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海南传统音乐文化资源校本开发较我国其他地区较晚一些,关于海南本土音乐学校传承的一些研究也比较匮乏。课题组在率先给予《海南本土特色音乐资源校本课程开发研究》大力支持的五指市教育局的领导和工作人员的又一次鼎力相助下展开了一系列的关于教材内容的培训指导和使用等研究。本文主要通过对教材试用过程中存在的一些问题进行简单的分析和思考,希望通过课题组成员和教材使用者的共同努力,为海南省优秀的传统文化进入基础教育献计献策。  相似文献   

城市雕塑与本土文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市雕塑是一门特定的空间艺术,一座城市雕塑应是一种不脱离本土文化的高度概括的艺术品;城市雕塑应与城市本土文化、城市地域文化、城市空间文化、城市传统文化等因素相融合。  相似文献   

海南建设自贸港给海南本土文化带来了前所未有的发展契机,作为海南文化典型象征的琼剧,也将迎来全新的开放格局。传统琼剧翻译的研究对象不能拘泥于一两部剧目,而应从宏观的角度出发,选取有代表性的剧目,建立琼剧单语语料库,从中提取词频表、海南特征文化词、方言特色词、俗语,找出语言共性,为翻译研究提供全面的材料。琼剧翻译也不能只着眼于剧本的字面意义,而应综合考虑戏曲语言特征和海南方言特点,在准确理解琼剧文本意义的基础上让译文做到意形兼顾。  相似文献   

随着明代国家教化力度的加强,一批士人通过科举脱颖而出,使得海南从早期的文化输入地,开始对中华文化进行反哺。“初民社会”的海南,“耿介”“清廉”成为海南文化独特个性。海瑞是其中极为杰出的代表,并因之而名留青史。在母体文化与海瑞的关系中,本土文化是海瑞的智慧源泉。与此同时,海瑞对地方文化的发展、推介等方面作出努力,并产生了积极的影响。  相似文献   

海南本土视觉语言在平面设计中所反映的文化特征缺乏传统内涵。根据海南平面设计现状,针对海南地域元素挖掘与转化,从图形符号、色彩、意境三个方面探讨海南平面设计视觉语言的本土化。  相似文献   

军坡节是海南最具乡情民俗特色、规模最大和最隆重的本土传统节日,已有1300多年的历史。基于此,从海南传统文化的民间节日的视角出发,主要分析了军坡节对海南社会的影响,以及其在传承中的问题和对策。  相似文献   

城市雕塑是一门特定的空间艺术 ,一座城市雕塑应是一种不脱离本土文化的高度概括的艺术品 ;城市雕塑应与城市本土文化、城市地域文化、城市空间文化、城市传统文化等因素相融合  相似文献   

"一带一路"对高等学校人才培养提出了新要求和培养新模式。新形式下,海南各高校应结合本土特色,充分利用地缘优势展开国际教育合作、组建研究团队、以项目为载体提升中国文化"软实力"、充分利用历史文化基础、激发人才培养国际化民间热情等途径培养服务"一带一路"的国际化人才。  相似文献   

明清是中国古代小说繁荣期,也是海南文化鼎盛期。诗文小说《钟情丽集》是明前期海南文教事业大发展的产物。从明代中期开始,海南文化被内地文化“同化”的现象比较显著,其地域特色较少被关注,这在公案小说中有所体现。受交通制约,海南与内陆之间一直存在隔阂,表现在明清志怪小说对海南的描绘,往往掺杂神秘想象和历史记忆。明清时期,海南本土作家极少从事小说创作,这与小说的文化属性及海南文人的文化心态有关。  相似文献   

自20世纪后半期开始,文化与心理学的关系越来越受到心理学家的关注,从而使其成为一个重要的研究领域。跨文化心理学、文化心理学和本土心理学是有关文化与心理学关系的三种主要的研究模式。跨文化心理学的研究对象是不同文化群体的心理与行为比较;文化心理学研究文化对人的心理与行为的影响;本土心理学研究本土背景中与文化相关的和从文化派生出来的心理与行为活动。它们都从不同的角度阐明了文化与心理学的关系。最终,通过一种深层结构理论,即一种普适性理论将会把它们的研究结果整合起来。  相似文献   

高校学报是高等学校主办的、以反映本校科研和教学成果为主的学术理论刊物。在新形势下,高校学报如何迎接市场的挑战,把握期刊发展的机遇,是期刊编辑人员十分关注的重要课题。高校学报适应市场必须确立明确的办刊宗旨,创建鲜明的办刊特色,建设高素质的编辑队伍,构建高水平的核心作者群,确定明确的读者对象。  相似文献   

Monitoring and evaluation of a complex course is based on data acquired formally from normal administrative records; from research, sometimes in the form of students' projects; from staff and student questionnaires. Informally, regular tutor‐group meetings and a receptive attiude on the part of staff to student opinion are crucial. Once appropriate questions have been asked, it is then possible to ensure a flow of Information which can affect not only the day‐to‐day operation of the course but also its strategic planning.  相似文献   

