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美国当代著名心理学家萨宾是"叙事心理学"的创始人,叙事隐喻思想是从整体上理解并把握萨宾学术思想的关键所在。萨宾叙事隐喻思想的基本内容主要包含两个方面:语境论的世界假设、叙事作为人类行为之深层组织原则及结构。基于此,萨宾的叙事隐喻思想对学校道德教育的启示主要表征为两个层面:一是学校德育必须充分关注人类道德行为发生的深层叙事隐喻,发掘人类道德行为的深层道德语法;二是学校道德教育必须关注叙事隐喻对于德育生命境界的提升及引领功能。萨宾的叙事隐喻思想为深化学校德育理论研究及实践探索提供了新的更深层的分析视域。  相似文献   


Although it is commonly assumed within schools that drama has a place within moral education, there is very little theory or analysis to support the assumption. This article sketches a theoretical framework to show how and in what ways drama can make a distinctive contribution to the field. Drawing upon Stenhouse (1975) it proposes a broad distinction between moral instruction and moral induction and analyses drama's potential contribution to both areas. In so doing, it draws links between the cultural practices of the theatre and those of the drama classroom, analysing the moral potential of the dramatic experience through five theoretical lenses. These include the enacted nature of dramatic narrative; the association between drama and the learning of rules; the communal function of drama as a public artform; dialogue and dialogism in drama; and the relationship between emotion, reason and moral engagement in drama.  相似文献   


In this article, I propose a narrative approach to moral experience through dramatic play and writing. Inspired by the narrative approach to moral conflicts recommended by Mark B. Tappan and Lyn Mikel Brown and by the Que´bec drama programme, this approach works with multiple dimensions of the students' lives and give them a chance to benefit from their own moral experience. This approach to moral education is based on action research conducted in secondary moral education classes in Que´bec (Canada) and in Belgium.  相似文献   

Atom Surprise: Using Theatre in Primary Science Education   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Early exposure to science may have a lifelong effect on children’s attitudes towards science and their motivation to learn science in later life. Out-of-class environments can play a significant role in creating favourable attitudes, while contributing to conceptual learning. Educational science theatre is one form of an out-of-class environment, which has received little research attention. This study aims to describe affective and cognitive learning outcomes of watching such a play and to point to connections between theatrical elements and specific outcomes. “Atom Surprise” is a play portraying several concepts on the topic of matter. A mixed methods approach was adopted to investigate the knowledge and attitudes of children (grades 1–6) from two different school settings who watched the play. Data were gathered using questionnaires and in-depth interviews. Analysis suggested that in both schools children’s knowledge on the topic of matter increased after the play with younger children gaining more conceptual knowledge than their older peers. In the public school girls showed greater gains in conceptual knowledge than boys. No significant changes in students’ general attitudes towards science were found, however, students demonstrated positive changes towards science learning. Theatrical elements that seemed to be important in children’s recollection of the play were the narrative, props and stage effects, and characters. In the children’s memory, science was intertwined with the theatrical elements. Nonetheless, children could distinguish well between scientific facts and the fictive narrative.  相似文献   

The character of Reagan's rhetoric and the response to it can be explained by its narrative form. The dominance of narrative in Reagan's discourse and the nature of the narrative form combine to differentiate the perspective of Reagan's supporters and his opponents. Three characteristics of narrative form—a story‐based truth, an emphasis on morality, and a grounding in common sense—explain the way in which narrative affects political judgment. The analysis reveals the power of narrative form and, in contrast to the assertions of some narrative theorists, its fragility and moral limitations.  相似文献   

The development of ethical standards by professional associations, boards, councils and colleges of teachers, responds in part to a moral imperative that teachers and school leaders be accountable to the wider community, and in part to a desire to enhance the overall professionalism of educators' behaviour. This article explores the conceptual and practical complexities inherent in defining ethical standards for the teaching profession with a particular focus on their questionable capacity for implementation. In combining empirical evidence from previously reported research studies with newly fabricated first person narrative responses to the evidence, the article seeks to illustrate the difficulty, if not the impossibility, of applying ethical standards to actual situations in any professionally and ethically satisfying way. It argues further that moral dilemmas facing teachers are potentially resolvable only by communities of educators internalizing and applying principles of ethics, not formalized codes or standards.  相似文献   


Although moral education is or ought to be a standing concern, both in the family and in society, this article mainly deals with moral education in basic schools in the Netherlands. As such it is a counterpart of religion in the denominational schools. It is organized by the Dutch Humanistisch Verbond (Humanist League) which is also responsible for the teacher's training and the methods of teaching. That defines the humanist context of this form of education. Thus humanist moral education makes a major contribution ‐‐ albeit only in a minority of schools ‐‐ to a humanist development of children.  相似文献   

