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In this paper we enter into the debate about the place of poststructuralist theorising and its relation to educational and psychological practices. We argue against a definition of poststructuralist theory as generating inaction and as antithetical to concepts such as ''agency'' and ''choice''. We suggest that poststructuralist theory may well have powerful implications for practice and we illustrate this through a close examination of practices in regular schools and in a school for ''behaviourally disturbed'' children. We show that through making the constitutive force of discourse visible, it is possible to work with students in ways that make them recognisable as legitimate students.  相似文献   

李莲花 《成才之路》2020,(2):102-103
幼儿教育是启蒙教育,越来越多的家长开始意识到幼儿教育对儿童智力开发和学习能力提高的重要性,幼师的整体专业素质和职业素养已成为家长为孩子选择幼儿园的重要因素之一。文章对制约幼儿教师职业道德建设的瓶颈进行分析,对幼儿教师职业道德建设的内容和措施进行探究。  相似文献   


This article illustrates the significance of teachers' emotions in the construction of teacher identity by invoking a poststructuralist lens in discussing the place of emotion in identity formation. In suggesting a poststructuralist perspective of emotions and teacher identity, it is argued that teacher identity is constantly becoming in a context embedded in power relations, ideology, and culture. In theorizing about teacher identity two ideas are developed: first, that the construction of teacher identity is at bottom affective, and is dependent upon power and agency, i.e., power is understood as forming the identity and providing the very condition of its trajectory; and second, that an investigation of the emotional components of teacher identity yields a richer understanding of the teacher self. This discussion is motivated by a desire to develop analyses that investigate how teachers' emotions can become sites of resistance and self-transformation. The emphasis on understanding the teacher-self through an exploration of emotion opens possibilities for the care and the self-knowledge of teachers and provides spaces for their transformation.  相似文献   


Drawing on a 3-year study focusing on the shaping influences of the professional knowledge landscape on the personal practical knowledge of experienced teachers, we first explore how stories are shaped as they are told and responded to in different places and, second, explore whether or not this sharing leads to imagining new possibilities for retelling and reliving stories. By sharing and exploring a story of a disagreement between a parent and a teacher, we focus on what we do when we tell stories in schools and what we do when we tell stories off the school landscape. In making meaning from this story, we show that both in the teacher's living of the story with the parent and in her numerous recountings of the story to others on the school landscape, she did not have opportunities to figure out new ways to relive the story. In our research group, she shared her story again. In this telling, we asked her to focus on who she, the mother, and the principal are in the story, and we inquire into what plotlines each were living. We ask questions about how they were positioned as characters in relation to one another. Re-searching the story in this way enabled us to understand the embodied nature of the teacher's knowing and how this knowledge shaped the events of the story as they were lived out, particularly how the teacher's living of a relational story countered the story of teacher and principal as positioned above parent. By drawing on Nelson's work on 'found' and 'chosen' communities, we imagine ways in which schools could become chosen communities where the story of school might be one of fostering the living out of multiple stories. We imagine the stories emerging from such communities might significantly shape the landscape of schools by opening up new possibilities for living in relation with others.  相似文献   

师德是教师素养的核心,同时也是新时代教师队伍建设的首要任务。教师的自我统整理论能够对师德研究提供有益的启示,对分析高校教师师德的养成原理及实践路径具有良好的价值潜能。基于自我统整的理论,高校教师师德的形成实际上是教师对自我层面、职业层面和环境层面的道德矛盾和分裂统整的结果。而要促进教师师德的养成,在具体的实践路径方面需要做好四个方面的“强化统筹”,即“强化德性伦理和制度伦理的统筹,促进内在需求与外在要求的融合;强化教师‘重要他人’关系的统筹,以‘共同体’确保教师地位的平等性;强化理想角色与现实生活的统筹,允许教师接纳表达真实自我;强化道德认知与道德实践的统筹,鼓励构建‘知行合一’的师德信念”,由此,教师才能够形成清晰稳定的道德自我。  相似文献   

