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长期以来,地方高校在教师队伍建设过程中,教学团队不够稳定、高学历、高职称人才流失严重等现象不同程度地存在,严重影响了地方高校的发展。从地方高校长远发展和高校教师自身特点等角度出发,地方高校需要将柔性化管理作为教师队伍管理的重要举措,进一步重视和加强,从而实现教师队伍的稳定、和谐和可持续发展。  相似文献   

地方高校教师队伍建设存在的问题与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于经济、社会、心理、管理体制等各方面的因素,地方高校在教师队伍建设中存在着结构不合理、队伍不稳定等突出问题。稳定现有教师队伍,做好用人制度改革,成为地方高校教师队伍建设的关键。通过树立"以人为本"管理理念,灵活用人体制等方面进行改革,促进地方高校教师队伍建设。  相似文献   

试论新时期地方高校教师队伍建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李琦 《培训与研究》2003,20(6):90-93
地方高校在整个地方教育系统中处于最高层次,它担负着为地方科技发展、经济建设培养各类高级专门人才乃至直接服务社会的重任。为了有效地完成这一任务,必须有一大批政治合格、作风优良、爱岗敬业、业务精通、了解关爱学生的教师全身心地投入到高教活动中来。因此,高校教师队伍建设显得特别重要。本分析了地方高校教师队伍的现状。探讨了地方高校教师队伍建设存在的主要问题,论述了新时期地方高校教师队伍建设的基本思路。  相似文献   

“实用型”高等教育—中国地方高校发展的模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,我国地方高校的发展,必须大力发展实用型高等教育。因此,地方高校的改革必须围绕“实用型”的要义来设计人才模式;调整学科、专业和内容;建设“双师型”教师队伍等,使地方高校为地方经济、社会发展提供全方位服务,使地方经济与地方高校发展互相促进、互相依存,形成良性循环的共生体  相似文献   

文章以银龄教师对口支援工作开展和银龄教师队伍服务工作实施现状为逻辑起点,以银龄教师队伍现行管理过程中存在的问题和成因为分析对象,以提出银龄教师队伍精细化服务的思路设想为主要内容,以提出银龄教师队伍精细化服务保障能力提升的优化路径为最终目标,探索银龄教师工作开展模式与银龄教师队伍服务模式有效衔接的实施路径,最终总结出要在组织层面、需求对接、教师遴选、管理与服务等方面加强体制建设与实施,以期丰富完善高校退休教师队伍服务管理能力建设的实施体系,为对口支援高校精准遴选银龄教师提供参考。  相似文献   

应用型本科高校的转型发展和职能定位决定了教师队伍国际化培养的实现路径和有效管理。文章强调教师队伍国际化培养的目标有效性,明确培养具有国际视野、先进教学技术、较高实践能力和较强发展潜力教师队伍的长远目标,统一个人和组织目标、分类培养目标和特色培养目标;突出教师队伍国际化培养的管理有效性,完善培养机制、强化过程管理、提升社会服务能力;关注教师队伍国际化培养的评价有效性、内涵管理绩效评价、培养成效评价和评价成果运用。应用型高校的教师队伍国际化培养旨在立足地方、突破地方的发展定位和目标,践行国家要求普通本科高校转型的发展。  相似文献   

全面分析地方高校留学生教育的三大现状:第一,生源数量、质量不稳定,且目前维持在较低水平,学生个体差异亦较大;第二,教师队伍稳定性低,团队凝聚力欠佳,教学经验不足,教学法研习少;第三,难以在软硬件建设方面迅速达到适应对外汉语教学需求的水平。并针对性地进行对策探究,如在"硬宣传"和"软宣传"两方面,结合自身高校、地方及生源特点,建立有效的宣传机制;组织定期的教学研讨、鼓励教师参加各类培训或项目;整合校内外相关资源通力合作,共建留学生教育体系等。  相似文献   

