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  • A.Drawbacks to attending evening classes

  • (i) In the group of students investigated the main drawback to attending evening classes was item 3 (the rush to get to classes from work).

  • (ii) The main difference among the students was in the importance attached to item 9 (domestic commitments), married students finding it as important as item 3.

  • (iii) Choices made by students in different courses were fairly homogeneous, apart from the domestic courses. This seems to indicate that the factors making for wastage are not functions of the courses taken, so much as of age, sex, marital status, etc.

  • B. Incentives to attending evening classes

  • (i) The main incentive was item 1 (it will be useful in getting a better job).

  • (ii) Items 2 (it will help in getting promotion in my present job) and 3 (it will be of general educational value) were ranked next in importance to item 1.

  • (iii) Responses to the preferred items 1, 2, and 3 were relatively homogeneous when the data were arranged to isolate sex difference, marital status, and age.

  • (iv) All courses except the domestic ones made similar choices in this question.

The great importance of item 3 in question 13 (the rush to get to classes from work) as a disincentive in the group investigated (and in the try-out group) and in the research of Smith and Wilkins, suggest that local arrangements between employers and colleges to give more time between work and classes would attack one of the most accessible, and at the same time most important, causes of wastage.  相似文献   

Based on the Job Demands-resources (RD-R) model, the aim of the current study was to examine how pressure arising from imposed curriculum changes and teacher self-efficacy relate to perceived stress in teachers. Participants (839 teachers working in English schools) completed an online survey that contained questions about demographics, self-reported pressure from imposed curriculum changes, teacher self-efficacy, and perceived stress. Pressure from imposed curriculum changes was positively, and teacher self-efficacy negatively, related to perceived stress. Teacher-self efficacy moderated relations between pressure from imposed curriculum changes and perceived stress. High teacher self-efficacy was associated with lower perceived stress, relative to low teacher self-efficacy, when pressure from imposed curriculum changes was low. The differential advantage offered by high self-efficacy declined as pressure from imposed curriculum changes increased.  相似文献   

通过对带弹性滑动的分析,说明弹性滑动对带的传动比、传动功率损耗的影响。  相似文献   

高等学校国有资产的流失及其防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于管理体制不完善、人才频繁流动和设备闲置等原因致使高校国有资产流失或贬值,这种现象在一定程度上浪费了国家经济效益,因此,学校有必要尽快采取防范措施,建立国有资产管理与激励监督机制,通过合理的有效途径,达到国有资产长期保值增值的目的。  相似文献   

Access是微软office软件的成员之一,它提供了多个内置对象,可以利用这些对象进行中小型的项目开发,一方面可以开发出不亚于其它大型开发平台所开发的项目;另一方面,利用Access内置对象开发项目更快速,对于开发者和计算机的要求更低.本研究通过实际的应用来说明Access内置对象的使用方法,结果显示,对于一般的中小型项目,选择Access作为开发平台是完全可以胜任的,是一种高性价比的选择.  相似文献   

近年来,创客教育在中国的发展呈燎原之势,而教育体系迫切需要变革、互联网与教育的日渐融合更是为创客教育的蓬勃发展创造了适宜的生长环境。青少年作为创客教育群体中的特殊组成部分,需要予以特别关注。文章以青少年为对象,以打造青少年群体的创客教育为主旨,在分析创客教育内在本质的基础上,认识到青少年作为独特的创客教育群体应施以适宜的教育内容、过程及方法,同时从宏观、中观、微观向度分别对青少年创客教育的核心要素进行了剖析,并探讨了创客教育对于青少年发展的影响。  相似文献   

在中国小品文史上,郁达夫是具有里程碑意义的作家.他吸取了晚明小品抒写性灵的精髓,又得力于西方随笔的影响,既有理论的建树,又有独特的美学追求和个人话语.其山水小品既是自然清丽的画卷,也是自己真切伤感的心灵写照.他的创作风格对其后山水小品文的发展产生了深远的影响.  相似文献   

