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人事服务关系是广播电视大学(以下简称电大)日常生活中的一种重要关系。这种关系是一种复杂的关系体系,包括工作关系、组织关系、心理关系等。从关怀伦理学的角度看,电大人事工作人员与教师的关系是关心者与被关心者的关系,人事工作人员能以关心者的身份出现,让关怀成为二者沟通的桥梁,构建和谐的合作关系。从关怀伦理的视角构建电大人事服务关系,运用"关怀伦理学"对改善和提升人事服务关系的品质有着重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper uses Tronto's political ethics of care as a normative framework to evaluate a model of teaching and learning professional development. This framework identifies five integrated moral elements of care – attentiveness, responsibility, competence, responsiveness and trust. This paper explicates on each of these elements to evaluate the piloting and implementation of a teaching and learning professional development model at a South African higher education institution. The political ethics of care was found to be a useful normative framework for a group of higher educators to reflect on the process of engaging in teaching and learning professional development in that it revealed the importance of differential power relations, the importance of working collaboratively and being attentive to the needs of both caregivers and care receivers.  相似文献   

This article presents the findings of an exploratory study designed to look at the issue of removal of children from childcare due to behavior problems. A survey was sent to a random sample of nonresidential licensed day care centers (DCCs) in Texas. Results from the survey indicate that 50% of DCCs have removed a child from care due to behavior problems. In most cases, parents were left to figure out for themselves what to do with their children following their dismissal from care. This and other relationships found in the data are discussed as well as the need for future research in this area.  相似文献   

This study examined how classroom management practices—care and behavioral control—were differentially associated with students’ engagement, misbehavior, and satisfaction with school, using a large representative sample of 3196 Grade 9 students from 117 classes in Singapore. Results of hierarchical linear modeling showed differential relations. After controlling for students’ gender and socioeconomic status, both care and behavioral control were positively related to student engagement. Moreover, behavioral control was a significant negative predictor of classroom misbehavior and care was a significant positive predictor of satisfaction with school. Our findings underscore the importance of blending care and behavioral control to achieve multiple goals of classroom management.  相似文献   

教育者们面临着挑战:丰富一种教学的道德词汇内涵,使它敏感于活生生的、经验过的教学关系。本文通过对“关爱”意义的简略探究,给出了一个现象学困惑,它涉及到专业的“关爱”概念和日常“关爱”体验之间的关系。专业的“关爱”概念常常忽略其敏感而微妙之处,但对许多父母和教师而言,“关爱”被体验为忧虑和责任,而这种忧虑常会由于自身的幸福感受被忽略。面对这一困惑,作者围绕“当道德语言变成专业的理论词汇、意义变得模糊或被消解之后会发生什么”的问题展开讨论。  相似文献   

The great majority of children living in foster or residential care have been abused and neglected. Mental health problems are common and the nature of these problems may be rooted in early attachment relationships. The carers of 82 children in care in Scotland and 125 children from local schools completed questionnaires on mental health problems including Reactive Attachment Disorder. More than half (53%) of the children in care fulfilled criteria for mental health problems compared with 13% of the control group, and children living in care scored significantly higher for conduct problems, emotional problems (anxiety and depression), hyperactivity, problems with peer relations and Reactive Attachment Disorder. This has important implications for service development for this vulnerable group of children.  相似文献   