教师队伍建设必须适应学校建设与发展定位的需要与要求,这应当成为地方高校教师队伍建设的一项基本原则。根据学校人才培养及建设与发展定位,地方高校教师队伍建设要注重教学型、技能型人才的培养,注意引导教师把主要精力放在教学工作和人才培养方面;注意把教师队伍建设工作与学校的学科建设和专业建设有机地结合起来,实现学校各项工作之间的有效协调与配合。  相似文献   

人才强校战略对地方高校发展极为重要,关键是增强人才强校战略的战略性和实效性。要增强人才强校战略的战略性和实效性,必须密切人才队伍发展与学校目标定位的关系,统筹推进教师、管理、服务三支队伍协调发展,重点解决好教师队伍存在的突出问题。  相似文献   

一所学校要生存发展,归纳起来,不外乎硬条件和软条件两个方面,硬条件一般差距不大,关键是软条件,而软条件中人才是大问题,这里既包括各种专业人才,也包括各种管理人才.学校应采取“两手抓,两手都要硬”的措施,建设好高素质的管理队伍和教师队伍.  相似文献   

We examine the variation in employment levels of part-time faculty, full-time teaching faculty, and full-time professorial faculty across 4-year colleges and universities in the United States. Employment structures and practices in higher education institutions are determined by a variety of economic and institutional factors. For example, a 1% increase in the average salaries paid to professorial faculty increases the employment level of part-time faculty by 0.845%. A 1% increase in the average salaries paid to full-time teaching faculty reduces the employment level of full-time teaching faculty by 0.757%. Institutions located in large cities or suburban areas hire 31.3% more part-time faculty but 12.5% fewer full-time teaching faculty. Private institutions hire more part-time faculty than their public counterparts. A 10% increase in FTE student enrollment is associated with a 5.4% increase in the number of part-time faculty, a 10.1% increase in the number of full-time teaching faculty, and a 9.1% increase in professorial faculty. In addition, we find divergent patterns of temporal variability among these three types of faculty. While employment levels of full-time instructors and professorial faculty are rather consistent over time, there is a wide range of fluctuation in the employment of part-time faculty. Finally, the employment of part-time faculty is significantly affected by that of full-time teaching faculty. There is no substitution effect on the employment of professorial faculty.  相似文献   

Faculty workload is based on the amount of time spent on teaching, research, and service. The workload varies according to institutional focus, teaching field, type of course, course level, and instructional format. Compared with traditional face-to-face courses, online courses require a disproportionate investment of time and effort by faculty, necessitating special consideration when calculating faculty workload. The authors examine the workload for faculty teaching online courses in community colleges, specifically, the number of online classes taught per semester, class sizes for online courses, incentives for online instructors and how the workload for online instructors is calculated. Results indicate inconsistent practices within and between institutions; the workload for online instructors based on class sizes is less than, equal to, or more than that of faculty teaching face-to-face courses. Further investigations into common practices at other institutions and dialogue between administrators and faculty to discuss workload issues are recommended.  相似文献   

Developing the motivation for improving university teaching   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Stimulating faculty to take an active interest in improving their teaching remains a challenge to faculty developers in higher education. This survey of university faculty assessed attitudes toward teaching and teaching improvement. While faculty expressed high interest and desire for improving their teaching, the results suggest the presence of faculty subgroups with different degrees of motivation for faculty development. Implications are drawn for the creation of successful faculty development approaches which can capitalize on existing faculty interest, as well as develop faculty motivation for greater participation.She is currently directing a study of the teaching skills of medical residents. Her research includes the study of cultural variables in teacher education and counseling. Associate professor of Medicine at Stanford University and the Assistant Chief of Medicine at Palo Alto VA Medical Center. He is the Director of the national Faculty Development Program for physicians at Stanford.  相似文献   

