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绿色学校:21世纪教育的必然走向   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
所谓绿色学校是以可持续发展理念为指导,具有环境意识的学校。从学校自身的发展来看,实施包括环境道德教育在内的环境教育,建设绿色学校,不仅是必然的,而且是必要的和可能的。说其必然,是因为环境保护已经不是部门性或专门性问题,而是涉及社会方方面面,牵涉各行各业的综合性问题,或者说,环境保护是生产方式、生活方式的重要内容之一,而教育具有面向社会性、世界性问题的使命;说其必要,是因为从教育思想到教学管理,面向可持续发展的改革是今后学校的重心和要求,而包括环境道德教育在内的环境教育的介入是推动这种改革趋势的动力和方式;说其可能,是因为学校教育本身具有开放、接合、转换的能力,而绿色学校所主要体现的环境教育及其环境道德教育虽然具有颠覆性质,但它对教育体系的触动仍然意在整合、促进和革新的作用上。  相似文献   

环境哲学是追求人与自然和谐发展的智慧之思。它在对人与自然关系的反思基础上,以全新的眼光来解释世界,把“自然-人-社会”看作是一个辨证发展的整体,提出了关于自然的工具价值和内在价值的新认知,“自然权利”本质上是人的环境权利,人具有积极调节人与自然关系的道德责任。环境哲学是可持续发展道路的理论基础,它要求人们从机械世界观转变为生态世界观,从人类个体主义转变为生态整体主义,从片面发展走向人-自然-社会的可持续发展。  相似文献   

云南少数民族生存方式中的生态观,通过宗教信仰、习俗禁忌、民间口传文学等形式表现出来。尽管它是直观的、朴素的、经验性的,有的甚至是虚幻的、迷信的,但从文化视角看,它蕴含敬畏自然和尊重生命、追求人与自然和谐相处以及遵循向自然适度索取等生态伦理思想,对促进可持续发展的实现具有重要价值:神山森林文化保护了民族地区的森林覆盖率和物种多样性;民族生态价值观提供了认识和处理人类与自然关系的新视角;道德自律意识丰富了可持续发展的调节机制。  相似文献   

人与自然关系的伦理审视及道德思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人与自然关系伴随着人类社会的演进而经历了一个发展、深化的过程,如今,日益严重的环境问题和生态危机迫使人们开始重新审视人与自然的关系问题,也使得将伦理关怀扩展到自然界,对人与自然关系进行道德思考成为必要。所以人们应转变传统的思维方式,肯定自然的内在价值,确立和发展人与自然和谐共生的道德理念,加强生态、环境道德教育,注重道德实践,推行生态伦理,从而走向深层环保,实现人与自然的和谐与可持续发展。  相似文献   

After the moral framework of sustainable development, the focus on climate change appears to take a lead in the practice and theory of environmental education. Inherent in this perspective is an apocalyptic message: if we do not rapidly change our use of energy resources, we will severely harm the life conditions of our children and grandchildren. In this article we argue that environmental educators should liberate us from this highly instrumental dictate by taking their cue from our daily care for our environment as revealed in child’s play in nature. Inherent in the interaction of the Homo ludens with nature is a spiral time experience. This time condition elicits a particular responsibility: rather than calculating which means are necessary to prevent future disasters, we should respond with care to the concentric circles of an open and indefinite future. Therefore, environmental education should not aim to prevent future disasters, but foster anticipating care for nature.  相似文献   

随着全球性环保运动的发展和可持续发展战略的实施,环境道德已成为21世纪公民必备的道德素质,环境道德教育也成为世界各国支持可持续发展战略的重要手段之一。针对我国新时期实施可持续发展战略、全面建设小康社会的需要和当前高等院校环境道德教育薄弱的现状,高等院校应采取切实措施,加强大学生的环境道德教育。  相似文献   

