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Woodchuck 土拔鼠How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a wood chuck could chuck wood?He would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could, if a wood chuck could chuck wood?  相似文献   

1.How much dew would a dewdrop drop if a dewdrop could drop dew?如果一颗露珠会掉下露水,那么一颗露珠会掉下多少露水呢?  相似文献   

How many cuckoos would a cook cook if a cook could cook cuckoosNA cook would cook as many cuckoos as a cook could cook if a cookcould cook cuckoos.Notes:cuckoo["kuku#]n.布谷鸟cook[kuk]n.厨师;v.煮、烧绕口令(英文)  相似文献   

As late as 1800, women's only place was in the home. The idea of women in the (?) world was unthinkable. (?) "nice" woman would dream of (?) what was strictly a "man's world". Even if she could, what would she do? (?) was the first  相似文献   

Teachers are just like our parents.They spend much time on our studies.They always want us to learn as much as possible.Because of this,we always have little time to relax. If I were a teacher,I would teach the students how to learn well.If my students made mistakes in my subject,I would not worry much about it.Failure is the mother of success.I would tell them to review what they have learned and find the solutions to the problem.And I won't forget one important thing,that is,if I were a teacher,I would give them less homework.I would give them more free time to relax themselves.  相似文献   

A Special Gift     
原文More than ten years ago,I fell in love just as many other girls in the same blossom age.But loveness itself wasn't as sweet as described in novels. He was a nice boy—in some sense,smart, humour,most important diligent that I think would guarantee him a bright future.But I couldn't endur—no girl could his mean.No roses—he would say it's wasty.No romance—if it would not be free.  相似文献   

Two men were travelling in a very wild and lonely part of America. For days they had not even seen a house. Only a few cabins made of wood, or tents made of skins. Then one day they met an old Indian who earned his living by hunting animals. They found that he knew their language and they had a little talk with him. One of them asked him if he could tell them what the weather would be like within the next few days.  相似文献   

Where love is concerned,too much is not even enough.Pierre de beaumarchais,French dramatist I could say that a winter breeze had sent snow flurries dancing against our windowpane as we cuddled in front of a glowing fire,sipping spiced cider,altemately nuzzling each other and cooing about the depth of our love. I could say that-but it would be a lie.  相似文献   

A long,long ago,as the birds flew over the world,they saw that men had a beautiful thing.It was a bright and burning thing.Men cooked their food and kept themselves warm with it.The birds thought life would be better if they could have this thing,too.  相似文献   

I sat on the plane and wondered if I would 1)end up hating Emily.That same part of me also wondered if I should have gone at all.What if I was 2)stuck for three days wearing a false smile and pretending I found her 3)halfway 4)tolerable? Or what if,instead,I was the one who ended up on the receiving end of the false smiles,being regarded with 5)minimum tolerability? What if we found each other so 6)unbearable we would never speak again? There were so many things that could go wrong.  相似文献   

What if a law were passed that Jews could not marry other Jews, that synagogues could not exist, that all Jews had to work on Saturday, that Jews could not participate in group worship, and that Jewish children could not receive a Jewish education? How would we, Federation planners and chief executives of central agencies for Jewish education react? How would we suggest the community organize a system in which Judaism would continue?  相似文献   

A bright year 7 student was going through the usual steps that lead to the concept of density and its values for wood and brass and aluminium. After mensurating the volumes of cuboids of these materials he was observing the volume of liquid they displaced in a measuring cylinder. As he carefully pushed the wooden cuboid below the surface, I asked him, “Why do you have to push the wood down?” “Because it floats otherwise”, he replied. “Why didn't you have to push the aluminium down?” “Because there was not enough water to make it float”. “Tell me more”, I said. “Well, sir, you must have seen metal ships floating on the sea. If there's enough water, metal will float, but not in a little bit like this”. Just after describing for me how liquid acetone evaporated if it is placed on your skin, a first year university chemistry student with good test results was unable to give me any examples of a liquified gas. When pressed he muttered “Solids, liquids, gases” (A strangely immutable sequence that has neither evolutionary nor biblical support.) and said he thought the cO in a cylinder was probably liquid. Gases could be liquified by lowering the temperature, he said. On being asked to describe what would happen if he steadily cooled down the air in a space, he began by quoting, “Air molecules, being particles moving very rapidly with energy proportional to temperature”. As he cooled them down in thought, he held out his hands and slowed down the vibration of his fingers about a point in space. Finally, his fingers stopped and he said, “It's nothing”. “What do you mean, has it disappeared?” I said. “No”, he replied, but it's no longer a gas, and it's not a liquid or a solid. They are all just there suspended in space. It's no-thing”.  相似文献   

Although assessment is acknowledged as vitally important in its effect on students’ approaches to learning, there is much criticism of assessment practice. This paper argues that if a social constructivist approach is applied to the assessment process many of the problems could be overcome. It describes what a social constructivist approach to assessment would look like and gives practical examples, from the research literature, of ways it could be implemented.  相似文献   