What happens when teachers perceive a growing rift between their pedagogical practice and their students’ lived experiences? How do teachers respond to the uncertainty that such a “relevance gap” can create? In a climate in which literacy research is often pressed to address the achievement gap and to contribute to a sense of certainty, this study explored the relevance gap experienced by teachers in their teaching of writing and the ways that teaching with uncertainty contributed to their practice. Situated in theories of curriculum as currere, local knowledge of practice, and pedagogy as assemblage, the article focuses on the theory and practice of four educators who teach writing in very different and diverse contexts. The rhizo-textual analysis of the data inspired a process of making assemblages to explore context, positionality, and power in teachers’ identities as writers and teachers of writing. Two such assemblages are described, one exploring struggle and the other possibility. In the struggles and uncertainties they experienced, each teacher found new possibilities in different places: in the land, in slam poetry, in story, and in film. Our mappings and analyses suggest that teachers can create new pedagogies of becoming for them and their students by burrowing into uncertainty, process, and social critique.  相似文献   


Now that the discursive practices of students and teachers consume the attention of many classroom researchers, it is timely to consider the interrelationships between researchers and their participants or "subjects." Positioning theory gives prominence to the position/speech-act/storyline triad in conversations. While positioning theory has informed several poststucturalist scholars in a variety of settings, the authors are unaware of other studies where the positions/positioning of researcher and participants have become the focus of investigation. In this article the authors demonstrate how the application of positioning theory can be helpful in understanding conversations between researchers and their research participants, particularly in interviews. Also, they discuss the issues of power relations, subjectivities, validity, and ethics as they relate to the research relationships identified in the study.  相似文献   


Recent philosophical debates have questioned the bases of identity politics in educational research and elsewhere, drawing attention to complexity and diversity of identity. These arguments will be briefly rehearsed, with reference to feminist theory. The criticism that one facet of identity (e.g. gender) cannot be analysed in isolation from others has sometimes been addressed via the study of the 'intersection' or 'interaction' of these various facets. However, others have attacked such approaches, maintaining that such aspects of identity are inseparably intermeshed, and beyond analysis. The poststructuralist account of the self and diversity appears to offer an analytical approach which can address such problems, yet poststructuralist theory also problematises many of the fundamental assumptions underlying emancipatory research in education and elsewhere. This article seeks to debate these various issues, with reference to research in schools. It argues the validity of research concerning specific aspects of identity. Drawing on concepts from feminist theory and reader response criticism, it outlines an approach to such work which rejects the dualisms of relativism/realism, similarity/diversity.  相似文献   


Professionals in the field of early childhood are encouraged to demonstrate reflective perspectives of their work supported by pedagogical documentation. The purpose of this article is to introduce a rubric developed for preservice and inservice teachers to improve documentation and reflection. The rubric’s four dimensions: visible learning, powerful story, emotional impact, and visual impact range from novice to expert level. The rubric is not meant to create prescribed documentation or to be used as an evaluation or assessment. Instead, it is a tool to sharpen critical focus for reflection and to challenge teachers to examine and improve their documentation. We include a review of the Reggio Emilia approach to pedagogical documentation and reflective process, an explanatory account of how the rubric was developed, and reflections from implementing the rubric with preservice teachers. We also offer reflective questions and examples to aid in improving documentation and reflection. Recommendations for practice include use as a tool for selfreflection and guided collaborative reflection in small groups.  相似文献   

故事法在我国道德教育实践中一直具有重要的地位。故事法可以从亚里士多德、赫尔的德性论伦理学中寻找支撑,这种伦理立场也决定了在故事法之外还应辅以其他德育方法。从故事法的作用机制看,学生对道德故事的理解有一个主动的意义建构过程,需要经历多个心理环节。为此,在运用故事法时,教育者应认识到学生在提取故事主题等方面的主动性,明确故事发挥作用的主要环节,借助高质量的儿童故事、良好的师生关系,发挥故事法的效用。  相似文献   


