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在反思和承接古典社会理论家现代性思想基础上,吉登斯重构现代性理论框架,提出现代性的全球化维度,由此奠定其世界主义思想的理论基点,发展出全球世界主义秩序这一宏大理论图景。全球世界主义秩序理论是一项系统工程,可从社会日常生活和个体的转型、民族国家的重新定位以及全球治理的变革三个层面进行把握。吉登斯的世界主义思想典型地体现了一种"乌托邦现实主义"态度,在今天具有难得的政策启示意义,当然也不可避免存在不足。  相似文献   


Cosmopolitanism has become an influential theory in both political and, increasingly, educational discourse. In simple terms cosmopolitanism can be understood as a response to the globalised and diverse world in which we live. Diverse in nature, cosmopolitan ideas come in many forms. The focus here is on what have been termed ‘strong’ ethical forms of cosmopolitanism; that is, positions which conceptualise moral bonds and obligations as resulting from a shared, common humanity. The view that pupils should be taught that all human beings are equal and, crucially, that this entails a responsibility to take action when human equity is challenged or transgressed, is finding increasing expression within educational literature. The suggestion explored here is that strong forms of ethical cosmopolitanism are limited in ways which seriously restrict their educational worth. In the final section, it is argued that forms of cultural and political cosmopolitanism (which are part of the lived experiences of intra- and supra-national citizenship) are best responded to by developing the requisite virtues in pupils to engage with diverse and dialogic communities.  相似文献   


The promotion of ‘Global Citizenship’ (GC) has emerged as a goal of schooling in many countries, symbolising a shift away from national towards more global conceptions of citizenship. It currently incorporates a proliferation of approaches and terminologies, mirroring both the diverse conceptions of its nature and the socio-politico contexts within which it is appropriated. This paper seeks to clarify this ambiguity by constructing a typology to identify and distinguish the diverse conceptions of GC. The typology is based on two general forms of GC: cosmopolitan based and advocacy based. The former incorporates four distinct conceptions of GC – namely, the political, moral, economic and cultural; the latter incorporates four other conceptions – namely, the social, critical, environmental and spiritual. Subsequently, we briefly illustrate how the typology can be used to evaluate the critical features of a curriculum plan designed to promote GC in England. The typology provides a novel and powerful means to analyse the key features of the very diverse range of educational policies and programmes that promote GC.  相似文献   

The authors, one from China and one from the United States, present a theoretical framework for understanding the discursive fields of citizenship education as composed, in large part, of the discourses of nationalism, globalization, and cosmopolitanism. The framework is illustrated by examples from citizenship education in China and the United States. Citizenship education in these examples is largely influenced by the discourse of nationalism. The discursive fields are fractured, context-specific, and dynamic. In conclusion, the authors call for awareness of how these discourses operate, and propose that the discourses of globalization and cosmopolitanism merge and strengthen within citizenship education. The effect could be a new citizenship education that is responsive to the current needs of local and global democratic communities.  相似文献   

全球化与公民教育:挑战与回应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
作为现代性构成要素的公民教育从一开始就与民族和民主的观念紧密联系在一起。具有这一特征的现代公民教育伴随全球化的进展遇到诸多深层次的挑战。迎接这一挑战构成了20世纪末以来公民教育在世界范围内得到复兴和加强的一个重要背景,而对这一挑战进行恰当的理论与实践回应也正是各国公民教育理论与实践界正在积极探索的课题。在今后相当长一段时间内,如何寻求全球认同与本土认同之间的平衡将是这一恰当回应的关键。  相似文献   

Citizenship education, defined as learning to live together, requires agreement on certain common principles. One central purpose of a state education system is the transmission of common normative standards such as the human rights and fundamental freedoms that underpin liberal democratic societies. The paper identifies the conceptual roots of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in the sociological concept of utopia and Enlightenment cosmopolitanism. In the UDHR, the vision of freedoms that may promote human flourishing provides a precise way of conceptualising limits on state power. Whilst human rights is not a general theory, the concept has the hugely beneficial property of enabling people whose value systems are diverse and apparently incompatible, nonetheless to recognise and accept common standards and principles that make living in society possible. The implications of this are that human rights education is rightfully recognised as an essential component of citizenship education.  相似文献   

