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We compared the professional and curricular conceptions of two samples of secondary education science teachers in Spain, who differed in their years of teaching experience and in whether or not they had participated in a long‐duration scientific‐pedagogical refresher course. Using the data from their responses to a questionnaire, we analysed aspects of their professionalism as teachers (motivation and work satisfaction) and aspects of the curriculum related to content, teaching methods and evaluation. The results show a broader professionalism and a higher level of satisfaction in the case of the teachers with more experience and a higher level of professional training. We found significant differences in whether the pupils' ideas were regarded as erroneous, and in whether laboratory practical work was used to test theory. We conclude by setting out a series of reflections with the aim of working towards improving teachers' ‘professional development’.

Dans cet article, nous comparons les représentations professionnelles et curriculaires de deux échantillons de professeurs de Sciences de l'Enseignement Secondaire en Espagne, selon leur ancienneté et leur éventuelle participation à un cours de remise à niveau scientifique et pédagogique de longue durée. À partir des réponses à un questionnaire, nous avons analysé certains aspects professionnels, tels que la motivation et le degré de satisfaction dans l'exercice de la profession, de même que certains aspects curriculaires touchant les contenus, la méthodologie et l'évaluation. Les résultats démontrent un professionalisme plus important et un plus haut degré de satisfaction chez les professeurs les plus expérimentés et les mieux formés. Nous avons également trouvé des différences significatives en ce qui concerne la prise en compte des idées fausses des élèves ou la mise en place de travaux pratiques en laboratoire pour vérifier la théorie. Il en découle une série de réflexions dans le but d'améliorer le ‘parcours professionnel’ des enseignants.

En este artículo se comparan las concepciones profesionales y curriculares de dos muestras de profesores de Ciencias de Educación Secundaria españoles que difieren en los años de docencia y en la realización o no de un curso de actualización científico‐pedagógica de larga duración. Con los datos de un cuestionario, se analizaron aspectos de la profesionalidad docente, como la motivación y satisfacción en el ejercicio de la profesión, y aspectos curriculares, relacionados con los contenidos, la metodología de enseñanza y la evaluación. Los resultados revelan una profesionalidad más extensa y un mayor nivel de satisfacción en el caso de los profesores con más experiencia y mejor formados. Asimismo, se han encontrado diferencias significativas en asuntos tales como la consideración de las ideas de los alumnos como errores o la realización de prácticas de laboratorio para comprobar la teoría. A partir de ello se plantean una serie de reflexiones que buscan mejorar el ‘desarrollo profesional’ del profesorado.

In disem Artikel werden die Ansichten zu Beruf und Lehrerinhalten von zwei Gruppen von spanischen Erziehungwissenschaftern verglichen, die Pädagogik für den Unterricht an Sekundarschulen lehren und sich darin unterscheiden, dass sie eine unterschiedliche lange Berufserfahrung haben und einige sich wissenschaftlich in zeitlich länger befristeten Kursen fortgebildet haben, andere aber nicht. Die Ergebnisse eines Fragebogens wurden ausgewertet, um bestimmte Aspekte zu untersuchen, die die Arbeit der Dozenten betrifft, so zum Beispiel die Motivation und Zufriedenkeit bei der Ausübung des Berufs sowie Aspekte des Lehrplans, die Unterrichtinhalte, die Methodologie und Fragen der Evaluation betreffen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Dozenten mit größerer erfahrung und besser wissenschaftlicher Ausbildung vielseitiger in profesioneller Hinsicht sind und einen höheren grad an Zufriedenkeit aufweisen. Des weiteren konnten wesentliche unterschiede in Punkten wie der Bewertung von Schülerfelehrn oder bei der Durchführung von Praxisstunden im Labor, die der Anwendung der gelernten Theorie dienen, gefunden werden. An diesen Ergebnisse schlieben sich Reflexionen darüber an, wie die berufliche ‘Entwicklung und Fortbildung’ der Dozenten verbessert werden kann.  相似文献   