近30年,我国在教研员队伍建设研究上取得诸多成果,涉及教研员队伍建设的实践诉求、政策支持、结构性要素、身份认同、角色定位、职能转型以及民族地区教研员队伍建设的一系列问题和对策,深化了人们的相关认识。但相关研究也存在理论深度不够、单纯逻辑演绎、顶层制度设计几近空白等不足,同时,对民族地区教研员队伍建设而言,除了取得政府支持、健全制度、完善机制外,更要关注民族地区教研员的文化生态、双语教学、理科教育、民族成分、宗教信仰以及实践性知识等。  相似文献   

This study investigates staff members’ ideas and assumptions about visitors’ learning at science and technology centres. It also aims to explore in what ways their reasoning intersect with existing theories about learning within the field of science and technology centre research. The results of the study reveal that the staff members allude to learning processes differently by distinguishing organized from non‐organized learning, theoretical learning from practical hands‐on learning, and serious from non‐serious learning. According to most of the staff members, these also conclude with different learning outcomes. Further, a majority of the staff members state that they do not have any scientific knowledge about learning despite the fact that they work with the construction of new exhibitions. When discussing visitors’ learning, the staff members instead refer to personal experiences, professional experiences, professional education, and external references. When it comes to how they reason about the natural scientific content, nearly all express that they use references from the natural science community and researchers’ knowledge. The article moreover discusses in what ways a socio‐cultural approach may be used in order to understand how learning arises when visitors interact with exhibits.  相似文献   

All staff at this primary school and training centre for emotionally and behaviourally disturbed children are participating In a research project. Action research will be used as a basic methodology. Because of all the constrains on time and resources that extra work of this nature adds to staff responsibilities, each area Is created to fit to the interests, activities and time of each member of staff. All the components are devised to obtain a baseline, develop areas of the child's language and reflect on any changes that have taken place. Not only are the staff involved, but parents also have their area of investigation and it is envisaged that external groups such as the behaviour management team will contribute long term.

The research proposal is based on the idea that children with emotional and behavioural difficulties will not initially have the language and therefore the reasoning capacity to understand social expectations. Their restricted language means that their inappropriate behaviour substitutes for talk and they are unlikely to have the skills to itemise their own linguistic behavioural controls. Inability to express emotional or behavioural difficulties does not make the child a candidate for talk therapies. The large numbers of children with this problem, means that the school environment is best to explore its capacities to deal with the difficulties.

This paper is about the organisation of this initiative, its possible development and manifestations. It includes the Initial reactions of staff and initial responses observed by staff. The research also hopes to increase staff awareness and shared interests. Various perceptions create new insights Into what form help might take in the future for the emotionally and behaviourally disturbed child.  相似文献   

Traditionally, education in Scotland has been viewed as a national service that is locally administered. This research casts new light on that relationship between the Scottish Executive and local authorities by drawing on evidence from an evaluation of the implementation of the additional support staff element of the Teachers’ Agreement which determined not only teachers’ pay structure but also established the professional conditions under which they would work. The paper identifies how local authorities and schools spent the grant aid on staff and equipment, how many additional support staff were appointed, and what impact they were reported to be having on teaching and learning. Information was gathered from a postal survey of all 32 Scottish local authorities and a random sample of 267 schools, and also from interviews held in six case study schools. The findings show that: all the grant aid could not be accounted for, the target number of support staff was not achieved, and their deployment and impact varied across local authorities and schools. By way of conclusion it poses the question: ‘Was the money well spent?’  相似文献   

Drawing on 18 years of experience in university staff development the author considers the way staff training is regarded by academics and relates it to the concept of 'professionalism' among university teachers. He describes a two-year in-service course for teachers in higher education as an illustration of one form a professional training might take and argues the case for soundly basing such training on considerations of principle and theory. Changing attitudes and perceptions is perhaps more important than learning classroom skills, or management technique. Training should be informed by research but the author illustrates ambivalent attitudes rewards research on universities with a deception of recent personal experience in connection with a national research project on examiners. The inseparability of institutional research and staff development is illustrated with an account of a stuff development exercise associated with the introduction of staff appraised schemes. Lessons are dram from each of the illustrations to suggest some of the key characteristics desirable in a staff college for universities.  相似文献   

不同层级教师专业发展道路的个案研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新课程改革以来,教师发展研究从理论论述迅速发展到实践层面,受到广大教师群体的重视。教师专业发展的不同层级的个案研究显示,校本教研是教师群体专业成长的最好途径,而教师个体也可以通过适合自己的研究,达致教师专业发展的良好状态。参与教师专业发展的各种力量,对于教师发展具有不同的作用。教研员应立足于地区性的教师专业发展的促进,校长在教师专业发展中应起到引领和管理的作用,学科教研组是教师专业知识交流和成长的核心地带,教师个人通过行动研究可以达致专业发展的目的。  相似文献   

While policy makers and school effectiveness researchers often insist that schools can make a substantial difference to student achievement, it is less clear whether school staff themselves really believe this. This paper draws on qualitative research in New Zealand schools where teachers, principals (heads) and trustees (governors) were asked how accountable they felt school staff could actually be for student outcomes. In contrast to official discourses about the responsibilities of teachers, the often complex responses of those interviewed illustrated relatively modest expectations of the ability of schools to affect student outcomes. The findings suggest that school staff have yet to take to heart the school effectiveness research catchcry that ‘schools can make a difference’ but that they also struggle to avoid a deficit approach without a stronger sociological understanding of the reasons for student failure.  相似文献   

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