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教师的素质关乎教育的成败,师德的伦理意蕴不仅通过负有神圣职责的教师职业彰显出来,还体现在对学生智力和心理发展的影响上。它是大学"教育场域"里教师"生存心态"的再现,更是构成大学文化的重要组成部分。师德养成是在外在价值的引领下,由内向外的自发、自觉、自主的形成过程,而非由外向内的灌输过程,即"内化于心"和"外化于行"的统一。爱是师德内化的基础,对教师职业道德规范的认同与敬畏是师德内化的前提,承担义务和履行责任是实现师德内化的关键。  相似文献   

正义作为人类社会具有永恒价值的基本理念和行为准则,是构建合理法律制度的理论基础。我国《物权法》的法律规定中既蕴涵了法律正义,又蕴涵了道德正义。《物权法》实现了实体正义与程序正义的统一,其实体正义主要体现为归属性正义和交换正义,其立法技术上也具有里程碑式的意义。  相似文献   

教师伦理决策意味着教师作为专业主体,在伦理情境中识别伦理问题,并在多种可能的行动方案之间进行权衡,选择一个伦理上更可辩护的行动方案的过程。从结构上来看,这个过程以伦理情境为起点,以伦理规范或理论为参照,以道德敏感识别伦理问题,以道德想象寻求多重方案,运用道德判断选择某个行动方案,并借助道德勇气将这个方案付诸行动。由于教师身份或角色的多重性,教师伦理决策通常呈现出教育性、专业性和审慎性的特征。  相似文献   

Student‐led design projects undertaken within healthcare settings raise considerable ethical challenges, primarily resulting from collaboration with service users. This article emerged out of the experiences of design from a New Zealand university undertaking real world projects in acute health care contexts. A human‐centred approach to design is underpinned by a requirement for students to immerse themselves in the user context to optimise design outcomes. Several issues exist in relation to the management of the ethical complexities arising from these projects. Multiple formal ethical review processes were triggered when students’ projects were defined as research. These processes were perceived as onerous and disproportionate to the scale of the projects, and students were ill equipped to identify ethical issues and engage with formal review processes. This resulted in either abandoned projects or the use of compromised methods. A review of codes of practice and design industry approaches identifies a gap in guidance for both students and qualified designers. Some designers describe their projects as service improvement, and not subject to formal ethical review. This article argues for embedding consideration of ethics in all design projects to enhance the process, to be true to the underpinning philosophy of human centred design and to produce ethically aware graduates. To achieve this, a multi‐pronged pedagogical approach which encompasses both hypothetical, class‐based and real‐world learning experiences is described, with the ultimate goal of normalising the consideration and development of ethical standards for students and best practice across the industry.  相似文献   

We examined explicit and implicit processes in response to third-party moral transgressions in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Twenty 4- to 7-year-old children with ASD and 19 typically developing controls evaluated dynamic visual stimuli depicting intentional or accidental harm to persons or damage to objects. Moral evaluations, eye fixations, and pupil dilations toward the stimuli were collected. Results indicate a preserved capacity to understand the mental states of perpetrators and an implicit moral sensitivity to the third-party harms in children with ASD. Nonetheless, children with ASD showed specific sensitivity and emotional arousal when viewing damage to objects. These findings contribute to the understanding of the underlying mechanisms of moral reasoning in ASD and its possible association with the autistic symptoms.  相似文献   

民族地区课改教师现状与思路调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
海南五指山黎族地区课改中存在校本课程开发有限、学生学业成就过低和新教材与当地实际有较大差距等问题,需要教育和管理部门加以特别关注。  相似文献   

随着职业高中教师的队伍建设逐渐呈现出标准化、规范化、专业化趋势,社会对职业高中教师个人综合素养的要求也越来越高。然而在实际教育管理中,教师在专业实践中的伦理困境已成为职业高中教师不断向前发展的重要制约因素。实践中所出现的复杂伦理情境呈现类型多、层次深以及问题杂等特征,这极大地桎梏职业高中教师的专业化纵深发展以及个人伦理水平提高。结合实际,笔者从以下三个方面提出建议:一是完善职业高中教师专业伦理体系建设;二是不同管理主体间价值选择的建议;三是营造良好的校园文化氛围。  相似文献   