The paper examines recent developments in food‐focused education following the implementation of the 1988 Education Reform Act. Drawing on data from an ESRC‐funded project on Teaching and Learning about Food and Nutrition in Schools (1993‐4), the paper explores evidence which demonstrates a marginalized and fragmented curriculum for food, and considers its implications. The paper comprises two sections. The first focuses on literature and curriculum documentation available at the start of the research and examines the formal corpus of school knowledge about food. This informs the second section which draws on data collected during case‐studies of four English secondary and primary schools and on what the data tell us about the food curriculum and its implications for transmission in the case‐study schools. Specific examples highlight issues of diversity, ambiguity and contradiction in implementation. Conclusions emphasize the need for greater curriculum coherence in policy and practice and for a reassessment of the framing and interpretation of food knowledge and skills. In the absence of systematic evaluations, schools continue to replicate rather than challenge the contradictions in understandings about food use which are documented features of the adult population in general.  相似文献   

A study using both quantitative and qualitative methods was conducted in the final year of a Bachelor of Education programme to examine the student-teachers' epistemological beliefs and conceptions of teaching. The results show that most of the student-teachers (i) strongly believed that learning effort was more important than innate ability, (ii) strongly believed that knowledge changes, and (iii) were inclined to question the authority of knowledge. Although student-teachers who had sophisticated or mixed epistemological beliefs tended to believe in constructivist or mixed conceptions of teaching as predicted, inconsistent cases were identified. Implications for teacher education programmes are discussed.  相似文献   

For almost 200 years German teacher education has remained relatively stable in its core characteristics. In this paper, the present process of fundamental change is analyzed with regard to consequences for the structure of teacher education, accountability mechanisms, and the concepts of the ideal teacher. The implementation of Bachelor and Master degrees as well as of explicit and implicit accountability mechanisms support the thesis of borrowing global ideas to push local interests. The changes go along with a new concept of the ideal teacher.  相似文献   

In this article, we set out from the challenge that globalising synchronisation – usually exemplified by Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and World Bank initiatives – presents for education to argue that the time–space compression effected by globalisation must educationally be dealt with with caution, critical vigilance and a broadening of educational theoretical outlooks. We focus on the demands this raises upon the teacher as a researcher and a critical thinker and claim that meeting such demands presupposes some curricular enrichment of teacher education. We suggest two theoretical frameworks that can effect such enrichment and be made relevant to a critique of the globalising educational synchronisation, namely, the charge of developmentalism and the capabilities approach (Sen, Nussbaum) to equality. We conclude with some indications of the need for a reformulated notion of cosmopolitanism that should be contrasted with those globalising practices that often appear in cosmopolitan guise.  相似文献   

Background:?In the context of Cyprus’ accession to the European Union (2004) and a noteworthy increase in immigration towards Cyprus, the Cypriot state was called upon to build more complete and coherent policies addressing culturally diverse educational settings. Cypriot education has historically enforced the nation-building project. However, since its accession negotiations to the EU, Cyprus received calls for harmonising its intercultural education to European standards.

Purpose:?This study aims to examine the content of intercultural policies in Cyprus, which have been initiated and/or developed by the national state and particularly the Ministry of Education and Culture. Furthermore, it explores the ways in which Cypriot policies are shaped by European influences, and the implications of this process for national constructs of intercultural education.

Sources of evidence:?We collected a purposive selection of thirty policy documents regarding intercultural education that were produced by the Ministry of Education and Culture in Cyprus. In addition, six Cypriot policy-makers working in the MEC's departments were interviewee participants. They were selected purposively according to the level of their involvement in the development of Cypriot intercultural policy.

Design and methods:?Data were coded to identify groups of concepts, issues, perceptions and behaviours and interrelationships within a theoretical model. Data triangulation contributed to the development of thematic categories that emerged from the data.

