心理蕴涵;其次通过归纳总结,概括出两种具有不同心理特征的颜色类型,并从心理学及哲学的角度加以分析;最后得出结论,描绘出《野草》时期鲁迅心理图景的另一个侧面。  相似文献   

This study examined the differential influence of an IQ cutoff and standard score or regression-based method for determining a severe discrepancy as eligibility criteria for the identification of black and white students with learning disabilities. Subjects were 218 white and 132 black students referred for possible learning disability services. The results of the study demonstrated that the use of a standard score method for determining a severe discrepancy and the use of an IQ cutoff above the range for mental retardation resulted in the disproportionate underrepresentation of black students meeting eligibility criteria. In contrast, when a regression-based method to determine a severe discrepancy was used, along with the absence of an IQ cutoff, no differences were discerned between the two groups. The implications of these findings for current practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This article explores the academic and social experiences of Chicago and black students at UCLA. The analysis proceeds by examining differences in social backgrounds, high school and college experiences, and explores the relationship between these factors and college adjustment and achievement (GPA). Drawing upon recent theory on class reproduction and schooling we show particular concern with the role of social class in explaining differential outcomes. The findings indicate that blacks are more likely than Chicanos to feel alienated and perform poorly, and that social class makes no difference in these outcomes for blacks. However, middle class Chicanos perform better and are better adjusted than working class Chicanos. We discuss our findings in the light of theories of class reproduction, cultural capital, and racial signaling, suggesting that theories of reproduction must acknowledge the role of race in unequal school outcomes.  相似文献   

从分辨率与锐度的相互关系及对清晰度的影响着手,分析了提高底片影像锐度的意义,并提供了有关实施的方法。  相似文献   

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