This paper views the concept of natural capital from an economist’s perspective. It begins by drawing on historical debates in economics on the nature of capital. These serve to identify central issues to do with the relationship between theory, empirics and method in the way in which the concept of capital is deployed in economic discourse. It is suggested that these have resonance for current discussions of the concept of natural capital. Against this background, the paper then discusses the way in which natural capital figures in the analysis of sustainability, and pinpoints various incoherencies. Finally, it draws on recent analyses of technical innovation as a possible solution to the problem of sustainability. It is suggested that there may be a conflict between narrow path‐dependent solutions to the alleged problem, and more open learning‐based approaches. The latter are exemplified by building on and reinterpreting the environmental economist’s concept of a quasi‐option.  相似文献   

Solving ill-structured problems is regarded as an important learning outcome in education as it allows learners to apply theories learnt into real practice. An asynchronous online discussion, with extended time for reflection, is an appropriate learning environment to engage learners in solving ill-structured problems. However, scaffolds may be needed to support learners in the online discussions. This study explores the effect of online scaffolds in supporting a group of graduate students' ill-structured problem-solving processes in asynchronous online discussions. The results of this study showed that the use of the online scaffolds did not lead to a significant difference in the number of ill-structured problem-solving processes. Further analysis revealed that wrong selection of message labels and under-usage of sentence openers affected the results of this study. Improvements for online scaffolds include having more precise message labels and sentence openers based on Socratic questioning approach.  相似文献   

庄子作为道家后学,可谓是"反思者的反思者",他拒绝接受现有的是非标准,也在对政治和养生的态度方面区别于道家主流。庄子的思想因此表现出某种反常性与启迪性,并希望通过这些性质达到改变、超越人自身的效果。这些性质与努力也集中地表现在他对"蝴蝶梦"和丑怪的言说中,而运用"吊诡"的"卮言"则是庄子独有的启迪性语言。在与古希腊哲学的对照中,庄子思想的上述特征可获得更为清晰的揭示。  相似文献   

In a conventional system of planning and implementation of educational reforms, evaluation generally appears only at the end of the process. While such a summative evaluation is necessary, the author argues for a more effective use of evaluation procedures for efficient planning, implementation and assimilation of reform projects. In order to use monitoring and evaluation procedures for contributing substantially towards the optimization of immediate outcomes and long-range effects of any reform project or programme, it is essential to follow a built-in, comprehensive and development-oriented approach. Such an evaluation procedure should take into account both extra-educational factors and intra-educational variables that influence the processes and outcomes of an educational reform. An EIPOL grid which combines five major dimensions of a broad-based evaluation system with different steps of a project cycle provides a basic operational framework for designing and adopting a more functional system of reform evaluation.
Zusammenfassung In herkömmlichen Planungs- und Durchführungssystemen für Bildungsreformen steht Evaluation gewöhnlich am Ende des Prozesses. Obgleich solche summarische Evaluation notwendig ist, plädiert der Verfasser für Evaluationsverfahren, die eine wirksamere Planung, Durchführung und Assimilation von Reformprojekten ermöglichen. Wenn Überwachungs- und Evaluationsverfahren einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Optimatisierung der unmittelbaren Resultate und Langzeit-Wirkungen eines Reformprojekts oder -programms leisten sollen, muß ein in den Reformprozeß eingebauter, umfassender und entwicklungsorientierter Ansatz benutzt werden. Ein solches Evaluationsverfahren sollte sowohl außerhalb des Bildungsbereichs liegende Faktoren als auch bildungsinterne Variablen berücksichtigen, welche die Prozesse und Ergebnisse einer Bildungsreform beeinflussen. Ein EIPOL Raster, in dem fünf wesentliche Dimensionen eines breit angelegten Evaluationssystems mit den verschiedenen Stufen eines Projekts verbunden sind, bietet einen operationeilen Grundrahmen für die Gestaltung und Einführung eines funktionelleren Reform-Evaluationssy stems.