Results:?The analysis of the documentary evidence in this study suggests that the language of European policy has imbued the Cypriot socio-political environment with inclusive discourses enhancing intercultural education. Analysis in this study identifies that the Cypriot Ministry of Education and Culture maintains an assimilationist orientation in its broader educational goals, despite adopting such (inclusive) discourses.

Conclusions:?This study argues on the basis of this evidence that Cypriot intercultural policy appears symbolic, indicating ‘simulated’ development and implementation processes. Arguably, there remains a high degree of ambivalence towards the process of transformation needed to Europeanise intercultural policy in Cyprus.  相似文献   


Characteristics which enhance a teacher's popularity with students may or may not be compatible with promotion of his/her classroom effectiveness and/or long‐term influence. Data from a sample of Barbadian adolescents indicated that factors relating to physical attractiveness figured strongly, though in some respects ambiguously, in ratings of teacher popularity. Factors perceived as contributing to unpopularity, on the other hand, seemed most essentially related to lack of teacher respect for students. Nevertheless, the relative prominence of certain ‘popular’ and ‘unpopular’ characteristics were determined to some extent by the variables of teacher sex and student sex and age.  相似文献   

The huge and sudden increase in the demand for qualified teachers which UPE has occasioned is obliging many countries to develop alternatives to conventional initial training, notably distance programmes and the use of headteachers as trainers of their staff. Universal primary, but not secondary, education also implies changing the content of the training curriculum. All these innovations should not be viewed as threatening constraints but as opportunities for progress towards a policy of lifelong professional development. Features of such a policy would include a review of the respective contributions of initial, induction and inservice training, school-based and school-focussed alternatives to the course, a concern with the cost-effectiveness of different strategies, and the active involvement of teachers in their own training.
Zusammenfassung In vielen Ländern hat der weltweite Ausbau des Primarschulwesens einen gewaltigen und plötzlichen Anstieg im Bedarf an qualifizierten Lehrkörpern nach sich gezogen. Dadurch wurden viele Länder gleichermaßen gezwungen, Alternativen zur herkömmlichen Anfangsausbildung zu entwickeln, insbesondere Fernunterricht und Einsatz von Schulleitern bei der Ausbildung ihres Lehrpersonals. Der weltweite Ausbau der Primar-, aber nicht Sekundarerziehung impliziert eine inhaltliche Änderung des Ausbildungscurriculums. All diese Innovationen sollten nicht als bedrohliche Zwänge, sondern als richtungsweisende Möglichkeiten für ein Programm lebenslanger, beruflicher Entwicklung angesehen werden. Eine solche Bildungspolitik würde u.a. einen Rückblich auf anfängliche, einführende und weiterführende Formen der Ausbildung einschließen. Sie würde aber auch die auf Schulen basierten und konzentrierten Alternativen zu dem Kursus gewährleisten. Sie sind die Formen, die Kostenwirksamkeit verschiedener Strategien sichern und die Lehrer aktiv an ihrer eigenen Ausbildung beteiligen.

Résumé La croissance soudaine et intense de la demande d'enseignants qualifiés que l'enseignement primaire universel a provoquée oblige de nombreux pays à recourir à d'autres moyens que la formation initiale conventionelle, notamment à des programmes à distance et à l'emploi des directeurs d'établissement comme formateurs de leur propre personnel enseignant. L'enseignement primaire universel — mais non le secondaire — implique aussi des changements dans le contenu du curriculum de formation. Toutes ces innovations ne devraient pas être regardées comme des contraintes menaçantes mais plutôt comme des occasions de progresser vers une politique de développement professionnel continu. Une telle politique incorporerait les aspects suivants: évaluation des contributions respectives apportées par la formation initiale, la formation à l'entrée en service et celle en cours d'emploi; choix entre le cours traditionnel et celui donné à l'école et centré sur les besoins de l'école; étude du rapport coût-efficacité des différentes stratégies de formation, et participation active des enseignants à leur propre formation.