《Child development》2000,71(4):960-980
Children from 10 sites in the United States were followed from birth to age 3 to determine how experiences in child care relate to cognitive and language development (Ns varied between 595 and 856, depending on the assessment). Multiple assessments of family and child care environments and of cognitive and language competence were collected. Analyses that adjusted for maternal vocabulary score, family income, child gender, observed quality of the home environment, and observed maternal cognitive stimulation indicated that the overall quality of child care, and language stimulation in particular, was consistently but modestly related to cognitive and language outcomes at ages 15, 24, and 36 months. The effect sizes for high (top quartile) versus low (bottom quartile) quality ranged from .18 to .48. After adjusting for child care quality, cumulative experience in center-based care was associated with better outcomes than was participation in other types of care. The amount of time children spent in care was not related to outcomes. Children in exclusive maternal care did not differ systematically from children in child care. Tests for lagged relations of earlier child care experiences to later performance (adjusting for current child care) showed that language stimulation predicted subsequent cognitive and language performance 9 to 12 months later. Although children in center care at age 3 performed better than children in other types of care, earlier experience in child care homes was associated with better performance at age 3 than was experience in other types of care. The relations of child care variables to outcomes did not vary consistently as a function of family income, quality of home environment, child gender, or ethnic group.  相似文献   

当代文学作品中表现两性关系的层出迭现,不同的作家、不同的认识所表现的两性伦理观亦不尽相同。20世纪80年代末,王安忆以她的性爱主题系列作品“三恋”对两性伦理进行了深入探究,集中透视了在纯粹的情与欲的纠葛中的男人与女人,以女性的立场和眼光,对两性和谐进行了伦理关怀。  相似文献   

海德格尔的缘在分析,阐明了缘在存在于与世内之物的牵念关系之中,存在于与他人共在的牵心关系之中,存在于处身情境的牵挂关系之中,并在此基础上论述了缘在与真理的关系,提出陈述的真理有赖于缘在的"展开状态"、"敞开状态",有赖于缘在行为的"开放状态"。真理的本性是自由,自由是"让存在者存在",这要求我们让自己在敞开状态中遭遇事物。海德格尔这些思想对于开拓人们的思维,认识世界,揭示真理,具有方法论的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

聚类是有广泛应用的基本数据挖掘任务.现实生活中大多数的数据是高维的,并且通常相关信息分布在多重关联上.为了保证高效的高维、交叉关联聚类.本文提出了一个有效方法:交叉聚类(CrossClus),该法在用户的指导下执行,既考虑了特征提取的质量,又考虑了聚类的效率.  相似文献   

Based on fieldwork conducted in two day care centres in Denmark, this paper explores knowledge and action as relational and intertwined phenomena in nursery teaching. Engaging with perspectives from actor network theory, emphasis is put on the socio-material distribution of knowing and acting. That is, how the nursery teacher becomes part of knowledge and action through an assemblage of various elements, such as packed lunches, children, noises, crumbs, another nursery teacher and a bucket. A notion of the sign is developed in which signs can be gestures, words or artefacts stabilised in a web of relations, hereby signalling the kinds of relations that are important to attend to. ‘Signing in’ is a way of becoming part of these relations. Against this background, this paper critically addresses ambitions to professionalise the field of early childhood education and care, questioning the divide between knowledge and action on which such initiatives are based.  相似文献   

青少年时期是个体由不成熟的童年向成熟人生过渡的时期,过渡时期的不稳定性决定了亲子之间易产生矛盾和冲突,由此国内外的学者都对青少年期的亲子关系给予了特别的关注,提出了创立良性亲子关系的方法。人文关怀是改善青少年亲子关系的根本态度。人文关怀强调对人的价值与尊严的尊重,关注生命存在的意义。同时,由于家庭系统性的特点,用人文关怀的理念对青少年亲子关系进行干预应是系统全面的,包括对父母、对青少年、对社会文化环境的干预。  相似文献   

社会变革和社会转型使农村代际关系出现权力下移,老年人权威全面丧失,中间一代责任缺失明显,代际关系朝理性化方向发展。传统法律政策的废除、道德力量的削弱以及村庄舆论的解体,是代际关系失衡的主要原因。重新建立稳定和谐的的代际关系,应逐步推进完善农村社会保障体系建设,加快农村社区养老建设,构建适应新时代要求的家庭代际伦理。  相似文献   