Résumé Dans les systèmes conventionnels de planification et mise en oeuvre de réforme de l'éducation, l'évaluation se trouve généralement à la fin du processus. Bien qu'une telle évaluation sommaire soit nécessaire, l'auteur soutient qu'il faudrait aussi utiliser des procédés plus efficaces pour la planification, la réalisation et l'assimilation de projets de réforme. S'il est souhaitable que les procédés de surveillance et d'évaluation contribuent effectivement à l'optimisation de résultats immédiats et des effets à long terme de tout projet ou programme de réforme, une approche compréhensive, orientée vers le développement et intégrée dans le processus même s'impose. Un tel procédé devrait tenir compte aussi bien des facteurs relevant d'autres domaines que des variables à l'intérieur du domaine de l'éducation qui influent sur les processus et résultats d'une réforme. Le schéma EIPOL présenté combine cinq dimensions essentielles d'un système étendu d'évaluation avec les différentes étapes d'un cycle de projet et offre un cadre de base pour élaborer et adopter un système plus fonctionnel d'évaluation de réformes.

In this column, the editor of The Journal of Perinatal Education discusses her experience witnessing a natural, safe, and healthy home birth. The editor also describes the contents of this issue, which offer a broad range of resources, research, and inspiration for childbirth educators in their efforts to promote normal birth.  相似文献   

The study of human learning and development from situative or sociocultural perspectives has had significant impacts on a wide range of scholarship largely driven by the theoretical and methodological focus on understanding the role of activity systems in cognition and development. This article first explores how situative perspectives have advanced fundamental knowledge about how culture and race impact learning and development and works to demonstrate how these understandings have enabled new insights into folk-biological cognition. Traditional cognitive, cross-cultural, and situative perspectives with respect to folkbiology are compared and contrasted to demonstrate how situative perspectives enabled more complete understandings of the complexities of biological cognition. These complexities are conceptualized as the conceptual and epistemological ecologies of activity systems. Implications for education are considered.  相似文献   

《少年维特的烦恼》一书使青年歌德一举成名,并立刻在欧洲掀起了一股强劲的"维特热潮",这部作品的成功之处在于塑造了18世纪德国这个典型环境中的典型人物——维特的形象。维特的烦恼主要是理想与现实的矛盾与冲突,引起了广大青年的共鸣。本文认为维特与当时的现实产生巨大撞击的人生追求可以概括为:自然、纯真和自由平等。  相似文献   

社会资本和人力资本对大学生就业的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对175名应届大学生的社会资本、人力资本和就业状况进行调查,得出以下结论:(1)网络内弱联系越多,越可能通过关系来获取工作。(2)在通过劳动力市场获取工作的大学生中,性别在收入水平和离职倾向上的影响是显著的,男性的收入水平要显著高于女性,并且女性的离职倾向要显著高于男性。(3)在通过关系获取工作的大学生中,人力资本越大,工作满意度越低;强联系越多,则收入水平越高;网络资源跨度越大,收入水平也越高。  相似文献   

自然价值是自然物具体价值的概括和抽象。是“自然物价值的一般”。自然价值可分为四个方面:资源价值、科学研究价值、审美价值和生态价值。自然价值是以自然界为载体,具有生态学意义的新价值观,它完全区别于传统的人类中心主义价值观。  相似文献   

唐玄宗天宝三年被排挤出朝廷的李白,潇洒出游,寄情山水,写出了诸多洒脱出尘的浪漫诗篇;<梦游天姥吟留别>形象瑰丽、意境奇异、情思飘逸、感慨深沉,借对名山仙境的神往表达对权贵的抗争,唱出了封建社会怀才不遇之人的心声;李白蔑视权贵的精神和超然自信的风范,为后人留下了宝贵的精神财富.  相似文献   

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