民主并不意味着“善”。“无限民主”(即不受法律限制的民主)会导致“恶”的产生;只有接受法律制约的民主即“有限民主”才能为人民带来自由和幸福,民主只能是法律下的民主。哈耶克的这种民主思想对我国正在进行的现代民主政治的建设,具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This paper analyses pre-service education student perceptions and perspectives related to education for democracy in Australia. Using a critical pedagogical framework datum from an online survey, it presents both quantitative and qualitative responses of contrasting understandings of democracy. It begins by outlining the concepts of thick and thin democracy and why this is important in relation to contemporary debates about the state of civics and citizenship education, and then explains the conceptual framework of critical pedagogy and methodology. The datum analysed is discussed in relation to neoliberalism and indicates that the pre-service teachers in this study view democracy in a narrow or thin way that may impact on their classroom practice where they would be teaching about but not for democracy. A more critical and thicker understanding of democracy is suggested as essential if we desire our students to become active and transformative citizens.  相似文献   

It is now two decades since the Advisory Group on Citizenship, commissioned by the newly elected Labour government, recommended the introduction of statutory citizenship education. On the twentieth anniversary of the eponymously named ‘Crick Report’, this article presents the findings of a rigorous mixed‐methods study of citizenship educators in the UK. This research suggests that teachers continue to lack a shared understanding of citizenship, conceptually and pedagogically, and also reveals an emphasis amongst teachers upon individualistic notions of good citizenship that are reflective of national, and increasingly global, political discourse. The findings are analysed using a new conceptual framework—the declarative–procedural paradigm—which is developed here to understand the relationship between political and normatively driven visions of democratic citizenship and classroom pedagogy. In doing so the article adds, theoretically and substantively, to the specific research pool of citizenship studies and broader debates about political disengagement.  相似文献   

Shun Wing Ng 《Compare》2012,42(3):439-459
This article adopts the critical theory approach to reflect and analyse the impacts of globalization on the internationalization process of higher education in the Asia-Pacific region. It argues that globalization forces many of the higher education institutions in the region to follow global practices and ideologies of the Anglo-American paradigm without developing their own unique systems and honouring the rich cultures of their own countries. While higher education institutions are indulging in internationalization in terms of marketization and economic pragmatism, they have to ask themselves, ‘What is missing in the process of internationalization?’ This article argues that internationalization of higher education contributes to building more than economically competitive and politically powerful states. It represents a commitment to the development of an internationalized curriculum where the pursuit of global citizenship, human harmony and a climate of global peace is of paramount importance.  相似文献   

全球化时代要求未来公民不仅要具有国际视野与全球意识,而且需要他们发展从社区到全球所有层次公民参与的能力。而世界公民教育就旨在将儿童塑造成具有全球思维且能负责任参与的世界公民。探讨全球化背景下世界公民教育的理念内涵、实践中的具体实施策略及其未来发展取向,希望为推进我国世界公民教育的开展提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   


This study employed phenomenological and semi-structured interviews as an action research approach, to explore participants’ experiences around the Global Assembly for Knowledge Democracy (The Assembly) following the Conference of the Action Research Network of the Americas in Cartagena, Colombia. We sought to promote the inclusion of the diverse voices from the Global North and South who convened in the event, by understanding the participants’ experiences as part of this assembly, and its possible impact after the event. We found that Assembly participants’ experiences helped us understand Global North-South critical dialogues that challenge traditional notions of knowledge democracy that have held back, maybe unintentionally, the voices of those in the Global South. The Assembly participants’ promoted critical dialogues when presenting their visual metaphors, dances and other ways of producing knowledge during the Assembly. Although, Global North and South participants struggled with language barriers, they found enabling spaces at the Assembly to share their proposals, at both individual and community levels, framing actions and building partnerships with organizations within collective international efforts. Further, having a research team comprising both Global North and Global South voices, gave greater vision and authenticity to recognize and appreciate alternative methodologies of participation, which reconfigured the Global Assembly for Knowledge Democracy process.  相似文献   

In the past, philosophers discussed cosmopolitanism as a normative ideal of allegiance to humanity as a whole. A debate among social theorists, however, has examined cosmopolitanism as an incipient empirical phenomenon: an orientation of openness to foreign others and cultures. This paper introduces actor‐network theory to elaborate the social‐theoretical conception of cosmopolitanism. In light of the actor‐network theory of cosmopolitanism, the paper proposes cosmopolitan education that aims to foster in students three dispositions: to extend attachments to foreign people and objects; to understand transnational connections in which their lives are embedded; and to act on these attachments and understandings to effect transformations across national borders. Through this three‐fold cosmopolitan education, students will grow to be citizens of the world who traverse national borders dialogically by virtue of their transnational attachments, understandings, and actions.  相似文献   

