Gender     ?Male, 62, 60     ?Female, 68, 86     Area of studies:     ?Humanities1, 10, 4     ?Social Sciences2, 88, 83     ?Natural Sciences3, 10, 16     ?Exact Sciences4, 15, 25     ?Not reported, 7, 18     Personal status:     ?Single, 89, 93     ?Married, 41, 50     ?Divorced, 0, 3     Notes: 1Humanities: Literature, Judaic Studies, History, Art, Music. 2Social Sciences: Psychology, Education, Economics, Management, Sociology, Communication Studies. 3Natural Sciences: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geology. 4Exact Sciences: Mathematics, Computer Science.     Notes: aRanged from 1 to 4; c ranged from 1 to 5; branged from 1 to 7., *p <0.05; **p <0.01; ***p <0.001    

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Social technologies such as social networking sites, Wikis and blogs have gained popularity not only in social communication but also in other areas, such as in enhancing learning experience among students in tertiary education. This study investigated how blogs and Facebook scaffolded students’ learning during their internships in tertiary education. A mix-method approach was employed to examine students’ perceptions of blogs and Facebook in improving their internship learning experience. The results showed that blogs and Facebook encouraged students and facilitated their engagement in problem solving, information sharing and knowledge construction during their internships. In particular, Facebook showed more promising results, assisting students in reflecting on their experiences. Moreover, students acknowledged that Facebook was a better platform for online interaction and collaborative learning than blogs. This study provides empirical evidence for the use of social media tools in pedagogical scaffolding and collaborative learning during internships.


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The study examines the coping strategies among 130 undergraduate college and university students with learning disabilities (LD) and 146 students without learning disabilities (NLD). Students completed self‐reported instruments designed to measure stress, support and strategies. The findings revealed that students without LD reported higher work stress, higher combined stress and more social support than did students with LD. Students without LD were more task orientated and perceived more support than students with LD, while students with LD used more emotional coping strategies than NLD students. Differences were also obtained regarding age and gender. The study highlights the importance of further investigations with a larger sample and the support sources of students with LD, and suggests developing task‐oriented coping strategies designed especially for students with LD.

Background variables of participants

 Students with LDStudents without LD Variables(n=130)(n=146)
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