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Family Interactions and the Development of Moral Reasoning   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The study examined parents' role in their children's moral reasoning development. Parents' level of moral reasoning and interaction styles used in discussion of moral issues with their child were used to predict the child's moral development over a subsequent 2-year interval. Participants were 63 family triads (mother, father, and child) with children drawn from grades 1, 4, 7, and 10. They individually responded to a moral reasoning interview and then, as a family, discussed both a hypothetical and real-life moral dilemma. Children were reinterviewed 2 years later. Results indicated that parents did accommodate to their child's level of moral reasoning when in actual dialogue. Distinct differences in interaction styles were found between the 2 contexts (hypothetical vs. real-life dilemma discussion) and between parents and children. Children's moral development was best predicted by a parental discussion style that involved Socratic questioning and supportive interactions, combined with the presentation of higher-level moral reasoning. Implications of these findings for the understanding of parents' role in children's moral development are discussed.  相似文献   

道德行为是在一定社会条件的制约下按照一定道德原则和规范,在个人利益和社会整体利益关系上,从本人意志出发自主选择的行为。在当代社会中,儿童的不良道德行为频发,家庭有着不可推卸的责任。家庭是儿童的第一所学校,父母的思想行为和教育方式无一不在影响着儿童的道德行为养成,作为家长应该时刻规范自己的言行举止,不断提升自我素质,为儿童提供一个良好的示范,并且顺应儿童的身心发展规律有意识地对儿童进行道德行为训练。  相似文献   

道德判断评估的方法综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道德判断作为道德认知机能,是位于心理连续量之中的一个主观性判断过程。道德判断成为人们的感兴趣研究项目,道德判断能力评估的方法也越来越多。  相似文献   


Two studies of the categorization of justifications for the morality of the actions of others are reported. Justifications were categorized using a scoring scheme not previously reported. Results showed that a reasonable degree of inter‐rater reliability could be achieved and that developmental trends detected were robust with respect both to interviewers and interview content, although interview content had an expected and comprehensible effect on the frequency of items within content categories. Results were interpreted within the context of a model of the development of moral reasoning that emphasizes the influence of the social focus of the interviewee and the process by which individuation occurs towards either a secular or a religious view of morality. The notion that a more differentiated individuation may also occur within each of these categories was explored, as were, shifts from paternalism to autonomous decision‐making in thinking about some areas of social life.  相似文献   

Character development has long been an assumed if not easily observed goal of physical activity. Shields and Bredemeier(1995, 2001) proposed a structural developmental model of moral action strongly based on the work of Rest (1984, 1994) along with the significant contributions of Piaget (1923), Kohlbcrg (1981, 1984), and Haan (Haan, Aerts, & Conper, 1985). Adventure education is an experientially based approach that utilizes cooperative physical activities to foster self esteem, trust, communication skills, self awareness, confidence, and the ability to problem solve (Bissnn, 1999: Prouty, 1999). The purpose of this paper is lo explore how adventure-based intervention strategies correspond with the theoretical tenets and implementation guidelines of the model of moral action. The major tenets of the model of tnoral action (Shields & Bredemeier, 1995, 2001) and adventure education are discussed. The extent to which adventure education may act as a conduit for the moral education strategies forwarded by the model of moral action is discussed.  相似文献   

吴兴沈氏自东汉以来为江左的习武强宗,至唐成为儒学世家,为整个唐代的文治作出了巨大的贡献。沈氏家族世系庞杂,若要述清其具体传承情况,难度颇大且工程浩繁。值得注意的是,沈齐家房支作为吴兴沈氏家族中较大的一支,其在唐代的发展和传承颇具典型性。通过对沈齐家房支世系传承情况的索考,可以在更深层次上全面了解和把握吴兴沈氏家族的发展及其对唐代文化乃至整个中国古代文化所作的贡献。  相似文献   

Although the caseloads of mental health professionals usually reflect a high percentage of marital and family problems, few professional counselors have had any formal marriage and family therapy training. Departments of counselor education could expand to provide this training, and thus meet a need and an expressed interest of counseling students. This article describes one counselor education department's response to the need for comprehensive doctoral training in marriage and family therapy.  相似文献   