关注新近出现的欺骗性接触形式的网络广告,分析其性质及表现方式,并从广告主体利益、相关法律法规、网络监管等方面分析产生这种网络广告形式的原因,进而从道德伦理方面对欺骗性接触形式的网络广告进行思考。文章分析了网络广告形式的创新及其原则,并结合社会各界的反应,认为网络广告欺骗性接触形式的前景并不乐观,创新应符合社会的道德伦理规范。  相似文献   

This article considers the high significance of the Russian Orthodox Church’s system of religious education, which is currently being built in the Russian Federation. The great value of this system is due to the fact that Orthodoxy has historically been the most massive and important religion in Russia. Sunday schools are examined as a form of religious Orthodox educating and upbringing. The article defines the specifics of the emergence and historical development of Sunday schools in Russia on the whole and in the Far East in particular. It also discusses the role that modern Sunday schools play for children and adults in Orthodox moral education and spiritual guidance, in preserving Orthodox traditions, and in forming ethical values. The study examines the historical building and modern development of Vladivostok Eparchy. One of the Sunday schools belonging to Vladivostok Eparchy of the Russian Orthodox Church is taken as an example to describe how religious education and raising in Orthodox traditions are organized for children today.  相似文献   


This study investigated the experiences of, and interactions between, participants of a Forum theatre workshop, which addressed the issue of the refugee child at school. Staged by a UK theatre company, whose actors had, in their own lives, experienced being homeless and/or refugees, the workshop was investigated as it was performed in three London secondary state schools. Findings revealed that the workshop was highly relevant to the students, reflecting moral dilemmas which they faced in their everyday lives, as they encountered refugee students at school. This interactive workshop gave them the opportunity to try out moral behaviour, which could potentially be applied to real-life situations. Students felt that the workshop enabled them to put themselves "in other people's shoes", both the fictional characters in the workshop as well as actual people they knew at school. The homeless and refugee histories of the actors themselves intensified the reality of the workshop experience. The Forum theatre workshop aimed to encourage the students to become moral agents in their own lives. However, its ability to do this was limited by the lack of both moral reflection upon the issues raised, and guidance in appropriate moral action following the workshop. This absence of follow-up relates to the fact that the workshop was perceived by teachers as a drama activity, and no attempts were made to address its moral content which, teachers felt, belonged to the domain of the Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) in the National Curriculum for England.  相似文献   

This article presents an initial exploration of the teaching of ethics by religion teachers in second level schools in Ireland. It is set against the moral issues faced in Irish society and the President's Ethics Initiative. The article examines the difference between the practice of morality and the science of ethics as well as ethical theories and traditions. It provides a brief background to Irish education at second level before turning to the results of the survey. It is the author's view that there is considerable teaching of ethics by religion teachers at second level schools in Ireland.  相似文献   

当代大学生道德缺失及对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会转型之际的道德“真空期”导致了道德失范的问题。当代大学生在道德方面的表现与其身份严重不符。本文对大学生道德缺失的现象、原因进行了分析,并在此基础上提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

作为基础教育的"弱势群体",目前民办中学的德育工作仍不尽人意。主要表现为:只重理论说教,而忽视实际效果的德育方式;强调品德认知,而轻视品德践履的德育过程以及多功利实用,少精神引导的德育价值。之所以如此,主观上源于教育者对德育重要性的认知不足、理念落后及自身专业素质不高;客观上主要在于相关支持不力、制度不全。走出民办中学德育困境,要充分认识和把握德育工作存在的渗透性、价值的潜在性和显效的缓慢性特征,要着力提升德育教师的专业素养,要加强校园文化环境建设,营造良好的育人氛围。  相似文献   

Ancient Chinese ideas of moral education could be said to have five main dimensions – philosophical foundations, content, principles, methods and evaluation – which are described in this paper. An analysis of the fundamental features of Confucian thinking on moral education shows that it took the idea that human beings have a good and kind nature as its logical starting point. It built a system of ethical norms, based on the idea that an individual's feelings come from the inner mind, combined with external rites. Its methods of moral education are diverse, with an emphasis on learning from exemplars, environmental conditions and practice, as well as the cultivation of moral responsibility and social commitment. Its quintessential ideas were ‘virtue lies in practice’ and ‘life is moral education’. The paper concludes by arguing that Confucian thinking on moral education has ongoing value for research and practice in contemporary moral education.  相似文献   

This article, based on narrative inquiry, explores how academics with/out formal leadership positions experience and understand themselves as leaders in their everyday working contexts. A single case of a fixed-term academic was chosen to illustrate how different analytical lenses – ‘plot analysis’ and ‘discourse analysis’ – can unpack the complexities of experience associated with non-positional leadership, a topic scarcely represented in studies of leadership in higher education. Two interdependent plots – the heroic plot and the victimised plot – were found to recur throughout the participant's narrative. These plots signified the conflictual dynamics and the unique subjectivity in which this person made sense of himself as a leader. The analytical lens was then shifted to pay greater attention to the ways in which broader networks of discourses were at play within this participant's narrative. Using discourse analysis, the discourses of autonomy and masculinity, among others, were present in constituting the unique subject positions the participant took up. The article concludes with a summary of methodological contributions this study offers to the field of leadership in higher education.  相似文献   