私立教育对穷人是可行的,私立学校大部分是面向穷人的,能够为穷人提供优于公立学校服务的。赢利动机是教育开办商创建第一所学校的重要促动因素。私立学校的利润目前不可能过高,如果利润过高,市场的矫正机制将会抑制这种情况。赢利动机能够潜在地使学校和学校服务的对象受益。  相似文献   

Why does anyone become a teacher, and why a student? Education in its contemporary form has evolved into a subsystem of society in which professional ‘teachers/ educators’ are confronted with an ever‐changing group of people called ‘pupils/students’; and the individuals in both groups now have to deal with this institutionalised confrontation. Neither one nor the other decision—to become a teacher or to become a student—seems to have much to do with a specific other person, and it certainly does not have much to do with the actual person(s) that one is related to by becoming a teacher or by becoming a student in a specific institution. However, if pedagogical relations were as depersonalised as suggested, why is it that teachers as well as students hold very different relations to different students and teachers—relations that are more or less ‘deep’, ‘affectionate’, ‘successful’? And how are we to perceive education outside of formally institutionalised contexts (or those special relations that occur even within formalised contexts but transcend them)? Is there another type of pedagogical relationship? And what would be the reasons for entering into a pedagogical relationship other than becoming and being made a part of a subsystem of society? Why do two people gravitate towards each other, freely recognising each other as teacher and student? Attempting to answer those questions, the following paper revisits some historic positions, being conscious that those answers are also part of the answer to a much greater question: What is education?  相似文献   

Many of us are frustrated with the overuse of intelligence tests. But intelligence tests have become so entrenched in our society that it is hard to imagine how they realistically could be replaced. Schools would be without a well-established screening device, and intelligence research would be without an external measure of validity. But what if we started over and imagined thinking about intelligence without the benefit (some would say hindrance) of Binet? What would theories and tests of intelligence look like? The articles in this special issue address this topic; here, I discuss the articles. The discussion is divided into three sections. The first section deals with definitional issues: How can intelligence be operationally defined, and can a single definition capture cognitive abilities of individuals at all ages? The second section briefly summarizes and evaluates each of the seven theories: How intelligent are these theories of intelligence? The final section focuses on the implications of the theories and theory-based tests reported in this issue: How can future research and educational practices benefit from the views presented here?  相似文献   

In this study American preservice science TEACHERS' responses on Kimball's Nature of Science Survey (NOSS) were used as a basis for analyzing the sense of the nature of science held by a group of Nigerian preservice science teachers. From an item-by-item comparison two salient differences were noted. These differences are quite interesting and important, and one would expect to see replication attempts in the near future. The primary difference was that the Nigerian students were much more inclined to see science as a way of producing useful technology. Given the national interests of a developing nation this is an understandable perception and one common among government policy makers. Nevertheless, it is a view with potential long-range dangers if this view of science is effectively transferred from teacher to student. For example, such a view is likely to raise false expectations in the general population, which when not achieved could result in widespread rejection of science. The second distinctive of the Nigerian students' sense of the nature of science had to do with the openness of science. These students perceived scientists as nationalistic and secretive about their work. This finding is troubling and indicates an important line of investigation: What image of science, especially Western science, is carried in the international media? How is that image understood in non-Western nations? What are the implications for international scientific cooperation?  相似文献   

In the hit BBC TV drama Life on Mars Sam Tyler had an accident and woke up in 1973. Is he mad, in a coma or actually back in time? As the drama unfolds he experiences a world without performance audits but also one without the safeguards for arrest, detention and the interviewing of suspects mandated by the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (1984). The acclaimed series has led to flights of nostalgia, not least for a world in which police could get on with ‘real policing’ without ‘unnecessary’ paperwork. In this article, we will metaphorically go back in time to contemporary and historical practices of headship in English schools. If a headteacher from 2009 were to wake up in 1973 what would they understand about their work, what would be the same, what would be different? What taken‐for‐granted current practices might get them into trouble, what might frustrate them – and what might delight them that they would bring back to the current job if they could? Mobilising Bourdieu’s thinking tools, we will examine these questions through an analysis of published and unpublished texts produced by heads about their work.  相似文献   

词块融合了语法、语义和语境的优势,是语言交际中最理想的单位。重视英语词块习得有助于中国学生准确、地道、流利地掌握和使用英语。在英语动名结构词块习得过程中,学习者的心理语言类型起着极为重要的作用。  相似文献   

Education appears to be receiving quite a lot of attention in post-2015 discussions, but how this will translate into goals and targets remains to be seen. Meanwhile, despite increased global recognition and awareness of the importance of technical and vocational skills development (TVSD) – as evidenced in the bumper year of reports on TVSD in 2012, TVSD does not appear to be getting as much focus in post-2015 discussions. It is known that the EFA ‘skills’ goal never got any traction: no one could even agree on what ‘life-skills’ meant, let alone how it should be measured or tracked. Are we in danger of a re-run? What's the alternative? How will TVSD feature in the post-MDG framework and the post-EFA framework, if at all? This paper will take a look at some lessons from history and then explore the current state of affairs to analyse the latest post-2015 suggestions and the way they cover TVSD.  相似文献   

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