生育选择是人们在工作和家庭间权衡后的结果,是地位的体现。全面二孩政策放开后,高校女青年教师(女"青椒")的生育选择分析,一方面,可以为预测高校是否会因为"二孩"的集中出生影响教学秩序提供依据。另一方面,可以透过分析,揭示"青椒"的学校和社会地位。以问卷调查法取得了高校女"青椒"的生育意愿、生育计划、生育约束因素和生育二孩的效用材料,以消费者均衡分析法分别分析了青年教师扎堆参加职称评审和祖辈帮助带孙情况下女"青椒"的消费者均衡实现过程。得出结果:女"青椒"中不可能出现大规模的生育二孩潮流。生育和抚养两个孩子是极其耗费时间和体力的,即使在替代效应下女"青椒"将时间部分转至家庭,在父母年龄超过60岁、保姆市场不规范、缺乏长期雇佣高素质服务人员经济实力的前提下,女"青椒"首选保证孩子质量,其次达到成熟条件才会生育、抚养二孩。可以看出,在高校内部,"青椒"是一个经济、社会资源占有量处于底层的"屌丝"。在社会中,"青椒"是一个收入中下、身处社会关系屏蔽区的知识分子的结论。为此,应当从以下几点努力:规范职称评审的流程、明晰职称评审的量化标准;推动高校教学、科研团队的建设,对"青椒"起到传帮带作用;规范社会服务人员即保姆的管理工作。  相似文献   

丹尼尔·笛福是18世纪英国著名的作家。丰富的阅历和记者生涯为他的创作提供了多样的素材。与当时社会流行的宗教文学和流浪汉故事不同。笛福用详实可信的人物与细节。塑造了诸多真实的人物形象。从文学伦理学视角来分析《摩尔·弗兰德斯》,可以清晰地看出小说中女主人公求生存意愿这一伦理线及其在五次婚姻中的伦理结。  相似文献   

当前的教师教育侧重于教师专业知识与专业能力的培养,相对忽视了专业伦理教育,导致教师的教学行为出现了一定程度上的伦理缺失现象.本文通过对部分中学教师的调查访谈揭示了教师教学行为伦理缺失的诸种表现,并提出了从"专断"转向"平等"、从关注教师的教转向学生的学、从"分数"本位转向"多元发展"本位、从"控制"导向转向以"人性化"为依归的消解策略.  相似文献   

新疆高校教师队伍是新疆高等教育事业改革与发展的主导力量和决定性因素,是实施科教兴新战略的重要力量。从新疆高校加强师德建设的重要意义入手,结合新疆高校师德建设的基本特征,阐述了新时期新疆高校师德建设的基本内容和目标。  相似文献   

Factors influencing the adoption and acceptance of tablets as a mobile technology were explored one year after their integration in middle schools in Palestine. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 teachers. The participants held a variety of attitudes toward accepting mobile technologies in their instruction. The findings revealed that teachers' attitudes are an important factor in accepting or rejecting tablet use in classrooms. Many factors influenced teachers' attitudes such as technical support, instructional assistance, and infrastructure. A teacher's prior experience with tablets was also important for integrating technology into the classroom.  相似文献   

This qualitative study examined preservice teachers' beliefs about using maker activities in formal educational settings. Eighty-two preservice and early-career teachers at three different universities in the United States took part in one-time workshops designed to introduce them to various maker tools and activities applicable to K–12 educational environments. Data were collected from 16 focus groups conducted during the workshops in spring 2016. Researchers analyzed the data using the Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen, 1985, 1991) to better understand the teachers' attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control related to making activities, with the ultimate goal of using this information to assist teacher preparation programs in preparing their students to implement maker tools and strategies in their future classrooms. Participants expressed favorable attitudes toward implementing maker activities in their future classrooms and noted these tools and activities aligned with instructional strategies encouraged in their teacher preparation programs, including problem-based learning, inquiry learning, and hands-on learning activities, but noted several perceived barriers such as access to resources and working with reluctant peers and administrators.  相似文献   