Despite the ongoing global financial crisis, there is an increasing deployment of migrant workers across the globe, and in Hong Kong the foreign domestic worker occupies a ubiquitous presence in the lives of many families. Seven domestic workers from Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand were interviewed to gain insight into their role in providing education and care for children in Hong Kong. This exploratory study focuses on the educational and care aspects of the work of foreign domestic workers. It considers the nature of their work and their relationship with the mother of the family. Findings reveal the difficulties of maintaining coordinated education and care of children in a culture where the dynamics of the unequal power relations are clearly demarcated. We raise new possibilities for interdisciplinary work to re-theorise the ways in which foreign domestic workers act as educators of young children and we call for new methodologies to enable their potential.  相似文献   

At its most essential level, the child care process is an experience in human relations. As such, the interpersonal behaviors that are manifested in the child care setting are likely to reflect the social structural realities of the broader society. Since America continues to be a society plagued by racial, socioeconomic and sex discrimination, we must realistically expect these behavioral aberrations to be reflected in those settings where child care is provided.  相似文献   

As educators are challenged to develop a moral vocabulary of teaching, such a language needs to be sensitive to the way that pedagogical relations are lived and experienced. This exploration into the meanings of care offers a phenomenological puzzle. It concerns the relation between, on the one hand, commonly accepted and professionally received meanings of the ethical concept of care as we find it in the parental, philosophical, and curriculum literature and, on the other hand, the lived experience of caring. The language of care in the field of commerce and in the helping professions tends to pass over these subtle and deeply-felt sensibilities. It seems that for many parents and teachers caring commonly means worrying. Caring is experienced as worrying responsibility. But this worry ('sorgen' in German) is often neglected for happier or more acceptable understandings of care. This should make us wonder about what happens when language turns professional and theoretical, when it becomes charged with meanings that in everyday life are not always recognizable, and when it becomes discharged of meanings that are existentially at its very centre.  相似文献   

This paper is derived from a study of excluded students' perceptions of their educational experience. It is based on the accounts of 33 young people, all permanently excluded from school. Through in-depth, semi-structured interviews a number of salient features of the school experience were raised. One of these features is the students' relationships with teachers. This paper considers excluded students' perceptions of teacher qualities that either foster or hinder the development of positive relations, disciplinary practice as a particularly significant set of interactions that affect relationships, and the hierarchical social structure in which these relationships are formed and operate. The result is an ideal model of the teacher-student relationship based on the excluded students' accounts. This model reconsiders power relations in order to create a set of interactions that recognises the students' non-child status while, at the same time, highlighting teacher-specific responsibilities such as duty of care.  相似文献   

分段式话语表现理论的核心概念是话语关系,它影响话语层级结构和右边界的定义。话语关系包括并列关系和从属关系两种基本类型。在独白式话语中,从属话语关系不能变为并列话语关系。但是在对话中,从属话语关系可能变为并列话语关系,因此右边界也发生了改变。话语关系的性质属于话语中信息打包层面,它不像信息内容层面的关系语义那样稳定。右边界是一个需要仔细运用的话语原则。  相似文献   

农村卫生体制改革问题日益成为卫生改革的热点问题,村卫生室作为农村卫生服务的重要提供机构,是农村医疗卫生保健网的网底,如何科学地对其进行定位将决定其在农村卫生体系中的生命力与所发挥的作用.基于社会角色理论,提出一种新的村卫生室定位方法.首先运用聚类分析方法,提取影响村卫生室定位的主要因素及彼此之间的相互关系,生成由某区域内的经济、地理、人口、服务需求指标形成的综合判别函数,再利用该函数定位到某类村卫生室,确定其规模、开展业务程度、人员配备等基本情况.  相似文献   

平等性原则是科技编辑处理与作关系的核心,它要求科技编辑必须正确处理“义”与“利”的关系,注意克服选稿工作中的“马太效应”和“权威决定论”的影响,努力扶持科学新人。在稿件的编辑加工中,科技编辑要尊重作的劳动,慎重改稿,以科学的精神做好稿件加工工作。  相似文献   

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