In the academic year 2006–2007, the Training and Development Agency (TDA) set up a development programme to enable Initial Teacher Training and Education (ITTE) placements in specialist special education provision. The goal of the programme was to enhance the knowledge, skills and understanding of inclusive practice for special educational needs and disability among those joining and those who are relatively new to the teaching workforce. This article, by Gill Golder, Nicky Jones and Erica Eaton Quinn, all Senior Lecturers at the College of St Mark and St John in Plymouth, outlines one project related to this TDA programme. The authors explore the outcomes of their work on a three‐year BEd (Honours) Secondary Physical Education course in the south‐west against the TDA's objectives for both trainee teachers and the special schools to which they were attached. Results confirm the importance of preparing trainee teachers for a future career in more inclusive schools.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to review and to connect research about teacher education effectiveness and school effectiveness to arrive at an integrative conceptualization that has the potential of improving empirical research in both fields. Teacher education effectiveness addresses effects of teacher education on outcomes such as teacher knowledge, this knowledge becomes the predictor in teacher effectiveness research with instructional quality and student achievement as outcomes. The two research orientations become united in path-analytic studies. A fuller incorporation leads to an extended educational effectiveness model that enriches a systemic interpretation of key levers of educational effectiveness and opens up black boxes at the system and the classroom level. In such a comprehensive model, teacher policies can be regarded an alternative for educational improvement strategies like school curriculum policies, accountability and evaluation or governance and management. At the same time insights from educational effectiveness research at large suggest inclusion of additional variables in teacher education and teacher effectiveness research, particularly on the institutional level.  相似文献   

Presenting results from a Norwegian empirical study of student texts and moral education textbooks, this article contributes to the evaluation and development of contextual approaches to moral education. Theoretical perspectives from Seyla Benhabib and Mark Tappan are discussed in the light of empirical data. In particular, while textbooks focus primarily on norm aspects of morality, student texts display interactions between relation‐oriented and norm‐oriented cultural tools, indicating a possible synthesis of care and justice aspects of morality, as suggested by Benhabib. A hegemony of a ‘language of justice’ over a ‘language of care’, as suggested by Benhabib and Tappan, is possibly reflected in the uneven distribution of ethical perspectives in textbooks. Student texts, however, show close interactions between relation‐oriented and norm‐oriented aspects of morality, and also indicate a female superiority in the mastery of both norm‐oriented and relation‐oriented language.  相似文献   


American classrooms are experiencing a rapid growth in cultural and ethnic diversity, as well as an increase in educational classroom computing. Because culture directly affects classroom organisation and classroom learning, teachers need to understand, incorporate, and support their students’ cultures. Furthermore, since educational computing is not culturally neutral, teachers in culturally diverse settings must integrate the computer culture, the classroom culture, and students’ learning preferences. To meet the need for culturally and technologically competent multicultural teachers, teacher education programs must first define both cultural competency and computer competency. After examining the relationship between culture and educational computing, the paper explores some essential components of cultural and technological competency for multicultural teachers. Finally, it indicates the need for further research on the interaction of culture and technology in the multicultural classroom.  相似文献   

孟子所处时代,“教”与“学”的活动日趋活跃.惟此类活动尚未定型,人们对“教”也有不同理解.孟子提出“五教”之说.“五教之说”揭示了我国早期教育文明的诸形态同近代以来教育形态有着诸多联系.  相似文献   

Research suggests that certain common policy presuppositions can be identified regarding teacher education programmes in advanced knowledge-based economies, most notably?the relationship between formal education (schooling) and economic production, and the role of teacher education in respect to this relationship. This article draws on the work of Basil Bernstein to engage theoretically and critique the nature of that evolving policy relationship within the context of Sweden. While the article concentrates on developments in one country, however, it is contended that the findings are symptomatic of a wider European or even global trend in which the scientific foundation of teacher education is under threat.  相似文献   

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