高校教师的心理健康受内部和外部多方面因素的影响。随着高等教育规模的不断扩大、高校人事制度改革的不断推进以及科研教学任务的不断加重,高校教师承受的压力越来越大,其心理健康问题也变得越来越突出。因此,高校的管理者应认真研究高校教师的心理健康状况,努力为教师创造良好的环境,使他们能够以健康的身心投入教育和科研工作,从而促进高等教育事业的不断发展。  相似文献   

大学教师成为教学学术型教师之路径探讨   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
大学教师成为教学学术型教师的路径主要源自大学、大学管理者和大学教师自己,具体包括:大学、大学管理者和大学教师自己要认识与重视大学教学学术,学校要对教师开展职前和在职教学培训,大学教师要学习教学、进行教学实践、反思教学以及研究教学。  相似文献   

近年来,在学生规模扩大、教育问责强化、财政资助缩减等压力之下,加拿大安大略省将引入教学轨教职作为提高教育质量的重要改革举措。与传统的终身轨教师相比,教学轨教师主要从事教学和学习活动,与兼职或临时讲师相比,教学轨教师对教学和学生的投入更多,与学校的聘任关系更加稳定。作为与终身轨教职平行的职业发展轨道,教学轨教职的评价标准主要侧重考察教师在教学技能、教学计划与课程发展、教学领导与成就等领域的贡献。教学轨教职的引入对大学而言是一次机会,可以重新审视教学与研究之间的关系,探索教学使命和研究使命如何相互促进。在当前的教师岗位分类改革中,我国高校可从教学模式和课程体系、聘任与晋升评价体系、晋升与岗位转换通道、教学荣誉体系等方面提高教学为主型教职的认可度,促进教学为主型教师队伍的职业发展。  相似文献   

民办高校英语师资队伍建设的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
师资队伍建设是影响教学质量的关键,加强英语师资队伍建设对于提高民办高校英语教学质量具有重大意义。当前,民办高校英语师资队伍建设中存在的问题不少,严重影响了民办高校英语教学质量的提高。就民办高校英语师资队伍建设中存在的一些问题作一番探讨,并试从政府、学校、英语部门的角度提出一些对策。  相似文献   

Student ratings of faculty have traditionally been obtained in a manner designed to be useful to the individual faculty member or to other students. It is now sometimes proposed that the resulting data be used to determine faculty pay, promotion, and tenure. Recent articles and the reviews of past literature on ratings are analyzed to determine whether student ratings are usually associated with teaching effectiveness, whether they are sometimes biased by irrelevant factors, whether faculty can effectively revise their behaviors to improve their ratings, and whether improved ratings result in improved teaching effectiveness. The results tend to indicate that student ratings of faculty as they are currently collected cannot be trusted for considerations of pay, promotion, and tenure.  相似文献   

国无防不立。强大的国防需要科学、完善的国防教育体系,加强高校国防教育需要一支结构好、水平高的军事理论教师队伍。调查江苏省本科院校军事理论教师队伍现状发现不少问题,如:管理体制不顺,机构设置较乱;教师总量不足,专兼结构失衡;年龄构成老化,整体素质不高;经费投入不足,人才流失严重等。提高对军事理论教师重要性的认识,构建"大国防"教育体系,加大政策支持力度,建立一支教学能力强、整体素质高、专兼职结构合理的教师队伍,可以有效促进高校国防教育的持续发展。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate university faculty’s perceptions of teaching support and their teaching efficacy in Taiwan. In addition, the relationship of perceived teaching support to faculty’ teaching efficacy was examined. Questionnaires measuring three dimensions of teaching support and six dimensions of teaching efficacy were distributed to 1,700 university faculty members, yielding 505 complete sets of responses. The public faculty show higher perceptions of teaching support and teaching efficacy than do their counterparts. The correlation coefficients between perceived teaching support and teaching efficacy among the public faculty are lower than those among the private ones. Peer support, teaching resources, and university type have some impact on faculty teaching efficacy. Administrative support, however, does not make a significant additional contribution to the variance in teaching efficacy.  相似文献   

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