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聋校中年级段学生的年龄一般在10-20周岁左右。这一年龄段是聋生成长过程中的一个非常关键的时期,也是聋生自我抑制能力的薄弱时期,是真、善、美与假、丑、恶的争夺期,更是一个需要塑造、教育、保护的时期。在这个年龄段他们所掌握的知识不多,是非观念模糊,但可塑性极大。从相关的统计资料来看,这个阶段的聋生身上存在着多疑、不合群、孤僻、性情急躁、主观片面、自私等诸多毛病,在此阶段如果对他们教育不当,  相似文献   

This paper examines a project that developed humorous, irreverent and subversive arts-based interventions into sexism in the academy. Two workshops were run with women currently working in teacher education in Australian universities. The researchers worked with the participants collaboratively and in line with feminist practices and methodologies to develop interventions that were performed at a large multidisciplinary educational research conference. The paper outlines the origins of the project, the feminist scholarship that inspired it, the methodological framework as well as a discussion about three of the interventions and demonstrates that sexism both (re)produces structural disadvantage for women in higher education as well as being characterised by a set of micro practices that shape the everyday experiences of women in the academy. Although this research is set within an Australian context, the paper acknowledges that sexism is systemic within higher education across contexts.  相似文献   

Some strands of environmental concern invite a radical re-evaluation of many taken for granted assumptions of late modern ways of life—particularly those that structure how we relate to the natural world. This article explores some of the implications of such a re-evaluation for our understanding of moral education by examining the significance of ideas of our place in nature that focus not on our location in some grand abstract system, but on our felt sense of place in the course of our daily existence. It will be argued that exploration of the anticipatory and ecstatic nature of such concrete emplacement reveals an underlying normative character to our encounters with nature, now experienced as an autonomous and essentially mysterious non-human other that both sustains and is sustained by places—places in which find ourselves and live out our lives. It is argued that this view foregrounds a notion of transcendence that leads to both a questioning of the anthropocentrism (i.e. its metaphysical basis) that informs many Western moral views and an acknowledgement of intrinsic value in nature, such that some current mainstream understandings of the character of moral sensibility and of moral education can no longer be regarded as adequate.  相似文献   

This paper is a response to papers by Wilson, Burwood and White concerning equal opportunities as an educational ideal. I seek to legitimate this ideal, in contrast to these earlier attempts to persuade us that it is incoherent, unreasonable or misguided. I argue that, given the social context in which the term is used, it is meaningful and represents rational and praiseworthy goals. I identify four aspects of 'equal opportunities' and conclude that the concern to promote such opportunities arises from desire for a more just educational provision and out of concern for the well-being of children in oppressed groups.  相似文献   

民间信仰是指在长期的历史发展过程中,在民众中自发产生且广泛存在的、非官方的、非组织的对具有超自然力的精神体的信奉、敬畏和崇拜,是围绕着对于超自然力的信仰而形成的观念、态度和行为。民间信仰具有直观性和朴素性、多元性和民间性、功利性和实用性、渗透性和包容性等特点。民间信仰与道德信仰有着本体论、价值观的相通,德福统一是民间信仰与道德信仰共有的理想,民间信仰为道德信仰提供教化途径。  相似文献   

Preschool, second-, and fifth-grade children watched films and heard stories which portrayed an actor who intentionally or accidentally injured another for either good or bad motives. After each film or story, children were interviewed to determine their understanding of the actor motives and the intentionality of his act and their moral judgements. The results suggest that children of all ages understood the concepts of motive and intentionality, but that the ability to make accurate inferences about motives and intentionality develops with age. Motives affected children's evaluations at all ages, but intentionality affected only grade school children's evaluations. The results for moral judgment were discussed in terms of a theory which included features of both cognitive-developmental and social learning explanations of moral development.  相似文献   

Peace education should not be only general knowledge but conclude with something the students can do — as when health education leads to hygienic practices. For this to happen, our peace concepts have to come closer to the level at which people live, the local level. It is argued that this points to transarmament rather than disarmament; to defence based on local conventional defence, paramilitary units and non-military defence, rather than (or in addition to) negotiations among governments. It is also pointed out that this would lead to the building of less vulnerable societies from the bottom up. Less vulnerable societies would have great capacity for survival even in times of crisis, including warfare in the country itself, being thereby less susceptible to blackmail. The key to national invulnerability is local-level invulnerability. And a society organised with less dependency on national and international centres will also be a society less dependent on offensive weapons, concentrating more on defensive modes of security. Present and dominant modes of defence not only try to combine a high level of vulnerability with offensive weapons, but also operate at a level so far away from the ordinary citizen that he/she feels there is little else to do than just to be informed and perhaps to have strong opinions.  相似文献   

1938年以后在温江出现的乡村建设是以乡建会为协助辅导机构,以农会为推行乡村建设事业的具体组织而实施的。各乡农会在温江乡村建设委员会的指导下,积极开展活动,为温江的发展作出了极大的贡献。温江乡村建设的经验对我们现在进行的乡村建设具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

