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在中国当代社会人际交往结构从差序格局向团体格局过渡的背景下,仁爱作为产生并适应于差序格局人际交往结构的道德教育核心价值逐渐失去了合理性与正当性。适应于团体格局人际交往结构的正义逐渐取代仁爱成为中国当代道德教育的核心价值,这是由于正义具有以下三项功能所致:调整同质性的人际关系、平衡道德权利与道德义务之间的关系以及表征中国当代道德教育的主导境界。  相似文献   

教育政策与道德之间有着天然的、本位意义上不可分割的联系。教育政策欲发挥规范效力,必须基于一定的道德谱系之中,具备伦理上的正当性。在社会转型与多元利益冲突加剧的背景下,作为从更上位、更宽广、更基础层面对教育政策进行引领、规约和协调作用的道德品性愈来愈突显,具体表现在:教育政策与道德在发生学上具有同源性;教育政策须以伦理道德原则为价值导引;教育政策的终极目的是人的全面发展。这种体现鲜明道德品性教育政策的具体表征形式为:秉持"以人为本"的教育政策理念;恪守"正义性"的教育政策安排;遵循"公共性"的教育政策导向。  相似文献   

本研究选取大连市2所幼儿园共240名3~5岁幼儿作为被试,采用幼儿社会行为评定问卷、家庭环境量表、同伴提名法进行测试,考察家庭环境和同伴关系对幼儿亲社会行为的影响.研究表明:(1)4~5岁是幼儿亲社会行为发展的关键期,女孩的亲社会行为水平显著高于同龄男孩.(2)家庭亲密度和家庭矛盾性可以有效预测幼儿的亲社会行为水平.(3)不同同伴地位的幼儿亲社会行为水平有显著差异,其中,被拒绝组幼儿的亲社会行为水平显著低于受欢迎组、被忽略组和普通组幼儿.(4)家庭亲密度与同伴关系交互影响幼儿的亲社会行为水平.随着幼儿同伴地位的不同,家庭亲密度对其亲社会行为水平的影响强度也不同,其中,对有争议组幼儿和被拒绝组幼儿的影响尤为显著.  相似文献   

凸显人文教育是大学英语教学发展的时代特征,如何有效实施人文教育成为当前大学英语教育工作者研究的新课题。本文借助西方道德心理学中的价值澄清理论,对照其与大学英语人文教育的切合性,论述了基于价值澄清的大学英语人文教育途径。  相似文献   

儿童的亲社会行为对儿童以后的人格、性格和身心健康都有很重要的影响.儿童亲社会行为的培养策略主要包括三个方面:(1)利用榜样的作用包括教师、家长和同伴三方面;(2)培养儿童的移情能力;(3)利用表扬和奖励的方式.  相似文献   

Within the context of a widespread concern with children's antisocial behaviour, especially bullying, the development of ‘whole‐school’ policies on bullying, and also recent national guidelines which emphasise the importance of fostering children's prosocial behaviours, this research examines the extent to which children, parents and teachers exhibit within‐ and between‐group consensus, both in their perceptions and relative judgements of different forms of child prosocial and antisocial behaviours, and in their responses to such behaviours. Less consensus was found in judgements of prosodal than of antisocial behaviours, both within and between groups, and significant between‐group differences are discussed in the context of the teaching of social behaviour.  相似文献   

《白鲸》讲述了饱经风霜的亚哈船长与他的仇敌白鲸之间惊心动魄的故事.亚哈身上体现了令人钦佩的正义品质:百折不挠、英勇无畏、经验丰富;同时还具有令人恐惧的邪恶力量:偏执、自私、专横.他集正义与邪恶与一身,具有鲜明的双重性.  相似文献   

This paper presents a case for attending to preservice teachers’ beliefs that are relevant to the moral work of teaching within teacher education research and practice, and examines what it would look like to do so. The case for attending to candidate beliefs is grounded in a learner-centered approach to teacher education and in the literature on the role of beliefs in teacher learning and change. The authors demonstrate how attending to preservice teacher beliefs is particularly critical for the task of preparing candidates for the moral work of teaching, and present a conceptual framework that can guide that task and teacher education research and practice designed to support it.  相似文献   


The authors analyse and compare two of the major moral education programmes in the United States, namely, Character Education Curriculum and the Values Clarification Programme. The latter is seen to be more egalitarian and to stress the development of autonomy and choice in the child. The former tends to follow the ‘bag of virtues’ approach to moral education and is more directly instructional in its methods. The strengths and weaknesses of these two programmes are compared and it is concluded that both are significant steps towards an effective approach to moral education.  相似文献   