会计人员的职业判断在整个会计规范体系的执行过程中居于最直接、最主动的核心地位,但会计职业判断也会引发道德风险。对于会计职业判断道德风险的发生原因,过去的讨论一般都局限于会计人员自身道德素质的分析。本则从制度环境与道德风险的一般关系原理出发,结合我国企业会计的具体制度环境,论述了会计制度环境导致会计职业判断道德风险的现实性,并且在揭示问题成因的基础上,给出道德风险控制的具体对策。  相似文献   

本文通过对道德判断的分析,批判地指出1.对任何一种行为进行正确地道德判断都必须结合行为者的动机和行动的效果才能作出;2.一种行为道德与否不仅有质的差别,而且有量的差别,善恶的程度受行为主体和行为受体特征影响,对一种行为的奖惩应与善恶的程度相适应;3.道德判断是关系的判断,道德真理是一种具有主观性的客观真理,对一种行为的道德判断的真理性具有唯一性而非多样性.  相似文献   

后现代主义是源于对西方现代社会的批判而产生和发展的社会文化思潮,但其理论主张的极端批判性特征却导致后现代主义陷入自身矛盾的泥潭。大学生正处于道德认知和道德判断力养成的关键阶段,在后现代主义消极影响下,大学生的道德判断力出现令人担忧的问题。避免后现代思潮的消极影响,提升大学生道德判断力,有待于各方面共同努力。  相似文献   

Moral distress is the experience that follows when one feels constrained from acting according to what one believes to be ethically correct. A body of literature from counseling and other health‐related professions indicating the significant impact of morally distressing dynamics on individual and relational well‐being is presented, followed by implications for practice and future research.  相似文献   

随着社会的进步,东南沿海地区广大家长教育子女的水平有了很大的提高,多数家长关心子女的成长,对子女的品德进步给予了有益的影响,但这一代家长也受到多方面的不利影响,教育子女水准参差不齐,真正能够高水平进行家庭教育的家长不多。为此,学校和社会有关方面应帮助他们提高教育素质和教育水准,从而改善孩子的成长环境,携手造就21世纪所需要的一代新人。  相似文献   

论家庭道德教育在未成年人道德人格塑造中的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
范虹 《湘南学院学报》2005,26(4):98-100
良好的家庭道德教育有助于未成年人道德人格的形成。在塑造未成年人道德人格的过程中,我们应充分发挥家庭道德教育的作用。  相似文献   

家庭教育存在很多问题,从本质上分析主要是因为家庭教育在观念上重智育轻德育,没有以道德教育为核心。家庭教育要以德育为核心,就需要父母从观念、教育素养、教育原则等方面进行积极改进,从而确立家庭德育的支点——孝敬。  相似文献   

周初“德承天命”思想发展至春秋时期,形成了以“德”为核心、复杂的道德判断体系,并作为春秋时期社会意识形态的普遍现象,规范、约束着人们的社会关系和社会生活。《左传》中所见春秋时期的道德判断,对“德”之地位、内涵、价值和功能,从认识与实践上都体现出了高度的自觉。  相似文献   

中国古代重视家庭教育,而家训是其中的重要形式之一。该文以家训为论述对象,探讨其间的德育内涵,具体分孝悌、做人、仁爱、节俭四个方面。  相似文献   

As a counterpoint to the oftentimes adversarial way that parents are viewed when they appear to be overinvolved in the lives of their college-aged students, this article advocates for the use of a family therapy perspective in university counseling centers. Benefits of this perspective include a broadening of the lens through which individual concerns are seen and a more nuanced social justice analysis in which issues of gender, race, and class are highlighted. A review of family therapy literature is intertwined with discussion regarding the relevance of this perspective when working with college students. Vignettes illustrate various applications of college-based family psychotherapy.  相似文献   

语文课程标准强调情感、态度、价值观的培养,要求语文教学加强与社会生活的联系,充分利用学校、社会、家庭的语文德育资源,对学生进行大语文教育,全面提高学生的语文素养。在以往的语文教学中,我们比较重视学校的语文德育资源,对社会和家庭的语文德育资源及其功能认识不足,使课内外联系流于表面,未触及学生的生活背景和情感世界,难以全面提高学生的语文素养。家庭是社会的细胞,社会的影响有时是透过家庭来实现的。家庭语文德育对学生的影响是全面而持久的,学校语文德育如果忽视这种影响,则其教育效能会受到不同程度的损失。因此有必要认识并…  相似文献   

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