Researchers and practitioners in environmental education have widely recognized the importance of facilitating the growth of positive environmental values among learners. Environmental Values Education (EVE) is included in environmental education programs, whether it is consciously planned or is an implicit part of the learner's experience. There are, however, many constraints to developing a well-planned EVE program and integrating this into the general curriculum; foremost among these is the need for teacher training in the theory and methods of EVE. Coursework and practical training for teachers is needed in several areas. When choosing appropriate strategies for teaching environmental ethics, each teacher will need to become familiar with the strengths and weaknesses of each approach, his or her own capabilities and need for further theoretical and practical training and the needs of learners and the nature of the situation at hand. Each learner's level of moral development is an especially important factor to consider when choosing and conducting EVE strategies. It is important for teachers to become familiar with school and community attitudes concerning values education, in order to implement a strong program in environmental values education while working within the existing realities of school policies and community expectations.  相似文献   

Christmas literature and film produced for children is an important, albeit under-researched, site for the production of cultural values and norms. This paper analyses Chris Van Allsburg’s 1985 picture book The Polar Express, the 2004 Warner Brothers feature film of the same title, the film’s official website, and resources for teachers distributed online by Houghton Mifflin, considering how these texts construct childhood subjectivities in economic terms. The argument made is that nostalgic depictions of ordered, middle-class lifestyles, the representation of social class inequalities as immutable structural norms, and signifiers of corporate capitalism, together locate childhood and child subjectivities as inexorably tethered to socio-economic circumstance and experience. Dr. Sue Saltmarsh is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Teacher Education at Charles Sturt University, Australia, where she lectures in Cultural Politics of Education and Qualitative Research Methods. Sue’s recent work concerns the ways that cultural texts and practices construct children and childhood in economic terms, utilising poststructuralist theory as a lens through which to explore the discursive production of economic subjectivities.  相似文献   

Journal writing is a way to encourage process writing which promotes a sense of story. Written interactions or dialogues between the child and the teacher can support the story as children are involved in the writing process. The article describes one way to support the development of a story through journal writing. Children begin the story on their first page of the journal. The teacher responds in writing and the child subsequently converses with the teacher to produce stories and personal narratives. The written conversation helps children produce a story with a sense of meaning. Suggestions for kindergarten teachers and teacher education students include how to create the journal, what the writing center looks like, the necessity for a long-term commitment to writing, the importance of verbal and written interactions, and directions for beginning the interactive journal writing experience.  相似文献   


Interest in story in teaching has been linked to teacher research (Carter, 1993; Elbaz, 1991), to teacher education (Connelly &; Clandinin, 1994), to curriculum (Britz‐man, 1989; Gudmundsdottir, 1991c), and to school change (Giltin, 1990). I wish to argue here for a link between story and one form of teacher reflection, for portfolio construction, unlike more conventional forms of teacher development, encourages teachers to tell the story of their classrooms and to frame that story in particular ways. I wish to argue here for a view that constructing a portfolio shifts the ownership of learning to the portfolio‐maker and that in this constructing, we can trace a teacher's developing understanding of pedagogy. Specifically, my aim is to illustrate the narrative dimensions of a self‐generated portfolio questionits interpretations, the reflections upon its meaning, and its transformations of pedagogical understandingas this text becomes pedagogy and pedagogy becomes text. This interpretive process is illustrated through a case study of Ellen Nicol, a secondary English as a Second Language teacher, in her graduate teacher education year and her first 2 years of classroom teaching. Ellen's pedagogical text, her question, is reinterpreted with major changes each time she comes to understand more completely the richness and complexity of her classroom. Each new transformation and reinterpretation serve as guide for selection of materials, for selection of pedagogy, and for assessment of success. Each new collection of pedagogical information serves as impetus for possible reframing and transformation of the text.  相似文献   


Critics and proponents alike have voiced concerns about the difficulties of practicing multiculturalism in today's criminal justice classrooms. In this essay we present strategies for using the lived experiences of students as a tool for discovering diversity inside the classroom, as well as for finding value in it. We then use our students' discourse to talk about the impact these strategies can have. Our experiences, as well as those of our students, suggest that principles of multiculturalism can be achieved without having to sacrifice the core curricula; and that one of the more valuable resources for teaching multiculturally is the lived experiences that students, teachers and guests bring into the classroom.  相似文献   

This article is about book‐reading by nine lower class Curaçaoan mothers and their children. All children visited a kindergarten in Curaçao. Curaçao is an island in the Caribbean.