道德教育中存在的“假大空”是道德教育低效的主要原因之一。学界研究多从道德教育外因开出“处方”试图“根治”,但效果不很明显。文章将道德悖论研究的成果“移植”入道德教育中,从道德教育内因出发,提出重建“公认正确的背景知识”的方法路径,对道德教育未来取向具有方法论层面意义。  相似文献   

社会主义核心价值体系是马克思主义中国化的最新理论成果,是对马克思主义的继承和发展。高校德育教育对于大学生的成长成才具有导向性作用。在新的历史阶段,高校德育教育要与时俱进,要创新发展,必须加强社会主义核心价值体系的引领作用,才能促进大学生的全面成长。  相似文献   

随着我国法制建设的不断发展,法官职业化进程在不断推进,对法官职业道德提出了更高的要求。加强法官职业道德建设,提高法官道德修养对于促进司法公正意义重大。在分析了法官职业道德与司法公正的关系的基础上,阐述法官职业道德修养对于司法公正的影响,以及法官职业者应该具备的良好职业道德修养,系统论述了法官职业道德建设过程中的法官职业道德修养的提高有赖于外部制度的建设和内部规约的完善及相应学习制度的建立。  相似文献   

SOS儿童村自1985年进入中国,已经是家喻户晓。其独特的抚养方式,重新给予了孩子家庭的温暖。让他们在离开儿童村后能够真正融入社会、独立生活,是国际SOS组织提出的培养、教育孩子成功的检验标准。德育,是SOS儿童村孩子教育的主体工作内容,本文就齐齐哈尔SOS儿童村德育的具体实践加以分析、总结,对我国10所儿童村中的全体SOS孩子的德育具有现实意义。  相似文献   

This article concerns two classroom conversations about a moral dilemma presented in a fable. The conversations were studied as part of a larger research project on the moral understandings of young children. Two groups of primary-aged children (6 and 7 years old) in two different cultural settings discussed the conflict between a porcupine and a family of moles in ways that differed from other student discussions recorded by the author. In the first classroom discussion, students objected to the terms of the dilemma itself; in the second, students expressed concern for the character who is typically perceived by children as unsympathetic The two conversations raise questions for researchers and teachers about the relationship between individual and group deliberations about moral problems, and these lead to a broader discussion about the goals and means of moral education for young students.  相似文献   

“品德”是领导人才选拔与测评中的一个重要因素,选用领导人才,一贯坚持“德才兼备”的标准,坚持“任人唯贤”的原则。在当前变革与转轨时期,德更是被放到了前所未有的地位,因此,对领导人才品德的研究具有重要的理论和现实意义。本文试用AHP法来建立领导人才品德的评价模型。  相似文献   

隐性课程既渗透在学校显性课程之中,又存在于显性课程之外,是学校情境中潜移默化地影响人的发展的各种要素的系统,具有重要的德育功能。隐性课程括物质性的隐性课程、精神性隐性课程、制度性隐性课程和行为性隐性课程等方面。开发和利用隐性课程需要美化校园环境,加强学校制度建设,创造民主、自由、宽容的课程氛围,提高师德修养,重构师生关系。  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下,由于历史原因以及改革开放带来的某些负面影响,国人的人生观、价值观受到了极大的冲击和影响,出现了道德沉沦、观念模糊、信仰危机等一系列人格异化现象,而德育工作的槽对滞后则对道德滑坡无能为力。本文试就社会道德滑坡和德育滞后的原因作一分析。  相似文献   

Previous research shows that key parties involved in children's drawing perceive the value and benefits of art and drawing very differently. However such research has been restricted to the examination of children attending mainstream schooling across the UK. The present study therefore compared the views and practices of key parties involved in mainstream and performing arts educational contexts. Teachers and children were interviewed and parents completed a postal survey. Some 225 children, 115 of their teachers and 176 of their parents and carers formed the mainstream school group whilst 180 children, 42 of their teachers and 145 of their parents and carers formed the performing arts school group. Main findings indicated that pupils', parents' and teachers' views about the benefits, and how to support drawing behaviour at school and at home, varied across contrasting educational contexts. In particular, pupils attending arts‐based schools and their teachers valued expressivity over technical support, pupils reported enjoying drawing more, had higher self efficacy and foresaw engaging in the activity beyond their school years more than their mainstream counterparts. The results suggest that mainstream educational contexts could foster drawing behaviour and the related emotional benefits to a greater extent.  相似文献   

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