Research Findings: This study examined 56 young (prekindergarten through 2nd grade) urban-dwelling African American children's understanding of the affective attributions and consequences of 3 types of sociomoral rule systems: prosocial, active, and inhibitive morality. It also tested the relationship of affective attributions and consequences to children's behavior. As expected, children's affective responses differed by sociomoral rule system and character role type, supporting the notion of a “happy victimizer” and a subtle attributional shift. Children provided affective attributions that attempted to resolve the dilemmas presented in the different sociomoral vignettes regardless of the affect associated with the vignette. The relationship of children's affective attributions and consequences to their behavior in school was partially supported. Children's affective attributions were significantly associated with their prosocial behavior. However, contrary to predictions, no other significant associations emerged between children's affective attributions and negative behavior or between children's affective consequences and behavior. Practice or Policy: Those working with young African American children should consider the reasoning behind children's emotional and behavioral reactions and not just focus on the correct or appropriate response to understand and promote children's positive development. There are implications for supporting African American children's competence development at school through a behavior promotion approach.  相似文献   

在现实生活中,教育时常需要处理“平等之爱”与“差等之爱”之间的冲突。“平等之爱”作为基本人权在今天民主化的生活中为人们所推崇,但在现实生活中它易把人性中丰富多彩的情感置于理性的压制之中;“差等之爱”虽顾及人的私人情谊但存在着侵蚀社会平等和法律公正的危险,并有可能抑制公共精神的发育,尤其在教育中,差等之爱的处理更需慎重。为此,如何有效处理学生差异发展中弱者和优者的最大利益,我们应既吸纳亚里士多德、罗尔斯以及罗纳德·德沃金的方略,也应考虑诺丁斯的建议。  相似文献   

教师话语是社会伦理道德传播的重要途径,也是建立学生道德品质较高境界的培养基。作为语言教师,大学英语教师的语言伦理示范作用尤为重要。从伦理学角度分析大学英语教师使用模糊语的伦理内涵、原因、目的及其伦理功能,探究大学英语教师使用模糊语的伦理理据并提出相应的伦理策略,对涉及认知、思维、文化、心灵塑造的英语教学具有十分重要的作用和意义。  相似文献   

Preschool teachers' job stressors have received increasing attention but have been understudied in the literature. We investigated the impacts of a classroom-based intervention, the Chicago School Readiness Project (CSRP), on teachers' perceived job stressors and confidence, as indexed by their perceptions of job control, job resources, job demands, and confidence in behavior management. Using a clustered randomized controlled trial (RCT) design, the CSRP provided multifaceted services to the treatment group, including teacher training and mental health consultation, which were accompanied by stress-reduction services and workshops. Overall, 90 teachers in 35 classrooms at 18 Head Start sites participated in the study. After adjusting for teacher and classroom factors and site fixed effects, we found that the CSRP had significant effects on the improvement of teachers' perceived job control and work-related resources. We also found that the CSRP decreased teachers' confidence in behavior management and had no statistically significant effects on job demands. Overall, we did not find significant moderation effects of teacher race/ethnicity, education, teaching experience, or teacher type. The implications for research and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

教学不仅是一种认识活动,也是一种至善的事业。区分不同类型的教学伦理冲突类型,有利于教师正确对待各种教师职业道德的要求。相同价值序列和不同价值序列的教学伦理之间会产生各种冲突,需要教师不断提升解决教学伦理冲突的智慧和能力,唯有在教学至善目标指引下,教学伦理冲突的解决才能有利于学生的健康成长,有利于教师的专业发展。  相似文献   

In the process of choosing early out-of-home care and education for their young children, 3 mothers living in a working class neighborhood in New York City coconstructed understandings of care and education settings and practices offered within their community. A feminist–pragmatist framework guided the analysis of data that highlighted the processes by which they sought information and support to make those choices. Data indicated that their appreciation of child development theories and educational practices arose from experiences derived from their active participation in the development of a parents network. This grassroots network acted as an invaluable source of childrearing information, supported reflection on identity formation, and prompted political participation at varying levels. These 3 women coconstructed knowledge of early care and education settings by bringing thought to action—from inception, to development, and culminating in fulfillment.  相似文献   

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