The kindergarten teachers had started a reading project to stimulate parents to read books to their children. Teachers did not know how parents actually read to their children. We conducted the study to describe parent and child activities during joint story‐book reading. We use this project as a case to clarify some of the tensions between notions based on research findings from studies which were mainly conducted with middle class families and projects for educational change which tend to focus on lower class families. Theory tells us that reading with young children should be interactive. Conversations, in which the child actively engages, linking the story or pictures to the child's own knowledge and experiences, are more important to the child's development than reading the story as such. The Curaçaoan reading project is just one example of many project swhich aim at stimulating parental book‐reading without training the parents how book‐reading best can be done.

In the study we found that the parent‐child dyads talkeda lot during book reading. The conversations of some dyads, however, contained many instances of unsuccessful dialogue, and few moments of construction of meaning beyond the actual text. In addition, mothers strongly structured the dialogue that consisted for a large part of retelling the story. It is doubtful whether this type of book reading is as developmen‐tally enriching for the children as is expected and suggested by the teachers.  相似文献   


This article describes one way in which teacher educators can gain a new perspective on integrating theory and practice. By accompanying teachers and student teachers on field trips, teacher educators have the opportunity to enhance their understanding of the day‐to‐day life of a classroom teacher and become a part of the school community.

Participating in a field trip offers a chance to observe classroom management strategies; engage in informal interactions with children, teachers, and parents; develop trust among classroom practitioners; witness emergent curriculum; and participate in authentic assessment.

The author documents a visit to the zoo with kindergarten students, teachers, student teachers, and parents from an urban school and how the visit impacted on her working relationship with cooperating teachers, student teachers, and kindergartners.  相似文献   


The present study investigated specific teacher factors that potentially influence teacher‐child relationships with preschool‐age children. One demographic questionnaire and three rating scales were used to survey 152 head teachers of 3–6‐year‐old children in community‐based childcare and preschool centers in one mid‐western state. There were 46 teachers who reported on their relationship with a child with a disability or concerning developmental delay. Positive correlations were found between teacher‐child relationships and the teachers’ educational backgrounds, self‐reported teaching efficacy and parent‐teacher relationships. The parent‐teacher relationship appeared to be the strongest teacher‐related factor predicting the quality of teacher‐child relationships. Compared to other teachers, the teachers of children with delays or disabilities reported comparable parent‐teacher relationships and more positive teacher‐child relationships, especially when more than one child with concerns was reportedly enrolled in the classroom. Teachers with children who had developmental delays reported lower teaching efficacy scores. The role of parent‐teacher relationships is highlighted as a possible moderator when teachers feel less than capable or positive about individual children in their program.  相似文献   

How children organize themselves in play reflects groupings found in society. Multiage grouping in schools reflects the same. Multiage grouping is grouping children of multiple ages, at least one year apart, for instruction. With renewed interest in this practice comes anxiety for teachers who contemplate such a change. Some questions teachers often ask include: How do I get started?, and How do I organize the day? This article is the success story of one teacher as she began her multiaged classroom. Perhaps her story can answer some questions and serve as a beginning model for others.  相似文献   

This life history reflection aims to constitute, generate, and proliferate complex progressive masculinities for male teachers and advance notions of progressive masculinities writ large in education and elsewhere. This reflection, working with life story interviews of white male teachers in US inner-city schools, positions this research within the researcher's life history. Informed by existing literatures on male teachers emphasising crisis-shortage and gender workplace issues, this reflection expands these literatures by developing life narrative concepts that replace static masculinities with narrativised identifications, lived counternarratives, and contradictory progressive masculinities. Key to respondents' progressive masculinities, this life history reflection provides four lived counternarratives including respondents' illegal drug use, process spirituality, alternative media, and critical politics. Through these counternarratives, respondents' contradictory progressive masculinities emerge as bifurcated phenomena that reify privileges yet drive respondents, precariously situated between nihilistic impotency and political potential, towards passively conjugated alliances with subaltern others.  相似文献   

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