This study examines what contribution emotions make to the professional lives of experienced EFL teachers. Interviews with EFL teachers working in Tokyo universities revealed that the teachers had very positive feelings of emotional warmth regarding students, which they expressed through their identity as carers and moral guides. On the other hand, the teachers expressed their relationships with colleagues and institutions in much more negative emotional terms. Two implications for teacher development are suggested: the need for teachers to talk collaboratively about the emotional impact of teaching, and the need to discuss what the moral purpose of EFL teaching is.  相似文献   

This article argues that the dominant sustainable development approach fails to acknowledge the interconnectedness and interrelatedness of social and environmental issues, and that sustainability requires a ‘transformational’ approach, involving a fundamental change in how humans relate to each other and to nature. The authors propose that virtue ethics, grounded in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, provides a framework with which to tackle such a transformation; to redress the human-nature relationship and help foster a more ecological perspective; to facilitate a more holistic and integrative view of sustainability; and to explore questions of how to live and flourish within a more sustainable world. Beginning with an overview of virtue ethics and critique of current approaches in environmental virtue ethics, this article proposes a new virtue, ‘harmony with nature’, that addresses the interconnectedness of our relationship with nature. This is followed by a proposal for the re-visioning of human flourishing as being necessarily situated within nature. The article concludes with some of the implications of a virtue ethics approach to sustainability, and the new virtue, for both sustainability education and moral education.  相似文献   

This paper describes a method of introducing ethics to a second-year class of civil engineering students. The method, known as a ‘structured controversy’, takes the form of a workshop where the students assume the identity of stakeholders having an interest in a proposed development in an environmentally sensitive region. The instructor enhances the workshop by deliberately feeding incorrect information into a catalogue of facts that each stakeholder has at their disposal. After the workshop, the instructor draws out three ethical frameworks from which the stakeholders operate. A key component of the exercise is that the students do not know beforehand that the environmental workshop is being used to introduce ethics. When the connection is revealed, the students appreciate that much of their behaviour during the role-play was because they inadvertently adhered to an unknown ethical platform. Since it is an environmental simulation, an explicit connection can be made to the debate over ‘who’ to include in the moral community. In addition, a link can be drawn to the notion of sustainable development which, in this paper, is advocated as an ethical rather than a technical concept.  相似文献   

There appear to be various respects in which the outdoor environment has been regarded as significant for education in general and moral education in particular. Whereas some educationalists have considered the environment to be an important site of character development, others have regarded attention to conservation and sustainable development as pressing moral educational concerns in a world of widespread human environmental abuse. The following paper argues that approaches to environmental education that proceed by way of character education or environmental ethics may yet fall short of the central goal of promoting intrinsic appreciation of nature and the outdoors, and explores an alternative strategy focused on exposure to the arts.  相似文献   


The relationship between people and the rest of nature is central to the debate concerning the management of natural resources. An understanding of how environmental concern is reflected in people's attittudes and value systems is important for the development of responsive environmental management. Effective attitude measures already exist, most notably the New Environmental Paradigm scale. Since this measure was produced, however, certain issues not addressed by the scale have become increasingly important within the environmental debate. These include concepts such as the intrinsic value of nature, or the moral duties of humans to the rest of nature-issues that surface repeatedly in the environmental literature. The study has shown that it is possible to include references to the intrinsic value of nature, as well as the moral duties people have to the rest of nature and to other human beings, within a reliable and unidimensional attitude scale.  相似文献   

This paper describes how two primary head teachers, nationally recognised as role models for the development of an education for sustainable development (ESD) in their schools, manage the implementation of this area. In doing so, it shows how they adopt two very different approaches to ESD and to their job generally, and suggests that whilst there are some commonalities between them, educational leadership needs to be seen as driven by a moral purpose, engaging and re-engaging with each situation, entering into a dialectic with others’ visions, leading to the re-conceptualisation of problems in different ways. This not only suggests a continued tension between such uniqueness and standardised approaches to headship, but raises questions about current policy imperatives for developing models of sustainable leadership.  相似文献   

进行可持续发展的道德教育 ,是实现可持续发展的重要保证。科技的作用具有两面性 ,需要道德规范其发展方向 ;行政、经济、法律手段具有他律性 ,其作用的充分发挥有赖于人们道德素质的提高。构建可持续发展道德体系 ,要加强环境道德、全球合作精神、可持续消费观和奉献精神的教育  相似文献   