科学发展观,是对党的三代中央领导集体关于发展的重要思想的继承和发展,是马克思主义关于发展的世界观和方法论的集中体现,是同马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和"三个代表"重要思想既一脉相承又与时俱进的科学理论,是我国经济社会发展的重要指导方针,是发展中国特色社会主义必须坚持和贯彻的重大战略思想。如何使之在我国的民主法治建设过程中发挥应有作用,尤其使其可持续发展理论进一步与法治发展相结合更快更好的使我国的民主法治环境上升到新的高度,是我们现阶段应当思考的问题。  相似文献   

Heela Goren 《Compare》2016,46(5):832-853
We apply semi-structured interviews to conceptualise perceptions of global citizenship among teachers at an international school and teachers at a local public school in Israel, revealing discrepancies between theory and practice in global citizenship education (GCE). We find that teachers perceive global citizenship differently along three major axes: boundaries of global citizenship, practical aspects of GCE, and through the effect of Israel’s context. This study offers a comparative perspective that discerns the differing impacts of school context and student background on teacher perceptions at different kinds of schools and highlights the importance of teacher agency in GCE.  相似文献   

Once regarded as the most essential subject in the national curriculum vital for civilizing the public, English Literature has now lost its place of prominence. In this paper, I focus on Singapore where the subject was a core aspect of the colonial curriculum and where it is currently facing declining enrolment at the national examinations. In the first part of the paper, I discuss how Literature initially functioned to propagate colonial values education in Singapore and how, following Singapore's independence, its goals were overtaken by a nation-state model of values education. Limitations of this model provide the grounds for a transnational model of critical values education that, as I argue in the second part, may be powerfully conveyed through Literature. It is Literature's capacity to facilitate transnational critical engagements with values and explorations of identity especially involving highly sensitive aspects related to gender, race, and religion that represents the strongest justification in the light of its present demise. What Literature offers is the possibility of engaging with values beyond the confines of Empire or nation by grappling with essential questions about what it means to be a cosmopolitan as opposed to a nationalistic citizen inhabiting the world.  相似文献   

邓小平社会主义法制思想立足于中国国情,是同社会主义经济发展状况相匹配的具有中国特色的社会主义法制思想。邓小平社会主义法制思想由历史条件、理论前提、内在要求、内在保障、发展理念、发展路径、发展手段、发展模式构成,这些为中国政治体制改革提借了理论借鉴。  相似文献   

Towards a framework for financial literacy in the context of democracy   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper contrasts the prevailing individualistic approach of financial literacy measurement and financial education with an educational framework that seeks to equip young people to play an active democratic role and to develop a broader understanding of the financial world. In particular, the framework suggests how important dimensions of financial literacy may be addressed in terms of the individual, the financial industry and government.  相似文献   

Despite the wealth of theoretical literature on globalization and global citizenship, empirical studies on the topic are lacking, especially in the context of pedagogical needs in relation to global citizenship education. In order to address this gap, a study was conducted in Hong Kong to investigate the attitudes of university students towards various dimensions of globalization and global citizenship. The initial results indicate that Hong Kong university students are generally quite aware of globalization's impact on the economy and personal consumption choices and that while there is considerable apathy towards international affairs, there is also a great interest in cross-cultural service learning opportunities that is not being met by the available programmes. Moreover, this study finds almost no association between age, gender, and religion and any of the measured dependent variables on attitudes towards globalization and global citizenship, the only exception being the factor of past intercultural experiences, where a significant difference in measured attitudes was found between respondents who had and respondents who had not participated in such experiences before. Explanations of the findings and the implications of findings for policy and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Contemporary policy statements from government and reforms to science curricula in schools emphasise the importance of educating a scientifically literate public for democratic participation in science and technology. While such an aspiration is seemingly uncontentious and appears consistent with progressive educational thinking, the reality of democratic participation is problematic. I propose four frameworks for describing democratic participation in schools. The first two – deficit and deliberative democracy – fulfil a limited role for democratic participation. ‘Science education as praxis’ and ‘science education for conflict and dissent’ present more radical programmes but reflect tensions with the dominant discourse of scientific literacy and citizenship as reflected in school curricula. To operationalise aspects of democratic participation, teachers need to make explicit the role of scientific knowledge and decision‐making within each framework. While radical change is likely to meet with resistance, this process will in turn generate new discourses about the problems and opportunities of democratic participation.  相似文献   

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