关注青少年生活世界引导自主构建价值观   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
从价值观涵义入手,分析价值观的主观经验性和个体差异性特征,指出青少年价值观的形成和发展与其生活经历和年龄阶段有着十分紧密的联系,价值冲突在其形成和发展中有着特别重要的意义,价值观教育只有与情感教育、实践活动有机地结合起来,并在自然认同和教育认同的共同作用下,才能切实有效。  相似文献   

In the research literature several positions concerning the role played by metacognition in adaptive strategy choice can be distinguished. While many authors adhere so-called metacognitive models of strategy choice and strategy change, others have questioned the extent to which metacognitive factors are associated with strategy choice and task performance and have proposed alternative theoretical frameworks wherein strategy choices are described in terms of associative models. In the present article we report data coming from a larger research project on the development of children’s numerosity judgement strategies and skills. The experimental task involved judging numerosities of colored blocks presented in a rectangular grid. Participants were 59 second grade and 50 sixth grade children, whose strategic performance data — obtained by means of a systematic analysis of their response-time patterns — were compared with interview data collected at the end of the experiment. The major result of this comparison is that not only the children from the oldest age group, but also the children from the youngest age group showed clear evidence of metacognitive awareness and understanding of different aspects of their strategic performance.  相似文献   

从道德与生活的关系看生活道德教育的合理性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐汉卫 《教育探索》2004,1(12):85-87
道德与生活之间存在的本体性关联是生活道德教育得以提出和实施的重要依据。这种本体性关 联主要表现于生活对道德来说具有基础性、本体性的地位--道德源于生活、在生活之中,且为了生活。  相似文献   

苏格拉底道德教育思想及意义探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
两千多年前的苏格拉底有着对道德的深刻洞见,他认为感知在我们的道德行为中有着重要作用。而大多数人的道德感知又是错误的。因此通过苏格拉底方法,教育和启发人们,如何识别世界的道德维度,完善自我,进而过上更美好、更幸福的生活。  相似文献   

20世纪30年代南京政府与德国建立了与其他列强无可比拟的外交关系,两国经济、军事往来频繁,并于1936年达到高潮。然而,由于纳粹德国轻视中国的心理原因和国家利益的转移,使中德关系很快趋向冷淡、恶化、断交,乃至宣战。  相似文献   

冷战后日美关系的新变化及其未来走向   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
冷战结束后,日美关系出现了许多新的变化,总的特征是矛盾增多,磨擦加剧,争执日益公开化,盟友关系弱化,表现在经济、政治、军事、化等众多领域。其主要原因是随着经济实力的增长,日本企图摆脱美国的支配,由经济大国转变为政治大国,在国际事务中发挥重要的作用。未来的日美关系总的发展趋势是矛盾还将继续存在和发展,磨擦时有加剧,但双方将会尽力控制在不至于引起根本关系发生破裂的限度之内,协调与合作将是日美关系的主导方面。  相似文献   

Evaluative judgement is the capability to make decisions about the quality of work of oneself and others. In this paper, we propose that developing students’ evaluative judgement should be a goal of higher education, to enable students to improve their work and to meet their future learning needs: a necessary capability of graduates. We explore evaluative judgement within a discourse of pedagogy rather than primarily within an assessment discourse, as a way of encompassing and integrating a range of pedagogical practices. We trace the origins and development of the term ‘evaluative judgement’ to form a concise definition then recommend refinements to existing higher education practices of self-assessment, peer assessment, feedback, rubrics, and use of exemplars to contribute to the development of evaluative judgement. Considering pedagogical practices in light of evaluative judgement may lead to fruitful methods of engendering the skills learners require both within and beyond higher education settings.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to gain a greater understanding of moral understanding by differentiating moral understanding from moral motivation. Moral understanding was assessed by presenting hypothetical moral conflicts and dilemmas and using a variety of measures to explore children’s understanding of moral principles and moral reasoning. Two measures of strength of moral motivation were used. For younger children (ages 4–9) emotion attributions to hypothetical wrongdoers was the measure. For older children (ages 10–11) a global evaluation was made based on their reactions to hypothetical moral conflicts and dilemmas. The results suggest that children’s moral understanding includes a grasp of abstract principles and is not just rote learning of concrete rules. However, their adequate cognitive moral understanding by no means implies they are competent moral actors. Implications for Kohlberg’s theory of moral development are discussed.  相似文献   

Thirty-six children (half 6–8 years old and half 10–12) in Northeast Brazil heard three hypothetical dilemmas featuring a choice between telling the truth and keeping a promise. Each dilemma was initiated by a different kind of lie: an exculpable pro-social lie (teasing), a lie in the personal domain (hiding) and a lie in the service of an anti-social act (cheating). They were asked to choose between truth and promise, and to attribute choices to adults and to peers. More younger than older children chose truth on all three dilemmas. Both regression and SSA analysis showed that “peer-judgments” predicted own judgments on all three dilemmas, but “adult-judgments” did so only on the dilemma, which featured an exculpable lie and involved no adults. The findings may be interpreted as supporting either (a) a constructivist account of development or (b) a learning account that features implicit processes.  相似文献   

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