The Singapore Ministry of Education's Enhanced Performance Management System (EPMS) was instituted in 2005 as a system of professional accountability to enhance the standards and stakes of teacher professionalism in schools. This essay explores how the EPMS, with its underlying paradigm of performance management, functions as a “technology of discipline” within the political economy of teacher professionalization in Singapore. The analysis centres on the discursive mechanisms of a standardized appraisal instrument known as the Work Review Form. Applying speech act theory via the insights of J.L. Austin and J. Butler, I argue that teachers' professional qualities are not only described and prescribed but also produced by the appraisal protocols of the EPMS – a process contingent on the discursive performativity of the Work Review Form. Implicated in this notion of performativity are the rhetorical manoeuvres by which teachers perform “on paper” under the pressure to perform. Such performance pressures point to a range of ethical ambiguities surrounding the “enhanced management” of teachers' work under the profit-motive of performance excellence.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to identify and investigate critical incidents at school that require ethically sensitive teaching. This kind of knowledge is needed in teacher education to prepare future teachers for their profession. The data included narrative interviews with 12 teachers from four urban schools in Finland. Critical incidents were defined as issues or situations in teachers' work that produce ethical reflection and moral emotions. The critical incidents experienced by urban schoolteachers were analysed and compared with earlier studies on ethical dilemmas in teaching. Concrete examples of these incidents were reported which contain teachers' emotional expressions. Four main categories of critical incidents were identified. These were related to the principal, students and families, teachers, and the school community. Teachers reported commitment, caring, co‐operation and respect as the most dominant emotional expressions in these situations. These emotional expressions reflected ethical sensitivity skills, especially in reading and expressing emotions. Based on our study we suggest recommendations for teacher educators on how education for ethically sensitive teaching can be promoted.  相似文献   

This article presents the psychometric qualifications of a new video‐based measure of school professionals' ethical sensitivity toward issues of racial intolerance in schools. The new scale, titled the Quick‐Racial and Ethical Sensitivity Test (Quick‐REST) is based on the ethical principles commonly shared by school‐based professional organisations and James Rest's model of moral decision making. The validation of the measure is established through two separate studies: one conducted with 238 school professionals, including teachers, administrators, psychologists, coaches and others who work in diverse schools; and the other conducted with 57 student teachers. The results, with regard to the internal reliability of the items and convergent and overall construct validity, showed that the Quick‐REST is a psychometrically sound measure of school professionals' ability to recognise violations of ethical principles as depicted in two five‐minute videotapes illustrating instances of racial intolerance in schools. There was no evidence of bias due to social desirability. Areas of use for the Quick‐REST in teacher education and ways to improve the scale are discussed.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates the outcomes of taking a hermeneutic phenomenological approach to architectural design and discusses the potentials for imaginative reasoning in design education. This study tests the use of literature as a verbal form of art and design and the contribution it can make to imaginative design processes – which are all too often limited by physical constraints. It has been observed that a person reading a novel can choose to suspend their disbelief and become entangled in the events of the book – where they become involved with the art not only subjectively, but also as a form of play. In the words of Hans‐Georg Gadamer: ‘understanding occurs in interpreting’. This study asked design students to read three of Franz Kafka's books –The Metamorphosis, The Trial and The Castle– prior to designing a Franz Kafka museum. The students found themselves drawn into numerous worlds that they were compelled to play along with; and demonstrating the productive role that literature can play in studio design, the students were observed to reconstruct the text and authorial context as a spatio‐temporal frame of reference, in this case a museum, and thus provide museum visitors with a Kafkaesque spatial experience of the narrative world in terms of design.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to explore the epistemological foundations of narrative research in education. In particular, I seek to explain how one can obtain knowledge, given its origin in teachers' subjective experiences. The problem with rhetorical and aesthetic criteria that narrative researchers use to warrant their knowledge claims is not that they don't meet a correspondence criterion of truth as post‐positivists contend, but rather that they fail to connect teachers' ethical views with their practice. Since narrative research is aimed at understanding teachers' actions and not at seeking some kind of mechanism in teachers' behaviour, the link between past experiences and present teaching practice is not causal but teleological. I suggest that although the knowledge claims of narrative researchers may not be justified (because they don't meet the criteria of truth as correspondence theory), we might nonetheless be intellectually entitled to accept them. Entitlement is an epistemic right or warrant that constitutes knowledge as justification, but uses different reasons—teleological not causal explanations. I offer three criteria to establish entitlement to accept narrative researchers' findings: (1) the meeting of rhetorical standards such as plausibility, adequacy, and persuasion; (2) the inclusion of teachers' stories about their pedagogical practice; (3) the meeting of ethical criteria that connects a teacher's actions to an articulate and defensible end‐in‐view or vision of the good.  相似文献   

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