面向可持续发展的环境教育,是培养少数民族大学生具有正确的环境意识和可持续发展思想的有效手段。环境教育中渗透环境伦理观教育是为了更有效地培养少数民族学生将爱护自然环境、保护自然环境作为日常的行为准则与操守,具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

This article investigates the representation of water scarcity in Jordanian textbooks to understand its role on improving education on environmental sustainability. People's understanding of an issue guides their actions toward finding and implementing appropriate solutions to what they perceive as a problem. Discourses are key in constructing people's understanding of issues, in this case, water scarcity. This article shows the role of textbooks and of the educational system in constructing a discourse of water scarcity that frames the issue as due to nature, to neighboring countries, and to refugees. It then demonstrates how this framing opens and drives toward supply-side solutions and discusses to what extent the representations of water scarcity strive to achieve a better education on environmental sustainability.  相似文献   

加强大学生环保教育,培养大学生环保意识、素质、品德是高等学校贯彻落实科学发展观,实现可持续发展的一项重要任务和责任,应将其纳入教学计划、学生素质综合测评和相关评优之中。  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, the environmental justice movement has developed out of growing concern about unequal distribution of environmental harm and unequal access to environmental resources. The mainstream environmental movement has been criticized for failing to address adequately environmental justice issues. Several scholars have claimed that environmental education has also failed to incorporate environmental justice concepts regarding the unequal distribution of environmental harm, but no studies thus far have tried to measure this claim empirically. This content analysis examines the level of inclusion of environmental justice concepts, as well as their context of representation, within mainstream, US national, 6–12 environmental education curricula. National curricula from Project WILD, Project Learning Tree, Project WET and the World Wildlife Fund were examined in this study. All guides were developed between the late 1990s and early 2000s, but were revised more recently. A total of 224 lessons were reviewed and evaluated based on several environmental justice indicators, with consideration for the presence of these indicators and whether they were presented within an environmental justice context. The lessons were also coded for implied environmental justice content and supplementary sections of the educational guides, such as appendices and conceptual frameworks, were also coded. The results suggest that these curriculum guides often address issues related to environmental justice (e.g. environmental health impacts on humans); however, they rarely present the issues within an explicit environmental justice context. The guides also rarely address issues traditionally considered to be environmental justice issues. The results show many missed opportunities to incorporate environmental justice, indicating that lessons could be adapted easily to be more inclusive. These results reveal potential cooperative opportunities between those calling for more environmental justice inclusion in mainstream environmental education and those who create mainstream guides.  相似文献   

生态原则与道德原则的统一,关键在于人类自身。人类为了保护自身的利益,就必须遵守生态道德,自觉调节人与自然的关系,保护好自然环境,实现人与自然的和谐共处,共生共荣。建设生态经济必须做到开发与生态保护平衡,发展与环境保护协调,眼前效率与可持续发展兼顾,社会与自然良性互动。  相似文献   

生态整体主义标志着环境哲学领域出现了一种新范式。这种新范式使人们逐步认识到自然界是一个有机整体,人与自然应该是一种真正平等、公正的关系,人自身为实现人、社会、生态的可持续发展的生态文明做出了积极贡献。因此,我们对生态整体主义进行考察和探究之后,产生一个问题:生态整体主义是否可以成为“可持续发展的指导思想”?笔者认为生态整体主义在某种意义上可以是一种人与自然的整体主义世界观,这对于可持续发展观是可以借鉴的,但是绝对不能成为可持续发展观的指导思想。  相似文献   

福建省山地农业资源的时空性与可持续利用模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本试图在国际公认的可持续发展思想框架下,对福建省山地进行案例研究,运用自然地理学和生态学等多学科的基本理论,通过土地生态类型格局分析,分析福建省土地利用现状及其存在问题,揭示山地生态环境类型结构与功能的异质性和有序性,从而提出山地农业资源持续利用的模式,为土地可持续利用提供有效的决策支持。  相似文献   

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