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How L.A.T.E. it was, how L.A.T.E.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The London Association for the Teaching of English is a subject group that was founded in 1947 to ‘provide a live forum for the exchange of ideas, and to undertake the practical study of problems connected with the teaching of English’. The early history of this Association, its influence on the development of English pedagogy and practice is the subject of my current PhD research. Within this work are key questions about the nature of subject English, the curriculum, and the ways in which members of a subject community work together to effect change. This article gives some background to the research project, and begins to point towards some potentially important questions about the subject and ways of working together. After two decades of top down, centralised government initiatives around English pedagogy, curriculum and assessment, and teachers’ professional development, these questions are worth addressing.  相似文献   


观影指南 你童年的梦幻中,曾经有过与外星人相遇的情景吗?你想象的外星人是什么样子呢?  相似文献   

社群主义对诺齐克的批评主要集中于其将个人权利绝对化,放弃个人的社会责任感,否认个人的社会价值。社群主义敏锐地观察到诺齐克以虚构的权利前提构思理想社会的不足,这一不足表现为个人的抽象化,并在抽象化个人的基础上建构其元乌托邦理想,致使个人脱离了现实社会,这是不合理的。  相似文献   

多年以来,在电子监听所及的范围之内,科学家们一直都在留神等着听外星人可能给人类传来的微弱的信号。现在,一些研究者终于听到了几乎是同样令人激动的声音——锤子断断续续的敲击声、弧焊的劈啪声,以及建造设备的轰鸣声——这些声音预示着要建造新型望远镜,以帮助人们探解一个古老的问题——我们是银河系中唯一的居民吗?  相似文献   

刘霞 《中学生英语》2002,(24):18-18
Twenty years ago, a bald alien(外星人) that looked a little like aturtle (海龟) touchedthe hearts of childrenand adults alike. Theugly but kind-heartedstar of “E. T. the Ex-tra-Terrestrial“ (《外星人》) is still afavourite with many kids even today.  相似文献   

For almost a half century David F. Treagust has been an exemplary science educator who has contributed through his dedication and commitments to students, curriculum development and collaboration with teachers, and cutting edge research in science education that has impacted the field globally, nationally and locally. A hallmark of his outstanding career is his collaborative style that inspires others to produce their best work.  相似文献   

Remember the first time you saw E. T. The Extra-Terrestrial? Did you cry? Spend the next month telling your nearest and dearest to "phone home" in your best E. T. voice?We've got a slew(许多,大量) of facts and figures to get you up to speed on everything E. T. And don' t worry, we won' t tell anyone we saw you crying in the theater.  相似文献   

Prior to 1949 the Chinese Communist Party orchestrated innovative and participatory forms of adult education. This article concerns Madame Li Li, a leading Chinese Communist woman adult educator. Western delegates at the International Council for Adult Education 1984 Shanghai symposium on adult education were fascinated by Madame Li Li because, amongst other things, she had begun her career in adult education as a 14-year-old propagandist in the Communist New 4th Army. Today, China is trying to become the biggest learning society in the world. With this as a backdrop, the purpose of this study was to chronicle the life of Li Li and reflect on what it means for twenty-first century Chinese adult education and learning. After being forced from her Huai'an (Jiangsu) home at age 14, she worked underground for the Communist Party. After 1949 she turned early experience in surveillance and propaganda into a career as an adult educator. She has misgivings about her work in the Party Discipline department and, being from a privileged family and a high official, suffered harsh treatment during the Cultural Revolution. After the Cultural Revolution she presided over a massive adult education enterprise in Shanghai and was an organiser of the 1984 Shanghai symposium on adult education. Today she worries about corruption, instability and lack of a moral compass in China. The authors reflect on what her life means for adult education and lifelong learning in twenty-first century China.  相似文献   

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